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Backlogs in information-systems departments are growing like Topsy, and something must be done to relieve the load. The authors say that, like it or not, the fourth generation is the answer.  相似文献   

The oil market is just like the sea;it is never quiet for a single moment.Facing the sea to observe the tide, we must behave calm in order to act correctly. The oil in the country is like the blood of the econo- my,and the oil prices in the economy is like a barometer. Under the mysterious veil,there are oil supply changes, the pattern of political restructuring...  相似文献   

The oil market just like the sea; it is never quiet for a single moment, Facing the sea to observe the tide,we must behave calm in order to act correctly.
The oil in the country The oil like the blood of the economy, and the oil prices in the economy is like a barometer. Under the mvsterious veil, there are oil supply changes, the pattern of political restructuring...  相似文献   

To identify issuer motives, we study the determinants of announcement effects of convertible debt issues in the Canadian market. Classified into equity‐ and debt‐like, wealth effects are significantly more negative for equity‐like convertible bond issuers. Equity‐like convertibles are significantly negatively affected by agency costs of equity. However, agency costs of debt have no significant effect on debt‐like convertibles. Consistent with Stein (1992), this suggests convertibles in particular represent a substitute for equity. Moreover, convertible debt offers announced by income trusts experience significantly less negative wealth effects than offers by nontrusts—a finding explained by a more debt‐like convertible design, very low agency costs of equity in case of income trusts, or both. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

网购是时下最时尚、最便捷的消费方式,因其"省时、省心、省力、省钱"的特点,吸引了越来越多的年轻人加入网购大军并从中受惠。本文以上海在校大学生为例,围绕大学生的网购特征、网购需求及网购中的问题等进行实地调研分析,并在此基础上,针对网购行业的制度不完善、缺乏监管、卖家素质较低等问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

刘振 《广告大观》2009,(2):24-30
该文回顾了2008年国外品牌研究的最新进展。品牌资产、品牌延伸、来源国等传统热点依然吸引了众多研究者的关注,在品牌史、品牌知名度等方面亦有一些令人惊喜的新发现,品牌抵制之类的品牌研究新领域得以开拓。实证研究依然是国外品牌研究的主流。  相似文献   

明代小说包含着许多道教因素。神魔小说《西游记》、《封神演义》与道教息息相关,长篇历史小说《水浒传》、《三国演义》具有浓郁的道教色彩,以"三言二拍"为代表的话本体小说更是"道化题材"。明代小说中道教影响的意象痕迹和渗透随处可见。道教作为一种本土宗教,原本就与中国百姓的世俗生活有着千丝万缕的联系,而作为道教信仰、道教情感艺术表达的一种形式———"道化题材"小说,就更是植根于世俗生活的泥土之中。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the consumer motivations for purchase of an innovative product like fashionable ethnic wear in India. It attempts to combine consumer innovativeness constructs and consumer evaluation attributes to understand buying behaviour in fashionable ethnic wear through a consumer survey. It confirms the relationship between product usage (the number of brands bought) and ethnic wear domain‐specific innovativeness. It also explores the correlations among different dimensions of consumer innovativeness like domain‐specific innovativeness, optimum stimulation level and consumers' need for uniqueness constructs. It shows the difference in importance attached to the chosen consumer innovativeness constructs and consumer evaluation attributes by buyers and non‐buyers in the purchase process.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Men typically express more willingness than women to perpetrate fraudulent acts like lying in negotiations. However, women express just as much willingness in some...  相似文献   

石旭斋 《财贸研究》2006,17(4):135-141
合作经济组织的根本宗旨和最终追求在于市场经济体制中处于不利竞争地位的弱势群体,通过充分合作实现自助、自立与自我服务,最终实现自身权益的有效保护与扩大。因而,充分保障合作社社员的民主政治权利,将有利于促进合作经济组织的发展,从而直接服务于构建和谐社会和建设小康社会这一经济社会发展目标;有效保障合作社社员的经济权利,正是充分发挥现代法的保护社会弱势群体利益等利益调整功能的具体内涵;广泛保障合作社社员的社会权利,实现合作经济组织的独立社会团体地位,也是实现国家权力的社会回归的必然要求。  相似文献   

姚鑫  周慧秋 《商业研究》2012,(3):211-216
林地是基础性的自然资源和战略性的经济资源,关系到我国的生态安全和经济社会的可持续发展,应该像严格保护耕地一样保护林地。我国耕地保护有18亿亩不可逾越的红线,林地保护同样需要划定红线目标。本文根据我国林地状况和林地保护利用,以及建设生态社会、应对气候变化、满足产品需求等生态社会和产业发展的需要,提出2020年前须坚守46.8亿亩林地面积的"红线"保护目标,并从治理国土等9个方面再造林需求(生态需求)和满足国民生计等3个方面新植林需求(经济需求),计算出4.08亿公顷森林面积的具体目标预期。  相似文献   

