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龚世豪,祝树金 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙 410006) 
中文关键词:人口老龄化  劳动力老龄化  出口产品质量
Will Aging Improve the Export Quality?
Abstract:Based on the matched data between Chinese industrial enterprises database from 2000 to 2013, and China Customs' import and export data, this paper studies the impact of population aging on the export quality. The results show that population aging will inhibit the export quantity, while the workforce aging will help to improve the export quality. The mechanism that population aging can inhibit the export quantity lies in the reduction of labor supply; and the mechanism that workforce aging improve export quality lies in the improvement of the quality of labor supply, that is, labor force is transferred from low efficiency sector to high efficiency sector, and from slower output growth sector to faster output growth sector.
keywords:population aging  workforce aging  export quality
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