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The objective of this paper is to analyze retailers' attitudes toward region of origin labeling in fresh meat and the factors influencing retailers' decision to sell these quality labeled meats. Data come from a survey conducted with retailers in Spain (Aragon) in 2002. Firstly, retailers' attitudes toward region-of-origin labeled meat are investigated. Secondly, factors affecting the probability to sell region-of-origin labeled for two meat products (beef and lamb) and the level of sales are determined. To do this, a probit model has been specified to analyze the probability to sell region-of-origin labeled beef/lamb and an ordered probit, to study the level of sales for beef/lamb.  相似文献   

This research aims to evaluate the perceptions of and preferences for irrigation multifunctionality based on an analysis of stakeholder’ attitudes in a large irrigation system in Northern Italy, the Muzza canal. As the first artificial canal built in Northern Italy, this canal articulates a network of open earth canals that distribute water for irrigation, especially maize. The Stakeholder analysis approach and Governance model approach are applied. The collected data highlights: (1) each key stakeholder points of view regarding multifunctionality and ecosystem services, (2) the nature of conflicting attitudes regarding who and how the Muzza system is managed, and (3) the ability or inability to promote agreements among conflicting water demands. The results show how public administration is concerned about how to manage ecosystem services provided by irrigation practices, while private services are focused on how to guarantee the coexistence of consumptive and non-consumptive water uses, highlighting the persistent conflict between farming production and environmental protection. The rural community and civil society call for a debate about the future of irrigation multifunctionality in the Muzza system and the role of irrigation practices in landscape provision and management. In addition, the paper examines if multifunctionality is a characteristic or an objective of irrigation systems. These results can be used by researchers and relevant authorities to customize their interventions based on previous, well-structured knowledge of various stakeholders’ priorities.  相似文献   


This paper reports on an investigation into the convenience orientation of various food-related lifestyle segments in Ireland. The food-related lifestyle instrument developed by the Centre for research on customer relations in the food sector (MAPP Institute in Denmark) provided a valuable framework for the development of this analysis.

This instrument was applied in Ireland in 2001, with a nationally representative sample of one thousand Irish consumers. Six distinct food-related lifestyle segments were identified (Ryan, 2002). The lifestyle instrument grouped consumers in terms of their attitudes towards the purchase, preparation and consumption of food products in general.

This research investigates the degree to which these food-related lifestyle segments are convenience-oriented by investigating their attitudes towards convenience and their purchase frequency for a range of convenience foods. The convenience element was developed following a review of the Irish convenience food market, which highlighted a number of convenience-related food issues driving this market. This study identified the food-related lifestyle segments that were particularly convenient oriented. These segments were further explained by relating their purchase frequency for a range of convenience products.

The attitudes of the various food-related lifestyle segments towards convenience foods and purchase frequencies for convenience foods differed. Three of the food-related lifestyle segments were identified as having a convenience orientation, namely the hedonistic, the extremely uninvolved and the adventurous segments.  相似文献   

我国淡水养殖业科技进步贡献率测算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国淡水养殖业快速发展,在我国养殖业和农业中的地位不断提高,并成为世界水产业发展中突出的进展之一。科技的快速进步在支撑中国淡水养殖业快速发展中起到了非常重要的作用。本文利用C—D生产函数对我国淡水养殖业科技进步贡献率进行了测算,结果表明:总体上,1990~2007年我国淡水养殖业科技进步贡献率为60.87%,贡献率较高;分地区来看,地区差异显著,东部最高且高于全国平均水平,西部高于中部且都低于全国平均水平;从时间上看,淡水养殖科技进步贡献率总体呈增长趋势,但近几年明显放缓。  相似文献   


The dichotomous-choice Logit model is applied on data from the Malaysian Household Expenditure Survey (1998/99) to examine household purchase decisions of food-away-from-home (FAFH). Results indicate that younger, higher educated, wealthier, smaller-sized families, urban residents, or Malay and Chinese households have a significantly higher likelihood to purchase FAFH, ceteris paribus. In addition, gender does not impact FAFH purchase decisions in a statistically significant manner. Based on these findings, several observations are noted to provide policymakers and food industry analysts with a better understanding of the habits and attitudes of Malaysian households visa-vis FAFH.  相似文献   

