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Measuring citizens’ political knowledge is important for understanding public opinion formation. In view of the increasing popularity of Web surveys, this paper examines the limitations of this interviewing facility when measuring factual political knowledge. We show that Web surveys contain a source of measurement error as respondents can “Google” the correct answers. This cheating activity is our principal concern. Past efforts are extended by: (1) offering a self-reported estimate of the share of Googling cheaters, (2) showing that the positive effect of education on factual political knowledge is most probably underestimated when cheating occurs, and (3) showing that self-reported cheating activity is inversely related to actual response time. In the concluding section, we discuss the implications of these results and the extent to which cheating can be reduced. The empirical analyses are based on a Danish Web sample from 2012 (N \(=\) 1,509).  相似文献   

This article focuses on assessing item comparability in cross-national surveys by asking probing questions in Web surveys. The “civil disobedience” item from the “rights in a democracy” scale of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) serves as a substantive case study. Identical Web surveys were fielded in Canada (English-speaking), Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Spain, and the U.S. A category-selection and a comprehension probe, respectively, were incorporated into the Web surveys after the closed-ended “civil disobedience” item. Responses to the category selection-probe reveal that notably in Germany, Hungary, and Spain the detachment of politicians from the people and their lack of responsiveness is deplored. Responses to the comprehension probe show that mainly in the U.S. and Canada violence and/or destruction are associated with civil disobedience. These results suggest reasons for the peculiar statistical results found for the “civil disobedience” item in the ISSP study. On the whole, Web probing proves to be a valuable tool for identifying interpretation differences and potential bias in cross-national survey research.  相似文献   

Quality in health care has traditionally been dominated by medical profession, where patients’ opinions were labelled as lay evaluation. Patients’ views and opinions are important because they give us an insight into dimensions of quality that are not evaluated by medical profession and often seem to be more important. In health care quantitative methodology is often used to address these quality dimensions and introduce patients’ views and opinions. There are various benefits using quantitative research instruments, such as a detailed analysis of the importance of various quality dimensions for patients and an analysis of factors influencing patients’ satisfaction. On the other hand serious deficiencies can be tackled too, that are usually dealt with qualitative research instruments, because they go deeper into people’s motives and feelings. However, health care service is specific—it is very important to patients (health is one of the most important values), but their participation in health care service is rather low. They also don’t always say and do what they mean. In such a context combination of quantitative and qualitative research instrument does not give satisfactory answers. The importance of complaints is stressed and rewards for taking them seriously and acting upon them is discussed.  相似文献   

Research in the human and behavioral sciences has long been burdened by a methodological distinction between two categories of research: that which measures and produces facts and that which understands and interprets phenomena. However all interpretation of numbers requires that results be viewed in relative terms and there are no other means for this than comparison. The Z-scoring method, that is to say standardization, in web survey ZEF, emphasizes relative traits of survey answering. Questions in ZEF are illustrated in graphical two-dimensional chart where respondents are able to compare their answers at the moment of answering process. This trait of answering emphasizes the relationship of questions more than an absolute values on the scales of two dimensions. The Z-scoring method that is used in ZEF for handle results is based for same assumption: The respondents are compared questions and are formulated their answers through comparison. The significance of differences between groups cannot be measured directly: in some content areas, even small differences may be important, while in others changes of even several per cent are not significant. Standardization makes visible how different respondents and groups value things, that is, construct an order for them, using the dimensions given.  相似文献   

Most analyses of the effect of incentives on response rates have attempted to extrapolate to the Internet the already existing broad knowledge base of methodologies for personal surveys by telephone and post. However, such knowledge about existing methods is not directly applicable to the Internet-based interviews. This study therefore examines the manner in which different combinations of incentives can affect response to a survey over the Internet. With such a purpose incentives have been chosen based on draws that has been administered under the pre-incentives philosophy (giving the possibility to participate in a draw, independently that the questionnaire was stuffed or not) or post-incentives (giving the possibility to participate in a draw only those that stuffed the questionnaire). A surprising result is that the joint use of pre-incentives and post-incentives slightly improves response rates, although it also causes rates to be considerably lower than when these incentives are used separately.  相似文献   

