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李永刚 (上海立信会计学院 财政与税务学院上海201620) 
中文关键词:量化宽松货币政策  新兴经济体  对策
The Impact of Quantitative Easing on the Emerging Economies and China's Strategy
Abstract:Nowadays the major developed countries are adopted the quantitative easing policy. Because of the existence of the transmission mechanism, the quantitative easing policy will reduce bond yields, promote the appreciation of currencies, increase the inflation to the emerging economies, which make experts believe these adverse effects will influence economic stability in China. So Cina should increase bank interest rates, improve RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, reinforce the supervision of international capital flows, and adjust deposit reserve ratio in order to deal with the coming challenge.
keywords:Quantitative easing monetary policy  Liquidity trap  Emerging economies  Strategy
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