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Innovative activity is performed to a considerable extent in the service sector, namely within the so-called knowledge intensive business services (KIBS). Particularly emphasizing the role of absorptive capacity, we analyze possible determinants of incremental and radical firm innovation using firm micro data from the KIBS Foundation Survey. The results show that access to knowledge through networking and cooperation is of utmost importance for innovative activity in the KIBS sector. Access to knowledge from universities and research institutions is particularly important for radical innovation, notwithstanding the degree of formality of cooperation. In contrast, access to knowledge from clients or suppliers only has a significant impact on the probability to innovate if the cooperation with these partners is based on formal cooperation via joint projects or formal cooperation contracts. Furthermore, we find empirical evidence for a positive correlation between KIBS firms and clients from the manufacturing sector: these stimulate in particular incremental, but also radical innovation.  相似文献   

自1990年科恩和利文索尔(Cohen and Levintha)对吸收能力作出开创性研究以来,吸收能力正在成为国际学术研究的新兴领域。本文对近20年来国际上有关吸收能力的研究进行综述:通过对吸收能力内涵的讨论,探讨了吸收能力的维度构成及各维度的定义;在对目前吸收能力代表性理论研究评析的基础上,得出了一个更简洁、合理的吸收能力机制模型,并对该模型的作用机制进行分析;最后指出吸收能力未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

以南平市可持续发展的数据资料为基础,利用因子分析方法,借助SPSS统计软件,对该市可持续发展能力建设进行了因素分析,力图用更直观更令人信服的数据来说明系统中各个发展因子的相互关系,并借此实证来探索地市级区域可持续发展能力建设评价的思路与方法。  相似文献   

产业关联变动趋势是反映国民经济各部门内在经济联系变化规律的重要指标,认清产业关联的变化轨迹对于产业转型政策的制定具有重要意义。用影响力系数、感应度系数和部门产出比重相叠加,构建波及能力指数和感应能力指数,并利用这两个指数和《1987—2007年河南省投入产出表》,分析河南省产业关联变化的趋势。结果发现:1987—2007年间河南省的循环累计增长部门以传统产业和资源密集型产业为主,推进产业转型的同时并不能完全放弃传统产业和资源密集型产业的优势;基础能源产业对河南省经济发展的影响和制约作用在逐渐增加;生产服务业和高技术产业发展相对滞后,但有明显的增长趋势。  相似文献   

叶海荣  王松良  杨建洲  陈辉 《经济地理》2007,27(2):265-269,274
运用并改进相对资源承载力的研究思路和计算方法,计算并分析了闽东南地区1988—2004年相对资源承载力及其演化过程。结果表明①该地区综合资源承载力逐渐由超载变为大量富余,经济资源是人口的主要承载资源;②以我国东部较发达地区为参照区,该地区综合资源承载力和相对土地资源承载力均处于超载状态;③各亚区间的相对资源承载力差异十分显著,但相对土地资源承载力均严重超载;④趋势预测分析表明该地区2010年和2015年的综合资源承载力和相对经济资源承载力均有较大的富余,但相对土地资源承载力严重超载,且程度在不断加剧,人地矛盾、水资源供需矛盾日益凸显。  相似文献   

论旅游环境承载力——持续发展旅游的判据之一   总被引:100,自引:2,他引:100  
崔凤军 《经济地理》1995,15(1):105-109
正确判断人类旅游经济行为是与否与旅游资源、环境条件相匹配,是实现持续发展旅游的前提。本文作者提出了初步判断旅游经济与环境是否协调、是否持续发展的理论和指标--旅游环境承载力,给出了它的定义、特征、组成体系及技术实现途径。  相似文献   

