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Brühl  Volker 《Intereconomics》2022,57(4):252-259
Intereconomics - The financial sector plays an important role in supporting the green transformation of the European economy. A critical assessment of the current regulatory framework for...  相似文献   

Jiangsu Feng Ming Group is a large and comprehensive provincial foodstuff enterprise group combining research, development, production and operation, trading and circulation and service. Over the past few years, on the basis of the processing of fruits and vegetables and taking its name brand products as the lead, the group has done  相似文献   

After more than ten years of fierce European product liability debate, the Council has finally promulgated the Directive 85/374 in an attempt to harmonize Member State law about the responsibility for defective products. The directive starts out from the principle of strict liability, but allows certain exceptions mostly concerning the so-called state of the art which, however, according to the author should be narrowly interpreted. Compensation due to the consumer because of damage suffered from a defective product includes both personal injury and property damage, but does not expressly allow for pain and suffering. The directive gives Member States power to have (global) ceilings for personal injury compensation, and contains rigid limitations for property damages. Implementation of the directive must be undertaken by the Member States by August 1, 1988, but leaves it to their discretion to have different rules concerning liability for agricultural products and for development risks, thus putting law approximation in danger. In his conclusion, the author is of the opinion that the directive is less a means to protect the consumer in the event of damage than a means of regulating safety aspects of products freely circulating in the Common Market. It is the task of the judges — of the Member States and the European Court of Justice — to determine the safety standards of products and to harmonize these within the EEC.
Produkthaftung und Produktsicherheit — Eine Analyse der Richtlinie des Rates vom 25. Juli 1985 über die Angleichung der Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Haftung für fehlerhafte Produkte (85/374/EWG)
Zusammenfassung Die nach über zehnjähriger heftiger Diskussion erlassene Produkthaftungsrichtlinie der Europäischen Gemeinschaft führt eine verschuldensunabhängige Fehlerhaftung des Herstellers und ihm gleichgestellter Personen für gefährliche Produkte ein. Der Fehlerbegriff knüpft dabei an die erwartbare Sicherheit an, ist also aus Abnehmersicht zu definieren. Im Zuge eines Kompromisses ist die strikte Fehlerhaftung allerdings von Ausnahmen durchlöchert worden, die vom Autor kritisch analysiert and angesichts des Zweckes der Richtlinie einschränkend ausgelegt werden. Die Ersatzansprüche des geschädigten Verbrauchers umfassen sowohl Personenwie auch Sachschaden, weisen jedoch empfindliche Einschränkungen auf, etwa die nicht ausdrückliche Gewährleistung von Schmerzensgeld, die Möglichkeit, globale Haftungshöchstgrenzen für Personenschäden vorzusehen, und die Selbstbeteiligung bei Sachschäden.Die Richtlinie ist bis zum 1. August 1988 von den Mitgliedstaaten umzusetzen, erlaubt jedoch Sonderregeln im Bereich der Haftung für landwirtschaftliche Produkte und Entwicklungsrisiken, die dem Vereinheitlichungszweck im Wege stehen. Angesichts der geringen praktischen Relevanz des Kompensationsgedankens in der Richtlinie kommt der Autor zu dem Schluß, daß sie primär als Sicherheitsregelung für gefährliche Produkte in der EG anzusehen ist. Die Bestimmung der Standards obliegt dabei letztendlich den nationalen wie europäischen Gerichten, die gleichzeitig auf eine Optimierung des Sicherheitszieles und auf eine Vereinheitlichung des Haftpflichtrechts im Interesse des freien, ungestörten Warenverkehrs zu achten haben.

Norbert Reich is Professor of Civil Law at the University of Bremen and Managing Director of the Centre for European Legal Policy, Universitätsallee GW1, D-2800 Bremen 33, FRG. He wants to express his thanks to Hans-Claudius Taschner of the EEC Commission as well as to his colleagues Gert Brüggemeier, Hans Micklitz, and Lesley Jane Smith for valuable help and criticism.  相似文献   

The Qingqi Bamulan AG 100 has a streamlined body with super-low wind resistance and is modem in style. Its advanced two-stroke air-cooled motor is of high power, Stepless speed device enables it to be driven in a smooth and stable way. Fully functional meters are available to accurately represent all its working functions. Its high-performance damping system makes traveling comfortable. Its electrical starting device makes starting easy.  相似文献   

