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作为能够有效预测销售绩效的主要人格性变量之一,销售人员的竞争性特质能够有效提升销售绩效。当前,对在何种环境中能够实现最佳销售绩效,以及其内在作用机理的研究仍较为匮乏。本研究以投资理财行业的销售人员及其组织领导为调查对象,通过实证分析发现:销售人员的竞争性特质会通过销售努力间接提升销售绩效;同时,在组织竞争氛围的影响之下,其竞争性特质会对销售努力产生促进的积极影响;在受到消费者苛刻的环境因素中,其销售努力则会受到一定的抑制;并且在其二者的共同调节作用影响下,竞争性特质亦会透过销售努力对销售绩效产生相应的间接影响。故适时完善岗位评价机制,优化组织氛围,将有助于销售绩效的良性增长。  相似文献   

郭斐 《中外企业家》2012,(21):69-70
近年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,企业面临的市场竞争形势也日益严峻。在企业的经营活动中,销售人员对企业整体的销售绩效,以及企业的组织成功都有着十分重要的影响。销售人员是企业与消费者之间联系的纽带,而销售人员的绩效直接关系着企业的生存与发展。同时,销售业绩是企业经营活动最为直接的体现,国内外对于销售绩效的研究还处在初步发展的阶段。通过对国内外相关的研究文献进行组织与调研的基础上,对我国企业销售绩效的相关影响因素进行简单的阐述,并且提出提升销售绩效的几点思考,以期为我国企业销售绩效的提高提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

销售人员激励组合之研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈欣 《上海企业》2004,(9):43-44
在企业如何对销售人员采取有效的激励方式是每一位销售经理必须研究的课题。在企业中销售人员的销售绩效是其个人付出的努力和自身能力综合作用的结果,可以把它看作一个函数:销售绩效=F(能力×动机),其中能力包括技能水平、自然能力、天赋等,提高能力通常的手段是培训。而销售人员工作动机是由三个因素所决定--预期、手段、效价,用公式表示为:动机=预期×手段×效价来表示。在这里,预期指销售人员的工作努力与工作绩效之间的关系。手段指工作绩效与特定成果或奖赏之问存在的关联。效价指这个销售人员对特定成果或奖赏的的评价。这三个因素中任何一个因素的下降,都会导致销售人员工作动机的大幅度下降,从而导致销售绩效的下降。  相似文献   

销售人员与公司的费用博弈经常是管理人员头疼的一个问题。T药品公司重新构建了销售团队的绩效考评模型,把销售费用指标纳入考评范畴,实现了公司、部门和个人的三方共赢。  相似文献   

小企业的销售人员薪酬设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司的分配制度改革正悄然进行着,大锅饭原则已经被个人竞争力制度所替代。特别在销售部门,员工的收入水平受其个人的工作表现和工作绩效影响,但是为什么人员的频繁跳槽现象依然不减呢?很显然,普通的人力资源薪酬设计并不能完全有效地激发销售人员的工作热情,公司需要一种激励员工挑战自我的行之有效的薪酬模式。大明科技是一家有30余人的小公司,从事办公自动化用品销售,公司原有业务销售人员15人。和其它一些公司一样,大明科技也采用了基本工资加业务提成的薪酬模式,老板对员工也挺和善,员工之间也能够和睦相处,但令人费解的是跳槽现象却时…  相似文献   

薪酬激励模式直接影响销售人员的工作绩效,科学、合理的薪酬模式与绩效成正相关。企业基于销售人员薪酬模式的绩效考核制度能够真正做到从上至下充分重视绩效考核、全员参与、有效沟通,帮助销售人员取得更好的销售业绩。  相似文献   

组织控制和销售人员个人绩效之间的关系存在较大的争论,本文从销售员动机的中介作用去考察其具体作用机理。结果发现,组织的管理控制是通过客户导向和学习导向影响销售人员行为及其绩效的,结果控制、职业控制和文化控制对于销售员的客户导向有正向影响,结果控制和职业控制对于销售员的学习导向有正向影响。销售员动机,包括客户导向和学习导向,都对销售员个人财务绩效有正向影响。客户导向动机对于销售员个人绩效除了有直接效应以外,还存在通过学习导向中介的间接效应。  相似文献   

