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谁影响美国对外政策的制定是许多美国政治、经济和社会学家研究的政治学课题之一。简单来说,美国的专家、公众和企业等阶层都能起影响作用,其影响的大小有明显差异:专家的较小,公众的稍大一些,企业界影响最大。这样的情况,对制定政策的高级官员或机构而言值得重视:充分尊重专家的意见,多多听取民众的呼声以及严肃对待企业界的游说活动等。若不然,这种情况不但可以造成严重的不良后果,而且从大的方面来讲,还有可能影响民主的实行。  相似文献   

Consumer advocates and federal agency administrators suggest that consumer interests need greater emphasis in public programs. However, both groups often fail to specify how and where consumers can have input on public policy. Contributions by consumers must be available in the early stages of the program planning process. The challenge to consumers is to take an active role in the programming activities of federal agencies. In addition, federal agencies must implement procedures for consumers to effectively participate in public policy formulation.  相似文献   

The nutrition facts panel on food packages was designed to provide comprehensible quantitative nutrition information that would allow consumers to make more informed food choices that could result in significant long-term health benefits. This study (1) examines how accurately consumers can use nutrient information in the facts panel to determine if a product has more or less than the recommended daily values of certain nutrients and (2) offers predictions and tests of the relationships between this usage ability and product nutrition evaluations and purchase intentions. Results show that more accurate use moderates the effect of product nutrition value on consumer evaluations, as predicted. Findings also reveal that several variables (e.g., measures of nutrition knowledge, attitude toward the “facts” label) are related to accuracy in the usage task. Implications based on these findings are offered. Scot Burton is a professor and Wal-Mart chairholder in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. His research interests include public policy and consumer welfare concerns, consumer price and promotion perceptions, and survey research measurement issues. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and other journals. Judith A. Garretson is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests include promotion issues public policy and consumer welfare, and consumer behavior in general. Her work has appeared in journals including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and theJournal of Professional Services Marketing, as well as in conference proceedings such as the American Marketing Association and the Association for Consumer Research. Anne M. Velliquette is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests include consumer behavior and public policy. She has published in theJournal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Professional Services Marketing, and proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research as well as other conference proceedings and journals.  相似文献   

公共政策:从政策科学到建构主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统的政策科学研究纲领中,政策问题是硬核,政策过程阶段论是保护带。20世纪80年代以来,建构主义的政策研究框架受到越来越多的重视,在这一新的政策研究纲领中,硬核与保护带转化成为政策行动者以及政策行动者之间在系列约束条件下的互动,公共政策不再被视为公共权力机关为解决公共问题、达成公共目标、实现公共利益的方案或行为,而是政策行动者可资利用实现其利益、目标和价值的载体或工具。尽管建构主义的研究纲领没有为政策研究编织出一个真正标志其科学性的花环,但它确实为人们理解公共政策的复杂性提供了一个不同的窗口。  相似文献   

网络效应、语言的政策性和语言滥用的市场失灵使语言的公共产品属性进一步强化.语言是公共产品但不是纯公共产品,宜采用以政府供给为主、其他主体供给为辅的混合供给方式;语言的使用主体具有层次分明的特点,因而语言的供给要采用分类供给形式;作为公共产品的语言,其供给过程要充分考虑使用主体的偏好和意愿;语言的调整是制度变迁的一种体现,要充分考虑到语言调整的路径依赖性,并将其纳入到制度变迁的成本中予以考虑.政府作为掌控资源的语言规划的决策者,在语言调整的博弈过程中,要做到中立,最大限度地反映主流文化和主流使用主体的意愿.  相似文献   

民意在民主政治中的无上价值和现实中的诸多弊端,使得公共政策的民意吸纳往往会遭遇价值与事实间的矛盾冲突,这就使得建构相应的民意吸纳机制成为一种现实必要。公共政策民意吸纳机制包括民意搜集机制、民意判断机制、民意说服-解释机制以及民意吸纳的辅助机制。民意搜集机制在于搜集民意的“原料”及其相应“加工品”,民意判断机制解决的是吸纳民意以及吸纳何种民意的问题,民意说服-解释机制则主要应对政策过程中民意的不吸纳或者部分吸纳情形,民意吸纳的辅助机制则为民意吸纳机制得以顺利运行奠定良好基础。四种机制相辅相成,构成了公共政策民意吸纳的完整过程。  相似文献   

Several explanations of the purpose for consumer product warranties can be found in the marketing liteature. However, comparatively little research has been done to develop and test a theory of the consumer product warranty. Recently the Market Signal Theory which posits that warranties serve as signals of product reliability, has emerged in the economic, legal, and marketing literature. In this article, a test of the Market Signal Theory is conducted usign pre- and post-Magnuson-Moss Act warranties. Marketing and public policy implications of the Market Signal Theory and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The successful inplementation of public policy decisions depends heavily upon knowing what information is required by the consumers and knowing the situational factors that determine whether or not the consumer will use the information. Implementation will only succeed if there is an attempt made to educate the consumer through methods other than “full disclosure.” The successful education of the consumer will only succeed if the policy decision makers are able to determine what the consumers need to know and how best to communicate this to them. The purpose of this paper is to present a general methodology for gathering information about groups of consumers or industries that will be affected by the policy decision. One of the major thrusts of the model is the emphasis placed on acquiring the information before the policy decision is made. The second major thrust is the proposal to “test market” policy decisions before they are actually made.  相似文献   

