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For the first time in the history of central banks, the Federal Reserve has been pursuing monetary policies which allow shadow banks to access its reserves. The paper examines these policies in an analysis based on the concept of security structure. The aim is to facilitate a better understanding of complex institutional arrangements which convert credit claims into money or enable them to simulate the money-form. As the financial crisis reached its peak in September 2008, the Fed was not able to contain the impact precisely because the security structure existing between banks and the Fed did not extend to the shadow banking system, which had meanwhile become thebackbone of the global financial system. To address this situation, the Fed initiated new security structures that were designed to also give players in the shadow banking system access to liquidity and collateral. The concept ‘security structure’ serves as an analytical tool to explore dynamic forms of safety and liquidity generation and to distinguish between credit expansion and money creation. It also helps to differentiate between three qualitatively different stages of security: central bank money, quasi-money and shadow money. In this way, it foregrounds the politics of (shadow) money creation.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机之后,监测与防范系统性金融风险、维护金融稳定成为各国监管机构的工作重点。本文构建了一个反映我国系统性金融风险的中国金融压力指数(FSIC)。基于此,本文研究不同所有制结构的商业银行将如何调整影子银行业务以应对系统性金融风险。实证结果表明,当金融压力上升时,相较于国有银行,非国有银行的风险承担水平显著上升。进一步研究发现,这一差异与两类银行对影子银行这一风险业务的调整有关。当金融压力上升时,国有银行会显著减少影子银行业务,而非国有银行的影子银行业务不会减少。本文提出了国有银行的双重职能这一观点来解释实证研究的发现。本文的研究结论对于指导我国金融市场化改革和防范系统性金融风险具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role the shadow banking system played in the financial crisis of 2007–9. Engaging with emergent theories of shadow banking, I inquire into its structural role in contemporary capitalism. My main premise here is that the crisis of 2007–9 is distinct in financial history because it did not centre on any organised market. Rather, it was crisis of the overcrowded financial channels bridging the present and the future, which have become congested because of the massive concentration of financial values generated, yet not sustained, through the shadow banking network. My analysis suggests that shadow banking has determined the nature of financial crisis of 2007–9 and continues to play a necessary role in financial capitalism based on futurity. Drawing on scholarship in financial Keynesianism, contemporary legal studies and early evolutionary political economy, I argue that shadow banking is best seen as the organic institutional infrastructure of financialised capitalism based on debt and geared towards futurity, a concept originally developed by John Commons.  相似文献   

The rapid rise of shadow banking activities in China since 2009 has attracted a great deal of attention in both academia and policy circles. Most existing studies and commentary on China's shadow banking have treated it as a recent phenomenon that appeared after the Global Financial Crisis and China's response to it. In this paper, I argue that shadow banking is not a new phenomenon; it has always been a part of China's financial system since the 1980s, and arose from the need to get around various lending restrictions imposed by the central government on banks. I also emphasize that there are two types of shadow banking activities, those initiated by banks and those initiated by local governments or state-owned enterprises. I provide evidence suggesting that the shadow banking activities initiated by banks prior to 1996 helped directing credits to the more productive non-state sector and were efficiency enhancing. In recent years, however, I find that the shadow banking loans have a positive effect on real estate investments only, and their effects on investments by private firms outside the real estate sector have been negative.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the factors that drive securitization in China using a panel dataset drawn from the financial statements of 83 commercial banks. Given the unique banking and regulatory environment in China, we consider both conventional motivations for securitization and the role of nontraditional factors, including shadow banking. Across a variety of econometric specifications, there is little evidence that banks securitize for typical reasons, including to fund liquidity, transfer credit risk, or reduce regulatory capital. We do find, however, that as banks approach limits on loan to deposit ratios, subsequent securitization activities rise. In addition, robust evidence is presented to show that high levels of nontraditional banking activities precede a decision to securitize. As there is little evidence to suggest that shadow banking activities are receding, the overall findings indicate that banks may be using securitization to mitigate regulatory risk.  相似文献   

