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正一度在市场风靡30余年的联盟模式,目前正在核能市场迸发新的活力。尤其是在福岛核事故之后,大大小小的涉核企业,都一改过去单兵突进、各自为战的模式,纷纷围绕一个共性目标,整合资源,构建联盟,以应对核能市场全新的局势和挑战。纵观国内外的各种联盟组织和联盟行为,既有对传统联盟概念的沿承,如西班牙的核企联盟;也有在新形势下的创新演绎,  相似文献   

一度在市场风靡30余年的联盟模式,目前正在核能市场迸发新的活力。尤其是在福岛核事故之后,大大小小的涉核企业,都一改过去单兵突进、各自为战的模式,纷纷围绕一个共性目标,整合资源,构建联盟,以应对核能市场全新的局势和挑战。  相似文献   

垂直整合策略已成为企业整合渠道资源和优化产业结构的重要竞争性战略决策。本文以纵向质量差异化模型为研究框架, 考察连续双寡头纵向市场结构中质量差异化厂商在实施不同市场圈定策略前后的变化。研究结果表明, 在低质量厂商进行垂直整合的情况下, 任何一方的质量提升均会降低其竞争对手的创新激励; 高、低质量厂商的垂直整合策略能够消除双重加价效应, 降低最终产品价格, 并将这种成本节约传递给消费者。对于下游两家高、低质量厂商而言, 垂直整合策略下的市场销量和利润收益均有所提高, 其中完全纵向市场圈定下的市场销量明显高于部分纵向市场圈定策略下的市场销量; 部分纵向市场圈定策略下的厂商利润高于完全纵向市场圈定策略下的厂商利润。  相似文献   

私有协议与标准化的知识产权政策   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在对电信市场的网络效果、转换成本以及标准经济性质分析的基础上,本文探讨厂商在私有协议、产业标准化和机构标准化竞争中采取的知识产权政策。在ICT市场里,市场选择决定胜出的私有协议,厂商采取的基本策略是先松后紧的知识产权政策。产业联盟的厂商在产业标准化上既竞争又合作,他们都试图运用有效的知识产权政策和市场策略赢得标准谈判更大的筹码。在机构标准化竞赛中,厂商会采取适度温和的知识产权渗透政策和“脚踏两只船”的风险分散策略。中国厂商相应采取科学的知识产权政策对于赢得私有协议和标准化起着关键性作用。  相似文献   

外包生产模式及其对市场结构影响的分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文分析了目前流行的外包(OEM)生产模式的推行条件、激励因素和其对市场结构的影响。从外包生产模式存在的基本条件入手,随后从成本节约的角度分析了外包生产模式对上下游企业的激励因素,指出外包生产模式对生产、销售环节所面临的市场风险的分离以及由此带来的成本节约,是诱导厂商选择外包生产模式的关键因素之一。进而分析了外包生产模式对市场结构的影响,提出我们应该以一种更客观公正的态度评判中国企业以专业代工厂商的身份参与国际产业竞争的意义和价值。  相似文献   

战略联盟已成为企业取得竞争优势的有效机制,但动态市场和日益增长的商业成本,使管理者深感从联盟获取价值变得越来越困难.根据行业联盟合作伙伴的不同角色,从企业知识资源的性质及其创造价值的作用,提出基于伙伴角色的联盟企业知识资源交换模型,通过联盟伙伴资源贡献函数评估联盟企业在行业联盟网络中创造的价值.提高联盟学习能力是联盟企业有效转化联盟知识、最大化联盟价值的根本保证.  相似文献   

刘巍 《中国纺织》2006,(8):132-134
从我国纺织集群技术创新现状不难发现:我国纺织集群技术开发的总体水平在不断提高资金投入也有所增加.只是技术力量相对分散。从单个企业看尽管其技术开发的整体能力尚比较薄弱各个企业单独开展技术创新活动的能力非常有限.实现重大技术突破的可能性希望渺茫.但并不排除其拥有某种独特的核心技术优势,且和其他企业的技术优势存在着较强的互补性.因而迫切需要在企业间通过开展技术联盟活动,将分散的技术力量进行整合或将联盟企业的技术优势结合起来.从而节省开发费用降低开发风险开拓区域市场,进入技术创新前沿实现学习效应聚合效应速度效应,有益于加速集群整体的技术创新的频率和提高技术创新的成功度.增强市场竞争力缓解经济全球化的冲击.  相似文献   

