Empirical Research on Integrated Model of Customer Switching Behavior in Service Industry
中文关键词:服务质量  口碑传播  替代者吸引力  转换意向
英文关键词:service quality  word of mouth  attract of alternatives  switching intention
摘要点击次数: 801
全文下载次数: 537
      In recent years customer turnover rate was getting higher,how to prevent customer to switch already became an important question which managers faced. Understanding the reasons for the loss of customers in advance and take measures, company can maintain the long-term relationship with their customers. However, there are limited researches investigated this complex phenomenon, based on the literature review, the paper analyzed this phenomenon from three different kinds of switching determinants: push factors, pull factors and moderator factors in service industry. The results indicted, pull factors has the most significant influence on switching intention; push factors including high perceived price, low service quality and negative word of mouth, also has significant influence on switching intention; but the moderating effects of switching cost on customer switching intention do not exist. This means customer may be lured to a more attractive service provider even in the absence of problems with their service provider, and factors from company themselves will also influence switching behavior.
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