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张静 《现代商业》2014,(14):144-146
我国民间金融已是不容忽视的市场参与者,文章就民间金融的就基本理论界定和金融规模测算方法进行了综述,民间金融的概念、特点、存在意义的理论研究已见成熟,民间金融规模测算方法的综述主要是针对其间接理论方法:金融相关系数法、收支差异法、供求轧差法、货币非经济增长因素吸收法。  相似文献   

民间借贷作为正规金融的补充,对解决中小微企业的资金短缺起到了积极作用。由于立法滞后,法律依据不足,逐利、欺诈、违约、无序充斥着本不成熟的民间借贷市场,给金融稳定和经济安全带来了一系列负面效应,亟需法律规范和引导。当务之急是要构建法律体系,净化营业环境,完善准入标准,建立预警机制,尽快将民间借贷导入法制化轨道。  相似文献   

民间金融古已有之,作为正规金融的补充,对国民经济特别是中小企业经济的增长起到十分重要的作用。基于在相关理论的分析,进行实证分析。结果表明:我国民间金融对中小企业的发展具有越来越明显的作用,而中小企业对民间金融的影响力逐渐减弱;同时结果证明了民间金融与中小企业之间存在互利共生关系。  相似文献   

民间金融主要有交易成本低、信息获取简易和高利率吸取等三方面比较优势。近年来,吉林省民间金融规模日趋扩大,通过实证分析可以看出民间金融对吉林省的经济发展起到了促进作用,并且民间金融的影响力也在逐年递增。但是民间金融具有风险较高、安全性较低等劣势,制约了民间金融对经济发展的促进作用。为解决这一问题,应当通过立法来规范,还需民间金融组织自我完善,以促进民间金融健康发展。  相似文献   

随着我国债券市场的不断完善和成熟,为了预防市场参与者发生信用风险,文章通过对已经发生违约的超日债券进行分析,总结定价模型和设计信用违约互换合约。  相似文献   

P2P网贷是互联网在金融和民间借贷领域的创新,近几年,网贷业务在国内呈爆发式增长,但由于其自发性,在我国社会信用体系不完善的环境下,屡屡造成借款人借款到期不按时还款的违约事件。本文从6家平台数千个违约人员的数据中,通过建立网贷违约人特征模型,引入虚拟变量,将非数值变量设置为虚拟变量,利用普通最小二乘法(OLS)进行回归分析。研究表明,网贷违约者的违约金额与违约者借款期数和网贷平台相关,尽管性别和地区在网贷违约中有一定的差异,但实证表明,违约金额、与违约人的性别和居住区域相关性不显著,修正了一些研究认为违约与平台无关和区域有关的观点。  相似文献   

一、民间金融所容纳的融资形式所谓民间金融,泛指个人之间、企业之间、个人与企业之间的借贷行为以及各种民间金融组织(如合会、标会等)的融资活动,其属于非正规金融范畴,外延相当之宽。近年来,民间金融活动十分活跃,民间金融规模逐渐扩大。据中央财经大学课题组对全国20个省份的实地抽查,2003年全国地下信贷的绝对规模在7450亿~8300亿元之间,农业部农村经济研究中心农村定点观察站的数据显示,2003年全国农户户均借款来源中,来自银行及信用社的贷款只占26%,而来自私人的贷款则占71%;从地区结构看,东部地区农户资金来源中有81%来自民间金融;…  相似文献   

2012年始,我国长三角地区中小企业联保贷款违约的传染被人称为一场“金融瘟疫”.但联保贷款的融资方式亦曾被中小企业视为“救命稻草”,这种转变缘何而来?今后的中小企业联保贷款又何去何从?本文基于对上海钢铁贸易行业的联保贷款案例分析,得出从“救命稻草”转变至“金融瘟疫”的关键因素——贷款额度、内部惩罚和外部冲击.其后,将这些因素纳入到演化博弈的分析框架中,得到联保贷款的“还款跷跷板”:还款的人和不还款的人分坐在跷跷板的两端.最后,基于“还款跷跷板”给出了一些政策建议:跷跷板支点控制——增加内部惩罚和控制适度信贷规模,可以提高联保贷款抵御外部冲击的能力;改跷跷板为平衡木——为避免巨大外部冲击带来的违约传染,可解除连带责任改为信用贷款;长大了就别来玩跷跷板——联保贷款不适合长大的商户.  相似文献   

姜宁  黄佳斌 《商》2013,(8Z):95-95,64
民间金融是国内外金融界关注的重要问题,更是近年来我国理论界和实际部门讨论的热点问题。学术界对“民间金融该不该存在”、“该如何发展民间金融”的问题作了大量而深刻的讨论。本文综合了理论界关于民间金融发展趋势的研究成果,总结了民间金融的三个发展趋势:一是继续保持其原有的互助合作性质;二是将演变成正规金融;三是演化成非法的地下金融。同时,得出民间金融与正规金融将在时间上继起,空间上并存的结论。  相似文献   

农村民间金融在促进农村经济增长和农民收入增加方面发挥着重要作用.但是,由于没有纳入国家信用控制和金融监管系统,农村民间金融的运行极不规范.国际社会在赋予农村民间金融的合法地位、加强农村民间金融组织管理、重视正规金融与民间金融合作等方面都可以为我们提供有益的经验,我国应从完善民间金融法律法规、强化农村民间金融监督管理、引导正规金融与民间金融连接等方面着手规制农村民间金融,引导其健康发展.  相似文献   

