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2001年以来,美元对欧元和日元分别下跌55%和15%。世界经济面临的问题并不单纯是美元的急剧疲软,而是一个跌到目前仍属币值偏高的美元。美元下跌有助于减少美国经常账户的巨额赤字(已占美国  相似文献   

解析次贷危机中美元升值之谜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对次贷危机中的美元升值这一传统理论无法解释的现象,即美元升值之谜,分别从次贷危机的引发机制、美国政府为维护美元霸主地位的言论导向、国际资本流动、美国与其他西方国家经济实力对比四个方面作了解释,得出了一些规律性认识并以之来指导我国外贸企业。  相似文献   

欧元与美元国际竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管欧元上市后运行状况高开低走,总体上对美元疲软,但它的启动势必掀起欧元和美元的国际地位之争。欧元的真正价值决不应该仅看汇率,考察其内在价值应以欧元区物价稳定与否和经济运行状况为准。未来随着欧美差距的缩小,欧盟实力的增强,欧元区渴望扩张,而美元随着纳指下跌,股市调整,浮盘清出和美国政府采取的一系列旨在刺激美国经济的措施的实施,其通过硬度仍在保持。两大货币将在经济的融合中竞争。  相似文献   

2021年末至2022年一季度,美国白宫和美联储密集发布多份与央行数字货币相关的文件和报告。以此为分水岭,美国改变此前在央行数字货币上的模糊政策,正式加入全球央行数字货币的竞争。在国内,美国政府加紧整合内部意见、凝聚共识、推动央行数字货币技术和系统研发;国际上,美国提出整合现有国际平台和机构力量,推动多双边合作,积极引领国际央行数字货币研发和体系建设。美国希以此加固以美元为核心的国际支付与货币体系,但由于国内意见高度分裂、数字美元与私人稳定币关系难以理顺、央行数字货币国际规则协调难度较大,加上国际经济多元化发展,对美国政府的央行数字货币战略构成挑战。  相似文献   

本文分析了 “债务—美元” 国际货币体系的本质, 并量化测度了美元的货币金融优势, 得出如下结论: 第一, 当代法币 (包括美元) 已经完全摆脱了黄金等个别使用价值的束缚, 在此情况下一国货币与国债等虚拟资本发行从宏观上必须要与本国实际资本积累规律相适应, 否则一国会出现通胀或金融危机, 但美元主导的国际货币体系使得美国突破了这个规律; 第二, 1971 年美元与黄金脱钩, 由于国际货币的使用惯性, 石油出口国和日本、 西德等国不得不将美元作为其出口计价、 媒介和储备货币, 这些国家持续购买美国国债等虚拟资本, 从而构筑起这些国家实体经济经常账户出口、 美国金融账户出口美元和美国国债等虚拟资本的 “帝国循环” 机制, 这巩固了美元国际货币地位, 也使得美国对外债务总规模脱离了其国内实际资本积累的能力; 第三, 美联储实施货币政策无需为世界上其他国家经济目标负责, 其通过美元长期持续贬值战略降低其实际外债价值以及利息支付; 第四, 美元国际货币地位以及美国政府控制的国际金融机构使得美国能够控制全球流动性流动方向和调整全球流动性层次结构, 从而为其国内宏观 经济目标服务; 第五, 当前 “债务- 美元” 国际货币体系与美国虚拟经济主导的经济结构是无法长期维持, 各国应为国际货币体系改革的做好预案。  相似文献   

美元在国际货币体系中处于中心位置,充当了世界货币的角色,这种现象被称为美元本位。由于美元本位,美国获得了利差收益、通货膨胀受益、汇率变动收益,在一些年份美元本位为美国带来少则几百亿美元多则几千亿美元的总收益。同时,美元本位也为美国经济带来了问题。美国往往通过举债来促进美国经济增长,这种债务经济使得美国政府债务负担沉重,为美国经济带来了隐患;美国经济虚拟化程度不断提高,也带来了美国的失业率增加的问题。  相似文献   

目前美元仍是各国外汇储备持有的主要资产,美国的货币和资本市场是世界上最具广度和深度的成熟市场之一,在未来相当长的时期里,美元资产仍将是包括中国在内的各国政府和民间对外投资的主要组成部分。美元贬值与世界经济走势并非经济基本面因素所致,美元走弱还属于货币当局“可控制的贬值”。高油价及通货膨胀的困扰,次级债危机的冲击使本来就不明朗的美国经济前景更加暗淡,无论是从美国的国内经济还是国际经济的基本面来分析,美元短期贬值已是大势所趋,无可挽回了。  相似文献   

