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以演化经济学的观点来看,我国国有企业制度变迁的动态过程是国有企业组织从有序到无序再到有序、从低级有序到高级有序的过程。入世后,我国国有企业改革的趋向就是要在较低的制度耦合成本下,打破原有秩序,通过与外界不断交换物质、能量和信息,引入负熵流,提供一种高效的非线性作用机制,从而使市场中的国有企业形成类“耗散结构”的自组织系统,完成不发达经济系统向发达经济系统的演进。  相似文献   

20世纪中期以来,王亚南和彭信威对中国货币金融制度演进逻辑与运行机制多有发现与阐发。王亚南观察到了中国货币本位的"二元结构"特征、货币制度的信任内涵,以及货币金融制度变迁的"博弈均衡"性质。他特别揭示了货币形制混杂所体现的利益诉求与货币价值(银价)频变所凸显的利益格局。他发现,中国近代以来之所以出现"低货币化"现象,其根源不在"内生"机制之委靡,而在外生制度之扭曲。相比之下,彭信威对中国货币金融制度变迁的刻画与评判则投注了更多的实证精神与制度关怀。他发现了中国货币史上的"铜币跨期等重"现象,并在纸币、铜本位以及银行制度发育迟滞之间建立了有趣的内在联系;循着由货币购买力牵系出来的逻辑,彭信威还尝试性地破解了货币理论长期停滞与国民财富贮藏偏好两大谜团。  相似文献   

马克思经济学的"生产力——经济结构(生产方式——生产关系)——上层建筑"制度变迁分析框架和演化经济学的"心智——制度演化(遗传——变异——选择)"制度变迁分析框架具有根本性区别,但它们也有相通点。因此,应通过借鉴和吸收演化经济学制度变迁分析框架的合理成分,坚持和创新马克思主义经济学制度变迁分析框架的内容。  相似文献   

当前,低碳经济成为了各国追逐的热点,由此引申出关于国际货币体系新一轮变更的话题。以碳信用为货币基准的"碳货币"的"碳本位"货币体系,将是未来货币体系发展的新趋势。通过分析碳本位货币体系的含义、碳货币的属性,考察碳本位货币体系所具有的优势,并探讨碳本位货币体系将遇到的潜在问题,同时提出了我国应对碳本位货币体系的策略。  相似文献   

张亚光  钱尧 《财经研究》2015,41(7):110-120
随着近代新闻报刊事业的兴起,大众舆论对清末经济活动与经济政策的影响日益重要.文章通过系统整理和分析清末期刊与报纸中的文献,重点研究其中有关货币制度改革的大众舆论内容,从经济思想史的视角展现清末货币制度改革的概貌和演进脉络.研究表明:大众舆论对清末币制改革的讨论涵盖了改革的必要性和困难、本位制度的选择、辅币和货币单位的选择等多个方面,其中本位制度选择是当时讨论的重点和关键;尽管大众舆论基本一致认同金本位是大势所趋,但与此同时,大众舆论也认为币制改革应该考虑到特殊国情,因而不宜直接实行金本位,大多主张暂设银本位来进行过渡.这些来自大众媒介的观点代表了现实国情和民间习惯的要求,在一定程度上影响了清末的币制改革.1910年《币制则例》中,清政府最终确定了银本位制度.  相似文献   

布雷顿森林体系之后,国际货币体系的核心是美元本位。但美元本位制本身存在难以调和的矛盾,导致世界经济的发展陷入一种经济增长→贸易失衡→信用扩张→流动性过剩→资产价格膨胀、通货膨胀→通货紧缩的循环过程。本文在简单阐述国际货币体系沿革的基础上,从贸易分工、内在调节机制、货币层面、储备货币、政策协调和成本分摊以及贸易失衡的调节机制方面论述了美元本位制的内在脆弱性,指出正是其自身的因素导致世界经济的循环过程。  相似文献   

薛白 《金融评论》2011,(6):78-91
基于市场微观参与主体和基于货币/信用是研究资产泡沫演化的两大分析范式,但其并未对泡沫演化的源动力做出明确解答。鉴于此,本文从经济增长约束的周期性转变视角对资产泡沫演化动力机制问题进行系统性分析。伴随经济周期一if-__波动,融资约束、实体经济约束和需求约束交替放松与收紧,为资产泡沫的生成、膨胀和破灭提供其所必备的条件。资产泡沫本质上是经济增长过程中不断解除增长约束所产生的货币现象。制度差异使中国资产泡沫缘起具有其特殊性,但基于增长约束的分析框架亦可用于解释中国资产泡沫演化。  相似文献   