可持续发展能力空间结构研究的理论问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
丁四保 《经济地理》2004,24(5):577-580
“可持续发展”与“可持续发展能力”的差异是我们经常忽略的。但一旦说到“能力”,由于可持续发展在人们心目中是一个极其复杂的系统,所以就要把经济、社会和生态与环境三个系统的能力都包括进去,于是就有了虽然可以避免偏颇但却日显庞大的用于测度的指标体系。文章认为,从哲学上看,地理环境如果离开人类的发展就没有其存在和对其进行研究的意义,经济系统的能力在三个系统中是最基本的,而经济系统的能力可以被看作为了实现可持续发展所要求的“支付能力”。根据环境经济学的原理,这个支付能力只能是政府提供“公共物品”的能力,文章进一步认为,政府的财政能力又是最基本的。在明确这个基本原理后,就可以使测度变得更容易,一是克服一个大的指标体系中本来不相关的指标的叠加,二是使其简便,三是使政策成为必然——哪些地方缺少能力和哪些地方能力相对剩余和政府应该怎样去配置能力。这就是能力的空间结构和促进空间关系发展的区域政策。  相似文献   

我国集装箱港口吞吐能力供需平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾维新  马新华 《经济地理》2011,31(11):1774-1780,1792
受国际金融危机、国内经济结构调整等因素的影响,我国集装箱运输的供给和需求关系不断发展变化.基于状态空间模型对我国集装箱运输的需求进行预测,并从定性的角度分析我国CDP、外贸进出口额以及集装箱化率这三个因素对预测结果的影响,对定量预测结果进行了修正.然后,对我国集装箱港口规划的吞吐能力进行总结分析,并且指出我国集装箱港口吞吐能力的适应性问题.基于以上分析,对我国集装箱港口吞吐能力的供需平衡状况进行定量地评价,得出供大于求的结论,并阐述了可能造成的严重后果.最后,针对我国集装箱吞吐能力严重过剩的问题提出对策建议.  相似文献   

金华市旅游社会承载力研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用社会学民意调查的方法,对金华市内常住居民及旅游者进行了随机抽样调查,通过调查结果的统计分析和旅游社会容量评价指标体系的确立,认为金华市旅游社会容量的潜力较大,城市建设、城市形象、城市旅游是挖掘旅游社会承载力的关键。  相似文献   

在开放经济条件下,外商直接投资的技术溢出对内资企业吸收能力有很大的影响。实证结果表明,外资部门的技术溢出具有正向外部性,而R&D经费投入与外资技术溢出的配合却起到了抑制作用,但行业差异是存在的。因此在引资政策和经费支持政策方面,应有差别,同时完善相应的技术创新机制。  相似文献   

广东相对资源承载力与可持续发展问题   总被引:84,自引:3,他引:84  
本文提出了相对资源承载力的研究思路和方法,计算了1978-1995年广东省相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合承载力及其变化过程.研究表明①经济资源是广东省人口的主要承载资源;②1989年以后,广东省的综合承载力超过实际人口数量,进入相对富余状态;③相对土地资源承载力与相对经济资源承载力的不协调发展是广东可持续发展中存在的主要问题之一.  相似文献   

基于相对资源承载力模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先分析了相对资源承载力模型存在的不足,即未考虑各类资源间的匹配以及权重取值过于主观,并对其进行了改进。然后应用改进后的模型对新疆1978—2008年可持续发展情况进行了实证分析,研究表明:①1978—2008年,新疆相对耕地资源承载力最大,其次是耕地和经济资源均衡承载力,经济资源承载力最弱;②新疆的相对综合承载力和过剩人口1978—2000年呈递增趋势,而2001—2008年处于逐渐恢复和扩张的态势;③新疆人口目前仍处于过剩状态。同时比较分析了模型改进前后的实证结果,并对新疆人口的可持续发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Some recent research indicates that the occurrence of indeterminacy in models with externalities may be overstated because these models ignore agents' heterogeneity. We consider a neoclassical two‐sector growth model with technological externalities. Agents are heterogeneous with respect to their shares of the initial stock of capital and in labor endowments. We find that the sign of the effect of inequality on indeterminacy is not pinned down by the standard properties of preferences. However, when the inverse of absolute risk aversion is a convex (respectively concave) function, homogeneity (heterogeneity) tends to neutralize the external effects and eliminate indeterminacy.  相似文献   