刘兴 《中国纺织》2007,(2):142-145
就在我们不断地谈论纺织服装专业市场未来走向之时,2007新年伊始,专业市场领域就曝出了一个惊世消息:中国纺织服装专业市场联盟成立,并集聚了全国50多家重量级市场,意图以联合共赢之势,重建市场新秩序。1月19日,中国纺织服装专业市场联盟的成立大会在广州隆重召开。中国纺织工业协会会长杜钰洲以及广东、浙江、江苏、福建、安徽等地的纺织服装行业协会领导出席了本次成立大会,并为“中国纺织服装专业市场联盟”揭牌,联盟由中国纺织工业协会会员单位发起,全国50多家知名纺织服装专业市场成为首批成员。联盟的成立给了我们无限的遐想空间:这是否终结了硝烟四起群雄逐鹿的混战岁月,步入专业市场的大一统时期?随着中国纺织大业的伟大崛起,中国纺织服装专业市场是否也开始步入了健康有序的中兴年代?联盟对当今的市场割据格局究竟能起到什么样的作用?联盟又是否具备应有的整合与协调能力?联盟之于专业市场本身又能否形成预期的归属感?成立联盟究竟是一厢情愿还是众望所归?……抛开诸多萦绕的问题,一个基本事实是:联盟的成立,必将载入中国纺织服装专业市场的恢弘史册,从这个角度看,联盟的成立也是一次纪元的开启。  相似文献   

研发与市场结构:基于成本视角的分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文从成本入手,探讨了研发与市场结构的关系。通过对平均成本、固定成本及知识特性的综合分析,认为由于技术复杂度的不断提高及研发带来的规模经济,在多数产业研发会导致市场集中度逐渐提高。通过对研发沉没成本的分析表明,在专利保护与许可证制度下,当研发导致的沉没成本比较小时,厂商数量较多的竞争性市场的福利好于寡占或垄断市场,因为其研发速度更快;反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。在理论分析的基础上,本文就如何通过优化市场结构,提升我国企业研发能力,应对经济全球化的挑战,提出了三点对策。  相似文献   

