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Public industrial research institutes are important in regard to aiding industry development in many countries. Research institutes have to constantly change their strategies according to their industrial environments in order to remain influential. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has been recognised as a successful institute in facilitating industrial development. During its 40‐year development process, ITRI has gone through three stages of strategic repositioning and organisational reforms. The evolution of the organisational structure and the interactions with its social‐technological environment are both complex and dynamic. This study proposes a framework which integrates the role of the institutes with organisation structures and strategies to analyse the process of the evolution of ITRI. Based on the framework, this study uses system dynamics to identify the underlying structure driving the process of its evolution. The result shows that it is important to align the organisational structure with development strategies; in a long‐term perspective, the strategies for short‐term and long‐term goals can reinforce each other. The recent transition of ITRI suggests a new direction‐seeking role for public research institutes to play among the national innovation systems. This study also discusses the potential impacts of the system dynamics approach to R&D management.  相似文献   

Established firms tend to pursue incremental innovation by modifying and refining their existing products and processes rather than developing radical innovations. In the face of resistance to change and incumbent inertia, which prevent the generation of novelty, established firms have turned towards corporate entrepreneurship as a means of exploiting knowledge accumulated within its own boundaries and exploring external markets. This paper focuses on one mode of corporate entrepreneurship, corporate incubation, informed by a study of a Technology Incubator at Philips. An account of the history of the incubator traces its progress from its inception in 2002–2006 when further incubators were formed, building on this experience and focusing on lifestyle and healthcare technologies. We identify ways in which the Philips incubator represents an alternative selection environment that effectively simulated the venture capitalist model of entrepreneurial innovation.  相似文献   

The paper concerns a study on the changes affecting leading cluster companies' supplier relationships. In particular, the paper aims at investigating under which conditions and how industrial cluster companies rely on local suppliers in the current context of international competitive pressure and easier access to international supply sources. The research methodology is qualitative and based on a long-term longitudinal research of three case studies of Italian industrial cluster companies that are leading firms in specific niches of the mechanical industry. Two main questions are debated: under which conditions have industrial cluster companies relied on local suppliers? What has been the evolution of relationships between industrial cluster companies and their local suppliers? The empirical analysis shows that local suppliers have been playing strategic roles in different ways in distinct historical phases, contributing actively in terms of knowledge and competence development, production flexibility, delivery performance and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业的发展对国民经济和社会发展具有重要的战略意义,目前中国战略性新兴产业仍面临着“高端产业,低端技术”的发展困境,如何突破产业关键技术促进产业健康、可持续发展已成为亟待解决的问题。战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成是突破产业关键技术、共性技术及前瞻性技术的核心环节,中国正在兴起的产业技术研究院、航空高技术产业园等跨组织知识集成平台为培育和发展战略性新兴产业集群创新网络提供了重要的支撑平台。本文依托跨组织知识集成平台探究了战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成机制,构建了创新主体间的灰靶双边匹配模型,并采用平衡计分法建立了以创新能力为重要衡量标准的综合评价指标体系,最后通过案例进行了分析,证明了其有效性和实用性,可为促进战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成提供理论指导。  相似文献   

本文以嵌入生产者驱动型价值链的上海IC地方产业集群作为研究对象,实证分析了嵌入全球价值链治理中的上海IC地方产业集群升级现状及内在决定问题.分析表明,上海IC产业因缺乏核心技术,其产业集群升级路径明显受到领先公司战略意图和升级控制的影响,这种锁定效应使上海IC产业陷入的升级困境.因此,要实现产业的全面升级上海IC产业就必须培养高级要素,通过自身的技术积累、资本积累等提升技术创新能力,从而主动调整自身与全球价值链的整合方式,实现价值链由低端向价值链高端跃迁.  相似文献   

农业产业集群这一新的农业发展模式已经成为农业产业化向纵深方向发展的重要路径,对一个地区经济的发展起到了重要的推动作用。目前国内的许多省市和地区都在积极推动本地农业产业集群的发展。本文对河南农业产业集群的现状进行了分析,并针对存在的问题提出了自己的对策建议。  相似文献   

产业聚集度是衡量某一区域产业集聚程度的重要指标,分析某一区域产业的聚集度,对于正确把握该区域的优势产业,促进区域产业的优化升级,提高区域产业的竞争优势具有重要作用。在此从区位商的角度对河北省产业聚集度进行深入分析,以期对河北省产业的聚集发展提供依据。  相似文献   