本文是Stuart W.Bunting,Muki Shpigel发表于Aquaculture 2009年294期43~51页"Evaluating the economic potential of horizontally integrated land-based marine aquaculture"一文的译文。原作者通过研究得出:生物经济模型有助于横向一体化水产养殖系统的优化,帮助澄清情况,找出关键制约因子和具有针对性的研究及发展重点。生物经济模型的其他横向一体化战略,例如对虾与贝类、海藻和红树林湿地一体化养殖,可以说明这种做法在经济上可行并满足生态无害和对社会负责。同时,生物经济模型应辅以市场分析,包括消费者评估、质量安全评估、伦理审查、环境影响评估以及与利益相关者的共同评估。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study is to examine consumer factors that affect the demand of organic olive oil (socioeconomic characteristics as well as attitudes towards organic products, food safety and the environment). Heckman approach for single equation procedure was applied in order to (1) identify the profile of regular buyers of organic olive oil based on the aforementioned factors and (2) to estimate income elasticity for the same product. Results indicate that the demand for or ganic olive oil is strongly affected by socioeconomic characteristics such as income size and occupation status, and to a lesser extent by attitudes towards organic products, food safety and the environment.  相似文献   


The current study expands on previous research by examining a more comprehensive set of factors that influence consumers’ buying behavior of organic foods. This study focuses on individual and situational factors associated with attitudes and intentions to buy organic foods, which subsequently lead to organic food-buying behavior. Health and environmental consciousness were found to be individual factors that significantly influenced attitudes toward buying organic foods, whereas children’s age and perceived convenience of purchase were recognized as strong situational factors that determined intentions to buy organic foods.  相似文献   


The general applicability of the conclusions of McNamara's study of estate agents in the development process (McNamara, 1984), which showed a surprisingly large involvement of such agents with building companies, is questioned by a study involving all types of development in four Conservation Areas in the West Midlands. This paper shows the very restricted activity of estate agents, which may be more typical of the development process in general.  相似文献   

Stakeholder analysis and engagement processes are recognised as essential in environmental and natural resources management (ENRM). Underpinning these processes is the identification of stakeholders, an often tacit process which finds the practitioner responsible for stakeholder analysis or engagement sifting through all of society to determine who is awarded stakeholder status for the given project or issue. While the ENRM literature provides guidance for stakeholder analysis and engagement, there has not been the same level of examination of the practical approaches to—and assumptions underlying—stakeholder identification by practitioners working in the field. This research extends on the ENRM stakeholder analysis and engagement literature by exploring the approaches to identification as used by ENRM practitioners. Semi-structured interviews (n = 20) were conducted with ENRM practitioners, leading to the classification of eight approaches to stakeholder identification. These approaches are discussed as the ‘art’ and ‘science’ of stakeholder identification. Practitioners’ conceptualisations of the terms stakeholder, community, and the citizenry are discussed, and differences in understandings of these critical terms are outlined based on the broad domain of ENRM in which the practitioner is operating (land use change versus agricultural extension or community engagement). The social structures of relevance to stakeholder identification (individual, social constituency, group, organisation) are presented, and practitioners’ perspectives on the role of groups are discussed. Through explicating the approaches to identification of stakeholders, this research offers new perspectives on a significant element of ENRM. These insights provide greater clarity on the practices which shape stakeholder analysis and engagement in ENRM, and highlight the importance of acknowledging the privileged position of the practitioner in deciding who is awarded stakeholder status in a project or issue.  相似文献   


Organic food market is very challenging in Europe and developing rapidly with different rates between the western and eastern parts. The objective of this report is to gain knowledge about attitudes toward organic fruits and vegetables among Slovenian consumers. Results indicated that organic buyers tend to be younger and higher educated than those who do not buy them. In addition, consumers’ trust in the authenticity of the goods and price are also issues. However, the main barrier to increase the market share of organic products is consumer information. According to the research results an important task for the producers will be to increase consumers’ knowledge of what an organic product is and how to differentiate it in the marketplace. Along with knowledgeable and educated consumers, consumption could be raised on another level. The results of the research could be used for planning further marketing activities.  相似文献   