基于渠道控制的市场势力构建模式特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
渠道控制能力是研究竞争市场中市场势力构建的核心,其形成对我国企业改变在全球价值链中被低端锁定的现状,增进比较利益至关重要。本文采用案例研究的方法,通过揭示沃尔玛公司在全球价值链中基于渠道控制的市场势力构建模式的特征,阐明了由销售网扩大导致的市场份额提升带来的规模经济和范围经济可以压低产品进价,导致要素的报酬递增并获取丰厚利润;利用先进的信息技术可以降低公司的长期平均成本,尤其是节约物流、订单等环节的运营成本,提高企业的交易效率;通过构建与供应链内关联企业的战略联盟,形成激励相容,可以获取"链"内外部经济和专业化分工带来的效率提升,使得市场份额扩大与先进信息技术引致的成本下降和利益增进可持续。市场份额不断扩大、先进信息技术适时运用、与供应链内关联企业建立的战略联盟这三个维度的形成与互动是沃尔玛提升渠道控制力、构建市场势力的关键。本文的剖析对我国企业,尤其是商业企业的市场势力构建既具有典型的参考价值。又具有普适的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We analyse the patterns and determinants of technology alliance formation with partner firms from emerging economies with a focus on European firms' alliance strategies. We examine to what extent European firms' alliance formation with partners based in emerging economies is persistent – that is, to what extent prior collaborative experience determines new alliance formation – and we compare this pattern with alliance formation with developed country partners. Second, we examine to what extent prior engagement in international alliances with partners from developed countries increases the propensity to form technology alliances with partners based in emerging economies, and vice versa (interrelation). We find that both persistence and interrelation effects are present, and that they are generally not weaker for emerging economy alliances. Alliance formation with Indian and Chinese firms is significantly more likely if firms have prior alliance experience with Japanese firms. The findings suggest that building on their prior international alliance experience firms extend their alliance portfolios across both developed and emerging economies, increasing the geographical diversity of their alliance portfolios.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of research and development (R&D)‐specific factors in determining the likelihood of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) from developed countries to be attractive partners vis‐à‐vis forming alliances with SMEs from large emerging economies (LEEs). This study is founded on the knowledge‐accessing theory of alliance formation, which emphasises the higher efficiency gains of knowledge application as opposed to knowledge generation. We extend this theory to SMEs on the basis that smaller firms, because of their resources constraints and drive to survive, are likely to use alliances to access external knowledge bases leading to new product development (NPD) opportunities because of the low feasibility of acquiring knowledge. As a mix of complex knowledge is necessary to develop most modern products and services, SMEs are also likely to adopt a more flexible operational approach and to accept compromises to forge knowledge‐accessing alliances. We illustrate this theoretical development using primary data collected from British and German biotechnology SMEs, declaring the intention prospectively to form alliances with their counterparts in Brazil. Binary logistic regression was used to identify the factors influencing the likelihood of a firm as an attractive alliance partner. Our results indicate that R&D‐specific factors influence the likelihood of firms to be attractive alliance partners. In particular, firms showing an in‐house innovation history focused on one or few products are more likely to be attractive alliance partners with LEE firms than those that do not. Another R&D‐specific predictor that enhances the chances of alliance partner attractiveness with LEE firms is the firm's focused searching and identifying capability relative to technology or equipment that demonstrates good prospects to improve the firm's line of products. A third predictor refers to the firm's awareness regarding non‐cost obstacles for its own technological development. Implications for policy makers and practitioners are also discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, academics and managers have been very interested in understanding how firms develop alliance capability and have greater alliance success. In this paper, we show that an alliance learning process that involves articulation, codification, sharing, and internalization of alliance management know‐how is positively related to a firm's overall alliance success. Prior research has found that firms with a dedicated alliance function, which oversees and coordinates a firm's overall alliance activity, have greater alliance success. In this paper we suggest that such an alliance function is also positively related to a firm's alliance learning process, and that process partly mediates the relationship between the alliance function and alliance success observed in prior work. This implies that the alliance learning process acts as one of the main mechanisms through which the alliance function leads to greater alliance success. Our paper extends prior alliance research by taking a first step in opening up the ‘black box’ between the alliance function and a firm's alliance success. We use survey data from a large sample of U.S.‐based firms and their alliances to test our theoretical arguments. Although we only examine the alliance learning process and its relationship with firm‐level alliance success, we also make an important contribution to research on the knowledge‐based view of the firm and dynamic capabilities of firms in general by conceptualizing this learning process and its key aspects, and by empirically validating its impact on performance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自命令控制型环境规制和市场激励性环境规制之后,自愿型环境规制应运而生。企业自愿环境规制的动因主要来自于外部的国际环境规制体系、本国政府、行业和社区相关利益团体的压力与来自于企业自身的基于财务、客户、内部流程和员工学习与成长等绩效层面的考虑。  相似文献   

