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对社会网络理论的发展和应用进行了回顾,重点评述国内外关于流动人口的社会网络研究.国外利用社会网络视角系统研究流动人口的成果相对较少,而国内的流动人口研究主要集中于农村流动人口的网络结构分析和求职网络研究.多数研究只是对个体网络的基本特性作描述性分析,将社会网络作为研究对象而不是研究方法.对未来利用社会网络分析方法进行农村流动人口的研究提出了展望.  相似文献   

中国乡城流动人口社会网络复杂性特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助社会网络等非正式制度方式实现再社会化是乡城流动人口融入城市生活的主要途径之一。对流动人口社会网络的分析不仅可以揭示其网络结构特点,也将为进一步研究流动人口再社会化过程提供理论基础。采用深圳市流动人口专项调查中的整体网络数据,借助复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络的研究方法,系统分析了乡城流动人口社会支持网络与讨论网络的复杂性特征。在乡城流动人口社会网络中广泛存在小世界现象和无标度特性等复杂网络特征。复杂性科学可以为分析诸如乡城流动人口这样的复杂系统提供有效方法,也是拓展复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络应用领域的有益尝试。  相似文献   

借助社会网络等非正式制度方式实现再社会化是乡城流动人口融入城市生活的主要途径之一.对流动人口社会网络的分析不仅可以揭示其网络结构特点,也将为进一步研究流动人口再社会化过程提供理论基础.采用深圳市流动人口专项调查中的整体网络数据,借助复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络的研究方法,系统分析了乡城流动人口社会支持网络与讨论网络的复杂性特征.在乡城流动人口社会网络中广泛存在小世界现象和无标度特性等复杂网络特征.复杂性科学可以为分析诸如乡城流动人口这样的复杂系统提供有效方法,也是拓展复杂性科学,尤其是复杂网络应用领域的有益尝试.  相似文献   

本文从微观个体的角度,证实网络效应在我国城乡移动通信扩散过程中的作用,揭示流动人口在城乡之间发挥传导作用并影响城乡移动通信扩散差距的内在机制.研究结果发现,网络效应对城乡移动通信扩散均发挥显著的正向作用,且城市地区的网络效应大于农村地区;城市强网络效应促使移动电话在流动人口群体内加速扩散,使流动人口的网络效应增强;移动电话在流动人口群体内的扩散对农村移动通信扩散具有促进作用,表现为与亲人之间联络产生的直接效应和通过增加农村安装基础产生的间接效应.流动人口在城乡群体之间发挥传导作用,最终使城乡移动通信扩散的差距得以缩小.  相似文献   

农村流动人口高质量就业是中国巩固脱贫攻坚成果、实现乡村振兴、达成共同富裕目标的关键所在。利用2016年全国流动人口监测微观数据与滞后一期的中国城市宏观数据进行匹配,考察了数字经济对农村流动人口就业质量的影响及其机制。研究表明:总体上,数字经济将促进农村流动人口就业质量的提升;数字经济能够显著促进农村流动人口工资收入、社会保障、单位福利、签订劳动合同,但对本地工作年限、职业预期稳定性产生消极影响;同乡聚集、密集劳动力市场是数字经济提升农村流动人口就业质量的重要途径;进一步考察特定的就业人群,发现数字经济对女性、高技能水平、市内跨县人群的“促就业”效果更加明显。研究结论为中国数字经济背景下的“稳就业”和实现共同富裕提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

在快速城市化的背景下,流动人口的社会融合问题逐步成为影响城市管理的重要因素。本文利用对重庆市流动人口的调查数据,从公共服务、经济地位、社会保障、社区参与和身份认同等方面对流动人口的社会融合状况进行了测量分析。  相似文献   

近年来,乌鲁木齐市流动人口增长迅速,虽然此现象有助于该地区经济的建设和社会的发展,但由于乌鲁木齐流动人口的特殊性,无疑增加了各个社区对流动人口管理服务的难度。通过实地调查、问卷调查等方法,对乌鲁木齐市A社区的流动人口现状进行了分析,在此基础上,对该社区流动人口了分析并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

