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潘峰 《计划与市场》2001,(6):22-24,29
“让一部分人先富起来”,是中国改革开放的号角。正是在改革开放的时代背景下,孕育了中国一代富豪。去年11月份世界著名的杂志《福布斯》列出了中国内地富豪排行榜,笔者通过对中国内地前五十位富豪的研究剖析,发现了这个富豪群体所具的特征。  相似文献   

《胡润财富报告》发布胡润百富4月1日在海南三亚发布《胡润财富报告》,《报告》称,中国内地千万富豪人数已达87.5万人,相比去年增长6.1%,其中亿万富豪达5.5万人,相比去年增长7.8%。《报告》还显示,中国内地现在已有1900位十亿富豪和140位百亿富豪。  相似文献   

这个世界每天都在上演“穷光蛋变富豪”的故事,然而,由一穷二白晋升“中国首富”的版本却几乎没有。2011年中国内地的“新首富”、三一集团董事长梁稳根是个特例。  相似文献   

进入2010年,中国的财富积累已经超过了30年,80后也已经30岁了。 据《福布斯》最新统计,中国的千万富翁有44万人,亿万富豪超过1.8万,中国已经成为亿万富豪人数排名第二的国家,仅次于美国。富豪人数惊人地增长,与中国楼市的高速增长密不可分,最新的福布斯中国内地400富豪榜单中,有154位来自房地产业,房地产成为名副其实的“富豪高产田”。  相似文献   

王传福成中国内地新首富 2009胡润百富榜9月28日公布,比亚迪总裁王传福以财富350亿元成为中国内地首富;张茵家族以财富330亿元排名第二。上榜富豪有1000位,上榜门槛从去年的7亿元提高到10亿元。  相似文献   

据《科学投资》调查研究,女性富豪的创富历程,相对男性普遍要更为曲折,更为艰苦,财富积累的数量也多有不如。尽管如此,《科学投资》“中国10大女富豪”仍要算是中国现阶段最顶尖的富人。《科学投资》的选择标准:上榜女富豪的事业必须主要在内地,财富必须主要来自亲创而非继承,在个人创富同时必须对社会作出较大贡献,创富经历还要对其他创业者具有启发和借鉴作用。依据这些标准,《科学投资》推出了“中国10大女富豪”。她们有一个共同的地方,就是都不甘平庸,胆子大,脑子活,能吃苦,所以能够脱颖而出。  相似文献   

最新发布的2013年胡润财富报告显示,中国“千万富豪”已达105万,每1300人中就有—人是“千万富豪”,“亿万富豪”的人数也达到了6.45万。“千万富豪”的平均年龄为38岁,“亿万富豪”为40岁,均较上年降低了1岁,富豪呈现年轻化趋势,其中一大原因便是二代富豪的增多。  相似文献   

袁旻 《现代商业》2012,(Z1):76-80
这个世界每天都在上演"穷光蛋变富豪"的故事,然而,由一穷二白晋升"中国首富"的版本却几乎没有。2011年中国内地的"新首富"、三一集团董事长梁稳根是个特例。这个世界每天都在上演"穷光蛋变富豪"的故事,然而,由一穷二白晋升"中国首富"的版本却几乎没有。2011年中国内地的"新首富"、  相似文献   

刘忠田 中国忠旺8日在香港证券交易所挂牌上市,董事长刘忠田身家达233亿元人民币,较“2009新财富500富人榜”榜首江苏富豪沈文荣的200亿元人民币为多,“晋升”为内地首富。据消息透露:中国忠旺此次募股14亿股,共融资98亿港元,成为今年以来全球最大的IPO。  相似文献   

唐潇霖 《市场周刊》2004,(21):43-43
2003年,海尔的品牌价值达到了530亿元,蝉联中国第一品牌的优势,其全球总营业额实现了806亿元,离世界500强也只有一步之遥;2004年,海尔跻身“世界最具影响力的100个品牌”排行榜,名列第95位,对于一家中国公司来说,这是一个历史性的成就,此前还从来没有一个中国内地品牌进入过这个排行榜。  相似文献   


Fueled by increasing global mobility, there is an ever-growing need for expatriates. This increasing demand poses many challenges for organizations to motivate their employees to successfully complete international assignments. This study addresses this issue by offering a new perspective on how effective leader communication may serve as a tool to increase expatriates’ cross-cultural motivation and boost their chances of success. All three dimensions of motivating language are proposed to have the ability to enhance an expatriate’s cross-cultural intrinsic motivation, as well as his or her cross-cultural self-efficacy. The implications of the framework, as well as future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

Customers will enjoy exhilarating sporting action,exciting moments when they fly with Singapore Airlines during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. To satisfy higher demand on its flights during the of the Olympic  相似文献   

Better to shop than to vote?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper begins by reflecting on the current generalised political apathy signalled by low voter turnout and falling party membership. It would appear that people are exercising political choices not at the ballot box but by means of consumer activism. Corporations respond to consumer pressure in a way that governments do not, and are gradually assuming the role of global political actors. But this is a dangerous state of affairs for several reasons. In the first place, social welfare can never be the core activity of corporations. Corporate social motives are commercial, and there is a danger that their social policy decisions will be driven by the logic of the market place rather than social need. Recession, for instance, will curtail their social responsiveness, as will decisions to relocate. It is also the case that partnerships between governments and corporates run the risk of removing checks on the growth and abuse of corporate power. And finally, what price does society have to pay for the growth of corporate benevolence?  相似文献   

Marketers must put aside stereotypes and unexamined assumptions to reach older consumers. In this article, the author details their values and describes a technique that can be used to effectively position a product or service in older consumers' minds.  相似文献   

文章从介绍美元的历史及现状入手,揭示美元贬值的历史原因,如何成功应对美元贬值及美元未来走势不确定性可能对我国经济产生的影响,确保我国经济持续快速健康的发展,是值得做进一步研究和探讨的问题.  相似文献   

The government plans to heavily invest in coal liquefaction plants in the next five to 10 years as part of efforts to reduce its dependence on highpriced oil imports, the China Oilnews reported February 9, citing the country's top economic planning agency.  相似文献   

Stock market crash is really coming? On August 8,affected by the downgrading of the U.S.sovereign credit rating and other negative factors,the Shanghai stock market dropped over a hundred points intraday, falling below 2,500 points just like what it did a year ago,and individual shares collectively reached decline limit. Asia-Pacific stock markets also suffered Black Monday,with a num-  相似文献   

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