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共有产权住房,即中低收入住房困难家庭购房时,可按个人与政府的出资比例,共同拥有房屋产权。房屋产权可由政府和市民平分,市民可向政府“赎回”产权。共有产权房自2007年起在江苏省淮安市进行试点,之后在贵州、上海等地都有推广。  相似文献   

共有产权住房制度为我国城镇住房体系的完善打下了坚实的基础。文章在阐述淮安、上海、北京3个试点城市共有产权模式的基础上,分析了我国共有产权住房制度存在的问题,并从完善法律法规、加快市场化运作、扩大保障范围、严格上市交易期限、促进住房回购等方面提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

共有产权制度保障性住房的有益探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房市场化以后,房价逐步上涨,特别是在一些大中城市,近年来房价一直在高位运行。面对这种形势,各地政府也都在积极探索住房保障体制的创新与完善。在众多的探索实践中,江苏省针对经济适用住房制度施行的状况,成为全国率先实行保障性住房共有产权模式试点,取得了很好的效果。针对该省住房保障体制共有产权模式探索实践,我们进行了一些相关调研,很受启发。  相似文献   

自2011年以来,平原县按照“宜补则补、宜租则租、宜售则售,补租售相结合”的原则,探索推行了廉租住房“产权共有”模式,实现了廉租住房建设的可持续发展。受到群众的普遍好评。先后荣获全省住房保障工作先进县、全省安居工程先进县等多项荣誉称号,  相似文献   

<正>不断健全住房保障体系,持续优化住房保障供给,探索在全省率先实现共有产权保障住房建设管理闭环落地近年来,杭州常住人口不断增长,2021年末已达1220.4万人,新“杭州人”的大量涌入使购房需求急剧增长,也刺激了房价不断上涨,高额的房价让许多家庭无法进入商品房市场。目前,既有的住房保障体系难以满足很多中低收入家庭和新市民群体拥有自有产权住房的需求。  相似文献   

通过分析保障性住房的准公共产品属性,回归我国住房制度改革要解决的核心议题之一:住房产权关系。然而现行保障性住房制度形成的产权关系尚不清晰,背离了我国住房保障制度设计的初衷,应当以《物权法》等民事基本法为基础梳理和构建我国保障性住房权利体系,以更合理地保护保障性住房各方利益,从而完善我国住房保障结果制度。  相似文献   

本文从住房“部分产权”法律性质诸学说及其评析、住房“部分产权”应作部分所有权理解和确立完善的物权制度才能最终解决住房“部分产权”的法律性质问题三个方面对论题进行了探讨 ,旨在为我国城镇住房制度改革的立法及政策的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

购买共有产权房的行为,是一种介于租房和购买商品房之间的行为。共有产权住房主要面对中低收入者,也就是所谓的"夹心层",这无疑为保障其住房需求提供了更多选择。继廉租住房、公共租赁房等保障性住房之后,政府开始进行共有产权住房试点。6月4日,住房和城乡建设部总经济师冯俊在国务院新闻办举行的新闻发布会上透露,共有产权住房正在北京、上海、深圳、成都、淮安、黄石等六个城市推进。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,各地房价逐年上涨。与此同时我国大学毕业生的人数也逐年增加,大学生的住房问题日益突出,已经受到社会前所未有的关注。本文在介绍大学毕业生住房现状的基础上,对改善这一现状的必要性进行了分析,并提出以共有产权模式来解决现阶段大学毕业生的住房问题。  相似文献   

随着我国房地产的发展,房价已经超出了很多人的承受能力范围之内,为了改善人民群众的住房问题,我国政府大力加强保障性住房的建设,共有产权房正是解决不具备市场购房能力的家庭以及大学生住房困难的一个尝试。共有产权房的模式虽然能部分解决住房困难的问题,但是同时也存在一些问题,共有产权房的运行机制需要逐步去完善,给人民群众带来更多的利益。  相似文献   

我国城市房价上涨过快,由于城乡二元土地制度的制约,以及供需的影响造成了大量小产权房买卖的现象。根据物权区分原则,以及强制性规范的认定,小产权房买卖合同是有效的。文章对小产权房买卖的困境与出路进行了研究,指出应该加快推进城乡一体化的进程,以及设立农村房屋使用权的流转机制,促进集体经济的发展。  相似文献   