作为"首善之区",北京一直是很多流动人口向往和驻足的地方,也因此成为推进新型城镇化和流动人口市民化压力最大的城市之一。基于2017年北京市流动人口动态监测调查数据,分析了流动人口社会融入水平的整体特征、空间差异和影响因素。研究表明,北京市流动人口的社会融入总体水平不高且存在空间异质性。人力资本积累对流动人口的社会融入具有显著的影响,其中,跨城市流动经历有利于经济和行为融入的积累,而心理和文化维度的融入则依靠本地居留时间的增加。家庭、朋友、社区等层面的社会支持显著提升流动人口总体的社会融入水平。经济收入水平的提高是人力资本和社会支持影响流动人口社会融入的重要路径,但对不同类型人力资本和社会支持及不同维度社会融入的中介效应强度差异较大。  相似文献   

张楠  高梦媛  寇璇 《财贸经济》2021,42(2):36-50
构建优质、高效和公平的基本公共卫生服务体系是践行健康中国战略的重要一环,而地域文化对个人获得卫生资源具有潜在影响.本文利用方言测度文化差异,基于中国方言区地理信息匹配2017年城市户籍与流动人口对比专题调查数据,实证分析了方言障碍对流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性的影响.结果显示:跨方言区流动的外来人群面临卫生公平的文化壁垒,方言障碍显著阻碍了流动人口主动接受和获取公共卫生服务,这一结论在一系列稳健性检验中均成立;考察方言障碍的异质性发现,这种阻碍效应发生在迁入非省会城市和乡-城流动样本中,而在迁入省会城市和城-城流动样本中不明显;机制分析表明,打破信息阻隔、提高社会信任以及构建社会网络能够缓解方言的阻碍效应;公共卫生服务可及性不高会对流动人口身体健康和劳动供给产生负面效应.本文的结论对于加强地域文化理解、完善现代流动人口治理机制和优化公共卫生体系都有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

以亲缘、地缘等为纽带的社会网络是农民工进行工作搜寻和实现就业的重要渠道。在劳动力市场相对完善的大城市中,农民工是否会减少对社会网络的依赖呢?本文以社会互动模型为基础,构建两区域劳动力市场均衡模型,在理论层面探讨了城市规模影响农民工借助社会网络渠道进行工作搜寻的机理。在理论模型基础上,本文将中国流动人口动态监测调查数据和城市数据相匹配进行实证检验,识别城市规模对农民工社会网络搜寻渠道的影响。鉴于常规模型的估计结果会因选择效应而存在偏误,本文运用含城市固定效应的两步法模型进行估计。研究发现,城市规模的扩大会显著提升农民工对社会网络搜寻渠道的依赖。进一步研究表明,大城市中的农民工依赖社会网络渠道搜寻,是对大城市公共就业服务不足的补充机制。  相似文献   

利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2005年深圳市农民工调查数据,从社会网络视角实证分析了流动后农民工生育观念的影响因素。生育讨论网的弱关系和网络成员的生育行为,以及个体在城镇的滞留时间、初次流动时的年龄、受教育程度等因素对流动后农民工的生育观念产生了影响。  相似文献   

A lack of a sense of belonging in the host country has become one of the most common challenges facing international migrants in today's sociopolitical environment. Our two online experiments with 881 international migrant workers in the United States jointly demonstrate that, to cope with their lack of a sense of belonging in the host country, international migrants may spend money suboptimally: more on material purchases but less on experiential and prosocial purchases. More importantly, our studies suggest that prosocial purchases are more effective than experiential purchases in increasing international migrants’ subjective well-being. This is because prosocial purchases can lead to both relatedness need satisfaction and beneficence, with each independently contributing to international migrants’ subjective well-being. Our research suggests that public policymakers should address the social exclusion international migrants experience when moving to a new country because it can have a negative impact on their subjective well-being. Our research further suggests that one way to mitigate social exclusion is to encourage international migrants to spend money on others rather than themselves.  相似文献   


