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名人代言在企业的产品广告中屡见不鲜,而且有些产品由于名人代言打开了市场,促进了产品销售.但是国内名人代言过于泛滥,对这一营销模式本身产生了稀释作用.本文从名人代言的现状及名人代言对企业的增值及减值方面进行了分析,以期对企业在名人代言的营销模式创新上有所帮助.  相似文献   

在营销活动中,好多企业争相聘请名人为其产品代言,但广告效果有时没有预期的那么好.本篇文章从正反两个方面对名人广告进行剖析,归纳出聘请名人代言产品时应注意的要点.  相似文献   

名人明星代言已是不少企业进行品牌营销的常用手段之一。通过名人明星代言,企业、产品或品牌能够迅速为消费者所知晓,从而有效提升品牌的影响力。我们通过对大量相关文献的研读后发现,名人代言领域的研究一般集中在名人代言的概念界定及名人代言人的特征等因素如何影响代言效果方面,而名人组合代言作为一种目前较为流行的新的品牌营销推广模式,相关研究并不多见。本文在对名人代言相关领域的经典文献进行研习的基础上,着重对作者近年来颇为关注的名人组合代言效应理论主题做一些有益的梳理,包括多品牌组合代言、多名人组合代言等方面,并对名人组合代言的研究主题、研究趋势等方面进行了必要的总结,以期给名人代言方面的相关理论研究提供新的视角和方向。  相似文献   

名人营销泛指借助于名人开展营销传播,实现营销目标的营销策略,包括名人广告和名人代言两种形式。名人营销策略的心理机制体现为眼球效应、模仿效应、移情效应和组合效应。名人营销策略的潜在风险包括:广告创意不当造成的喧宾夺主、名人和品牌个性不一致造成的传播混乱、名人代言产品过多造成的关联模糊、大额资金投入造成的经营风险、名人的贬值造成的不确定性风险。  相似文献   

在企业的品牌推广中,名人代言已经成为提升企业形象和扩大知名度的重要方式。然而,当名人代言中突发负面新闻时,会在一定程度上影响企业品牌形象,减弱消费者对品牌的忠诚度和认知度,最终使企业利益受损。对此,本课题在对国内外名人代言相关理论研究的基础上,以具有代表性的名人代言负面新闻事件××出轨事件为例,从消费者购买意向和认知度变化进行实证分析,探究名人代言期间的负面新闻事件对其产品及品牌形象的影响,并提出有针对性的营销建议。  相似文献   

名人广告,作为一种证言性广告,是通过消费者熟知喜爱的名人实证代言来传递商品信息,更容易被消费者认知、接收和引起购买行为。名人广告丰富了我国的市场经济活动,但存在名人代言虚假广告的现象。研究名人广告问题,引起社会对名人广告负面效应的深思,也能帮助企业名人广告策略的选择,对促进社会和谐发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>名人历来是舆论的中心,是制造新闻的“优质原料”。经名人代言,产品就逐渐在市场上畅销,继而成为消费者心目中的“名牌”。这就是名人效应。近年来,许多企业在产品营销时都喜欢重金请名人代言广告,名人赚钱企业出名,可谓“双赢”。但是,在大大小小的企业中,花费巨资请名人做广告失败的例子也屡见不鲜:拿假冒伪劣产品做违法广告“砸锅”的例子,一些企业因请名人代言欺诈消费者被依法查处;盲目投资广告宣传,最终被巨额费用拖垮。投资广告宣传时,中小企业要瞄准“轰炸点”,把握“时间段”。选对代言人和广告载体,切不可盲目迷信“名人效应”,花高价请名人代言换来的是投入与收益不成比例,甚至有时因产品质量不过关而引火烧身。  相似文献   

名人代言是企业塑造品牌的常用策略。本文多学科探讨了名人广告的原理,分析名人代言对品牌和企业的作用。对于企业选择合适的代言人具有现实的知道意义。  相似文献   

随着名人代言广告的热潮,西方的名人广告理论也开始为我国的广告理论研究者所引进,其中,Grant McGracken的意义迁移模型备受广告心理学界关注。文章在其意义迁移模型基础上,结合中国品牌聘请名人代言的现状,分析了影响意义迁移过程的诸多因素,并将其加入到原来模型中形成新的更为具体的意义迁移模型以期对企业和广告人有一定的启发。  相似文献   

名人代言虚假广告法律责任探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年名人代言虚假广告的事件屡有发生,给广告受众带来损害,而我国法律对于名人代言虚假广告追究法律责任没有明确规定。本文界定了名人代言广告中名人的法律地位,分析了名人代言虚假广告承担侵权补充责任的归责原则、承担侵权补充责任构成要件、承担侵权补充责任方式及承担责任的顺序,提出名人代言虚假广告应承担侵权补充责任。  相似文献   

Practitioners’ perspectives have been neglected to some extent. Research on practitioners’ perspectives is important because it will provide valuable information, especially on how theories have been reflected in practice. The study investigates Korean advertising practitioners’ perspectives on celebrity endorsement in advertising campaigns. By comparing the perspective between advertising practitioners and that from their counterparts on the client side, this study may provide insights into their respective roles in advertising campaigns. This study finding suggests that Korean advertising practitioners consider a celebrity's likeability as the most important criterion when selecting a celebrity endorser. The most important reason why they employ a celebrity endorser is that celebrity endorsement helps generate awareness of the brand. In addition, concerns over celebrity endorsement as well as limitations and suggestions for future research have been discussed.  相似文献   