影子银行体系的信用创造:机制、效应和应对思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周莉萍 《金融评论》2011,(4):37-53,124
本文从金融功能视角,将影子银行体系的范畴界定在发挥了类似于商业银行存款、贷款、结算等功能的三大类非银行金融机构。在此前提下,从金融机构和金融产品视角,重点剖析了前两类金融机构的信用创造机制。同时,提出影子银行体系的信用创造机制对商业银行具有有限替代效应,并在货币市场上产生外部溢出效应。即流动性之谜。最后,基于影子银行体系信用创造机制缺陷,提出从抵押品管理角度入手。在金融市场中建立证券最后贷款人,以规避影子银行体系信用扩张的风险。  相似文献   

学术界普遍认为影子银行脱缰似的发展助推并加剧了2008年的全球金融危机。后金融危机时代,我国的监管机构越发重视影子银行的风险防范问题。首先对我国的影子银行进行界定,继而从融资方的需求、投资方的供给以及投融资中介的配合三方面分析了我国影子银行兴起之表面原因,进而在探讨其隐藏的流动性风险、信息不对称风险以及系统性违约风险的基础上,指出影子银行兴起之深层次原因在于我国金融抑制环境下的利率管制以及当下"一行三会"的分业监管模式对金融创新存在监管真空等金融体制方面的弊端,最后提出为防范影子银行的风险,当前我国的金融体制改革的举措主要是完善金融监管体制、推进利率市场化改革,健全信息披露制度,加快社会信用体系的建设。  相似文献   

Our objective is to investigate empirically the behavior of foreign banks with respect to real loan growth during periods of financial crisis for a set of countries in which foreign banks dominate the banking sectors due primarily to having taken over large existing former state-owned banks. The eight countries are among the most developed in emerging Europe, their banking sectors having been modernized by the middle of the last decade. We consider a data period that includes an initial credit boom (2005 – 2007) followed by the global financial crisis (2008 & 2009) and the onset of the Eurozone crisis (2010). Our two innovations with respect to the existing literature on banking during the financial crisis are to separate foreign banks into two categories, namely, subsidiaries of the Big 6 European multinational banks (MNBs) and all other foreign-controlled banks, and to take account of the impact of exchange rates during the period. Our results show that bank lending was impacted adversely by both crises but that the two types of foreign banks behaved differently. The Big 6 banks remained committed to the region in that their lending behavior was not different from that of domestic banks supporting the notion that these countries are treated as a “second home market” by these European MNBs. Contrariwise, the other foreign banks active in the region were involved in fueling the credit boom but then decreased their lending aggressively during the crisis periods. Our results also indicate that bank behavior in countries having flexible exchange rate regimes differs from that in those in (or effectively in) the Eurozone. Our results suggest that both innovations matter for studying bank behavior during crisis periods in the region and, by extension, to other small countries in which banking sectors are dominated by foreign financial institutions having different business models.  相似文献   

Portugal’s current financial crisis might be related to a banking crisis resulting from joining the Euro. The new-currency eliminated the exchange rate risk, but not the credit or liquidity risks within the Euroarea. However, Portuguese banks acted as if all of these risks had disappeared. They began pumping money in Portugal, by borrowing intensively in Euros abroad at low interest rates. The ensuing liquidity generated a capital-flow bonanza boom that culminated in a bust phase. Private and sovereign debt dramatically increased, which further soared when the government rescued banks. Portugal was then compelled to take extreme measures to address extraordinary debt-levels.  相似文献   