The Mekong Delta has been identified by the International Panel on Climate Change as one of the three most vulnerable areas in the world as sea levels rise due to climate change. The Vietnam Government has implemented a range of policies to assist migration in order to address these environmental problems. While much research has focused on the environmental causes of, and responses to, climate change there has been less research on the impact of environmentally motivated responses to climate change on labour force and human capital factors. This paper examines the experience of the Vietnam Government in encouraging internal migration from vulnerable agricultural areas to urban industrial cities, to explore the human capital effects of these environmentally motivated response to climate change. The paper first presents the environmental argument for migration in response to climate change, together with examples of what the Vietnam Government has done to encourage migration from the rural (originating) areas to other rural resettlement and city (receiving) areas. It then uses data collected as part of recent study into the impact of government encouragement for internal migration to explore the labour force and human capital impacts in both the originating region and receiving areas. The findings suggest that while there are social and economic advantages there are challenges, including ensuring that job opportunities are available, migrants and appropriate skills, and that labour contracts provide for job security and healthy and safe working result in improved living conditions. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a more integrated approach that acknowledges and addresses associated human capital (skills upgrading) and business development needs and integrates these with environmentally-motivated policies.  相似文献   

以往关于乡村旅游意向的研究,关注点较多为旅游者自身的特点,忽视了旅游者与乡村人员之间的关系可能发挥的作用。文章引入社会资本为前因变量、心理距离为中介变量,通过调研探讨了后疫情时代城市居民的乡村旅游意向。首先,关系信任与共同愿景会降低城市居民的心理距离,进而提高其乡村旅游意向,而交互联结的影响并不显著;其次,心理距离对乡村旅游意向具有显著的负向影响;最后,心理距离在关系信任和共同愿景与乡村旅游意向之间发挥中介作用。文章是首次将社会资本三个维度运用到我国乡村旅游现象中的实证研究,研究结论可以帮助后疫情时代乡村了解和运用社会资本,重视心理距离的影响,制定更加灵活有效的乡村旅游发展策略。  相似文献   

Transnational entrepreneurship studies highlight the importance of personal profiles, institutions, and networks in creating and succeeding in this type of entrepreneurship. Even so, less is known about migrants whose networks are fragmented and closed, facing challenging environments at home and abroad. This paper aims to study the attributes of transnational entrepreneurs with small and fragmented networks, from post-conflict environments, who can perform an important role in the socioeconomic development and internationalization level of their countries of origin due to the cross border mobilization of resources they encourage. For that reason, the specific case of Colombian transnational entrepreneurs who have been able to overcome those obstacles with their transnational business is analyzed with the intention of understanding how they manage those shortcomings when engaging in transnational entrepreneurship. In aiming to obtain a deeper understanding of their characteristics, similitudes, differences, and motivations, the research uses multiple case studies. The main findings suggest that transnational entrepreneurs form purposeful–strategic networks to compensate their lack of amalgamated social systems, and that they have special qualities that distinguish them from other Colombian migrants and transnational entrepreneurs. Moreover, Colombian transnational entrepreneurs focus their business in the international market, using strategically their knowledge of both the local and foreign environment, while their main interest to do so is not altruistic but business oriented. Governments from post-conflict countries should promote transnational entrepreneurship while facilitating network formation and institutional trust through diverse strategies. Finally, implications for further research are drawn.  相似文献   

