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一、英美要约收购制度分析 要约收购是上市公司收购的一种重要形式,它指收购者以取得一个公司的控制权为目的,根据自己需要购买的最少或最大的股份数量,通过公开的形式,直接向目标公司同一类别股东或全体股东发出,约定一段时间后以一定的价格购买其所持有股份。上市公司要约收购规则是起于保护中小投资者权益的基本法理而制定的。目标公司原有大股东与收购者达成股权转让协议后一般会获取较大溢价,此后收购者成为目标公司新大股东,若不允许小股东转让其所持股份,小股东就享受不到转让股份带来的溢价收入,而且,当收购者持有的目标公司股份在全部股份中占有相当比例时,作为控股大股东的收购者可能利用自身在股权比例上的优势,做出有损小股东利益的决策,为维护小股东利益,应当允许小股东以一定的合理价格将股权转让给收购者,要约收购由此而产生。要约收购根据是否属法律义务,可分为自愿要约收购和强制要约收购。  相似文献   

以上市公司非流通股协议转让事件为样本,分析股权的转让价格,发现样本公司的平均转让价格高于净资产价值近12%。同时对影响转让价格的因素进行回归分析,发现随着股权转让比例和流通股比例的上升,转让价格也随之上升,转让溢价高低与企业规模和净资产收益率成反向变动,与市场中介组织和法律制度环境指数成正向变动。  相似文献   

文章以我国A股市场2001—2003年发生控制权协议转让的上市公司为样本,对控制权转让价格及溢价率的影响因素进行了实证分析和检验,重点分析资本结构的影响。回归结果表明:目标公司的每股净资产越高,控制权转让价格越高;股权性质影响控制权转让价格,法人股转让价格高于国有股;其  相似文献   

据不完全统计,在今年发生的上市公司股权变更中,已经出现了30余家民营企业的身影,民营企业进入资本市场的步伐正在逐步加快。   泰跃闪电出手茂化实华   2002年11月,随着北京泰跃房地产开发有限责任公司与茂化实华第一大股东茂名石化公司职工互助会关于茂化实华《股权转让协议》的签署,标志着泰跃系成员从去年7月13日收购湖...……  相似文献   

据不完全统计,在今年发生的上市公司股权变更中,已经出现了30余家民营企业的身影,民营企业进入资本市场的步伐正在逐步加快。 泰跃闪电出手茂化实华 2002年11月,随着北京泰跃房地产开发有限责任公司与茂化实华第一大股东茂名石化公司职工互助会关于茂化实华《股权转让协议》的签署,标志着泰跃系成员从去年7月13日收购湖...  相似文献   

李福祥  魏彦珩 《发展》2008,(12):126-128
实现甘肃省国有股权管理目标的政策手段包括持股比例的界定及其调节;建立增持与减持及定价机制;注资与认购上市公司非公开发行股票,支持整体上市;根据国有股权比例变化在二级市场出售、转让或购买上市公司股票;适时进行国有股权回购;弱化内部人控制,推动上市公司实施股权激励;国有大股东要真正履行忠诚义务;以优质资产认购上市公司非公开发行的股票;通过国有股东的作用对处于困境的上市公司及时实施战略重组;建立与交易所相联系的上市公司股权变动的监测系统等。  相似文献   

特点1 中国上市公司收购规模持续扩大 截至2002年12月31日,上市公司共披露172起上市公司控制权转移的并购事项,其中有4家受让双方已经解除了股权转让协议,在余下168家并购事项中,涉及国有股的上市公司控制权转移案例122起,其余为法人股的上市公司控制权转移案例,共计46起.  相似文献   

并购重组对深市上市公司绩效的影响及实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以2001年深市发生并购重组的A股上市公司为样本,采用主成分分析方法,对发生并购重组的上市公司并购前后共5年的绩效分别进行评估,并对年度间的绩效变化进行Wilcoxon检验。实证研究表明,收购兼并类上市公司的绩效在并购当年显著改善;股权转让类上市公司绩效总体呈下滑趋势;资产剥离类在并购当年来改善公司绩效;收购公司的绩效比目标公司的好;其他类型的并购重组并未使上市公司绩效发生显著性变化。  相似文献   

