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杨芳  问清泓 《当代经济》2006,(23):107-108
工伤保险是指劳动者在工作中遭受意外伤害或者是引起职业病后,由国家和社会给予负伤者、致残者及死亡者生前供养亲属提供必要物质帮助的一种社会保障制度.我国工伤保险立法中还存在着一些缺陷需要克服.  相似文献   

工伤保险是指劳动者在工作中或在规定的特殊情况下,遭受意外伤害或患职业病导致暂时或永久丧失劳动能力以及死亡时,劳动者或其遗属从国家和社会获得物质帮助的一种社会保险制度.由于煤矿行业的特点,导致其安全生产的风险比其他行业要大很多,事故的发生比较频繁,煤矿行业也是我国伤亡事故出现最多的行业之一.而事实上我国煤矿企业工伤保险现状还存在许多不足,本文对这些不足简单介绍,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

杨旭 《经济视角》2013,(12):16-19
随着经济的发展和社会的进步,各类企业呈现不断增长的趋势。而与之带来的是如何保障企业稳定发展,如何保障员工的安全与合法权益等一系列问题。意外伤害风险具有客观性、偶然性和普遍性。近年来,我国意外伤害风险发生的数量,频率正在不断上升。作为可以稳定企业经营,促进社会安定的意外伤害险应当引起人们的足够重视,尤其是企业雇主们的重视。意外伤害险作为一种商业保险,是社会保障体系的有益补充,是社会保障体系的重要组成部分。为了推进社会保障体系建设,必须大力发展意外险业务。目前人身意外伤害险在我国发展尚早,在企业中并没有普及,只有部分企业为员工购买了意外伤害险。本文就企业意外伤害险缺失的问题进行了阐述,并提出一些可行性意见。  相似文献   

李晓洁  魏巧琴 《财经研究》2012,(12):4-14,25
文章引入保费支付方式,对小额保险需求的决定因素展开理论分析,证明了收入约束下支付方式选择将影响农村居民保险需求规模。在对全国21个省份小额保险需求的面板数据进行分析的基础上,文章验证了可支配收入、疾病风险和意外风险、居民受教育程度及社会基本保障制度(新农合)对小额保险需求具有显著作用,并通过对团销模式/零售模式的实证分析,证明了在多种保费支付方式的团销模式下农村居民可以打破可支配收入的限制、根据自身面临的疾病风险和意外伤害风险决定保险需求。  相似文献   

我国工伤保险立法缺陷分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工伤保险是指劳动者在工作中遭受意外伤害或者是引起职业病后,由国家和社会给予负伤者、致残者及死亡者生前供养亲属提供必要物质帮助的一种社会保障制度。我国工伤保险立法中还存在着一些缺陷需要克服。一、立法层次不高,立法分散而混乱我国有关工伤保险的立法,多以条例、暂行条例、试行办法的形式出现,至今尚未颁布工伤保险法,立法分散而混乱。1998年政府机构改革将工伤事故和职业病预防等职能从原劳动部分离出去,形成现在安全生产(工伤预防)、职业病、伤残鉴定标准和工伤保险业务分别由国家安全生产监督局、卫生部、国家技术监督局和劳动…  相似文献   

安全生产责任保险的基本概况 (一)推进安全生产责任保险的意义 1、安全生产责任保险是工伤保险的有力补充.我国工伤保险是一种基本的社会保障,主要由政府部门统筹统管,在保障劳动者合法权益,分散用人单位风险和促进安全生产工作方面发挥了重要的作用.但工伤保险也同时存在着覆盖面窄、赔付额较低等缺陷,难以有效满足企业的保险需求,特别是高危行业企业,在较大及以上生产安全事故发生后,巨大的赔偿责任企业更是难以兑现.  相似文献   

邯郸市社会保障中心成立于1993年,正县级事业单位,统一经办全市企业养老保险、机关事业养老保险、失业保险和工伤保险业务。具体职责是:1、各种保险的参保登记;2、各种保险的扩面工作;3、各种保险缴费标准的审核;4、各种保险待遇的审核;5、各种保险金的发放;6、各种保险关系的转移接续;7、各种保险的个人账户管理;  相似文献   

<正>[什么是团购团体保险]以企业为单位作为投保人采购的保险为团体保险;众多企业联合起来同时采购某一类型团体保险就是团购团体保险!团购的优势:●众多中小企业联合起来就可以形成规模庞大的投保人群,就可以要求保险公司以最低的价格提供最优的服务;●中人网作为团购团体保险的第三方组织者,全程免费为参与团购的会员企业进行团险采购指导服务,帮您规避各种保险陷阱;●所有参与团购的会员企业均有机会获得价值100元的中人网1000  相似文献   

"三农"问题是我国面临的最大问题之一,而解决"三农"问题的关键在于提高农民的收入.但是,增加收入、积累财富是一个长期的过程.在这个过程中,一个意外的事件,如疾病、死亡、意外伤害及自然灾害,都可能使农民摆脱贫困的努力成为泡影.我国以农民为代表的低收入群体抵御风险的能力十分有限,而保险是农民管理风险、摆脱贫困的一种选择.2008年.被称为"穷人的保险"的小额保险开始试点.目前,全国已有19个省份开展了小额保险试点,2009年小额保险保费收入达到2.3亿元,为871万人提供风险保障1364亿元.  相似文献   

应当制止福利性保险费挤占流动资金●钱勤李兴华近几年来,随着经济发展的加快,一些集体工商企业和乡(镇)村企业参加了人身意外伤害和养老保险等福利性保险,对解除集体和乡(镇)村企业职工的后顾之忧,使老有所养、老有所靠,同时,对调动职工的生产积极性起到了重要...  相似文献   