李昌宝  宋雅浪 《技术经济》2006,25(9):104-109
通过对欧洲货币一体化的历史进程进行分析,发现多数欧元成员国偏向选择固定汇率制度。本文根据合作程度不同对各国汇率制度进行了重新分类,并通过模型的构建,对三种不同合作程度的固定汇率制度的退出成本进行了比较。结果表明:退出成本最高的欧洲单一货币形式的固定汇率制度较为稳健且不易受到“投机”的攻击,因此《欧盟宪法条约》受挫之后部分成员国发出退出欧元区的威胁是不可置信的;欧洲货币一体化进程不可避免,也不可逆转。  相似文献   

王巍 《资本市场》2012,(8):122-123
<正>货币本位是一种政府认定的货币标准。尽管人们在市场交易中使用货币已经有几千年的历史,但货币的材质、重量,质量,流通时间和范围等却大有不同,使得货币在大部分时间内都是区域性和临时性的交易手段,阻碍了市场的统一和扩张,也抑制了经济发展。只有政府的权威介入后,货币才能从市场交易工具提升为一种标准和货币本位,保证不同区域不同时期不同货币有一个可以认可和转换的基础。货币本位的形成是进入现代经济的基本前提。  相似文献   

货币功能外化中的金融过程与金融媒介演化的理论解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对货币形态的演化和货币功能外化为金融过程进行历史描述的基础上,试图对货币功能演化的路径从理论上进行解析。作者认为:货币形式的对称性破缺所隐含的内在矛盾运动是金融媒介演化的根本力量,风险,不确定性与交易费用是金融媒介演进的客观要求,制度和技术是金融媒介演化的基本条件。  相似文献   

Currency Boards are usually argued to increase the credibility of the monetary authority, although this effect ultimately depends on the economic, political and institutional circumstances in the specific country. Few studies have previously been able to address this issue empirically. Using a novel database, the analysis conducted in this paper finds that, other things being equal, the credibility of the monetary authority is likely to be higher in those European transition countries with currency board arrangements, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria. The results also suggest that currency board arrangements are more likely to increase the credibility of the monetary authority in countries with a low level of trust in government and a weak economy. These findings imply that the maintenance of currency board arrangements in recent years in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria may have been advantageous.  相似文献   

A common currency, as envisioned in the Maastricht treaty, is thought to be the surest way to "lock in" commitments to monetary cooperation among sovereign states. But historical evidence suggests otherwise. Comparative analysis of six currency unions demonstrates that while economic and organizational factors are influential in determining the sustainability of monetary cooperation, interstate politics matters most. Compliance with commitments is greatest in the presence of either a locally dominant state, willing and able to use its influence to sustain monetary cooperation, or a broad network of institutional linkages sufficient to make the loss of monetary autonomy tolerable to each partner.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to study the interaction between monetary policy, asset prices, and the cost of capital. In particular, we explore this issue in a setting where individuals face idiosyncratic risk. Incomplete information also provides a transactions role for money so that monetary policy can be studied. In contrast to standard monetary growth models which focus on the transmission of monetary policy to the demand for capital goods, we incorporate a separate capital goods sector so that the supply response to monetary policy is taken into account. Consequently, in contrast to the standard monetary growth model, monetary policy plays an important role in investment activity through the relative price of capital goods. Moreover, different sources of productivity can affect the degree of risk sharing. Although the optimal money growth rate falls in response to an increase in productivity in either sector of the economy, monetary policy should react more aggressively to the level of productivity in the capital sector.  相似文献   

