  • 刘立东,宋焕生.解析解混沌雷达系统的多目标测距[J].电讯技术,2015,55(9): - .    [点击复制]
  • LIU Lidong,SONG Huansheng.Multi-target distance measurement of analytical solution chaotic radar system[J].,2015,55(9): - .   [点击复制]
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(长安大学 信息工程学院,西安 710064)
针对传统混沌雷达对多目标测距困难的问题,提出了一种建立在解析解系统上的混沌雷达多目标测距方法。该方法使用解析解混沌系统中的连续信号作为雷达发射信号,并把解析解混沌系统中的二值离散序列经移位寄存器保存在雷达接收端,通过保存的二值离散序列能够准确重构雷达发射信号模板。使用该模板和回波信号进行匹配滤波,通过匹配滤波输出信号的峰值得到待测目标的距离。该方法能够在-10 dB信噪比条件下实现多目标测距,且雷达接收端因为只需保存二值离散信号所以需要的存储空间小,实现过程成本低廉。仿真实验验证了提出方法的有效性。
关键词:  解析解系统;混沌雷达  混沌信号处理  多目标雷达测距;二值离散序列
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(61401045);中国博士后科学基金项目(2014M560736 );陕西省自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(2015JQ6239);中央高校基本业务费基金资助项目(CHD2014G1241045)
Multi-target distance measurement of analytical solution chaotic radar system
LIU Lidong,SONG Huansheng
For the problem of multi-target distance measurement of traditional chaotic radar system,a multi-target distance measurement method based on analytical solution system is proposed. In the method,the continuous signal of the analytical solution chaotic system is designed as the radar transmit signal. The binary discrete sequence of the analytical solution chaotic system is saved in the radar receiver by the shift register. The transmit signal copy can be reconstructed accurately by the saved binary discrete sequence in the radar receiver. The matched filter is then realized by the copy and the receiving signal. Target distance is obtained through the peak of the output of the matched filter. Multi-target distance measurement can be realized under -10 dB signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) by the proposed method. Moreover,the storage is easily realizable and the cost is cheap since the radar receiver only needs to save the binary discrete signal which requires small space to store information. Finally,numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  analytical solution system  chaotic radar system  chaotic signal processing  multi-target radar distance measurement  binary discrete sequence