The particularly overheated Chinese housing market, with its soaring property prices, has attracted a large amount of research. We point out three of its striking empirical features, which current literature leaves unexplored: co-existence of steady growth of real transaction price and excess supply, accelerations in price-to-income ratio, and significantly strong positive correlation between real transaction prices and income inequality. A search-equilibrium model is built to explain these facts. Heterogeneous buyers and homogeneous sellers randomly search for partners to trade in a frictional property market. The search equilibrium of the property market is either a high-price-and-low-transaction elitist matching equilibrium, or a low-price-and-high-transaction pooled matching equilibrium. The terms of trade determine which equilibrium arises. Empirical observations argue for the development of China's property market through evolution from a pooled matching equilibrium to an elitist matching equilibrium. We set out to show that the market equilibrium is always inefficient, due to crowding out externalities and market incompleteness. Policy experiments support redistributive tax, as a means to improve social welfare.  相似文献   

Atlanta has the reputation of being a city of opportunity for blacks. However, in Atlanta, as well as in other cities across the nation, the nexus of racism and economic discrimination has resulted in disparities between the housing status of blacks and whites. This article examines racial disparities in the Atlanta housing market. It begins by tracing recent trends in the Atlanta-area economy and by providing background information on the local housing market. It then discusses the roles of the federal Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 and Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 in the efforts of local groups to reduce racial disparities in the housing market. The final section discusses recent local developments that might lead to improvements in the housing status of black Atlantans.  相似文献   

住房补贴效率的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国城镇住房制度改革从1979年至今已经进行了20年,但仍然是规模宏大的中国经济体制中最困难的方面之一,它不仅涉及中国国民收入分配体制、金融体制、财政体制、企业体制、投资体制、城市规划和土地使用体制以及房地产开等错缩复杂的有中国特色领域的改革,而且不要求改革者解决对世界大多数政府和经济学家们构成挑战的社会福利制度问题。  相似文献   

A study was done in the Durban Area, South Africa amongst residents (n?=?300) of four lower socio-economic housing typologies: Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses, informal settlements (IS), traditional rural houses (TR) and inner-city apartments (IC). Respondents living in IC were most satisfied with their dwellings, those living in RDP houses and in IS were the least satisfied. People living in the IC perceived their health best, while those living in IS perceived it as worst. Major reasons for dissatisfaction with housing were pest infestation in their dwelling in the past 12 months, inadequate toilet facilities, high temperature, unclean neighbourhood, poor ventilation and dust. Pest infestation and poor ventilation were mentioned most frequently by flat dwellers whilst RDP, IS and TR households complained about inadequate toilet facilities. For many people living in low socio-economic housing, both housing and service provision remain inadequate.  相似文献   

1988年6月10日,深圳市正式颁布了《深圳特区住房制度改革方案》,同年10月1日正式实施。从此结束了沿袭了我国“财政包干、低租金、福利制”的住房旧体制,建立了以“补贴提租、鼓励买房、建立基金、新房新政策、住宅区管理社会……  相似文献   

Unlocking housing equity in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much prior literature on asset patterns among the elderly has mostly overlooked housing wealth as a determinant of retiree wealth, particularly in the Japanese context. Yet releasing equity in housing may be a natural mechanism to boost consumption, reduce public pension liability, and mitigate the demand for long-term care facilities in Japan. Our study evaluates what might be needed to implement reverse mortgages (RMs) in this country. Policies could include exempting RMs from capital gains tax and transactions tax, along with mechanisms to make annuity income flows nontaxable, along with interest rate accruals for RMs. In addition, housing market reforms to enhance information flows would be needed, particularly regarding new and existing housing trades, which could permit the securitization of housing loans and lines of credit. Other improvements in capital markets could also help, including the establishment of reinsurance mechanisms to help lenders offer these reverse mortgages while having some protection against crossover risk. In the Japanese case, demand for RMs will be dampened by declining residential housing values as well as low interest rates and long life expectancies. Nevertheless, we conclude that RMs can be a good way to finance elderly consumption in Japan, particularly against the backdrop of governmental financial stringencies. J. Japanese Int. Economies 18 (4) (2004) 466–505.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Earlier in this paper five major goals of federal housing policy were listed and it was noted that the public housing program was only one vehicle used to work toward these goals. In this section, the conflicts and issues that arise in the pursuit of these goals through this program, as spelled out in the preceding pages, will be summarized. As well, suggestions of other means to provide housing for the low-income will end the paper.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Earlier in this paper five major goals of federal housing policy were listed and it was noted that the public housing program was only one vehicle used to work toward these goals. In this section, the conflicts and issues that arise in the pursuit of these goals through this program, as spelled out in the preceding pages, will be summarized. As well, suggestions of other means to provide housing for the low-income will end the paper.  相似文献   

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