In recent years, increased attention has been directed toward the formation of new ventures from new knowledge that is created by incumbent firms. This process focuses on a firm-centric approach that considers entrepreneurial opportunities from a spin-off and an endogenous perspective. Differently, what kind of Knowledge Spillovers (KSs) can influence the development of a start-up from an exogenous perspective? Considering this point of view, in what ways can knowledge be transferred? What kind of spatial filter can influence the travel of knowledge?Analyzing the KSs that sustain the growth of the start-up with a collaborative approach, the Geppetto case study concerns the main dyadic relationships developed by an Italian start- up thanks to its relationship with an Incubator. As these findings demonstrate, network entrepreneurial KSs are activated by “generating relationship” between the Incubator and its main business partners, which then are used in the “recipient relationship”. In this latter instance, the business partners of the Incubator become partners of the start–up thereby improving its growth. In particular this transfer of knowledge occurs in a relational space between heterogeneous actors that are characterized by business relational proximity.  相似文献   

产业集群作为区域经济发展体系的重要组成部分,其竞争优势在很大程度上就来自于其创新能力以及集群内部主体间相互交错的协同作用与协同创新.因此,要保持产业集群的先进性和活跃性,研究其协同创新能力具有十分重要的意义.文章分析了产业集群和协同创新的相关研究,对产业集群协同创新的概念、指标选取原则、指标体系和模型进行了综述,并就相关研究进行了评述与展望.  相似文献   

产业集群已成为当今区域经济发展的重要力量,而集群的竞争力又是发展的关键。本文从集群发展能力、集群创新能力、集群市场开拓能力、集群资源整合能力、集群环境因素5个方面建立了产业集群竞争力评价指标体系;采用层次分析法及灰色关联分析法,建立集群竞争力评价模型,将河北产业集群竞争力与江苏、浙江、广东3个位居全国前列的发达省份以及与我省经济总量相近的辽宁、河南、福建三省比较。研究河北省集群竞争力的优劣势,分析原因、寻求对策。  相似文献   

This article explores intermediaries as a missing link in initiating coopetition between established industry firms and start-ups. Research establishes that partner search and compatibility are critical success factors from the very beginning of coopetition. As many relationships fail owing to the absence of partner fit, knowledge on facing the challenge at this early stage is highly relevant. By applying a network perspective, we propose that intermediaries can bridge partners and hence overcome this initial hurdle. Based on a case study of an intermediary high-tech incubator, we examine the triad of start-ups, incubator, and established industry firms. Findings show how the involvement of an intermediary can facilitate the initiation of coopetition. The key contribution is an inductive model illustrating the interaction of the dimensions of incubator-initiated start-up–industry coopetition. We highlight an incubator's quality filter function evolving from bridging matchmaker and initial broker and demonstrate the added value to the initial partner search and compatibility. We enrich coopetition with network theory and provide implications on how incubators can provide an important foundation for establishing coopetition between start-ups and industry firms.  相似文献   

面对纺织服装产业“后配额时代”,我国的纺织服装产业集群同样面临着可持续发展的现实问题,因此,有必要对占据不同价值环节的地方产业集群的升级模式进行深入研究。本文以全球价值链为视角,以广东沙溪镇休闲装产业集群和浙江织里镇童装产业集群为例,就我国纺织服装产业集群的升级思路和途径进行了有益探讨。  相似文献   

以集群为发展模式的地方经济已逐渐纳入全球产业网络,它的竞争力提升,不仅需要挖掘集群的内部联系,更需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动、不断调整自身嵌入全球产业价值链的方式,创造、保持和捕捉价值。文章以建筑陶瓷产业的实例分析为依托,阐述意大利、西班牙建筑陶瓷产业集群如何通过嵌入全球价值链实现集群的升级和发展,并控制全球产业的动态变化;探讨中国本土建筑陶瓷集群与国际建筑陶瓷集群间基于全球价值链的互动,对中国建筑陶瓷地方产业集群产生、发展、升级和区域经济带来的巨大影响;分析目前国内集群在全球价值链中面临的挑战,提出在全球产业视角下促进集群升级的可能途径。  相似文献   

