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[目的]探寻农户参与农地整治项目规划设计阶段的参与程度及其影响因素,以期为促进农户有效参与农地整治项目规划设计提供借鉴.[方法]文章通过构建农户和地方政府的完全信息动态合作博弈模型,基于有序Probit模型,对农地整治项目规划设计阶段的农户参与度及其影响因素进行分析.[结果]户主年龄、户主受教育水平在<0.05的水平上是显著的,且回归系数为正;农业收入占家庭总收入的比重、家庭人均耕地面积、地块面积以及地块数量等4个因素中仅有农业收入占家庭总收入的比重表现出对参与意愿的显著影响,以1%的显著性水平通过检验,且回归系数为正;农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度对农户参与程度具有正向影响,其影响程度在1%的显著水平上是显著的,说明农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度会显著影响农户的参与程度;农村是否成立农村合作组织和地方政府部门鼓励农户参与农地整治项目的程度等因素对农户的参与意愿具有显著的正向影响, 2个因素均以1%的显著水平通过检验,说明成立农村合作组织能有效促进农户参与规划设计阶段的程度.[结论]农户参与农地整治规划设计阶段的参与程度普遍较低,主要与户主年龄、户主受教育程度、农业收入占家庭总收入、农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度、村庄是否成立农民合作组织以及地方政府部门是否鼓励农户参与农地整治项目等因素呈显著正相关关系.  相似文献   

[目的]探寻农户参与农地整治项目规划设计阶段的参与程度及其影响因素,以期为促进农户有效参与农地整治项目规划设计提供借鉴。[方法]文章通过构建农户和地方政府的完全信息动态合作博弈模型,基于有序Probit模型,对农地整治项目规划设计阶段的农户参与度及其影响因素进行分析。[结果]户主年龄、户主受教育水平在0.05的水平上是显著的,且回归系数为正;农业收入占家庭总收入的比重、家庭人均耕地面积、地块面积以及地块数量等4个因素中仅有农业收入占家庭总收入的比重表现出对参与意愿的显著影响,以1%的显著性水平通过检验,且回归系数为正;农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度对农户参与程度具有正向影响,其影响程度在1%的显著水平上是显著的,说明农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度会显著影响农户的参与程度;农村是否成立农村合作组织和地方政府部门鼓励农户参与农地整治项目的程度等因素对农户的参与意愿具有显著的正向影响,2个因素均以1%的显著水平通过检验,说明成立农村合作组织能有效促进农户参与规划设计阶段的程度。[结论]农户参与农地整治规划设计阶段的参与程度普遍较低,主要与户主年龄、户主受教育程度、农业收入占家庭总收入、农户对已实施农地整治项目的满意程度、村庄是否成立农民合作组织以及地方政府部门是否鼓励农户参与农地整治项目等因素呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

[目的]针对生计多样化成为农村地区消除贫困的重要选择,对甘肃秦巴山区农户生计多样化及其影响因素进行研究,以期为提高农户生计的多样化水平的政策制定提供参考。[方法]文章通过运用参与式农村评价法对甘肃秦巴山区的385个村庄的1 200个农户进行实地调查的基础上,运用多层次模型,实证分析影响农户生计多样化的因素。[结果](1)甘肃秦巴山区农户生计多样化指数越高,农户的平均收入就越高;样本中有9. 25%农户只有一种收入来源,且近1/2农户的生计多样化指数在0. 1~0. 5,总体上生计多样化水平较低。(2)生计多样化指数的12. 35%变异是由农户居住村庄的外部环境导致的。在不引入村庄层面的变量时,发现外出务工情况、家庭收入情况、家庭对教育的重视情况、耕地状况、园地状况、固定资产状况、退耕还林(草)对生计多样化有显著影响。(3)引入村庄层面的变量后,发现村庄的高程对外出务工情况,耕地状况影响显著,村庄的收入状况对教育的重视状况的正影响显著,村庄距最近乡镇的距离对教育的重视状况、家庭收入状况的反作用影响显著。[结论]需要进一步加强对农村劳动力种植养殖技能的培训;加大对农业生产、农产品加工的资金与税收、金融政策等支持;继续实施退耕还林(草)工程,加快生态移民进程等促进生计多样化水平提高的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着农村经济水平的提高、农业现代化进程的推进,农村金融需求不断增加,其中尤以农户信贷资金需求的增加最为明显。而农户作为农村经济活动的基本单位,他们的信贷需求是否得到满足直接影响到农村金融对农村经济的支持效果。为了解农村信贷需求现状及其影响因素,文章以农户为受访主体设计了调查问卷,得到山东省17个地市农户信贷供需状况的调查问卷数据,并对农户信贷的需求现状进行了统计分析。在此基础上,构建了二元Logistic模型,对影响农户信贷需求的内部因素以及外部因素进行了实证分析,得到结论:内部影响因素方面,家庭人口规模、劳动力人数、农户家庭收入水平、户主文化程度、收入来源、对金融机构的了解程度以及以往的借贷经验对农户的信贷需求有显著影响;外部影响因素中,金融机构对贷款申请人的资格条件限定、贷款利率水平和贷款额度对农户的信贷需求有显著影响。最后,根据实证分析结果提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用湖北省209户农村家庭的入户访谈调查数据,首先运用Probit模型分析影响农户消费行为的主要因素,然后运用分位数回归模型分析不同消费阶层农户消费行为的差异性。研究发现,家庭消费决策者性别和年龄会影响家庭消费水平;风险偏好型的决策者倾向于增加即期消费而非预防性储蓄;家庭抚养子女和赡养老人数量会显著增加高消费农户的家庭支出,而这一因素对低消费农户家庭支出无显著影响;家庭收入水平对家庭消费的影响最大,不同收入水平的家庭存在显著的消费异质性;收入预期对所有消费阶层的农户消费行为均产生了显著影响;农村养老保险和合作医疗保险制度还没有在高消费和低消费阶层中产生显著的消费引致效应;支付养老保险金不会影响高消费农户的消费水平,但却在低消费农户中产生了显著的消费挤出效应。  相似文献   