据不完全统计,在今年发生的上市公司股权变更中,已经出现了30余家民营企业的身影,民营企业进入资本市场的步伐正在逐步加快。泰跃闪电出手茂化实华2002年11月,随着北京泰跃房地产开发有限责任公司与茂化实华第一大股东茂名石化公司职工互助会关于茂化实华《股权转让协议》的签署,标志着泰跃系成员从去年7月13日收购湖北金环法人股以来,在不足两年的时间内已经取得了5家上市公司的控制权。泰跃系闪电式的收购,几乎都是大手笔的投入,初步估算目前收购这5家上市公司股权泰跃系成员动用资金近10亿元之巨。其余几家泰跃系控股的公司分别是中泰信…  相似文献   

日前,又有两家上市公司国光瓷业和友谊股份分别公告了其国家股转让于近日获得财政部批准的消息。据不完全统计,自方向光电8月20日公告股权转让获准以来,不到一个月时间已有7家上市公司国有股转让获得财政部批准。这说明,备受市场瞩目的国有股转让审批已明显提速。其中,尤是国退民进的股权转让方式更为引人注目。国光瓷业转让2700万股给鸿仪投资国光瓷业昨日发布的公告称,公司股东株洲市国有资产管理局早于2000年9月21日即与鸿仪投资签订了股权转让协议,将其持有的国光瓷业国家股2700万股转让给后者。在公司以20…  相似文献   

Since the 1990s the SADC region has closely followed declining trends that occurred in the industrialised world in terms of corporate tax rates. The main purpose of this paper is to find appropriate explanations behind these trends as experienced in the SADC region. A cross‐section panel, including the so‐called Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR), is applied to uncover the main determinants of corporate tax rates in the region. The main findings of the paper acknowledge the vulnerability of corporate tax rates to global influence. The presence‐of‐trade variable relating to openness and international pressure takes precedence in the determination of corporate tax rates. The results indicate that higher trade ratios mean lower statutory corporate rates as international influence intensifies. It also tends to confirm the region's dependency on trade for tax revenues, but also its ability to still attract tax revenues from capital flows. Some evidence exists in terms of an association between the government expenditure‐GDP ratio and the statutory and average corporate tax rates, although this is not definitive. The paper re‐emphasises the importance of international pressure in terms of future tax policy‐making in the SADC region but also opens an avenue for further tax co‐operation efforts.  相似文献   

The transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive preferential trade agreement that is expected to significantly increase EU–US bilateral trade and investments. Negotiations are ongoing, so we use a scenario analysis to estimate the potential effects of TTIP under likely negotiated outcomes. In our main scenario, we assume a final trade deal where current tariffs are eliminated and non-tariff barriers are significantly reduced. We simulate the potential economic effects of TTIP using a CGE model. We find that US-Dutch bilateral trade doubles and this is translated into a positive but moderate effect on Dutch income of 1.7%.  相似文献   

本文在控制样本自选择偏误的基础上.实证分析了我国上市公司的信息披露质量差异对投资者交易行为的影响.研究发现,投资者在关于股票价格和风险的交易决策时对不同信息披露质量的公司具有行为差异,高披露质量的公司有较低的信息成本和市场风险;但是,公司信息披露质量高低对投资者的股票交易数量、交易速率的影响尚不显著,且不知情者"跟随"交易现象明显,市场投机氛围重,表明我国证券市场的有效程度尚待提高.本研究为规范和引导我国上市公司的信息披露行为及健全证券市场制度提供了经验证据.  相似文献   