近些年来,伴随着外资主导型产业集群的大量出现,其能否促进东道国企业的发展,逐渐引起了学者们的重视。本文从经济社会学的角度,分析了苏州地区的昆山和太仓陆渡镇的FDI主导型自行车集群及其演变.认为在传统产业的集群中。初期本土企业与外资企业嵌入于不同的网络结构而形成的二元性网络.以及网络嵌入所具有的路径依赖性,将使得外资集群出现“飞地”效应。但是从长期来看,由于网络内外部环境的变化,外资网络有可能与当地企业网络逐渐融合,从而使得技术溢出的可能性增加。而地方政府作为社会资源的动员者,能够重塑当地的产业社群网络,以及充当外资和本土网络间的“中介人”,促进外资与当地网络的融合,从而推动当地企业的发展。  相似文献   

地方产业群战略   总被引:255,自引:4,他引:255  
本文旨在论述营造地方产业群是提高竞争力应以全球化挑战的重要政策措施。一是从“全球-本地”二重性出发,从国际经验分析发展地方产业群的背景和产业群理论的由来;二是说明产业群的概念、形成因素和发展机制;三是论述产业群战略的重要性、政策目标和具体内容;四是结合区域产业发展的现实问题和认识误区,提出我国实施地方产业群战略以及相应的制度创新的重要性。  相似文献   

随着国家支持中部崛起政策的逐步落实和东部沿海地区产业转移的加快,河南纺织业遇到了千载难逢的好机会.如何抓住机遇,促进产业结构升级,就成为了河南纺织产业集聚区亟待解决的问题.文章运用SWOT分析法对河南纺织产业集聚区发展的内在因素,以及所处的各种外部环境进行了深入客观的分析,并在此基础上提出了一些发展建议,以期为河南纺织...  相似文献   

Although incubation is considered important for overcoming resource challenges in technology ventures’ early life, there is a doubt about its relevance in later development stages, when the initial idea is commercialized and the venture tries to grow. Building on the resource‐based view of the firm and on a stage‐based perspective of venture development, this study argues that the resource gaps facing technology ventures differ between different development stages, and that the support provided by incubators therefore needs to be adapted to the venture’s development stage. We study the interaction between the iMinds incubator, located in Flanders, and eight technology ventures in its portfolio. In the Conception and Development stage, we observe resource gaps in terms of technical knowledge and access to end users, which the incubator addresses by offering direct technical support and access to its research and end user network. The subsequent Commercialization stage is dominated by business knowledge gaps, which the incubator amends through direct coaching and trainings. In the Growth stage, ventures typically lack the necessary team members, market players, and follow‐up financiers to grow their firm. The incubator addresses these resource gaps by providing access to its network. In all development stages, the incubator’s internal knowledge base, networking capabilities, and matching focus/selectivity are crucial in order for ventures to benefit from the incubator’s support. Our study suggests that these underlying capabilities can either be developed organically, or through the merger of different research institutes. Moreover, it points to the importance of local embeddedness for the geographical extension of these capabilities. These findings contribute to the literature on incubation and on venture development. They have important implications for policy makers, incubation managers, and entrepreneurs seeking incubation support.  相似文献   

Strategic substitutes and complements have become standard tools of analysis in industrial organization. Bulow et al. (1985) original model which introduced these concepts focused on multimarket oligopoly. Building upon that model, this paper shows that there becomes not one but two strategic interaction terms if the demands between markets is interdependent and the firms compete in prices. This new model is applied to the telecommunications industry, where the local exchange carriers face competition from competitive access providers. The theoretical model shows the critical variables in the local exchange carriers' strategic pricing decision.  相似文献   

已有的研究对骨干企业的商业生态系统理论进行了比较深入的讨论,利基企业是生态系统中的大众和价值创造主体,研究其商业生态系统战略不仅具有重要的理论价值,同时也有助于提高初创企业的创业成功率,从而激活国民经济的活力。本文识别出利基企业在商业生态系统中面临着随整个系统灭亡、被核心企业捕食和与其它利基者竞争3种挑战,提出以商业生态系统和生态位评估为基础的利基企业商业生态系统战略决策模型。   相似文献   

通过界定产业集群生态化的概念,在分析企业内部清洁生产模式和平等型及依托型产业集群生态化模式的基础上,构建了以企业内部低资源化为基点分别产业共生网络、绿色供应网络、废弃物质资源化输出、物质“零排放”及专业废弃物处理五方面实现产业集群生态化的实践路径。并进一步指出产业集群生态化是一个多方参与协作的过程,政府、大学、科研院所、中介机构等的大力扶植是其顺利开展的有效保障。  相似文献   

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