In this study a psychometric comparison is made between a category rating scale with fixed anchors and a self-anchoring category rating scale where respondents themselves define the end anchors by referring to their personal experiences with the construct being measured. A student-satisfaction questionnaire was administered to 301 undergraduate students on two test moments separated by a 1-month period. Both types of category rating scales were crossed with both test moments according to a 2 ×  2 mixed factorial design. Our results show that respondents perceive the construct being measured in the same way with both rating scales. A comparison concerning different indicators of reliability, i.e. test–retest reliability, internal consistency and the error variances associated with each item, also failed to find a difference between both rating scales. In a last analysis it is demonstrated that using a self-anchoring rating scale or a rating scale with fixed anchors has a small but significant effect on the ratings of the respondents. In conclusion, a self anchoring scale may be the scale of choice if additional qualitative information from the anchors is warranted, but when quantitative comparisons between groups are required, rating scales with fixed anchors are preferable thanks to their ease of use.  相似文献   

The scales used in schools for the purpose of student assessment are ordinal. The average of ordinal values is often used for the evaluation and comparison of overall student performance. We demonstrate a theorem for the selection of scales invariant with respect to rank of average and compare scales according to this property. A uniformity criterion is also defined for the choice of the scale on which to calculate the average. Concatenated sets of grades from scales not belonging to the same category may bring about errors of rank and absurd averaging, which may have a heavy impact on related decision-making processes.  相似文献   

任何行业的竞争的规则都包括五种竞争力量内,这五种竞争力量就是企业间的竞争、潜在新竞争者的进入、潜在替代品的开发、供应商的议价能力、购买者的议价能力。这五种竞争力量决定了企业的赢利能力和水平。对五种竞争力量的讨论,有利于企业认清所处的行业环境,但五种竞争力量模型对行业新入者不具有实际操作意义,同时对企业理念引入突破"企业黑箱"有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

文章在探讨博客及博客营销概念的基础上,分析了博客在应用于中小企业营销过程中带来的优势,并提出中小企业在网络营销中如何开展博客营销的方法。  相似文献   

We focus on snapshot surveying of sub-populations whose members are in a temporary state and where one of the questions asked is the elapsed time already spent in that state. From these answers we develop probabilistic and statistical procedures to estimate the distribution of total time that will eventually be spent in that state by any random individual who enters the state. The method relies on a selection bias often found in temporal sampling, sometimes called “random incidence” or “longevity bias.” We develop results for several types of sampling, including random and fixed times of surveying, random and fixed times of entering the state, and sampling only those who have already spent some minimal specified time in the targeted state. An example with post-doc data is included to demonstrate the steps.  相似文献   

Qualitative expectational data from business surveys are widely used to construct forecasts. However, based typically on evaluation at the macroeconomic level, doubts persist about the utility of these data. This paper evaluates the ability of the underlying firm-level expectations to anticipate subsequent outcomes. Importantly, this evaluation is not hampered by only having access to qualitative outcome data obtained from subsequent business surveys. Quantitative outcome data are also exploited. This required access to a unique panel dataset which matches firms’ responses from the qualitative business survey with the same firms’ quantitative replies to a different survey carried out by the national statistical office. Nonparametric tests then reveal an apparent paradox. Despite evidence that the qualitative and quantitative outcome data are related, we find that the expectational data offer rational forecasts of the qualitative but not the quantitative outcomes. We discuss the role of “discretisation” errors and the loss function in explaining this paradox.  相似文献   

