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金东康信息系统有限公司成立于1991年,是国内最早从事AIDC(自动识别和数据采集)与执行管理整体解决方案研发和实施服务的专业公司之一.自1999年起,金东康分别在北京、上海、深圳、苏州、成都、西安设立了分支机构,并投资成立了比邻软件有限公司,为遍布全国的制造、物流运输、零售业及政府、公共事业等领域的客户提供服务.  相似文献   

十多年前,中国企业对库存管理还不是很重视,部分企业甚至还是主动式的计划生产和被动式的销售出货,造成了大量货品的积压.随着中国市场的逐渐开放,市场竞争越来越趋于白热化,无论是生产企业还是物流企业,都逐渐认识到库存优化管理的必要性和迫切性.在这个过程中,部分企业在IT企业的吹捧下,认为只要上了ERP就能很好地管理库存,于是开始盲目性投资建设信息系统,几年后发现效果并不理想,不仅投资失败.还造成改善时间延长,给企业带来相当大的困惑.  相似文献   

This paper discusses aspects of airport service quality evaluation using fuzzy multicriteria analysis and the alpha-cut concept. It presents a fuzzy multicriteria methodology for analysing a complex set of quality variables. This methodology develops a step by step set of indicators that allow managers have a holistic view of the quality dimension. It also helps the understanding of cause and effect relation, it helps tracking service quality problems and benchmarking them. From the alpha-cut concept, by defining upper and lower limits, this approach seeks to assist managers in evaluating a complex number of quality criteria and decision-makers’ behaviour. This approach gives managers a broader view of comparative perceptions of quality among the airports in a given sample, by presenting the results of the analysis in fuzzy form and allowing managers to consider different styles of evaluation. The methodology discussed is applied to six Brazilian international airports.  相似文献   

After evidence of increased self-management and problem-solving capabilities of the work force, and with the stimulus of the division manager, a plant task force developed a phased plan to be implemented over three years. The plan was to remove two levels of the plant hierarchy, increase substantially supervisory spans of control, integrate the quality, development, and production activities at a lower level of the organization, structurally combine the production and maintenance organizations (except for some specialized maintenance functions), and open up new career path possibilities for managers and professionals. The plan was implemented on schedule. These changes achieved increased responsiveness, improved effectiveness, and better management development. Although decreased salaried personnel costs were not the primary motivation, they were a welcome benefit.  相似文献   

安利是很多人耳熟能详的著名品牌。这家1959年成立时以卖乐新多用途浓缩清洁剂起步的美国小公司,迅速成长为在日用消费品和保健品生产、直销、电子商务以及物流等诸多方面居全球领先地位的跨国企业,靠的就是持续创新。  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,126(2):493-523
The estimated parameters of output distance functions frequently violate the monotonicity, quasi-convexity and convexity constraints implied by economic theory, leading to estimated elasticities and shadow prices that are incorrectly signed, and ultimately to perverse conclusions concerning the effects of input and output changes on productivity growth and relative efficiency levels. We show how a Bayesian approach can be used to impose these constraints on the parameters of a translog output distance function. Implementing the approach involves the use of a Gibbs sampler with data augmentation. A Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is also used within the Gibbs to simulate observations from truncated pdfs. Our methods are developed for the case where panel data is available and technical inefficiency effects are assumed to be time-invariant. Two models—a fixed effects model and a random effects model—are developed and applied to panel data on 17 European railways. We observe significant changes in estimated elasticities and shadow price ratios when regularity restrictions are imposed.  相似文献   

This article applies a variant of game theory to the Pareto multi-value problematique, that is situations where members of a group, community or society are faced with alternative allocations, institutional arrangements, or states of the world and may collectively choose an allocation, institutional arrangement or state of the world if they can agree on it. This type of multiple value decision situation is increasingly prevalent not only on the level of societal and political issues but on the level of many enterprises, particularly those advocating corporate social responsibility. Because actors hold and apply values from different perspectives, there are potential contradictory value judgments and incompatible equilibria. In a world of contradiction, incommensurability, and disequilibrium, to what extent can conflicts be resolved and social equilibrium accomplished? Force works but it is inherently unstable. Drawing on an extension of classical game theory, generalized game theory (GGT), this article addresses the multi-value problematique in terms of collective “resolution procedures.” These regulative procedures—or social algorithms—are applied to problems of conflict and suboptimality in a multiple value world such as Pareto envisioned. This paper (the first of two) outlines key elements of GGT, defines the Pareto multi-value problematique, pointing out several of the critical weaknesses, theoretical as well as empirical, of the Pareto approach. GGT is then applied in defining and analyzing several major procedures to realize improvements in a multi-value world characterized by conflict and sub-optimality. A second article conceptualizes a complex of societal games making up a social system with 2-phase multi-level game processes; it applies the conceptualization to the different societal procedures for multi-value choice under conditions of conflict. Procedures such as democratic voting, adjudication and administrative decision-making, and multi-lateral negotiation are capable of producing outcomes that in many cases are widely accepted as legitimate and become social equilibria (at least within some range of conditions). These procedures and the conditions for their activation and implementation are modelled and explicated through a generalized game approach.  相似文献   