Historically, the world economy has been dominated by a single currency accepted in the exchange of goods and assets among countries. In recent decades, the U.S. dollar has played this role. The dollar acts as a “vehicle currency” in the sense that agents in nondollar economies will generally engage in currency trade indirectly using the U.S. dollar instead of using direct bilateral trade among their own currencies. A vehicle currency is desirable when there are transactions costs of exchange. This article constructs a dynamic general equilibrium model of a vehicle currency. We explore the nature of the efficiency gains arising from a vehicle currency and show how it depends on the total number of currencies in existence, the size of the vehicle currency economy, and the monetary policy followed by the vehicle currency’s government. We find that there can be significant welfare gains to a vehicle currency in a system of many independent currencies. But these gains are asymmetrically weighted toward the residents of the vehicle currency country. The survival of a vehicle currency places natural limits on the monetary policy of the vehicle currency country.  相似文献   

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) contributes to optimizing payment functions of fiat money, reducing reliance on payment services provided by the private sector, alleviating regulatory burdens and pressure on the central bank, and strengthening the authority of fiat money. Moreover, issuance of CBDC helps to address dilemmas of modern monetary policies, including inefficiencies in policy transmission, difficulties in countercyclical control, flow of currency away from the real economy to the virtual economy and inadequate management of policy expectations. This paper proposes a CBDC issuance framework based on forward contingencies. The incorporation of time, sector, and loan rate contingencies in the activation of CBDC will realize real-time transmission of monetary policy, enable targeted supply of money and prevent the currency from circulating beyond the real economy. The economic state contingency makes it possible to exercise countercyclical control of currency. The embedment of these contingencies also enables currency to perform the function of forward guidance.  相似文献   

A widely applied approach to measure the size of the shadow economy, known as the "monetary method" or the "currency approach," is based on econometric estimates of the demand for money. These estimates are used to get the currency held by economic agents in excess of the amount they need to finance registered transactions. This excess of currency multiplied by the income-velocity of circulation (assumed to be equal in the registered and shadow economies) gives a measure of the hidden GDP. This paper shows that the monetary method only produces coherent estimates if the income-elasticity of the demand for currency is one and suggests a way to correct the estimated size of the shadow economy when such elasticity is not one. The correction is applied to existent measures for different countries.  相似文献   

In the world production chain there is a small economy that outsources production to its upstream, sells intermediate goods to its downstream and consumes imported final goods. It is shown that in responding to shocks from demand for intermediate goods, from the wage rate in the upstream and from the currency exchange rate between the upstream and downstream countries, the monetary policy of the small country is insignificant in the sense that any attempt of changing its monetary stance to raise national welfare will be offset by the movements of exchange rates.  相似文献   

I study monetary exchange and inflation when buyers have private information about their willingness to pay for certain goods. Introducing imperfect information in the Lagos-Wright [A unified framework for monetary theory and policy analysis, J. Polit. Economy 113(3) (2005) 463-484] economy shows that the existence of monetary equilibrium is a more robust feature of the environment. In general, my model has a monetary steady state in which only a proportion of the agents hold money. Agents who do not hold money cannot participate in trade in the decentralized market. The proportion of agents holding money is endogenous and depends (negatively) on the level of expected inflation. As in Lagos and Wright's model, in equilibrium there is a positive welfare cost of expected inflation, but the origins of this cost are very different.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate the level and evolution of hidden income in Spain during the period 1964–1997. To this end, we employ the well-known monetary approach which supposes that the hidden economy is a response on the part of the economic agents to the tax burden, one which manifests itself in an excess of demand for currency. The estimation has been made on the basis of the ADL technique, an ECM and Johansen's cointegration approach. The period chosen was characterised by multiple institutional changes, an increase in the tax burden and wide-ranging financial liberalisation. This has obliged us to formulate a specific monetary model to estimate the hidden economy and is one of the original features of that model. First version received: February 1999/Final version received: March 2001  相似文献   

货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,它会对一国的经济金融形势产生严重影响,如货币政策的独立性和有效性受到影响、政府的财政税基遭到削弱、汇率波动频繁、国际收支失衡、减缓甚至阻碍该国货币的自由兑换进程等。随着中国经济高速增长以及人民币的强烈升值预期,我国出现了人民币正在逐步替代外币美元的反向货币替代现象,同样对我国经济造成了一系列的冲击。本文首先从货币替代的定义、形成机制、经济影响、防范风险的对策等方面对国外文献进行了理论综述;然后,分析了国内学者对货币替代理论的研究,特别研究了我国在目前背景下出现的反向货币替代现象;最后在对国内外货币替代理论文献综述的基础上,对将来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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