销售人员的执行力直接影响着企业的经营业绩,所以如何推动销售人员执行力的提升成为了企业发展中必须面对也必须重视的重要内容。本文在对销售人员执行力欠缺的表现作出阐述的基础上,通过绩效管理推动销售人员执行力提高的环节与实施进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

为强化销售职能对企业经营战略的支持,也为吸引、激励和保留优秀的销售人员,必须设计科学合理的销售薪酬方案。然而许多企业的销售薪酬方案设计效果并不理想,不是过分简单,没有反映销售工作、销售人员和企业本身的特点,超不到应有的激励作用;就是非常繁杂,没有突出企业战略目标的要求,同时让人难以理解,不能影响销售人员的行为和绩效。那么,对于设计时倍感头疼的一些问题,究竟应该如何正确对待呢?  相似文献   

销售管理工作六大忌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
销售工作的基本法则是,制定销售计划和按计划销售。销售计划管理既包括如何制定一个切实可行的销售目标.也包括实施这一目标的方法。具体内容有:在分析当前市场形势和企业现状的基础上,制定明确的销售目标回款目标和其他定性、定量目标:根据目标编制预算和预算分配方案:落实具体执行人员、职责和时间。  相似文献   

Changes in the internal and the external environment of organizations are causing many of them to redesign individual jobs as team functions. Sales organizations, in particular, are responding to increased selling costs by redesigning the selling function to include a support person. The basic idea here is to let the support person perform important but relatively low‐skilled tasks, such as lead generation, so that the salesperson's valuable time is freed up to perform important and relatively high‐skilled tasks, such as product promotion. However, this trend gives rise to several interesting questions. Specifically, we ask: How are the incentives offered to the salesperson affected by the introduction of the support person? To what extent will the support person be utilized? And, how will the job be conducted under the new design? We find that the level of incentives and job redesign are related, albeit in a complex manner. We also find that the firm will not always fully utilize the support person, nor will the salesperson always fully delegate the low‐skilled task to him. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed and tested a dual process model in which cognition-based trust and affect-based trust mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and followers' task performance and job satisfaction. Data were collected from 175 sales and service employees and their supervisors in two private companies located in Southeast China. The results show that cognition-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' task performance, while affect-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' job satisfaction. Implications for the theory and practice of leadership are then discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors influencing employees' job satisfaction following an organisational change. Extending previous research on effects of individuals' openness to experience and conscientiousness during organisational change, we posit that aspects of change context, such as the extent to which change impacts the individual worker's job and the extent actions of management are procedurally fair, can account for varying influences of these two global personality traits on employees' job satisfaction following a change. In contrast to earlier studies focusing on change‐related effects on task performance, conscientiousness can play a positive role on job satisfaction following a change along with openness to experience. Results of this study confirm that influences of personality on individual reactions to change are complex. While the positive influences of an individual's openness to experience on job satisfaction tend to occur only when fairness associated with change implementation is high, positive influences of conscientiousness are the highest when both procedural fairness is high and the extent of impact on the individual's job is low. Implications of these findings and further research considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between cultural orientations, shared corporate ethical values, job characteristics, and organizational commitment for Turkish industrial sales managers and retail managers, replicating and extending the study done by Hunt, Wood, and Chonko (1989). This comparative study found that organizational commitment is a positive function of both Turkish industrial sales and retail managers' personal attributes/characteristics, shared corporate ethical values within companies, and task identity, autonomy, variety, and feedback as main components of job characteristics. The perceived level of cultural orientations of managers, on the other hand, differs significantly between two groups: companies with bureaucatic orientations affect organizational of commitment of their employees negatively whereas innovative and supportive ones affect positively.  相似文献   

