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农业现代化与深化农村土地制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新中国成立以来农村土地制度改革反思得出两点认识:一是实现农业现代化不只是科学技术问题,也与农村土地制度改革相联系。二是已经历的几次农村土地制度改革目标设定单一化,没有从坚持土地集体所有性质和发展现代农业相统一的要求来推进土地制度改革。实现农业现代化要处理好三个关系:坚持土地集体所有性质与充分调动农民积极性的关系;充分调动农民生产积极性与推进土地规模经营的关系;推进土地规模经营与农民在生产中主体地位的关系。深化农村土地制度改革要解决好两大问题:赋予农民更多的财产权利,调动农民积极性;创新农业生产经营主体,转变农业生产方式,为规模经营提供体制保障。  相似文献   

明晰的土地产权制度是土地有序、高效、积极流转的前提,进而才能更好地为中国的新型农业经营体系的建设服务。但目前中国的农村土地所有权制度尤其是主体制度还存在一系列问题,对农村土地所有权主体制度的完善提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

中国农村土地分散化小规模经营、农业转移人口与土地配置失衡、耕地流转尚处于起步阶段等现实问题依然是中国“三农”问题需要破解的难题。在中国农村土地利用朝着规模化、集约化及信息化发展的趋势下,笔者提出中国农村土地制度进一步改革的现实需求。现阶段,中国农村土地制度已经极大束缚了土地和劳动力要素的合理流动,为此,中国农村土地制度改革对于充分释放制度红利、维护社会稳定、推动农业规模化和集约化经营、极大提高农村生产力和农业效益具有显著作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村土地划分十分细碎,经营规模过小,投入——产出结构效益倒挂,致使一些先进的生产技术、生物技术成果得不到应用。这就要求我们必须对农村的土地经营模式实现制度创新,以保证农业  相似文献   

改革开放的三十年,也是中国农村土地制度变迁的三十年。家庭联产承包责任制土地制度实行的三十年,显示出了巨大的前期制度绩效:(1)实现了土地所有权和使用权的分离,激发了农民的生产积极性,促进了农村生产力的大发展;(2)从农业中解放出来的剩余劳动力,自主创业,形成了乡镇企业的异军突起和“民工潮”现象;(3)促进了农民政治意识的觉醒,推动了中国农村社会的结构变迁,形成了村民自治这一独特的政治现象。  相似文献   

农业基础性组织制度的创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现行农业组织制度存在的问题集中表现为基础性组织要素的缺损。合作组织制度对于家庭经营和农业市场运行的基础性贡献 ,决定它是我国农业组织体系中极其重要的基础性组织资源。合作组织制度补充到农业经营中的关键是完善合作组织制度创新的环境 ,增加组织创新的收益和降低组织创新的成本  相似文献   

文章利用中国2008—2020年省级面板数据,运用双重差分模型估计了农村土地“三权分置”政策对城乡融合的影响,据此考察了农村土地制度改革与城乡融合发展之间的内在联系。基准回归结果表明,“三权分置”政策显著提高了我国城乡融合发展水平;异质性分析发现,农村土地“三权分置”政策在高城乡融合度地区、财政强省、东部地区的作用效果更显著;影响机制分析发现,农村“三权分置”政策通过提高农地流转、新型农业经营主体培育以及城镇化共同推动了城乡融合;同时新型农业经营主体培育与农地流转相互促进,农地流转、新型农业经营主体均能推动城镇化水平。农村土地制度改革推动的城乡融合具备清晰的作用路径与完善的自我实现机制。  相似文献   

农村土地制度创新与农业增长倪爱娟,陈玲传统的农业增长理论一般是在一个制度环境确定的条件下,研究如何通过资金、技术、劳力等农业生产要素投入的量和结构以及生产率的变化来实现产出的增加,实现农业的增长。然而,当这一前提条件──制度环境发生变化时,它对农业增...  相似文献   

我国农村土地制度变迁的路径依赖及其创新   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
建国后,我国农村土地制度几经变革,最终确立了集体所有、农户经营的家庭联产承包责任制,这是制度变迁的路径依赖发挥作用的结果。而我国农村土地制度进一步的演进及其创新仍要受到路径依赖的推动。本文依据路径依赖的理论,分析了家庭联产承包责任制的确立和演进,在此基础上进一步提出了我国农村土地制度的创新模式及其基本框架。  相似文献   

