引用本文:项 波,孟春阳.生态利益分配的法治考量[J].财经理论与实践,2021,(2):155-160
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项 波,孟春阳 (江西理工大学 文法学院赣州 江西 341000) 
中文关键词:生态环境问题  生态利益分配  环境权利  法治逻辑
The Legal Consideration of Distribution of Ecological Benefits
Abstract:The dilemma of environmental governance is an opportunity for the evolution and development of environmental law. The imbalance of ecological benefit distribution leads to regional environmental injustice, urban and rural environmental injustice and group environmental injustice. The imbalance and anomalies of the distribution of ecological benefits are the essence of ecological environment problems. The distribution of ecological interests is not the deprivation and restriction of interests, but the maintenance and promotion of interests. In law, rights are the usual path to realize the distribution of interests. Interests are the core elements of rights, and the exercise of rights is to ensure the realization of interests. Therefore, the ecological interests should take the rights as the path to construct the corresponding distribution mechanism; with the help of the ownership system, establish the right to enjoy, exercise and claim for damages system to realize the legal realization of the ecological interests.
keywords:ecological environment problems  distribution of ecological benefits  environmental rights  logic of rule of law
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