This paper examines the practice of aesthetic control in town planning as it influences the development of large office buildings in a provincial English town. The practice of control is examined within the development process at large, and within the context of the particular historical, political and planning policy framework of the town of Reading. The main actors shaping and controlling the production of the built form are identified, and their motivation, values, and inputs (and the constraints on the same), briefly discussed. The control side is shown to be in a relatively weak reactive position, despite considerable agreement amongst the various consultees, because it enters into the development process relatively late. Furthermore the universal qualities of speculative office space, and the constraints imposed by the actors in the development team, tend to dictate a standard product. On the other hand, increasingly sophisticated control has successfully prevented the most insensitive developments, and progressively raised the standard of schemes in general, by forcing time and new insights into the design process. Such evidence is considered to call into question Central Government's longstanding restraints on, and negative attitudes towards, aesthetic control.  相似文献   

目的 为了充分发挥云南的资源和气候优势,服务国家战略,服务地方社会经济发展,服务东南亚,乃至全球渔业发展,提出将云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的战略构想。方法 文章通过实地考察和历史文献资料研究,综合分析论述云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的可行性、必要性和和重要意义,在气候条件、种质资源、淡水资源等必备条件方面论证云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地不可替代的优势。结果 (1)云南具有优越的气候条件、丰富的特有渔业种质资源、充足的淡水资源,为建设我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地奠定了重要的物质基础。(2)滇南地区日照充足,积温高,鱼类可周年生长,提早性成熟,缩短繁育周期,提高良种选育效率,为快出良种、出优质良种提供了极佳的气候条件。(3)云南是我国淡水渔业种质资源的宝库,分布鱼类达629种,占全国淡水鱼类种类总数的39.93%,居全国各省市之首,其中有大量性状优良的特有物种,开发利用潜力巨大。(4)云南淡水资源蕴藏量丰富,人均水资源占有量是全国人均的2.3倍,澜沧江下游的西双版纳州人均水资源占有量是全国的4.6倍,但水资源开发利用率仅5.7%,发展渔业是符合大食物观,提高水资源利用率的有效途径。因此,云南完全具备建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的必备条件。结论 云南建设成为我国省淡水渔业种业南繁基地是可行和必要的,将服务于云南经济和社会发展,改善优化云南农业产业结构,培育出的优良品种将支撑我国淡水养殖业升级换代,满足消费者对优质水产品的需求,还可以澜沧江—湄公河下游的中南半岛国家为依托,向全世界提供中国新品种和中国技术方案。  相似文献   

Mangroves have been systematically exploited in Indonesia since 1800, especially for the development of brackish water shrimp aquaculture (called ‘tambak’) and for timber harvesting. By the end of the 1960s, Indonesia is estimated to have lost more than 200,000 ha of its mangroves mostly in Java and Sumatra. The rate of mangrove loss started to dramatically increase in the 1970 when exploitation shifted to new areas outside Java, particularly in Kalimantan and Sulawesi, encouraged by government policies to boost timber production, followed by policies to expand tambak in 1980s and large scale tambak development triggered by increased shrimp price during Asian financial crisis in 1997. The result has been the loss of nearly 800,000 ha of mangroves in only 30 years, mostly now in the form of low productivity or abandoned tambaks. In recent years, timber harvesting activities in Indonesia's mangroves appear to have become more sustainable. Our analysis suggests that aquaculture will continue as the main driver of change in mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia followed by palm oil plantation. Failure to deal with the current low productivity of shrimp aquaculture in many parts of Indonesia will force shrimp producers to clear an estimated 600,000 ha more mangroves to make way for shrimp farms over the next two decades. However, with improvements in brackish water aquaculture productivity, halting palm oil concession to utilise mangroves, along with maintaining other mangrove use pressures at moderate levels, the net loss of mangroves in the next two decades could be reduced to around 23,000 ha.  相似文献   