A special class of combinatorial optimization problems is considered. We develop a compact nonconvex quadratic model for these problems that incorporates all inequality constraints in the objective function, and discuss two approximation algorithms for solving this model. One is inspired by Karmarkar's potential reduction algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems; the other is a variant of the reduced gradient method. The paper concludes with computational experiences with both real-life and randomly generated instances of the frequency assignment problem. Large problems are satisfactorily solved in reasonable computation times.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, organizations have faced challenges in retaining good employees due to market competition and talent scarcity, thereby forcing leaders to improve their human resource strategies. Organizations often source exclusive talent development instead of nurturing talent inclusively. Exclusive refers to organizations' tendency to hire top talents outside their organization when needs arise, or if they have to look for candidates within the organization, only those identified as performers within their elite pool are selected. Literature suggests that inclusive talent development (i.e., career development via training for all employees regardless of individual performance) can complement management for employee retention. The present study carries out a systematic review of articles published from 1997 to 2020 pertaining to talent development, particularly inclusive nurturing, to enable frugal human resource management, i.e., developing human resource inclusive talent development (ITD) in a resource constrained environment. We address three major questions: to what degree is talent development (TD) represented in the wider talent management (TM) literature?; how does ITD contribute to individual talent growth and organizational performance?; and what are the limitations of current research on ITD? A total of 48 articles on TD, with 13 articles on ITD, are analyzed to provide theoretical and practical insights. This review presents research gaps on inclusive TD, and highlights future research directions, such as wider coverage to develop a more comprehensive scope, TD for low performers to improve their individual growth and organizational performance, application of frugal innovation through ITD, and association with resource-based view – valuable, rare, inimitability, and organized model (RBV-VRIO). While ITD coupled with other TM activities has significant effect on individual growth and organizational performance, the evidence for and discussion of this concept remains scarce. The research contributes to existing HRM literatures: (1) TD is a limited area of research and has minority representation within TM literature; (2) ITD is becoming increasingly crucial for individual talent growth and organizational performance towards a sustainable competitive advantage as primed by the RBV – VRIO model; and (3) key limitations of research on TD include one-sided perspectives to TD, lack of balance between individual talent growth and organizational performance, and other methodological weaknesses.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines how expatriate management practices differ with respect to three international management strategies (local, centralised or global) in 27 mature multinational corporations. In particular, this study examines the categories of expatriate assignments, the strategic integration of expatriate assignments into leadership development and the types of human resource practices that firms utilise to manage expatriates. Results indicate that organisations differentially assign expatriates based on the firm's respective international management strategy. Firms with a global management strategy made greater use of developmental expatriates, had a greater number of senior managers with expatriate experience and had a stronger focus on leadership development through expatriation. Firms did not differ with respect to their use of expatriate management practices based on their international management strategy.  相似文献   

A multiobjective optimization approach to smart growth in land development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we apply a multiobjective optimization model of Smart Growth to land development. The term Smart Growth is meant to describe development strategies—that do not promote urban sprawl. However, the term is somewhat open to interpretation. The multiobjective aspects arise when considering the conflicting interests of the various stakeholders involved in land development decisions: the government planner, the environmentalist, the conservationist, and the land developer. We present a formulation—employing linear and convex quadratic objective functions subject to polyhedral and binary constraints for the stakeholders. The resulting optimization problems are convex, quadratic mixed integer programs that are NP-complete. We report numerical results with this model for Montgomery County, Maryland, and present them using a geographic information system (GIS).  相似文献   

A set optimization approach to multi-utility maximization is presented, and duality results are obtained for discrete market models with proportional transaction costs. The novel approach allows us to obtain results for non-complete preferences, where the formulas derived closely resemble but generalize the scalar case.  相似文献   

持有合适的安全库存是企业在成本节约和满足客户需求间的权衡,因此确定合适的安全库存量对于企业甚至整个供应链来说都非常重要。文章研究了确定安全库存时需要注意的三个事项:一是需要区分周期服务水平CSL和产品补给率fr;二是区分季节性库存与安全库存;三是需要重视少数异常值的发现和对安全库存的影响。  相似文献   

For enterprises, it is imperative that the trade-off between the cost of inventory and risk implications is managed in the most efficient manner. To explore this, we use the common example of a wholesaler operating in an environment where suppliers demonstrate heterogeneous reliability. The wholesaler has partial orders with dual suppliers and uses lateral transshipments. While supplier reliability is a key concern in inventory management, reliable suppliers are more expensive and investment in strategic approaches that improve supplier performance carries a high cost. Here we consider the operational strategy of dual sourcing with reliable and unreliable suppliers and model the total inventory cost where the likely scenario lead-time of the unreliable suppliers extends beyond the scheduling period. We then develop a Customized Integer Programming Optimization Model to determine the optimum size of partial orders with multiple suppliers. In addition to the objective of total cost optimization, this study takes into account the volatility of the cost associated with the uncertainty of an inventory system.  相似文献   

唐俊 《活力》2009,(25):104-104
对系统的功能进行详细的设计,目的使开发者与用户更有效的实现功能与理解需求,并使程序人员能顺利的实现系统,在系统的实现阶段重点讲述设计到编码的过渡,以体现建模的模型对系统开发带来的好处。  相似文献   

江苏六维物流设备实业有限公司成立于1997年,是国内著名的货架供应商及物流系统集成商之一.六维公司全面致力于中国物流自动化设备的硬件系统、软件系统的研发工作,并采取与国际知名公司进行技术转让、联合开发、联合生产的方式,已生产出高精度的堆垛机及旋转平台、高速提升机、穿梭车等技术领先的物流设备.  相似文献   

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