中国与加拿大虽然国情不同、农业发展水平差别较大,但加拿大家庭农场的制度环境及其发展路径,有许多经验值得借鉴。如,土地产权制度明晰,财政支持机制重点突出且力度大,金融服务主体多元化、服务规范化,农业社会服务高度组织化、专业化,农业法律体系完善且配套性强。借鉴加拿大经验,中国应深化农村土地产权制度改革,加快推进家庭农场规模化经营;构建综合配套的财政支持政策体系,增强家庭农场发展实力;构建新型农村金融服务体系,支撑家庭农场做大做强;构建多元高效的现代农业服务体系,促进家庭农场提效增收;构建系统完善的农业法律体系,保障家庭农场可持续发展。  相似文献   

商业银行是中国社会融资的主要渠道,银行向社会提供流动性的效率直接决定了社会融资的效率.为弥补流动性创造研究在效率和中观层面的不足,文章采用中国商业银行2000?2015年微观数据,探讨了市场竞争、银行市场势力与流动性创造效率之间的关系,得到以下结论:(1)市场竞争与流动性创造效率之间存在倒U形关系,中国银行业存在最优的市场结构;(2)银行市场势力过强是中国商业银行流动性创造效率较低的重要原因,银行市场势力越强,其流动性创造效率越低;(3)市场竞争程度与市场势力的流动性创造效率系数之间存在不显著的负相关关系,寄希望于通过增强中国银行业竞争程度来改善银行市场势力过强所导致的流动性创造效率过低,作用可能非常有限.中国应沿着"增强商业银行流动性创造能力,扩大直接融资规模"的改革方向继续前进.文章的研究丰富了已有文献,而且为中国银行体系改革的顶层设计提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

本文运用含有实际余额效应的瓦尔拉斯模型描述了符号经济系统与实体经济系统的基本平衡条件,并指出流动性(信用)是通过影响价值创造过程而间接地创造价值,但流动性的过度扩张可能导致符号经济系统独立于实体经济运行而与价值创造无涉,打破两系统的基本平衡关系。本文最后通过对美国新金融模式的分析,说明我们仍需按照资金转移及分配和风险转移及分配两种基本中介功能相分隔的原则来设计金融产品,才能避免信用过度扩张而导致的流动性危机。  相似文献   

Business Creation and the Stock Market   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We claim that the stock market encourages business creation, innovation, and growth by allowing the recycling of "informed capital". Due to incentive and information problems, start-ups face larger costs of going public than mature firms. Sustaining a tight relationship with a monitor (bank, venture capitalist) allows them to finance their operations without going public until profitability prospects are clearer or incentive problems are less severe. However, the earlier young firms go public, the quicker monitors' informed capital is redirected towards new start-ups. Hence, when informed capital is in limited supply, factors that lower the costs for start-ups to go public encourage business creation. Technological spill-overs associated with business creation and thick market externalities in the young firms segment of the stock market provide prima facie cases for encouraging young firms to go public.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that the opportunities to create new manufacturing jobs in open, high-cost economies such as Norway, are concentrated in activities which are technologically advanced and knowledge intensive. This paper examines the relationship between job creation and innovation, as measured by R&D investments, in Norwegian manufacturing. We compare job creation in plants belonging to R&D firms to job creation in plants belonging to firms without R&D. We also compare job creation in plants belonging to high and low tech industries. Our data set covers more than 80 percent of manufacturing employment in Norway over the period 1982–92. The paper challenges the optimistic view about job creation in R&D intensive firms and high-tech industries. Some main findings are: (i) Net job creation is not higher in high-tech industries. (ii) There is no clear-cut positive relationship between net job creation and the R&D-intensity of the firm. (iii) There is less net job creation and less job-security in R&D-intensitefirms in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  相似文献   


This article aims to analyse the phenomenon of financial conservatism in firms’ capital structures and relate it to their employment variation for a sample of Spanish companies during the 2008–2013 period, characterized by a sharp crisis and very high unemployment rates. Financial conservatism is described as following a low-leverage/high cash no-short-term capital structure policy. We use the noisy selection model that relates growth, age, and size, to which we add a dummy indicating financial conservatism. As the growth of a company is measured as its number of employees’ variation, we are ultimately analysing how financial conservatism affects job creation. The objective of this work is to stress the advantages of a financially conservative policy as the evidence shows that such a policy at a given enterprise is a positive factor for job creation, which in Macroeconomics terms means an improvement in economy’s employment. The average conservative company more likely to foster job creation is a small company belonging to the industry or services sector.  相似文献   

