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我国农村土地集中的方式、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄢军 《经济论坛》2005,(6):99-101
随着我国经济发展的深化和城市化的进程加快,我国农村土地的集中进入了一个高速发展阶段,其趋势就是土地的使用权及其相关权益向个人或者核心利益团体集中。笔者结合本人对我国近年来相关土地数据的整理和2002-2003年在湖北某县的实地调查来论述这一问题。  相似文献   

我国农村土地产权关系变迁:基于两权分离理论的解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国土地产权关系经历了从农户统一占有土地使用权与所有权,到集体经济组织非对称地占有土地使用权与所有权,再到农户占有土地使用权与国家占有土地所有权的变迁历程。在土地国家公有制框架内,频繁地探索与调整土地使用权与所有权的关系及其权利内容,其基本规律和成功经验是农户至少应独立自由地直接占有土地使用权。  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展的深化和城市化的进程加快,我国农村土地的集中进入了一个高速发展阶段,其趋势就是土地的使用权及其相关权益向个人或者核心利益团体集中。笔者结合本人对我国近年来相关土地数据的整理和2002-2003年在湖北某县的实地调查来论述这一问题。一、我国农村土地集中的制度约束我国工业化的过程实际上是一个城市化的过程,在土地流转上表现为大量的农村土地城市化,因此,城市化后的土  相似文献   

土地使用权确定给直接使用土地的具有法人资格的单位或个人,土地使用者经国家依法划拨、出让或解放初期接收、沿用,或通过依法转让、继承、接受地上建筑物等方式使用国有土地的,可确定其国有土地使用权,根据《土地所有权和使用权的若干规定》以出让方式取得的使用权补办出让手续扣作为资产入股的,土地使用权确定给股份制企业,国家以土地使用权作价入股的,土地使用权确定给股份制企业。  相似文献   

国外土地调控的几种模式(一)美国的土地调控模式。美国的土地所有制是多元化的,其中联邦政府拥有陆地面积的28%,私人拥有约58%,另有12%为州、县、市拥有,2%为印第安人托管。联邦、州、县、市土地的所有权、使用权和受益权又各自独立。1.土地征用制度。美国法律规定,征地必须主要符合三项标准:为公共利益、对个人给予公正合理充分的补偿以及适当合理的操作过程。土地征用权分联邦、州、县三级,不仅政府可以实施征地,从事公益事业建设或经营的法人也可实行征地。美国土地征用补偿根据征用前的市场价格计算,充分考虑到土地所有者的利益——补偿…  相似文献   

在我国,土地抵押是指土地使用权人在法律许可的范围内,在不转移土地占有的情况下,将土地使用权作为债权的担保;当债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依法处分该土地使用权并由处分所得的价款优先受偿。其中,提供土地使用权作为担保的,为抵押人,接受土地使用权担保的债权人,为抵押权人。土地抵押权是指在土地抵押关系中,抵押权人对作为抵押物的土地使用权和土地附着物所享有的处分权和优先受偿的相关权利。从我国现行法律规定来看,土地抵押权是指土地使用权抵押权,法律只允许对土地使用权进行抵押,而对土地使用权以外的其他土地他项权利,没有明确规定。一、土地抵押权的法律特征  相似文献   

物权是直接支配物并享受其利益的财产权。“农地使用权”是对目前集体所有的农用土地直接占有、使用、收益的权利。我国现行法律对农村土地权利的规定过于单一,对土地权权利的合理流转缺乏稳定的制度保障。应在农业基本法中明确规定农地使用权的物权性质,并充实和完善农地使用权的具体内容。以他物权自由流通为理论基础,建立农地使用权流转机制,允许农地使用权进入流通领域,通过一定的运作方式在不同主体之间流动。与此相适应,还应完善土地所有权制度,建立健全更严格的土地登记制度。  相似文献   

中方以土地使用权作价投资,是我国外商投资企业中较为普遍的现象,牵涉的法律问题十分复杂。本文仅就其中几个有关法律问题作一初步探讨。 一、以土地使用权作价投资的法律性质和基本原则 以土地使用权作价投资的法律依据:中方以土地使用权作价投资,是外商投资企业取得土地使用权的一种方式。它指中方企业将其所有的土地使用权作价入股为中外合营企业的出资或折股投入中外合作企业作为合作条件,中外合营、合作企业从而取得土地使用权。也就是中方企业在合营、合  相似文献   

我国的农村家庭承包土地使用权转让已成普遍现象,通过分析承包土地使用权转让的价格形成,探索出三种土地使用权转让价格计量模式,为农村家庭承包土地依法有偿转让,规范土地管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

<正> 一、城镇土地使用制度改革现状分析目前,我国城镇土地使用制度并存着以下几种情况:(1) 国内用地单位取得土地使用权大部分仍然采取行政划拨方式,通过有偿出让方式取得土地使用权的为数尚少。(2) 行政划拨土地使用权,由征收土地使用费改为征收土地使用税、个别城市对个人使用国有土地收取地租。(3) 划拨土地使用权转让、出租、抵押,根据国务院55号令应补交土地使用权出让金,但各地作法不一。(4) 对土地增值进行征税,全国尚无统一规定,一些城市已开始征收,  相似文献   