To communicate effectively with consumers about genetically modified (GM) food, gaining insight in the formation of consumer attitude regarding GM food is essential. Therefore, the current paper first reviews relevant literature describing how consumer attitudes towards GM food are formed. Next, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is applied to own quantitative data to model the formation of consumer attitude towards GM food. Previous analysis of these quantitative data led to the identification and characterisation of four consumer segments (Halfhearted, Green Opponents, Balancers and Enthusiasts) based on beliefs and attitudes towards GM food. Based on the SEM results, recommendations are formulated for each of the four identified consumer segments.  相似文献   

Understanding stakeholder power relations—such as between land sellers, land buyers, and local governments—is crucial to understanding Land Value Capture (LVC). While scholars have focused on stakeholder relationships through approaches such as stakeholder salience, stakeholder interaction, stakeholder value network, and stakeholder multiplicity, much research either places insufficient focus on power or only stresses partial attributes of power. As a result, the role of power relations among key stakeholders in LVC remains insufficiently explored. Our contribution is a new analytical framework for stakeholder power dynamics surrounding LVC. This provides an empirical analysis by comparing the public (China) and the private (U.S.) dominant regimes, through the perspectives of power direction, strength, and mechanism. To conceptualize the three perspectives of power in LVC, we constructed an analytical matrix and then categorized data in terms of stakeholder, space, and time perspectives. Based on empirical findings, four emerging dilemmas shed light on consequences for LVC policy making as well as areas in need of further research.  相似文献   


Current seaweed consumption and attitudes and preferences toward seaweed food products in a Western society are investigated to inform the seaweed industry regarding product development and marketing strategies. A national survey of 521 Australian consumers was conducted. About 75% of respondents had eaten seaweed; however, only 37% had consumed seaweed regularly over the past 12?months. Key drivers include health and nutritional benefits, taste, being natural, safe, and fresh. Critical barriers are lack of knowledge and familiarity, and the perception that seaweed is expensive. Females and younger, health-conscious consumers with higher household incomes and levels of education, who are more adventurous with food (neophilic), and who tend to snack and assign symbolic value to food are more likely to consume seaweed. Recommendations for the emerging seaweed industry in terms of target markets and relevant marketing strategies are presented and areas of further research proposed.  相似文献   

This paper considers rural land use by analysing stakeholder values and perceptions concerning various landscape components. The purpose is to show that landscape content and land cover interactions with societal connections should be a base for land use development. The practical goal is to deliberate research tools to quantify public opinions and attitudes, which could form bases for developing of decision support tools. The main research objectives are: (1) to assess existing opinions concerning land use changes and provide a clearer insight into public attitudes to the role of woodlands for an integrated development of the countryside; (2) to place ecological and socio-economic values on inanimate natural components of landscapes; and (3) to assess values and preferences held by land use policy and management experts regarding multiple landscape components and features to assist in decision-making. Through the different levels of importance (values) accorded by the respondents to the integration of nature components in rural landscapes public priorities were identified. The paper develops an understanding of why certain aspects of land use changes are unfavourably viewed by some people and favourably received by others. It suggests some innovative perspectives on the areas of consensus and conflict between people, providing initial information for the selection and evaluation of land use management decisions.  相似文献   


Capitalizing on the rich fishing grounds that populate the coastal waters of the Sultanate of Oman is important in that country's economic diversification. Domestic fish markets have been constrained by consumers5 habits, which show very strong preferences for fresh fish over other processed forms. This study relates fish market and product development to consumer habits, perceptions, income, and other demographic and socioeconomic factors. Educational attainment and rural/urban households demonstrated the strongest relationships to likelihood of Omani fish choice by species and form. Income group, importance of price, and price expectations were significant influences on fish variety and form consumption, as were attitudinal choice characteristics, such as place of purchase, fish product characteristics, and spousal purchasing decision. Rural households and household size affected the odds of Omani consumption of fresh fish negatively.  相似文献   

我国具有良好的养殖生产条件和国家政策,并取得了较好的成绩。但养殖自身带来的污染问题,影响着养殖业的健康持续发展和水产品质量安全。根据我国养殖生产结构、污染原因以及现有管理制度,本文提出,需要在增加科技、行政手段的基础上,依据相关环境法律法规,完善养殖水域滩涂规划制度,明确养殖者法律责任,提高渔业主管部门对养殖环境的监督能力,提高公众在养殖环境管理中的作用。  相似文献   

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