Legendary"aromatic surface water"There was a beautiful legend passing on among the residents around Chenghai Lake in Lijiang.It was said that there was a stone on the island in the middle of the lake,on which the Sea God of Chenghai seated while preaching.When comes to the end of spring  相似文献   

AccordingtoCustomsstatistics,China'stotalimportandexportvalueformechanoelectricalproductsfromJanuarytoJuly1997amountedtoUS$6...  相似文献   

Since 1985 when the State Council made a strategic decision to expand the export of electromechanical products,fundamental changes have taken place in China's export of electromechanical products. The export of electromechanical products has become an important component in our country's foreign exports and a motive force in the development of the national economy. According to the Customs Office, exports of national electromechanical products in 1996 reached US$48.21 billion, with the proportion of foreign exports in the whole country rising  相似文献   

Although in recent years, the growth of hitech products is very quick, with the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating foreign trade through science and technology, the adverse trade balance of these products have been lessened and will be lessened to a small scale.  相似文献   

As a hairdressing expert,not only does Youngrace lead the world's fashion and trends,but also pays attention to the health of the con- sumers,guarantees quality.  相似文献   

The annual International Fishery Exposition and International Aquaculture Exhibition will held in Shanghai onThe biggest of its kind in Asia and an importantmercial event for global fishery trade, the expo this year is expected to attract over 3,000 participants from 45 countries and regions including Russia, Germany,  相似文献   

Article 1.These procedures are formulated in line with the needs of the socialist market economy, aiming at carrying out the state's industry policy, actively importing foreign advanced technology and equipment and reasonably readjusting import structure. Article 2. Falling into this scope are such mechano-electronic products as machinery equipment, electronics products and parts, devices and  相似文献   

Hebei Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd. (HOSCO) was established in 1980. Since the beginning of 1998, the leading team, headed by Gao Yanming, piloted a course of fast develooment, utilizing a series of efficient measures such as changing the company's business concepts, simplifying set-up processes, re/orming operauons, strengthening management practices, ensuring safety, pursuing low cost expansion, and adiusting crew structure.  相似文献   

A detailed account of the way consumers choose to group different varieties of organic and conventional food produce might have practical implications in terms of improved space management in supermarkets and better targeted promotions of organic products. The results presented here were obtained in a case study using a web-based questionnaire and 849 Danish consumers. The consumers were asked to group the contents of a virtual basket of organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables into two smaller baskets. A significant share of the consumers grouped the food products according to whether or not they were organic. These consumers were found to have significantly higher levels of confidence in the benefits of organic produce, to state significantly higher levels of organic consumption and higher willingness to pay for organoleptic attributes of fresh milk, than consumers who placed fruits in one basket and vegetables in the other.  相似文献   

The Measures for the Administration of the Import of Mechanical and Electronic' Products co-formulated by the Ministry of Commerce,the General Administration of Customs and the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine,was hereby promul- gated,which entered into force as of May 1,2008.  相似文献   


Occasionally, organisations are forced to adopt new practices that are inconsistent with the expectations of their stakeholders. An immediate adoption of the practices would risk the organisation’s legitimacy, but as previous research has noted, the perceptions of organisational stakeholders can be managed through symbolic actions. In this article, I examine how actors from four retail organisations symbolically legitimated the adoption of the hypermarket format within their individual contexts by means of internal professional magazines. The analysis suggests that the organisations buttressed their legitimacy by reversing Meyer and Rowan’s idea of loose coupling – adopting the new practice but maintaining their formal appearances.  相似文献   

50 years ago, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) already embarked on the road to modernized and internationalized arbitration.  相似文献   

!.!0.deviCCsl】.】2.1 3.14.!5.!6.!7.1!.22.23.Light ofll一oad vehielesL ight trueksEngines and auto Parts and eomPonentsProgram一eontrolled switchboardsComPutersIntegrated circuitsM ierowave transmitting equiPmentIndust一ial eontr  相似文献   

The recent patterns of capital expenditure in retailing and wholesaling in Britain are considered. A relationship is suggested between the start of major structural change in the industry and the change in the capital expenditure patterns.  相似文献   

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