吴晗  贾润崧 《财经研究》2016,(12):108-118
当前中国经济已进入新常态,着力推进供给侧结构性改革是未来我国经济工作的主要内容。在此背景下,作为我国金融部门主体的银行业应如何支持实体经济的供给侧改革,真正实现提高金融服务实体经济效率的问题值得关注。文章利用我国工业企业数据探讨银行业结构如何推动行业全要素生产率的增长,研究结果表明:中小银行的发展可以改善信贷配置结构进而有效地降低行业资源的错配程度,提高行业生产率。中小银行的发展不仅可以提高“僵尸企业”的生存风险,迫使其退出市场,还可以缓解高效率企业生产扩张所面临的融资约束,促进高效率企业成长。因此,银行业结构的优化有利于信贷资源的优化配置,对化解“僵尸企业”难题、推动供给侧结构性改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2007年美国次贷危机的爆发使美国金融界受到了一次极大的震荡,甚至可以说是行业“洗牌”,许多银行和投资银行都受到影响。我国商业银行在房贷业务上也有同美国住宅抵押贷款业务同样的风险,如信用风险突出、放贷机构低估住房抵押贷款风险等。因此,我们应吸取此次危机的教训,金融机构应增强审慎经营管理的意识,加强风险管理,加快住房抵押贷款证券化进程。  相似文献   

We examine whether shocks to leveraged creditors with cross border holdings have an incidence on debtor countries׳ risk of suffering financial turmoil. We construct a new proxy of shocks to international banks׳ balance-sheets using credit ratings and the structure of their international assets. This allows us investigating the effect of (foreign) bank balance-sheet shocks on domestic financial turmoil in a large sample of 146 developed and emerging economies from 1984 to 2011. Our proxies of shocks towards bank balance-sheets are strong predictors of systemic banking crises in their debtor countries. Confirming these results, bilateral bank flows significantly decrease when creditor banks׳ assets are hit by negative shocks, as measured by credit rating downgrades from third-party countries. Short-term liabilities towards global banks appear to increase roll-over and funding risks, thereby amplifying the impact of shocks to foreign lenders’ balance-sheets. Domestic banking sectors vulnerabilities, such as illiquid assets and a low deposit-asset ratio, are found to increase crisis contagion risk. In contrast, a high level of global liquidity attenuates the transmission of shocks to international banks׳ assets to debtor countries.  相似文献   

Using an autoregressive distributed lag model, this paper examines the factors that influence the credit risk of the Bulgarian banking system over the decade 2001–2010, as measured by non-performing loans. Recent papers aim to identify the determinants of non-performing loans using a cross-country modelling framework. As the South East European region (SEE) is non-homogeneous, our analysis is country-specific and captures the timeline between the bank privatisation era up to the global financial crisis and the ensuing Greek crisis. The contribution of our paper is twofold: it uses the ARDL modelling framework that is scarcely employed in related studies but also investigates spillover effects from the Greek crisis in view of the material presence of Greek banks in Bulgaria. In accordance with previous studies, the findings suggest that the credit risk determinants of Bulgarian banks should be sought endogenously in macroeconomic variables and industry-specific factors but also in exogenous factors. We evidence a pronounced role of the global financial crisis and the country’s bank regulatory framework. The Greek debt crisis appears to play an immaterial role indicating that Greek banks have not been a Trojan horse in the Bulgarian banking system.  相似文献   

不同的银行特征会对金融危机和货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道产生异质性影响。本文运用2001-2015年公司层面银行信贷数据实证检验了我国货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道,随后进一步研究金融危机对不同特征银行信贷供给的影响差异。经验研究发现:我国货币政策银行信贷渠道主要通过非国有控股银行传导,并引起不同资产负债表特征银行信贷供给的异质性反应。银行规模越大、流动性越强、资本充足率越高,银行信贷供给对货币政策越不敏感。金融危机期间,银行信贷渠道的传导效率显著降低,高资本充足水平的银行和国有控股银行受金融危机的冲击较小,并且宽松的货币政策对国有控股银行信贷供给调控的效率更高。  相似文献   