本文采用河南省农村住户问卷调查资料,分析了农村劳动力进城务工选择与农户家庭收入的关系,结果显示:家庭劳动力进城务工显著影响着农户家庭人均纯收入,保持其他因素不变,有劳动力进城务工的家庭比没有劳动力进城务工的家庭人均纯收入增加306.23元。同时,该研究结果也验证了:户主受教育水平与家庭人均纯收入之间呈显著的正相关关系;家庭劳动力数量仅在10%的水平上显著增加家庭人均纯收入。  相似文献   

污染企业周边农户作为农村环境治理的相关利益主体之一,其环保支付意愿对当地的环境保护状况有重要影响。本文利用对苏皖两省336户农户的调查数据,基于条件价值评估法和Logit-ISM模型,分析了污染企业周边农户的环保支付意愿及支付水平,探讨了农户环保支付意愿的内在发生机制。结果表明:第一,苏皖两地中有66.37%的农户有环保支付意愿,这些农户在环保方面的平均意愿支付水平为209.58元/年。第二,受教育程度、家庭年收入、对环境污染的担忧程度以及亲戚朋友是否有环保支付意愿对农户的环保支付意愿有显著的正向影响;农户距离污染企业的公里数和对现在生活的满意程度对农户的环保支付意愿有显著的负向影响。第三,前述6个因素中,农户距离污染企业的公里数、受访者受教育程度以及亲戚朋友是否有环保支付意愿是农户形成环保支付意愿的深层根源因素,这些深层根源因素通过影响家庭年收入和农户对环境污染的担忧程度,进而影响农户对现在生活的满意程度这一农户形成环保支付意愿的直接驱动因素。  相似文献   

本文基于对169户农户的实地调研数据,分析了相关因素对农户参与农民专业合作组织的影响,并利用Probit模型实证研究了各相关因素对我国农户参与意愿的具体影响.研究表明:农产品的价格波动程度、户主文化程度、户主年龄、家庭主要农产品商品化程度、主要农产品销售半径对农户参与农民专业合作组织意愿的影响显著;家庭人口规模、户主性别、农产品类型、主导农产品收入占家庭总收入的比重、家庭耕地面积、农产品生产经营面临的困难程度对农户参与意愿的影响不显著.影响农户参与意愿的诸多因素中,一些因素对农户参与意愿的影响机理相对复杂.  相似文献   

以Probit、Tobit回归模型为主要工具,利用浙江省236户农户调查数据,实证分析了农户扩大经济林种植规模意愿及规模水平的影响因素。研究结果表明:户主年龄、受教育程度、家庭人口数、是否参与标准化项目以及对经济林发展前景判断对农户扩大经济林种植规模意愿及规模水平有显著影响;而经济发展水平只对农户扩大经济林种植规模意愿有显著影响,家庭人均收入和家庭非农收入占比只对农户扩大经济林种植规模水平有显著影响。最后,提出相应的对策建议:加大经济林宣传力度,提高农户种植积极性;完善补贴政策,保障经济林的持续经营;加强经济林质量监督,提高农户经济林收入。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,以及电脑在农村的普及,互联网逐渐成为农户获取信息的一条重要途径.笔者通过利用Probit回归模型对北京市京郊两个农村的调查数据进行定量分析,发现农户的计算机熟练程度、性别和家庭人均年纯收入对农户互联网信息利用产生显著影响,但仍然不能忽视一些农户自身、家庭及农村社区方面的因素.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown conceptually that assets form a more robust basis for identifying the poor than do flow variables like expenditures or income. Asset‐based poverty classification can be used to distinguish structural from stochastic poverty and can enable projection of poverty dynamics through time. Nonetheless, little work has empirically compared poverty measurement based on assets and expenditures to indicate the practical implications of the choice of poverty measure. This article uses panel data (between 1994 and 2004) from Ethiopia to generate asset‐ and expenditures‐based poverty classifications. Asset dynamics are then explored to test for the existence of multiple asset index equilibria that could constitute evidence of poverty traps. Results provide evidence of multiple equilibria and show that the asset‐based poverty classifications predict future asset and expenditures poverty status more accurately than expenditures‐based measures. The findings confirm that the asset‐based measure could be used to more carefully target poverty interventions.  相似文献   