消费政策效益是指可以用货币计量的消费政策的投入与产业之间的比例关系。讲究消费政策效益,可以通过缓和经济波动来提高国民经济运行质量,可以通过推进产业升级全面提高产业结构效益,可以通过改善劳动者素质,全面提高劳动生产率。评价消费政策效益必须搞好消费政策成本与收益的核算。科学合理有效益的消费政策,必须有利于居民消费水平的提高、消费结构的优化和消费方式的转变。  相似文献   

公民政策参与是公民通过合法途径,以政策参与者的身份直接参与公共政策过程的行为。公民与公共政策的关系实质上是利益关系,根据这种利益关系可以对参与公共政策过程中的公民做出界分。公民政策参与实践中的问题在一定程度上是政治现实的反映,只有将公共政策体制和制度作为重要变量纳入分析视野,才能推动公民政策参与研究走向深入。  相似文献   

Product classifications have been used as a normative framework to generalize product characteristics and market responses. To be more useful in guiding marketing strategy, classification schemes should incorporate the characteristics of the consumer's decision process. This article attempts to establish the link between product classification and consumer decision theory by demonstrating a direct association between Copeland's well-known convenience-shopping goods typology and the Howard-Sheth model of consumer decision-making.  相似文献   

公共政策的实施过程中。有时出现公共政策失效现象是不可避免的,而探讨造成政策失效的原因,找到症结所在,无论对于政策实践本身还是政策科学研究,都具有十分重要的意义。文章以武汉“麻木”市场的整顿为例,通过分析整顿行动中政策实施的特点、存在的问题及政策失效的原因,来剖析转型期公共部门所遇到的政策制订、实施等过程中的难题,以期为市场经济背景下如何制订出有效的公共政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

欧洲共同农业支持政策对于欧洲国家的经济增长和社会福利的改善发挥了重要作用,而且这种作用在随着其共同农业支持政策的完善而不断自我强化。欧洲共同农业支持政策主要包括共同农产品价格支持体系、共同农业市场组织、共同农业公共服务政策支持体系、共同农业财税、农业信贷和保险支持体系等。我国作为一个人口众多的发展中大国,很有必要借鉴欧洲共同农业政策及其相关财税金融政策的经验,在今后的工作中应重视农业结构调整政策在我国农业结构优化升级中的作用、进一步强化财政金融支农的政策支持力度和保持农业支持政策的连续性和与时俱进性。  相似文献   

The number and rate of development of new consumer legislation necessitates the evaluation of existing legislation. This paper summarizes and categorizes, in detail, the impact of select pieces of consumer legislation on consumer decision making. It is an implied objective of the paper to provide a perspective for future public policy formulation. The pieces of legislation evaluated in the paper are: (1) unit pricing; (2) product labeling; and (3) disclosure of interest rate provisions for consumer credit. The impact of these pieces of legislation have been minimal, indicating the need for an educational program for consumers.  相似文献   

公共政策传播机制是传播主体、传播媒介、传播受众等要素之间传递、交流和共享政策信息的互动方式及其行为过程。优化公共政策传播机制,需要从硬件修复和软件优化两个方面着手:在硬件修复上,要重视“政策信息服务人”的塑造,加强政策信息的编排,实现媒介力量的整合,强化理性受众的培养;在软件优化上,要全方位完善政策传播制度,重启政策传播的互动模式,重构政府一媒介一受众之间的关系,注重政策传播效果的评价。  相似文献   

财税政策是国家进行宏观经济调控的重要手段,在振兴黑龙江省老工业基地的过程中,应结合黑龙江省当前的财政经济状况及其问题所在,在考虑国家实施稳健财政政策的基础上,阐明黑龙江省等老工业基地和西部地区继续实行积极财政政策的必要性,有针对性地制定激励型和优惠型的财税政策措施,以期对振兴黑龙江省老工业基地和经济发展有所启示.  相似文献   

How front-of-package (FOP) nutrition icon systems affect product evaluations for more and less healthful objective nutrition profiles is a critical question facing food marketers, consumers, and the public health community. We propose a conceptually-based hierarchical continuum to guide predictions regarding the effectiveness of several FOP systems currently used in the marketplace. In Studies 1a and 1b, we compare the effects of a broad set of FOP icons on nutrition evaluations linked to health, accuracy of evaluations, and purchase intentions for a single product. Based on these findings, Studies 2 and 3 test the effects of two conceptually-different FOP icon systems in a retail laboratory in which consumers make comparative evaluations of multiple products at the retail shelf. While there are favorable effects of each system beyond control conditions with no FOP icons, results show that icons with an evaluative component that aid consumers’ interpretations generally provide greater benefits (particularly in product comparison contexts). We offer implications for consumer packaged goods marketers, retailers, and the public policy and consumer health communities.  相似文献   

我国公共政策执行失灵的原因及其矫正探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共政策执行在政策过程中处于十分重要的地位,它直接影响着政策目标的实现.由于许多因素的影响,在政策执行过程中往往会产生失灵的现象,引起经济、政治、社会生活的无序和混乱.文章分析了公共政策执行失灵的原因,并提出了相应的解决对策,以提高公共政策执行的有效性.  相似文献   

新闻媒体作为一种重要的社会力量,在政府危机管理中发挥的作用日益凸现.因此,政府在危机管理中,要充分重视新闻媒体的作用,制定有效的媒体政策,及时向公众公开信息,提高决策透明度,引导公众共同克服危机.  相似文献   

生态消费文明建设,需要政府的引领,企业的积极作为,更需要社会公众的身体力行.从社会公众的视角建构生态消费文明,要求公众树立科学理性的生态消费观念;从单位、团体到个人,要响应国内外绿色低碳行动,各类消费实践都要实施生态消费模式;日常生活要养成生态消费习惯,实施绿色、低碳消费等方式.  相似文献   

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