Small-scale firms in rural areas play an extremely important role in the development of any country, and especially in developing countries. To understand entrepreneurs who operate in a low-technology industry, we rely on the network perspective on entrepreneurship. In this paper, we investigate how the social and human capital of entrepreneurs (in this case master weavers in the handloom industry) influence their ability to recognize opportunities and mobilize resources. In addition to examining the direct effects, we also explore the possibilities of social capital mediating between human capital, on the one hand, and opportunity recognition and resource mobilization on the other. This paper adds to existing literature in two ways: firstly, we expand the social capital paradigm by including different cultural settings and links to existing studies regarding small enterprises. Secondly, we provide additional evidence to the ongoing debate as to what constitutes a ‘good network’.  相似文献   

Forgotten or not? Home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building on the social network and strategic entrepreneurship literature, we investigate the overall relationship between returnee entrepreneurs’ networks in different periods and locations, domestic resource acquisitions and firm performance. While the labor mobility literature emphasizes the “gone but not forgotten” networks in the prior location of migrants, other studies argue that returnees suffer from a lack of local networks. Our findings show that returnee entrepreneurs are different in the extent of their home country embeddedness while they are overseas, which indicates different degrees of enduring networks in the home countries. The effect of home country embeddedness improves the performance of returnee entrepreneurship via domestic resource acquisition, and this effect could be substituted by pre-overseas local ties and the presence of local top management team (TMT) members. This study extends returnee research by shedding light on the importance of network maintenance in determining whether the home country’s network endures or decays and by highlighting the interactions of ties in the different periods of pre-overseas, during overseas, and after return.  相似文献   

中国农村是一个典型的“关系社会”,社会资本对于信息分享和资源配置具有较强的干预。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查2016年的农村样本数据,采用分位数回归方法,从收入增长与收入差距缩小的双重视角考察社会资本对中国农村贫困户减贫的影响。研究结果显示:2010-2016年间,中国农村的贫困发生率呈逐年下降趋势,这一趋势主要源于收入增长,而不是收入差距缩小。社会网络、社会参与和社会信任所体现的社会资本可以显著提高农户的收入水平,有效发挥减贫作用。就缩小收入差距的视角看,社会网络对农村的减贫作用比社会参与和社会信任更为显著。注重农村贫困人口社会资本的构建,尤其是提高贫困农户的社会网络质量,对于农村减贫具有重要的政策意义。  相似文献   

The increasing access to large social network data has generated substantial interest in the marketing community. However, due to its large scale, traditional analysis methods often become inadequate. In this paper, we propose a sequential sampling enhanced composite likelihood approach for efficient estimation of social intercorrelations in large-scale networks using the spatial model. Given a known population network, the proposed approach sequentially takes small samples from the network, and adaptively improves model parameter estimates through learnings obtained from previous samples. In comparison to population-based maximum likelihood estimation that is computationally prohibitive when the network size is large, the proposed approach makes it computationally feasible to analyze large networks and provide efficient estimation of social intercorrelations among members in large networks. In comparison to sample-based estimation that relies on information purely from the sample and produces underestimation bias in social intercorrelation estimates, the proposed approach effectively uses information from the population without compromising computation efficiency. Through simulation studies based on simulated networks and real networks, we demonstrate significant advantages of the proposed approach over benchmark estimation methods and discuss managerial implications. We also discuss extension of the proposed approach in the context of an unknown population network structure, as well as in an alternative form of the spatial model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the immigrant’s decision to become self-employed. Personal characteristics and attitudes are crucial to this decision, but recent literature also highlights the importance of social networks as providers of information and financial support. To date, empirical research dealing with the network effect has considered self-employed migrants as a homogeneous group. In contrast, our paper examines the impact of the size and the composition of geographic concentration of co-nationals on the propensity to be self-employed among the foreign-born workers taking into account two possible choices: own-account workers and entrepreneurs. Using micro-level data of migrant workers in Spain over the period 2000–2009, the results show that networks affect positively the probability of becoming self-employed. However, they do not affect the likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur, which is determined by individual characteristics such as education and number of years of residence. Thus, our results suggest policies that enable immigrant assimilation can play a significant role in generating entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

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