目前,农民工工伤保险覆盖率偏低、劳动关系认定困难、工伤保险待遇申请程序烦琐、缺乏工伤预防机制和政府监督不力是农民工参加工伤保险制度的主要障碍。加快工伤保险的立法进程、简化工伤待遇申请程序、加大处罚和监督力度和做好工伤预防工作是解决农民工工伤保险问题的途径。  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence regarding the hypothesis that expectations of inflation reinforces the need for indexed insurance and decreases purchases of fixed-dollar contracts. A comparison between term life insurance and group life insurance is developed to demonstrate the positive effect of inflation on the growth of group life insurance.  相似文献   

周静  张旭 《经济研究导刊》2012,(26):175-176
顶岗实习是学校安排在校学生实习的一种方式,是职业院校与企业合作培养人才的模式之一。近几年来,职业院校对包括顶岗实习、校企合作、工学结合在内的诸多人才培养模式进行了研究和实践探索。但是,对顶岗实习学生安全事故应否及如何适用工伤保险等问题,缺乏法理上的研究。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the interdependence of medical malpractice insurance markets and health insurance markets. Prior research has addressed the performance of these markets, individually, without specifically quantifying the extent to which they are linked. Increasing levels of health insurance losses could increase the scale of potential malpractice claims, boosting medical malpractice losses, or could embody an improvement in medical care quality, which will reduce malpractice losses. Our results for a state panel data set from 2002 to 2009 demonstrate that health insurance losses are negatively related to medical malpractice insurance losses. An additional dollar of health insurance losses is associated with a $0.01–$0.05 reduction in medical malpractice losses. These findings have potentially important implications for assessments of the net cost of health insurance policies.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate the degree of substitution between enrolment into Disability Insurance (DI) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) in the Netherlands. Starting in the 1990s many policy measures aimed at reducing DI enrolment, and increase labour force participation. We quantify whether these policy measures have led to a reduction in hidden unemployment in DI. A side effect of the reforms may be increased pressure on UI. Therefore, we simultaneously estimate reverse substitution, that is, hidden disability in UI. To this end, we employ a sample of firms in the Dutch AVO database from the period 1993 to 2002. Using instrumental variables in a bivariate Tobit specification, we identify the hidden components in both respective schemes. The estimation results indicate that about 3% of all dismissals took place through DI, which implies that about one quarter of the DI enrolments observed in our sample in fact consists of hidden unemployment. We find no evidence for reverse substitution of disabled persons ending up in UI.  相似文献   

The deregulation and liberalization process towards establishing a single European financial market has some important implications for the insurance industries. Due to the increased competition, insurance firms have to adjust their costs and operate efficiently to survive in this new environment. This paper attempts to analyze the cost efficiency and scale economies in the single European insurance market. Considering the ongoing enlargement process of the EU, our sample includes the insurance industries of the major EU‐15, four new members and a candidate country, Turkey, over the period 1995–2005. We use the firm‐level financial data and estimate a stochastic cost frontier that controls for differences in environmental conditions. All insurance systems display significant levels of cost inefficiency. The results further indicate that there are significant economies of scale, particularly for small‐ and medium‐size insurance firms. Finally, the analyses suggest similar results for major EU countries, new members and the candidate.  相似文献   

在国际工程市场如何选择保险经纪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
工程保险的险种、投保程序、保单内容等十分复杂,不仅需要耗费承包商大量的精力,而且不易得到优惠的保险条件和价格。虽然现在很多中国承包商已经意识到保险在工程风险管理中的重要地位,但在保险索赔中仍然会遇到很多困难。本文作者建议承包商采用国际通行的办法,即聘请保险经纪或保险咨询公司做顾问来解决上述问题。  相似文献   

Abstract The paper develops a simple model of repeated automobile insurance contracts, providing a framework for analyzing changes in aggregate insurance data in periods of changes that affect driver incentives. Experience rating of premiums gives drivers an incentive to exert effort to avoid accidents (ex ante moral hazard), and an incentive to hide accidents (ex post moral hazard). The empirical analysis, using data from the competitive insurance markets in Ontario and Alberta over a period of major legislative changes in Ontario, suggests that much of the recent decline in accidents in Ontario was due to an increased incentive to hide accidents.  相似文献   

We document that the net factor income smoothing channel in OECD countries is primarily driven by net financial asset income, while the other two sub‐components (net compensation of employees and net taxes on imports) turn out to be ineffective. Once factor income inflows are distinguished from outflows, empirical evidence suggests a non-significant effect of inflows in terms of income smoothing as opposed to a positive and significant role of factor income outflows. Factor income outflows also appear to be robust with respect to positive output shocks, while neither factor inflows nor factor outflows provide insurance against negative output shocks. In terms of the determinants of income smoothing, results indicate that an increase in foreign equity and debt liabilities positively affect the extent of smoothing via factor income outflows. Whereas, contrary to the current literature, an increase in foreign asset holding does not have a positive impact on smoothing via factor income inflows. European investors' tendency of allocating a sizeable portion of their assets within the Euro zone is shown to undermine income smoothing.  相似文献   

An equilibrium model is developed to study the interaction of the business cycle, unemployment insurance (UI), and the labor market for young men in Canada. The model combines optimal job offer, layoff, and recall decisions within a numerically solved and restricted Bayesian–Nash equilibrium. We consider the long‐run implications of changes made to unemployment insurance in Canada during the 1990s. The changes lead to equilibrium increases in average rates of unemployment, layoffs, and recalls. Eliminating UI lowers the equilibrium unemployment rate and average observed earnings. UI policy affects the timing of cycles of endogenous outcomes relative to the productivity cycle.  相似文献   

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