我国农村非正规金融制度:演进路径与政策规范   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从制度经济学的视角,分析了我国农村非正规金融与农村经济的诱致性制度变迁过程以及非正规金融与政府管制的强制性制度变迁过程,阐述了农村非正规金融组织形式的变迁过程及我国农村非正规金融制度的演进路径,并在此基础上对如何引导和规范我国农村非正规金融发展提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Employees and corporate reputation are unique resources that generate positive financial performance and ultimately create sustainable competitive advantage. Corporate reputation is vital to the organization, and employees are the key link to managing it. By recognizing the synergistic role that employees can play in the overall positioning of corporate reputation, management can obtain significant achievements in terms of satisfying corporate strategic objectives. Initiatives essential to gain employee commitment to corporate reputation enhancement are examined, along with the use of the balanced scorecard to integrate corporate reputation metrics into the incentive system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Chinese doctors’ informal payment, known as red packets, with reference to the debate on organizational misbehavior, fiddles and control. It aims to examine the internal and external factors that have contributed to the emergence of red packets in health services and the strategies of hospital management in dealing with informal payment. Analysis on the data collected from two hospitals shows that doctors’ misbehavior is influenced by health services’ funding mechanism, payment systems and corruption. More importantly, the study demonstrates the rationality of employee fiddles and management responses. Findings indicate that doctors are mainly responsible for this fiddling, unethical and illegal activity because of the financial gains acquired from patient bribery. However, doctor misbehavior remains under management’s latent control as long as hospital income generation and reputation are not severely threatened. The study contributes to the analysis of informal payment in the field of organizational studies and employment relations, with a fresh perspective offered to extend our understanding of red packets in the context of healthcare marketization reform.  相似文献   

自梅奥等人从霍桑试验中意外发现非正式组织的存在起,非正式组织一直是组织行为学和管理学研究的一个重要内容。本文在对非正式组织概念的界定及其消极特征的分析的基础上,提出对非正式群体管理的建议。  相似文献   

Corporate reputation is becoming more important to managers and scholars around the world. However, little is known about how much or why reputation differs across countries. We use institutional theory to fill this gap. We focus on institutional development, reflecting the expansion of formal institutions, and national culture, an important informal institution. We find that reputation is negatively related to institutional development and masculinity and positively related to power distance in a sample of 401 corporations from 25 countries. We recommend that institutional theory complement signaling theory in cross-national studies of corporate reputation.  相似文献   

金融控股公司背景银行的经营绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊鹏 《财经论丛》2008,52(1):51-58
金融控股公司是商业银行混业经营的一种有效组织模式。当前各种尚不规范的金融控股公司已成为我国金融业新的组成部分。利用随机边界生产模型比较分析我国金融控股公司背景银行与非金融控股公司背景银行的总要素生产力(TFP),并根据银行盈利能力的评价原则探讨其盈利能力差异的结果表明:近年来,我国银行业总要素生产力的增长率小幅下降,其中,金融控股公司背景银行的TFP增长率呈上升趋势,而非金融控股公司背景银行的TFP大多为负增长;金融控股公司背景银行的盈利能力也明显优于非金融控股公司背景的银行。  相似文献   

民间金融是目前我国比较突出的金融问题,也是法律上的难点问题。对于民间金融的合法性,有关专家学者和相关政府部门都提出了许多观点和意见,但在金融和法律层面上对它还缺少完整的认识,其合法与非法的认定标准还没有明确的定论。为更好地判定民间金融的合法性,在具体的民间金融的司法实践中,应从金融权的公平性,民间金融的行为目的,公众财产利益保护,社会综合金融环境,整体的金融效率、秩序与安全等五个方面入手,找到它们最佳的边际均衡点,并将之作为合法与非法金融的判断标准。  相似文献   

Good corporate reputation is one of the most valuable assets and causes a multitude of favorable impacts within different stakeholder groups. As a consequence, a lot of studies analyze the relationship between corporate reputation and financial performance. However, most of them raise the question of causation due to their methodology. In order to isolate the causal impact of corporate reputation on financial performance, some authors conduct event studies, but without remarkable success. Therefore, this study provides initially a comprehensive theoretical background for why reputation should affect financial performance. According to the resulting hypotheses, an event study is conducted to analyze the impact of the publication of reputation rankings by the German Manager Magazin on share prices. As hypothesized, positive and negative announcement effects exist regarding upgraded or downgraded companies respectively. Consequently, investors gain new information from the published rankings (increases or decreases in reputation) to adjust share prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between board characteristics and the ethical reputation of financial institutions. Given the pivotal governance role of the board of directors and the value-relevance of ethical corporate behavior, we postulate a positive relationship between ethical reputation and board features that foster more effective monitoring and oversight. Using a sample of large financial institutions from 13 different countries, we run several alternative panel regressions of ethical reputation on board characteristics and firm-specific controls. Our results demonstrate that the ethical reputation of financial institutions is positively associated with board size, gender diversity, and CEO duality, while being negatively related to the busyness of the board members and a composite index reflecting poor monitoring. Nevertheless, inconsistent with our hypothesis, we also document that financial institutions with less frequent board meetings have better ethical reputation. Overall, our empirical findings suggest that stronger board oversight may promote ethical behavior in the financial industry.  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate the spillover effects of the financial services sector development on the size of informal economic activity in the case of the European Union (EU) countries. The results from panel data analysis show that there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between financial services and informal economic activity in the EU; that is, at the initial levels of the financial development, the reaction of informal economic activity is positive while it becomes negative at the further stages of the financial development in the EU. Thus, this study finds that financial services sector is a major contributor to changes in the volume of informal economic activity in the EU countries.  相似文献   

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