I describe how in the new paradigm of a Competitive, Efficient, and Frictionless Economy (CEFE), introduced in Falahati (2019), macroeconomic imbalances with fluctuating levels of liquidity emerge endogenously. This provides a solid foundation for studying Minsky’s views on financial instability in an economy with a banking and risk-underwriting system. I identify an inverse relationship between liquidity premia and risk premia, which leads to endogenous risk-premium rating cycles, including credit-risk-premium rating cycles, and macroeconomic swings. Ceteris paribus, lower liquidity increases the prices of contracts covering risks (e.g., credit default swaps), whist it decreases prices of all other assets. The opposite occurs with higher liquidity. I analyze operations of banks, risk-underwriters, and the State/Central Bank, and present a new theory of banking which improves current understandings. This theory explains how a banking system uses the floating capital of the economy more efficiently, while it also generates greater systemic risks, compared to an economy without banks. I show how the banking system can induce macroeconomic booms and busts and generate endogenous asset price bubbles and bursts. I highlight other systemic problems of the economy and derive their implications for improving the financial management of the economy and its institutions.  相似文献   

Bank structure, capital accumulation and growth: a simple macroeconomic model   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary. This paper analyzes the equilibrium growth paths of two economies that are identical in all respects, except for the organization of their financial systems: in particular, one has a competitive banking system and the other has a monopolistic banking system. In addition, the sources of inefficiencies, as a result of monopoly banking, and their relationship to the existence of credit rationing are explored. Monopoly in banking tends to depress the equilibrium law of motion for the capital stock for either of two reasons. When credit rationing exists, monopoly banks ration credit more heavily than competitive banks. When credit is not rationed, the existence of monopoly banking leads to excessive monitoring of credit financed investment. Both of these have adverse consequences for capital accumulation. In addition, monopoly banking is more likely to lead to credit rationing than is competitive banking. Finally, the scope for development trap phenomena to arise is considered under both a competitive and a monopolistic banking system. Received: September 20, 1999; revised version: December 3, 1999  相似文献   

本文借鉴银行危机发生机理,对比分析了当前我国经济运行状态和银行风险因素,对当前中国银行业面临的风险程度进行了深入分析判断。本文认为,中国未来一段时间爆发系统性银行危机的可能性不大,但当前确实存在一些深度的风险因素,需要中国银行业引起重视与关注并采取措施积极应对,并针对性的提出了一些措施建议。  相似文献   

The 2008–2009 global financial crisis disrupted the provision of credit in Latin America less than in previous crises. This paper tests whether specific characteristics at both the bank and country levels at the onset of the global crisis contributed to the behavior of real credit growth in this region during the crisis. As shown, financial soundness characteristics of Latin American banks, such as capitalization, liquidity, and bank efficiency in the pre‐crisis period, played a role in explaining the dynamics of real credit during the crisis. We also found that foreign banks and banks that had expanded credit growth more before the crisis were also those that cut credit the most. Among country‐specific characteristics, we found evidence that balance sheet measures such as the economy's overall currency mismatches and external debt ratios (measuring either total debt or short‐term debt) were key variables in explaining credit growth resilience.  相似文献   

The deregulation of the financial markets and their progressive globalization has favoured the internationalization of banking. Moreover, during the international financial crisis, the presence of foreign banks has increased in countries experiencing faster economic growth, such as Brazil. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the growth and profitability of the financial institutions in Brazil, taking into account the possible non-linearity of the relationship, the differences between Brazilian and foreign institutions and the effect of the crisis. Our results indicate that the entry of foreign institutions has a direct effect on the Brazilian banking industry.  相似文献   

由美国次贷危机引发的中国商业银行住房信贷风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国次贷危机所引发的国际金融危机愈演愈烈,加大了中国经济运行的不确定性。这进一步加大了中国商业银行住房信贷业务的风险。对此,中国商业银行应充分借鉴美国次贷危机的启示,加强中国商业银行个人信贷风险管理。  相似文献   

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