We investigate trades of wholly- or partially-owned subsidiaries between firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) for the years 1996–2010, to explore the economic impact in terms of strategic refocusing, stock market valuation and performance effects. By pairing both sides to each deal, we show differences in firm characteristics, returns, and subsequent performance of buying and selling firms. Unlike mergers between whole firms, most subsidiary deals straddled different industries. Most sellers were larger, more diversified and less profitable than buyers. Our event study reveals that abnormal returns were positive for buyers yet insignificantly different from zero for sellers. However, subsidiary sales in the core business earned negative returns, the more so the larger the deal. An analysis of ex-post operating results shows that the performance of sellers often declined after the trade, in particular for firms that divested a core-related subsidiary. We conclude that subsidiary trades in Japan in this period contributed importantly to strategic repositioning and a more efficient use of corporate assets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate philanthropy on trade credit financing for listed private firms in China viewed from the heterogeneous perceptions of credit suppliers. A positive relationship is found between corporate philanthropy and trade credit financing, suggesting that in general firms donating more can obtain more trade credits. However, this relationship is significant only for those firms with positive free cash flows and no political connections. It is striking to find that such a relationship does not exist when firms have negative free cash flows or political connections. Moreover, the relationship between corporate philanthropy and trade credits is affected by the local social trust environment. A good social trust environment is amicable for firms to use corporate philanthropy in obtaining trade credits. The research findings have important policy implications. This paper makes valuable contributions to the current literature through highlighting the importance of supplier heterogeneous perceptions towards corporate philanthropy as well as the effect of the local trust environment on the effectiveness of philanthropy in trade credit financing of the Chinese listed private firms.  相似文献   

We study whether the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms varies depending on the characteristics of the executives subject to these mechanisms, namely their “psychological type,” as proxied by their history of legal infractions. In particular, we examine insider trading, where we can compare the trading behavior of different types of executives in the same firm. We find that “recordholder” executives, that is, those with prior legal infractions, earn significantly higher profits from purchases and sales than nonrecordholder executives. Furthermore, the profitability of both purchases and sales is significantly increasing in the severity of the infraction. Governance mechanisms, such as blackout policies, lower profits of executives with only traffic infractions; however, profits for executives with serious infractions appear insensitive to blackout policies. Insiders with serious infractions are also more likely to trade during blackout periods and before large information events and are more likely to report their trades to the SEC after the filing deadline. Collectively, our evidence suggests that while governance mechanisms can discipline executives with minor offenses, they appear largely ineffective for those with more serious infractions.  相似文献   

人民币升值对我国贸易收支的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自2005年7月21日,中国人民银行宣布人民币升值2%,达到8.11:1水平,本文结合这次人民币汇率改革的原因,主要从人民币升值出口弹性小于1,使出口价格提高的幅度超过了出口数量减少的幅度,而加工贸易是推动我国贸易增长的主要动因,加工贸易顺差是占我国外贸顺差的比重逐步上升等方面来分析人民币汇率变动对我国贸易收支的影响,总体上看,人民币升值不会改变中国贸易持续顺差的基本格局,因而此次升值对我国的国际贸易收支长期而言是看好的。  相似文献   

台湾的经济发展是以出口拉动经济增长的出口扩张政策为主轴,利用全球市场的规模经济效应,使台湾经济持续增长。本文从全球贸易发展趋势、台商对大陆投资及两岸贸易进展趋势等三个宏观经济层面来分析探讨面对急速崛起的大陆经济,台湾企业全球布局的战略思维。  相似文献   

Demands by domestic industries for protection from foreign competition aided by lower standards have led to proposals to set trade barriers conditional on the environmental policies of other countries. This article shows that the threat of such environmental duties can assist in achieving global efficiency when countries cannot commit to a negotiated environmental standard. In addition, this article shows that, in a repeated game framework, the enforcement of a free-trade agreement may require some convergence in environmental standards across countries when trade is driven by differences in such standards. However, it is also shown that it is more efficient to enforce a trade agreement by setting tariffs to partially offset differences in policy standards than to attempt to harmonize standards within environmental side agreements.  相似文献   

We examine the stock price impact of corporate site visits using a unique data set of site visits to listed firms in China. Our main findings are as follows. First, the market reaction around corporate site visits is statistically and economically significant and is stronger for group visits, visits conducted by mutual fund managers, visits covering accounting and finance topics, visits to firms with poor information environments, and visits to manufacturing firms. Second, the stock returns around site visits are positively associated with firms’ future performance. Third, the changes in visiting funds’ holdings are more predictive of firms’ future performance than those of nonvisiting funds. Overall, this study contributes to the literature by providing evidence that site visits are important venues for investors to collect information about firms and make informed trades.  相似文献   

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