浅析我国征地制度中"公共利益"界定与征地范围划分问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,土地征用权的法律规定主要来自《宪法》、《土地管理法》和《城市房地产管理法》。我国宪法,虽然赋予国家征用土地的权利,却没有为这种权利的行使划定明确的范围、界限、方式和程序;现行法律中关于土地征用权的规定互相矛盾,从而导致土地征用权的滥用,同时还存在对农民的补偿和安置不到位等问题。因此迫切需要完善土地征用制度,明确界定“公共利益”的范围,文章就此问题进行了初探,并提出了完善征地制度的建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic effects of existing private property rights on First Nations reserves. We focus on three regimes of land tenure: lawful possession, designated land and permits. These land regimes have been used to create individual landholdings and grant secure and transferable rights of use of reserve land. Using confidential census microdata and rich administrative data, we find evidence of a positive relationship between the use of these tenure regimes and homeownership rates, housing conditions and band's public spending. We also observe a positive relationship with average income. However, this last result is driven by the inflow of a non-Indigenous population not by improvements in Indigenous households’ income or on-reserve employment. Our findings thus suggest that while reforms to individual property rights on reserve have some positive effects, their scope remains limited and they are unlikely to constitute a transformative tool to alleviate poverty on reserve.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the evolution of global public goods related to the world's land resources over the course of the 21st century, their potential impacts on the world's poorest households, as well as prospects for policy interventions aimed at enhancing these outcomes. It begins with global scale projections to 2100 of land use and associated goods and services, including food, fuel, timber, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. This is followed by in‐depth discussion of each of these services and the challenges of providing these public goods in sufficient quantities to advance societal welfare—especially that of the world's poorest households. The paper concludes with a discussion of policies aimed at promoting the provision of land‐based public goods and how they could be altered to be more pro‐poor. Within this context, the paper argues that access to geospatial analysis tools and information on climate, land use and tenure, poverty and environmental indicators will become increasingly valuable to both public and private decision makers.  相似文献   

This paper examines public–private sector wage differentials in Australia. After controlling for observed characteristics and individual fixed effects, we show that on average workers in the public sector earn about 5.1 per cent more in hourly wages than those in the private sector. The wage premium is slightly higher for females than males. Using a panel data quantile regression model with fixed effects, we show that the positive wage effects of public sector employment are heterogeneous, with comparatively larger impact at the lower end of the wage distribution than at other parts. We also find evidence of heterogeneity in the public sector wage premiums by qualification, time period, occupation and state/territory.  相似文献   

从"局内人"的视角,探讨入住养老机构的老年人对其提供的医疗服务的评价及其影响因素。选择山东省入住养老机构的老年人为总体,采取分层,对公立和私营的养老机构进行两阶段PPS抽样,获得入住养老机构老年人调查数据,通过对他们就医地点选择、就医满意度与人口社会经济变量的统计分析,并结合非参与式观察及半结构式访谈,对问题进行讨论。老年人的教育程度、从事过的职业和婚姻状况对其就医地点选择存在显著差异;而入住养老机构时间、家庭经济条件影响到其在机构内的就医满意度。在医疗条件既定的情况下,影响就医地点选择性和就医满意评价的决定因素是老人的社会经济地位。  相似文献   

Private agents make large contributions to networks of conserved land, but little is known about how private agents’ decisions might be altered by government actions. This paper explores the impact of public conservation and public policy on the quantity and configuration of private land conservation and the extent to which the social optimum is reached. Because land conservation benefits often have thresholds and spatial characteristics, we consider the impact of different land conservation benefit functions on the patterns of conservation created by the interaction of private and public agents. We find that public conservation crowds private conservation in or out depending on whether marginal conservation benefits increase or decrease with total acreage, and crowding out is mitigated by the presence of budget constraints. We show how land conservation agents might interact strategically in space depending on preferences over fragmentation, and we explore that spatial strategic interaction in a case with a regional land trust and a case with hot-spot parcels. We identify when government policies, such as agglomeration bonuses and mitigating coordination costs, are most likely to increase the social benefits provided by private land conservation agents.  相似文献   

Agricultural lands, primarily managed for crops and livestock production, provide various ecosystem services (ES) to people. In theory, the economic value of the service flows that can be captured privately is capitalized into land prices. This study proposes an integrative framework to characterize the ecosystem services associated with agricultural lands. Using that framework, we demonstrate how hedonic analysis of agricultural land prices can be used to estimate the private values of land-based ES. The model is estimated with data from southwestern Michigan, USA. Results suggest that ES values are associated with lakes, rivers, wetlands, forests and conservation lands in rural landscapes. Ecosystem services that support direct use values, such as recreational and aesthetic services, are likely to be perceived by land owners and capitalized in land prices. Some regulating services that provide indirect use values may be partially capitalized in a land parcel's relationship to natural resources and landscapes. Other ES from the land parcel and its surroundings are unlikely to be capitalized due to lack of private incentives, unawareness, or small perceived value. The private ES values measured in this study highlight opportunities to design cost-effective public policies that factor in the value of private benefits from agricultural lands.  相似文献   


The libertarian case for legal titling is that formalization of the economic (de facto) rights of those who own land and buildings improves prospects for capitalism and, ultimately, development. Although all rich countries have private property rights, we argue that the success of legal titling depends on a certain kind of state—what we call a property-protecting state—that is often missing in developing countries. We use insights from Austrian economics, public choice, and institutional economics to clarify the political basis for legal titling to improve land tenure security. Evidence from Afghanistan shows that legal titling has not worked because the country does not have a property-protecting state. We suggest focusing on improving political institutions before investing in legal titling. In the meantime, it makes more sense to register land ownership at the community level, without the state.


Stochastic frontier analysis is used to estimate operating cost inefficiencies of public and private non-profit universities in the U.S. while also accounting for the possible effects arising from differences in the degree of government ownership. Using panel data for four academic years, 2005?C2009, inefficiencies are estimated under two model specifications. Results indicate that public universities are more cost efficient when environmental factors influence cost frontiers but private universities are the cost efficient institutions when those factors are determinants of inefficiency. Increased government funding does matter and increases private sector inefficiency but offers some efficiency improvements among public universities. Following the global financial crisis, there is evidence indicating a considerable slowdown in the inefficiency growth among both public and private universities.  相似文献   

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