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2011年夏天,美国。大雨滂沱的街道旁,一位白发苍苍的老人在帮助一位车主修理爱车的雨刷器。事后这位车主非常感激地问“您住在这个街区吗?”“我只是过路的,但我曾经是这台汽车的制造厂工人,我不愿意看到有人因为它出了毛病而骂它。”这则关于丰田的故事在微博上传得很广,我们无从考证它的真实性,但在2011美国消费者报告的可靠性年度测评中,丰田品牌的光荣回归却是不争的事实。  相似文献   

海尔宾的团队在模拟和实验中确认出一种欲速则不达的效应,这种效应对于愈来愈庞大的城市治堵还是很有指导意义的。  相似文献   

外面的世界更精彩——中小企业的国际化道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国一直是吸引外资最多的国家之一,加入世贸组织后,资本流动更加畅通无阻,中国资本对外输出开始成为一种新的潮流。部分中小企业应该并有条件成为这股潮流的重要的生力军。中国企业投资海外的背景背景之一:根据国际经验,一个国家的人均GDP达到2000美元,其产业结构就应进行调整,开始资本的对外输出。目前中国人均GDP虽然只有900美元,但部分发达地区人均GDP已经达到或超过2000美元,如上海人均GDP是5000美元,浙江、江苏、广东等沿海地区人均GDP也达到2000美元左右。因此需要以投资来带动出口,在适当时候中国企业的海外投资扩张将渐入佳…  相似文献   

The firm downward trend in unemployment has been one of the most surprising aspects of the UK recovery to date. Unemployment has fallen at a much earlier stage of recovery than it did in the 1980s, despite the fact that measured growth has been fairly modest to date. More favourable demographic trends have contributed to this decline, as has early retirement and an expansion of higher education. It is also possible that growth is being understated. However, the decline in unemployment has also led to the suggestion that the UK labour market has become more flexible. In this Forecast Release, we examine this claim. We identify a number of ways in which both the demand for and the supply of labour have become more flexible. But in one crucial respect - real wage flexibility - the evidence is less persuasive. That should not prevent unemployment falling in the short term. But it could limit the extent to which a substantial further fall in unemployment could he sustained without inflation re-emerging.  相似文献   

他们不只是在车里使用对讲机那么小儿科.作为正规的HAM.他们也被称作。火腿”.无线电之于他们.就像车子不能缺少轮子一样.是车子里的重要。器官“.也是生活的一部分。(汽车消费报告)带你结识四位HAM.他们的故事会告诉你什么才是无线电的薤力。  相似文献   

<正>鑫苑物业服务有限公司总经理王研博以创新力为发展力,以富于前瞻性的战略眼光与跨界思维,带领鑫苑物业团队抓住转型升级机遇,实现服务升级、信息化应用与商业模式创新,取得了企业规模翻番、经营收入翻番等良好业绩。"创新"是鑫苑物业企业文化的关键词之一,总经理王研博将"创新"的维度从管理、服务延伸到经营、品牌。将创新举措与未来战略结合,促进客户价值、商业价值、品牌价值三位一体的增长。  相似文献   

作为摩根斯坦利亚太区首席经济学家,现年46岁的谢国忠(AndyXie)在中国的声名日益显赫。许多同行都认为他是一个不错的经济学人。在过去的10年中,谢一直被基金经理客户评选为亚洲排名第一的分析师;在内地公认的比较理性的经济学人中,他也是排在前列的。“我们是一个独立的研究部门,我一直在为基金经理们提供各式各样的研究报告,为他们投资行为提供参考。我不太想多谈自已,如果谈一些看法是可以的。”在接受《中国新时代》记者专访时,刚从国外度假归来的谢国忠如此表示。他的注意力更多的是集中在了对全球经济运行的观察、思考与预见上,他以…  相似文献   

在这个夏日的傍晚,驱车驶入世界第一大球会观澜湖球会,在郁郁葱葱的林木之间,白墙灰瓦的休闲建筑风格会所,由蜿蜒的球道和青翠的果蛉环抱其中。步入其问,不经常之时竟可邂逅某位久仰的名流,或是熟悉的高尔夫巨星;在中西美食琳琅满目的餐厅享受美食,或在恬静优雅的SPA中心开始一段放逐身心之旅,或在青山绿水环绕的乡村俱乐部感受孩子们灿烂的笑容……置身于这个闻名遇迩的著名球会,你不禁会有几分恍惚,到底自己来到是一个高尔夫球会,还是如爱丽丝一般,闯进了超乎想象的神奇仙境?  相似文献   

Sir Alfred Sherman, distinguished journalist and founder of the Centre for Policy Studies, defines and attacks further 'weasel words'.  相似文献   

案例一 兰精纤维借SAP Business One实现全球同步" 通过使用SAP Business One来管理我们业务的整个流程,从采购、库存、进口到销售,及与所有业务相关的财务和税金管理.在很短的时间里,新的系统已经成为我们日常工作不可缺少的一部分.  相似文献   

A recently published meta-analysis of the impact of strategic planning on financial performance omitted a major study of corporate planning practice in Fortune 500 manufacturing firms. This article briefly reviews that study in light of the results of the meta-analysis. Additional analysis examines performance and firm survival over a longer time period than in the original work. the overall conclusion is that a small but positive relationship between strategic planning and performance exists, and persists.  相似文献   

Guerra and Sancho (2011) Guerra, A.-I. and Sancho, F. 2011. Revisiting the Original Ghosh Model: Can It Be Made More Plausible?. Economic Systems Research, 23: 319328. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] argue that adding a supply-driven consumption function to the Ghosh model diminishes its implausibility in the case of centrally planned economies. Extending the Leontief model with a demand-driven consumption function does make that model more realistic. Extending the Ghosh model, however, makes it even more implausible in the case of a market economy, while it becomes even more problematic as a guide for a centrally planned economy. The prime reason is that complementarities between inputs are negated, not only for firms, but now also for households. Consequently, industry and aggregate output may now increase, while corresponding value added decreases, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Lord Layard recently suggested in a series of lectures at the LSE that economists should be concerned with developing policies to maximise human happiness. His bold resurrection of the Benthamite school invites the most forceful criticism that can be levelled against naïve utilitarianism.  相似文献   

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