一、人民币升值的客观基础 1.美元贬值愈演愈烈。21世纪随着经济泡沫的破灭,美国经济增长放缓,财政、贸易赤字不断扩大,为刺激经济发展,美联储连连降低联邦基准利率,导致外资流人减少,大量资本撤出,经常项目赤字和财政赤字居高不下,美国政府采取放任美元贬值政策,刺激出口,改善国内经济。由于美元在国际上的主导位置,人民币升值在所难免。  相似文献   

吕钟 《经济师》2005,(12):239-239,241
文章首先分析美元贬值的原因,认为美国经济趋势、美国政府经济政策和投资者预期是美元持续贬值的主要原因。美元贬值对我国出口有刺激作用,但是同时也会带来一些负面影响,比如出口扩大导致贸易摩擦、外汇储备缩水、进口代价上升以及外债偿还风险和金融风险上升等等。最后针对美元贬值对我国的经济影响提出一些启示和建议。  相似文献   

国际美元作为货币形态已经发生深刻的变化,但其运动规律发挥作用的社会经济条件依然存在。在信用货币时期,由于美国拥有国家信用和强大的国家竞争优势,美元保持了长期稳定。进入现代货币时期,随着美国的国际地位的相对削弱,美元已经变得十分不稳定,贬值趋势十分明显,美国政府的信用根基已经动摇。长期以来,美国奉行低储蓄、低利率的负债消费模式,经济上已经破产,世界货币价值稳定的基础已经丧失,美元风险急剧攀升。我国政府要未雨绸缪,降低美元储备,调整对外发展战略,推进人民币国际化,提高防范世界货币体系风险的能力和分享世界货币利益的水平。  相似文献   

The parallel market nominal exchange rate of the United States dollar vis-à-vis the Surinamese dollar (USD/SRD) exhibited periods of severe volatility which were often followed by episodes of stability, usually at a cost of sharp depreciations. This study seeks to model this exchange rate using autoregressive conditional duration models. These models are suitable for modelling events occurring with irregular intervals. Exchange rates in developing countries have distinct features compared to exchange rates in countries with well-established and accessible financial markets. A key feature is that for these developing countries, exchange rates only occasionally experience jumps. Our findings suggest that past exchange rate changes appear to be a significant driver of future exchange rate jumps. Furthermore, our results show that money, international reserves, and commodity prices can explain jumps in the market USD/SRD exchange rate.  相似文献   

Michael Kühl 《Applied economics》2018,50(34-35):3664-3685

The aim of this article is to discuss excess comovements of the euro/US dollar and pound sterling/US dollar exchange rates, i.e. we look for comovements of exchange rates which are stronger than implied by the fundamentals. The results of the empirical analysis provide evidence that excess comovements exist for the two exchange rates. A long-run analysis of correlations can verify that a link exists between the correlation dynamics of exchange rates, relative inflation rates, long-term interest rates, economic sentiments and money supply. We find that common movements of money supply, prices and economic sentiments each play a major role in comovements of the exchange rates. From the investigation of the two exchange rates, we conclude that macroeconomic fundamentals can account for the comovement but that common non-fundamental factors also have major significance for the exchange rates.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss some features of the balance of paymentsposition of the country that issues the key currency under differentinternational monetary standards. The analysis takes a Sraffian‘standpoint’, where the monetary rate of interestof the central country is seen as an independent policy variable.The critical analysis of the theories and experiences of earlierstandards helps us to understand the current ‘floatingdollar standard’ in which the US economy becomes completelyfree of any balance of payments constraint.  相似文献   

Impartial division of a dollar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For impartial division, each participant reports only her opinion about the fair relative shares of the other participants, and this report has no effect on her own share. If a specific division is compatible with all reports, it is implemented.We propose a family of natural methods meeting these requirements, for a division among four or more participants. No such method exists for a division among three participants.  相似文献   

A Model of the forward rate error of the USD/AUD spot exchange rate is fitted to daily data for the period 15th December 1983 to 31st December 1991. This provides a data set of 2034 daily trading observations. Explanations of the forecast error include a risk premium represented by a constant plus the conditional variance generated from a GARCH (1,1)-M analysis of the error process and information variables in the form of lagged forward rate errors. The following conclusions are drawn form estimates for the full sample: the USD/AUD spot rate is subject to a constant premium: there is little evidence to support a time varying component and the market is influenced by lagged forward errors. Sub period estimation confirms these results, although a time varying premium is evident prior to the February 1985 depreciation. The economic implications of these findings are discussed. [F31]  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study ruptures of exchange rate pegs by focusing on the fluctuations of the anchor currency. We test for the hypothesis that currencies linked to the USD are more likely to loosen their peg when the USD is appreciating, while sticking to it otherwise. To this end, we estimate smooth-transition regression models for a sample of 28 emerging currencies over the 1994–2011 period. Our findings show that while the real effective exchange rates of most of these countries tend to co-move with that of the USD in times of depreciation, this relationship is frequently reversed when the US currency appreciates over a certain threshold.  相似文献   

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