The objective of the current work is to analyse the determining factors of sales manager job satisfaction. In particular, we study the effect of various human resources management (HRM) practices – compensation, promotion, training and job design – on this satisfaction, using a model empirically tested on a sample of Spanish industrial firms. The results of the empirical analysis of the model, which uses data from a postal survey, indicate that human resources practices based on compensation – level and type – as well as on the job design – resources and autonomy – appear to be the fundamental determinants of sales manager job satisfaction. In the research we confirm that there is a growing need for firms to combine economic and non-economic incentives in order to satisfy their executives.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of an instrument to measure the quality of managerial learning on the job. The instrument can be used to analyse the quality of the individual learning process on the job. The literature shows that two factors determine the quality of the learning process: the learning potential of the job context and the way in which the manager approaches their work. So the instrument has two components. The first component measures the four types of work experience that offer potential opportunities for individual learning. These are transitions, task-related characteristics, obstacles and support. The second component, the so-called learning behaviour, analyses the way the individual approaches the potential learning opportunities present in the job. This can also be divided into four categories: emergent learning, planned learning, instruction-oriented learning and meaning-oriented learning. Based on these two components, an instrument has been developed to measure the quality of learning on the job. This has been shown to be valid and reliable in a sample of European managers.  相似文献   

工作压力的产生与形成,不仅取决于工作要求与控制的交互作用,个体的自我效能感也将通过影响工作控制与工作要求的匹配程度而导致个体不同程度的压力;同时,自我效能感又是预测个体工作绩效的重要变量。因此,传统的JDC模型应充分考虑个体自我效能感。对于组织而言,可采取个体压力认知重建、压力应对技能培训、工作丰富化、个体参与管理等措施来改变个体自我效能感水平,继而有效降低个体压力并提高组织绩效。  相似文献   

Extant research on high-performance work systems (HPWS) has primarily examined the effects of HPWS on firm-level performance from a macro perspective and mostly in manufacturing settings. This study extends this literature by integrating social exchange theory and human capital theory perspectives to examine how shop-level HPWS affect employee individual performance in the service context, especially focusing on the small-scale professional service organizations. Data collected from multiple sources included 97 hair salon shop owners and 284 hairdressers as well as objective job performance measured in terms of each hairdresser's average monthly service sales. Results from cross-level analysis indicated that the relationship between shop-level HPWS and employee job performance was mediated by employee affective commitment and their human capital. These findings shed new light on the mechanisms through which HPWS impact employee outcomes and serve to bridge between macro and micro perspectives of human resource management.  相似文献   

Job design is one of the most frequently researched practices in the Human Resource Management (HRM) literature, and knowledge sharing has become an important and heavily researched managerial practice. The links between these practices, however, have received little attention in the literature. We argue that job design matters to knowledge sharing for motivational reasons. Specifically, jobs contain characteristics that stimulate different kinds of motivation toward knowledge sharing, which have different effects on individual knowledge sharing behavior. We develop six hypotheses that unfold these ideas and test them on the basis of individual‐level data collected within a single firm. The hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model that confirms that job characteristics, such as autonomy, task identity, and feedback, determine different motivations to share knowledge, which in turn predict employees' knowledge sharing behaviors. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With the growing global emphasis on welfare‐to‐work policies, an increasing number of people with disabilities (PWD) have entered the workforce. However, studies on PWD have focused primarily on company practices to accommodate PWD, with a limited understanding of factors affecting psychological integration of PWD into the workplace. This scarcity in research makes it difficult for managers to utilize the full work potential of PWD. To fill this research gap, the current study focuses on the job self‐efficacy of PWD and investigates how employee disability interacts with inclusion and team‐learning climate to affect job self‐efficacy, and in turn thriving at work. Using a sample of 485 employees in 114 teams, surveys found job self‐efficacy was a key intervening mechanism linking employee disability to thriving at work. These results suggest high workplace inclusion can buffer potential negative effects of disability at the individual level, strengthened further by a high team‐learning climate. The data supported a three‐way cross‐level interaction effect of disability, inclusion, and team‐learning climate on the thriving of employees with disabilities, through job self‐efficacy. Our results demonstrate the importance of inclusion and team‐learning climate to foster employee thriving in a diverse workforce.  相似文献   

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