我国东部沿海地区旅游环境相对承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取旅游资源综合丰度和旅游经济指标,对旅游环境系统的承载状况和承载潜力进行定量测算,以探讨区域旅游资源开发与旅游经济发展水平之间的相互关系.研究表明,相对于全国而言,东部沿海地区整体旅游资源环境相对承载能力和旅游经济环境相对承载能力较强,处于弱载状态,具有一定的承载潜力,其中旅游环境相对承载力具有明显的地域差异,应加强各省市旅游业的协调有序发展,以提高东部沿海旅游环境整体承载力,进一步推动沿海发达地区旅游业的综合发展.  相似文献   

甘肃省产业结构转换能力的动态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甘肃省14个市州为研究对象,通过选取适当的评价指标体系和分析年代,并建立了动态比较的计量模型,运用因子分析法对该省各市州产业结构转换能力进行了动态测定和分析。结果表明:甘肃省产业结构转换能力总体上呈明显的非均衡上升趋势;转换能力的增长幅度变化大体呈先下降后上升的不规则的"U"型形式;全省产业结构转换能力的绝对差异呈反"S"状扩大态势,相对差异则表现出跳跃式发展趋势。  相似文献   

In this paper the author adds some further empirical tests of his theory of income distribution. This theory (cf. this Review , Series 16, Number 3, September 1970, p. 221 ff) sees income distribution as the distribution of prices of production factors, especially labour, of different quality and prices as the effect of demand and supply factors. The quality of labour is represented only by the number of years of schooling. Its supply is described by the actual numbers of people having each of the possible years of schooling; this frequency distribution can be characterized by its average and by some measure of its dispersion or by one of its deciles (in particular the highest) expressed in terms of its median. The demand for the various qualities of labour can be supposed to be reflected by (i) total demand for commodities, but (ii) more accurately by the percentage of third-level educated people used in and weighted by the size of the four main sectors of production: agriculture, manufacturing, trade and transport, and other services. Extensive material collected and reworked by Professors B. R. Chiswick for the U.S.A. and Canada and T. P. Schultz and L. S. Burns with H. E. Frech III for the Netherlands is used in cross-section tests to explain variations in income distribution in the states of the U.S.A. and the provinces of Canada and the Netherlands. The results can be found in the tables. While further increase and smaller dispersion in years of schooling, according to some of the findings presented, would only moderately reduce the degree of inequality in the U.S.A. and Canada, more result seems to be possible according to other findings, including those for the Netherlands. In the latter category the second demand index mentioned above has been used. This paper is one of several devoted in various ways to the testing of the same theory.  相似文献   

The dual antitrust goals of predictable law enforcement and accurate decisions in individual cases have been in conflict for decades. There are three dimensions to this conflict. First, there may be insufficient information on how the courts and enforcement agencies interpret the antitrust statutes. Second, the enforcement agencies may not use consistent standards to evaluate actual and potential antitrust cases. Third, antitrust guidelines may differ significantly from case law.
Unfortunately, attempts to improve one dimension of antitrust policy generally create conflicts elsewhere. Thus, the search for better antitrust decision making in individual cases has made antitrust counseling more complex and expensive. Over time, standards have evolved at different rates at the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the courts, and inconsistencies among these three decision-making bodies have further complicated the task of antitrust counseling. In this environment, improved and updated information on antitrust standards can potentially be very valuable to the business community.  相似文献   

Using U.S. data from 1950 to 2010, we analyze to what extent inflation raises the incidence of property crime. To match our theoretical predictions, we consider different types of property crime (larceny, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and robbery) and broad and narrow definitions of inflation separately. We control for the state of the business cycle and demographic changes over time explicitly. Unobserved or difficult‐to‐measure determinants of property crime are captured through a stochastic‐trend specification within a state‐space framework. We find a robust statistical link between inflation and each of the four property crime rates. Our findings are robust to alternative definitions of inflation and the inclusion or exclusion of different control variables. In terms of policy, our findings suggest that monetary policy that creates inflation has costly spillover effects. (JEL J10, J11)  相似文献   

近年来,企业社会责任问题逐渐成为国内外的热点话题,不论是政府还是企业亦或学术界,无论是本土企业还是跨国公司,不管是大型央企还是中小型民企,社会责任成为全社会关注的超越国界的敏感话题。以中小企业为研究载体,以海外社会责任为研究对象,剖析了我国中小企业在海外履行社会责任的现状及问题,探究其背后的原因并据此提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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