借助于具有较高知名度的明星提高企业自身的品牌关注度和知名度,越来越成为我国众多企业不约而同的选择。但在我国,明星广告也出现了一些值得关注的倾向,主要表现为明星多样化、行为盲目化、内容表面化和动机功利化等。根据消费者心理与行为学的有关理论,这些明星广告现象的背后有其特殊动因。  相似文献   

Advertisers commonly use celebrity endorsers to increase the effectiveness of advertising in persuading consumers. In many cases, these celebrities endorse more than one brand. Little is known, however, about the benefit to brands from these multiple endorsements by the same celebrity. This research applies classical conditioning theory to an exploration of multiple brand endorsements by a single celebrity, and examines how brand concept consistency between endorsed brands affects consumers’ evaluations of the endorsed brand. The findings, over two separate studies, indicate that exact and high concept consistency between endorsed brands positively influences consumers’ attitude toward these brands.  相似文献   

The concept of meaning transfer is relevant in the context of celebrity endorsements but rarely tested because of its complexity. This study integrates the basic tenets of meaning transfer model in celebrity endorsements and metaphor theory in marketing. The study builds on the literature on the various streams in celebrity endorsements and notes the contradictions in each. Thereby, it presents a conceptual model of meaning transfer using metaphors as the explaining thread. The model is validated using empirical data collected through a metaphor elicitation method. Based on the results, four propositions are developed related to celebrity metaphors and metaphor transfer in celebrity endorsements. The findings suggest that celebrity meaning(s) could be explained through metaphors and the metaphors may be transferred to a brand from a celebrity endorser via an endorsement. The propositions developed in the study have important implications for researchers and practitioners in celebrity endorsement.  相似文献   

Joe Camel     
Dialogue about the use and impact of Joe Camel has dissipated since RJ Reynolds retiredthe advertising campaign in 1997. However, Joe Camel remains important for advertising because of its controversial and prominent use as a worldwide celebrity presenter. Using a historical lens equipped with before, during and after Joe Camel data, we examine Camel print advertising performance, adult brand usage, market share and advertising/promotional spending from 1986 to 2003. Our research suggests that, though Joe was an ideal celebrity endorser who attained excellent print recognition scores, his direct effect on sales in the short and longer term is unclear considering that Camel’s overall market share stayed mostly the same during the Joe Camel campaign. In the end, Joe may have met his demise like any other celebrity endorser whose bad behaviour threatens to cause negative associations that could prove harmful to a brand.  相似文献   

The paper examines the use of advertising and celebrity endorsement in promoting wristwatches from the beginning of the 20th century up until today. It shows a progression from simple informational advertisements stressing the technical, aesthetic and social appeals of the watches to more complex ones appealing to self-image and the use of celebrity endorsement. However, some – albeit not all – luxury wristwatch manufacturers have abandoned their use of celebrity endorsers. We note the need for businesses to undertake advertising aimed at appealing to consumer self-image, often reinforced by celebrity endorsement. The paper explores why the celebrity endorsement of brands may be effective or otherwise. We question, however, the cost-effectiveness of celebrity endorsement, and whether methods such as parasocial advertising through social media sites may offer an alternative. Like the brands they promote, advertising theories also have life cycles and the need to find new theories and update or abandon existing ones continues apace.  相似文献   


Given the wide interest in celebrity endorsements in advertising, it is surprising that there are no quantitative cross-cultural studies on their effectiveness across target audiences. Previous content-analytic research makes assumptions about effectiveness, but has not examined these assumptions. Our article fills this gap by comparing American versus Korean student samples’ response to celebrity-endorsed ads. We find these cultures diverge in purchase intentions after viewing celebrity-endorsed ads. We also find the emphasis of intuitive moral domains drives purchase intentions. Our discussion focuses on marketing implications as well as outlining future directions for this surprisingly underexplored research area.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts Soviet and Western advertising and marketing theory, and explains how Soviet theory has progressed in recent years. Soviet advertising practice has been adversely affected by the central planners' aim of regulating advertising, as well as consumption, so that demand is not stimulated beyond what is thought to be ‘rational’ or desirable. However, without abandoning their traditional product orientation, Soviet marketing theorists are developing the idea that consumer interests should be more important in product development. Moreover, in sharp contrast to previous Soviet practice, market segmentation is being examined as a means to increase the effectiveness of advertising. However, the omission of the important geographical and national group variables from this segmentation strategy implies that political considerations will remain paramount in any changes in theory or practice.  相似文献   

Public policy-makers have been noted to sometimes ignore marketing/consumer research, even when the policy issue clearly pertains to consumption markets. We embark to identify factors that may explain policy-makers’ limited attention to marketing/consumer research, especially in cases related to consumer affairs that may have public health implications. Empirically, we focus on policy-making around the advertising of alcohol products. Having been involved in this policy-making process in Finland, we elucidate the case through an introspective narrative. We find that the factors explaining policy-makers’ limited attention to marketing/consumer research range from the decision-making characteristics of policy-makers, through inconsistent definitions for key terminology, to the fear of over-generalizing certain theories of marketing/consumer research. Regarding the latter, a key issue in the present case was that public policy-makers were unconvinced about the generic marketing theory stating that in mature markets, advertising will not increase the total consumption demand of a product category.  相似文献   

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