Spikes in international food prices in 2007–2008 worsened poverty incidence in Indonesia, both rural and urban, but only by small amounts. The paper reaches this conclusion using a multisectoral and multihousehold general equilibrium model of the Indonesian economy. The negative effect on poor consumers, operating through their living costs, outweighed the positive effect on poor farmers, operating through their incomes. Indonesia's post‐2004 rice import restrictions shielded its internal rice market from the temporary world price increases, muting the increase in poverty. But it did this only by imposing large and permanent increases in both domestic rice prices and poverty incidence. Poverty incidence increased more among rural than urban people, even though higher agricultural prices mean higher incomes for many of the rural poor. Gains to poor farmers were outweighed by the losses incurred by the large number of rural poor who are net buyers of food, and the fact that food represents a large share of their total budgets, even larger on average than for the urban poor. The main beneficiaries of higher food prices are not the rural poor, but the owners of agricultural land and capital, many of whom are urban based.  相似文献   

The main focus of this article is to explore whether access to selected agricultural water management (AWM) technologies has led to significant reduction in poverty and, if they did so, to identify which technologies had higher impacts. In measuring impact we estimated the average treatment effect for the treated on crop income and measured the differences in consumption expenditures per adult equivalent of those with access and without access using matched data. The estimated average treatment effect was significant and amounted to USD 82 per season. Moreover, there was 24 less poverty incidence among users of AWM technologies compared to nonusers. All technologies were found to have significant poverty reducing impacts with micro dams, deep wells, river diversions, and ponds leading to 37%, 26%, 11%, and 9% reduction in poverty incidence compared to rainfed system. Finally, our study identified the most important correlates of poverty on the basis this we made the policy recommendations to build assets (AWM technologies, livestock, etc); to enhance human resource development and improve the functioning of labor markets for enhanced impact of AWM technologies on poverty.  相似文献   

Building upon the cost of basic needs (CBN) approach, an integrated approach to making consumption-based poverty comparisons is presented. This approach contains two principal modifications to the standard CBN approach. The first permits the development of multiple poverty bundles that are utility consistent. The second recognizes that the poverty line itself is a random variable whose variation influences the degree of confidence in poverty measures. We illustrate the empirical importance of these two methodological changes for the case of Mozambique. With utility consistency imposed, estimated poverty rates tend to be systematically higher in rural areas and lower in urban areas. We also find that the true confidence intervals on the poverty estimates—those incorporating poverty line variance—tend to be considerably larger than those that ignore poverty line variance. Finally, we show that these two methodological changes interact. Specifically, we find that imposing utility consistency on poverty bundles tends to tighten confidence intervals, sometimes dramatically, on provincial poverty estimates. We conclude that this revised approach represents an important advance in poverty analysis. The revised approach is straightforward and directly applicable in empirical work.  相似文献   

The study estimates the impacts of rising world food prices on poverty in rural and urban areas of Pakistan. Household income and expenditure data for 2004/2005 is used to estimate compensated and uncompensated price and expenditure elasticities using the linear approximation of the almost ideal demand system. Taking the unexpected component of higher domestic food prices in 2007/2008, own and cross price compensated elasticities are used to derive the changes in the quantity consumed, food expenditure and impacts on poverty assuming the food crisis happened in 2004/2005. The results indicate that poverty increased by 34.8%, severely affecting the urban areas where poverty increased by 44.6% as compared to 32.5% in rural areas. The estimates show that 2.3 million people are unable to reach even one‐half of poverty line expenditures while another 13.7 million are just below and 23.9 million are just above the poverty line. In the short run, it is important to ensure food availability to these people. In the long run, the policy environment of subsidizing urban food consumers by keeping wheat prices lower than the international price, needs to be reconsidered to provide the right incentives to increase food availability.  相似文献   

Rural poverty dynamics: development policy implications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We evaluate the impact of the rise in food prices during 2006–2008 on the poverty and extreme poverty rates in Mexico. We concentrate on the poor's consumption of staple foods, and analyze the change in their consumption brought about by changed prices. We also allow households receiving income from the farming and livestock sector to benefit from increases in prices of food products. We find a modest increase in poverty using 2006–2007 prices; however, there is a daunting effect on the poor once the 2008 prices are taken into account. After considering the positive effects of public policies announced in 2008, such as reduced taxes and tariffs on food products and greater subsidies to the extremely poor, the poverty rate measured through consumption increases from 25% to 33.5%, and the extreme poverty rate from 10.58% to 15.95%, given the increase in food prices. Further analysis using the theory of optimal taxes suggests policies oriented towards relieving the food price pressure on the Mexican poor should aim at lowering the prices of eggs, vegetable oil, milk, and chicken.  相似文献   

Impact of global cotton markets on rural poverty in Benin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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