The oft-cited dichotomy between incremental and radical innovations is less important when we have to analyze how a new technology and its social institution coevolve. In this context, besides incremental and radical innovations, C. Freeman added two more categories of technical change: one is change in the technology system and the other is change in the technoeconomic paradigm.However, as the information technology (IT) revolution progresses further, we come to need more categories of innovations. In the computer industry, the concept of “module” is becoming a solution to growing complexity. In the new IT environment, we can be proactive in demand creation. It becomes crucial, therefore, whether the creation of new “business models” has followed technical innovations. In this article, we will try to demonstrate how these different categories of innovations, i.e., modularization and new business model creation, can be measured.  相似文献   

Since the recent financial crisis along with more concentration of banking supervision, we have stepped into a new regulatory regime where multiple regulations are at play simultaneously. In this paper, we study the collective impacts of multiple regulations on credit creation in a heterogeneous banking system. Each single regulation imposes a constraint on credit creation for each bank, while with multiple regulations, only the most stringent one plays the determinant role on money supply. For the homogeneous banking system with identical balance sheets, they share the same binding regulation. In contrast, for the heterogeneous banking system with diverse balance sheets, the binding regulation for each bank may be different from other's. Those banks, who are bound by different regulatory constraints from homogeneous banks, would bring about an overall reduction in money supply, because those binding regulations impose a lower capacity (compared with the one in the case of homogeneous banks) for the banks to extend their balance sheets in this condition. We put forward an agent-based model of commercial banks integrated with two processes: credit creation and fund transfer, to demonstrate the reduction effect. The results facilitate the understandings of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy via banks and its interaction with prudential regulations.  相似文献   

网络核心企业在商业生态系统价值平台上,承担价值创造和价值共享使命。基于价值创造和价值共享两个维度构建网络核心企业价值评价体系,通过价值创造指数和共享指数衡量网络核心企业的价值。以信息技术商业生态系统核心企业华为和中兴为例,按照新指标体系,通过对华为和中兴的对比分析,印证了华为和中兴作为网络核心企业的价值创造和共享的显著性。此评价框架,为其它商业生态系统网络核心企业价值评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This article analyzes technology-related development in Latin America from a heterodox perspective based in Institutionalist and Structuralist Economics. Since the 1970s, the lack of systematic national projects designed to institutionalize endogenous innovation capabilities in the region has constituted a critical structural impediment to development. Eschewing the creation of public goods, most nations in Latin America abandoned important incipient efforts to develop technological autonomy as undertaken during the state-led industrialization period. This article highlights poorly understood but relatively successful aspects of the import substitution industrialization (ISI) strategy on technological advancement in the state-led era. Recently, neoliberalism's monolithic grip has been loosened. Brazil has undergone somewhat of a paradigmatic shift while advancing toward the creation of a national innovation system (NIS), thereby offering important lessons for other Latin American nations. Mexico, in contrast, shows no indication of attaining autonomous technological capabilities. The attainment of such capabilities in highly industrialized countries, and fast developing Asian nations, partially resulted from the construction of a NIS. The creation of a NIS embodies an interactive and interdependent process: it entails the joint and combined participation of scientists and others involved in research and development (R&D) activities in (1) the public and private sectors and (2) universities. These elements combine with agents of the state empowered to finance and coordinate the construction and maintenance of the NIS. The construction of a NIS has induced “increasing returns” in production processes. As Furtado emphasized, supply-enhancing technological capacity must be met by inclusive demand-enhancing policies that embed the vast underlying population in the growth process.  相似文献   

法制是"两型社会"建设的制度安排和保障,是所有制度中最为重要、稳定且权威的制度。法制创新是实现可持续发展法制化的重要路径,也是"两型社会"建设过程中的应有之义。针对湖南当前所面临的立法供应不足、行政执法乏力、司法保护软弱以及法制文化落后等主要法制问题,文章明确了法制创新的基本路径,即:以现代法治理念为思想武装,发挥地方党委、人大和政府的主观能动性,强化和完善政府行政执法职能,加大司法改革力度,以期有效应对和解决这些问题,最终实现法制创新对"两型社会"的切实保障和积极促进。  相似文献   

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