Analysis and case studies have indicated that intervention by the Singapore government in fostering economic development has not always been successful. In particular, past intervention in the labour market like the high wage policy of the early 3980s has proved to be an unmitigated disaster. However, interventions that lead to the direct creation of national competitive advantage, like the information-telecommunications infrastructure, R & D subsidy and manpower development, have proved t o be more successful. A strong, non-corrupt and market-oriented public sector appears to be crucial t o ensure that interventions are market facilitating, correcting and enhancing rather than distorting.  相似文献   

经济社会必须在适度自由与适度干预之间寻求平衡。适度干预理念的干预界限在于——不破坏市场机制的正常运行,这也正是体现了行政法中有限政府理论的干预界限的要求。适度干预理念和有限政府理论在理论发展方面,具有内在逻辑结构的一致性。可以用适度干预理念去解释有限政府理论的合理性,亦可以用有限政府理论去解释适度干预理念的正当性。  相似文献   

汽车零部件争端的成因与解决路径选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发生在我国与欧盟等国家和地区的汽车零部件争端,其实质是如何解决美、日、欧这些汽车生产大国的厂商对我国的关税规避,这种规避的成因主要源于中国入世工作组报告中的相关承诺。本文在分析这一争端的起源的同时,着重探讨中方在此次磋商中的几点抗辩理由,并在此基础上提出今后解决类似争端的几种路径。  相似文献   

Recent debates on the comparative institutional advantages of diverse national models of capitalist development tend to differentiate between liberal market economies like the United States dominated by market coordination and coordinated market economies like Germany that highlight nonmarket coordination schemes. Institutional advantages of the liberal type inform reform initiatives in coordinated market economies, involving the domain of entrepreneurship policy. These efforts in the liberal reshaping of coordinated varieties of capitalism by the use of entrepreneurship policy need to be critically assessed. The case of entrepreneurship policy in Germany provides related insights on the prospects of these efforts. It gives evidence for the suggestion that the systemic character and institutional embeddedness of entrepreneurial activity need to be adequately reflected in the design of entrepreneurship policy.  相似文献   

“金砖四国”服务贸易的竞争力与贸易相似度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对中国、印度、巴西和俄罗斯四国服务贸易竞争力与贸易相似度进行经验性比较,结果表明:印度在计算机及信息业、通讯业等新兴服务业上具有国际竞争力;中国和俄罗斯在运输、旅游、建筑等传统服务业上具有国际竞争力;巴西服务贸易的国际竞争力较弱,但相对传统服务业,巴西的新兴服务业更具竞争力。此外,中国与巴西、俄罗斯的贸易相似度较高,而与印度的贸易相似度较低。  相似文献   

Retailing industry has undergone tremendous change in its complexity and sophistication over the past few years. Globally we are witnessing the evolution of retailing industry from traditionally micro-managed small retail formats like mom and pop store to modern corporate-managed large retail formats like supermarkets. Consumers are also shopping across these various store formats even for the products in similar categories. In this research, we posit that consumer purchases in the similar categories may very well be characterized by differential responses to marketing mix across different store formats. The proposed model accounts for the influences that these diverse response parameters and preferences have on one another as well as consumer heterogeneity. Our results show that sensitivities to marketing mix as well as correlations in preferences do indeed vary across formats for consumer purchases in similar categories.  相似文献   

To retain their leading position, the Nordics must invest in developing more sophisticated products than competing economies like Turkey. This applies to all complex economies, but constitutes a greater challenge to the Nordic countries with their comparatively small populations.  相似文献   

Son of a North German businessman, Thomas Mann chose as theme for his early narrative work the conflict between the standards and values of business and those of the artist-writer.Buddenbrooks andTonio Kröger exhibit the tension of values in opposite ways. InThe Magic Mountain, Mann expands his canvas to include military as well as business values in their relation to the creative potential in a young engineer who exiles himself to an Alpine tuberculosis sanatorium to enjoy a unique educational experience. Mann believed that the businessman, like the artist, had a light and dark side, committed by the Protestant ethic, yet bound to entrepreneurial standards of utility and profit. On that account, the businessman, like the creative artist, may experience a certain alientation from ‘Life’.  相似文献   

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