The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress, which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end‐of‐pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the basis of case studies and firm data including a telephone survey from German industry. The main result is that the transition from end‐of‐pipe technologies to cleaner production leads to a net creation of jobs, which is however restricted to a only small number of firms and to the group of highly skilled labour. Eco‐innovations, like other innovations, are non‐neutral. The demand for skilled and highly skilled labour rises while the demand for unskilled labour decreases. Synergies between environmental, labour market and innovation policy are apparent but they are however small and specific. The exploitation of these synergies requires the design of specific policy programmes differentiating between types of eco‐innovation. The promotion of product‐integrated environmental measures should be more successful if new products complement older ones, while process‐integrated environmental measures should be more successful if consumers' demand is more price elastic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

We present findings from a study of employee participation in seven International NGOs (INGOs) operating in Kenya. The inherent constraints of hierarchy and the need to accommodate a range of stakeholder interests imposed a strict ceiling on the degree of participation even in this propitious environment. Being headquartered in a liberal market economy, the low salience of trade unions among Kenyan employees and/or individual management styles within the INGOs meant that some of the agencies fell short even of that ceiling. Contrary to the normative aspirations of both the HR and international development literatures, our study suggests that the co-determination and employee control styles of participation are undesirable and unrealistic goals. On the other hand, a consultation style of participation was appropriate to the seven INGOs, and may also be in other sectors and countries.  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s national and international pressures re-emerged on organisations to take responsibility for the environmental externalities created by industrial activities. With the Brundtland Report (1987) strong support for the principle of sustainable development in the protection of the natural environment emerged. This instigated organisations to engage in the development of environmental policies, incorporation of environmental strategies in product development, assessment of environmental impact of products and production activities, and increased green advertising. In spite of promising industrial environmental activities, a recent Swedish study (Arnfalk and Thidell, 1992) shows that the dominant force for environmental efforts remains legislation - or threats thereof - rather than integration of environmental criteria in designing and developing product- and production systems. To understand the limited response to environmental challenges we explored the sources of inertia in relation to environmental change activities in industrial networks (i) theoretically through a review of inter-organisational literature on industrial networks and change, and institutional approaches to organisation; and (ii) empirically through some insights from three case studies of the mobilisation and coordination activities in industrial networks involved in substituting the use of Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs, in refrigerators, and in the production processes of flexible foam and circuit boards. The theoretical review suggests that organisations are embedded in dependency relationships with other organisations that will restrict the material resources and social relations any given actor has to its relevant environment and, hence, influence possible actions and outcomes of environmental change. Product, production, and administrative systems are highly coordinated and adapted to each other which places considerable limitations on the willingness and ability of network actors and systems, to change. The empirical studies show interdependencies and inertia in the technological as well as the relational systems. Evidence of the internalising of environmental problems into individual or network behaviour was not found. Instead, when forced to change, actors cooperated to find solutions within established relationships that did not alter existing products and production systems. On the firm and network levels of observation the pattern of response that emerged during the change processes was the diffusion of solutions, not by strategic design, but through overlapping and interlocked network relations, i.e., through processes of institutionalisation. Our study suggests that the re-orientation processes towards environmental sustainability in a firm can best be understood in the context of structures and processes on the network rather than on the organisational level.  相似文献   

文章介绍了ASP技术及ASP与ADO结合起来连接、访问数据库的方法,讨论了ASP环境下电子商务网站的设计及实现问题。  相似文献   

This article reports a meta-analysis of 45 studies that explicitly compare the response obtained using a mail, telephone or face-to-face survey. The data analysis uses a generalized hierarchical linear model. Sampling procedure (e.g., local convenience sample, random general sample), saliency of topic, and research organization (university, government versus market research) had an effect on the response. On the average, the face-to-face condition achieved the highest completion rate (70.3%), the telephone survey the next highest (67.2%), and the mail survey the lowest (61.3%). There is a significant interaction with the year of publication: The response to face-to-face and telephone surveys is going down in the period covered by this analysis (1947 to 1992), but the response to mail surveys is going up slightly. We attribute this to the large amount of research on nonresponse problems with mail surveys, and recommend more research and development in this direction for face-to-face and telephone methods.  相似文献   

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