This paper addresses two key questions: (1) what factors influence firms' ability to build alliance capability and enjoy greater alliance success, where firm‐level alliance success is measured in two ways: (a) abnormal stock market gains following alliance announcements and (b) managerial assessments of long term alliance performance; and (2) are the two alternate ways of assessing alliance success correlated? We find that firms with greater alliance experience and, more importantly, those that create a dedicated alliance function (with the intent of strategically coordinating alliance activity and capturing/disseminating alliance‐related knowledge) realize greater success with alliances. More specifically, firms with a dedicated alliance function achieve greater abnormal stock market gains (average of 1.35%) and report that 63 percent of alliances are successful whereas firms without an alliance function achieve much lower stock market gains (average of 0.18%) and only a 50 percent long‐term success rate. We also find a positive correlation between stock market‐based measures of alliance success and alliance success measured through managerial assessments. In addition to providing insights into the development of alliance capability among firms, this paper is one of the first to provide empirical support for the efficient markets argument by demonstrating that the initial stock market response to a key event positively correlates to the long‐term performance and value of the event. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research Summary : Alliances offer benefits such as access to capital, knowledge, and markets. Yet, due to their lack of legitimacy, entrepreneurial firms find it challenging to engage in alliances. Thus, it is important to examine which factors may drive alliance formation for entrepreneurial firms. We examine whether the presence of venture capitalists (VCs) is such a factor. Whereas current research suffers from endogeneity concerns that make the comparison of VC- and non-VC-backed firms problematic, our empirical design reduces this problem. Overall, we find that the presence of a VC and a VC's experience with taking firms public are positively associated with entrepreneurial firms’ alliance formation, and that VCs are more active in forming an alliance when the exit outcome is an acquisition, rather than going public. Managerial Summary : Alliances can be of fundamental importance to the growth of entrepreneurial firms. However, because entrepreneurial firms hold limited resources, their access to alliances may be limited. We study whether entrepreneurial firms backed by venture capitalists (VCs) are more likely to enter into alliances than firms without VC backing. A major problem with this sort of analysis is that VCs may cherry pick the best firms, which in turn are more likely to engage in alliances to begin with, irrespective of VCs. Accordingly, we control for the quality of funded firms, and therefore, isolate the VCs’ contribution to alliance formation. In doing so, we find support for the importance of the role VCs play in entrepreneurial firms’ alliance formations.  相似文献   

How do small firms manage their alliance strategies with large firms? This study compares the relative impacts of exploration and exploitation alliances with large firms on small firms' valuation. Integrating the literatures on the exploration/exploitation paradigm and alliance governance, we argue that exploitation alliances with large firms will on average generate higher values for small firms than exploration alliances with large firms due to a heightened risk of appropriation in exploration alliances. However, if small firms can manage their alliances with large firms via proper alliance governance, they will increase their valuations from exploration alliances with large firms. Analyses of the U.S. biopharmaceutical industry from 1984 to 2006 largely support our hypotheses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

环境治理的组织形式既可以是单个企业的末端治理,也可以是具有纵向关系的企业间合作治理。后一种环境治理组织方式在激励机制、节约信息成本和治理成本等方面具有的优势.已经越来越成为政府环境治理和企业提高竞争力的重要途径。本文试图借助交易费用理论.从供应链的视角考察具有纵向关系的企业间合作环境治理的组织形式与结构,并进一步探讨供应链上环境治理的驱动者与驱动方式的选择问题。分析表明.面向供应链的环境政策是末端治理政策一个很好的补充与替代。但面向供应链的环境政策必须能够降低供应链上企业环境治理的交易成本.并依据纵向关系或供应链的组织特征而有所差异.才能提高企业问协调环境治理效率。  相似文献   

Researchers agree that alliance networks can be an important instrument in a firm's innovation process, but there is limited empirical evidence on actually how they facilitate the creation of new knowledge for exploratory innovation. The research question is what alliance network configuration is optimal for exploratory innovation. The present study investigated the interaction between a firm's alliance portfolio structure (the micro‐level) and the industry alliance network structure (the macro‐level), and it empirically tested how their interaction may be affecting the exploratory innovation outcome of network participating firms in the biotechnology industry. The paper uses data from exploratory patents filed by 455 dedicated biotechnology firms in 1986–1999 and an overall network comprising 2,933 technological alliances over the same period. The results indicate that, in the case of biotechnology, firms with high exploratory innovation output have short path indirect access to many other firms (micro‐level), and operate in dense industry alliance networks centralized around a few key firms (macro‐level), and that these effects are curvilinear.  相似文献   

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