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信息化是当前世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,现代必然是一个信息化的医院,医院档案是医院的信息中心,医院档案管理信息化将成为现代化医院管理工作的重要手段之一。本文论述了医院档案管理信息化存在的问题和发展对策。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息技术的时代,医院内部审计的信息化也将成为必然趋势。医院如何实现内部审计的信息化,是医院内审人员所共同关心的一个问题。通过对内部审计信息化建设的必要性进行讨论,针对医院内部审计信息化建设现状中出现的问题,提出了加强医院内部审计信息化建设的对策。  相似文献   

郭君伟  刘越泽  梁永德 《经济师》2014,(12):279-279
信息化建设是深化新医药卫生体制改革方案中的一项重要举措,信息系统为医院构建了全面高效的管理服务平台。文章首先介绍了医院信息化系统的构成要素;其次从提高医院科学化管理水平、为医保患者提供实时结算,提高住院门诊计费人员及临床一线医护人员的工作效率等方面论述了信息系统在医院经济管理工作中的作用;然后通过实例分析了某医院信息系统建设与发展的情况;最后论证了信息化建设在医院经济管理中的重要性。  相似文献   

浅析信息化在医院财务管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛玉 《经济师》2011,(7):157-157
随着信息技术的不断发展,信息化系统在医院财务管理中的运用越来越多,也越来越得到医院各财务科室的重视。积极地推进财务管理信息化建设,不仅是提高医院管理水平的必要条件,还是医院与时俱进的重要特征。文章阐述了我国医院财务管理信息化现状,并在此基础之上提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

刘成芳 《当代经济》2009,(14):154-155
信息化建设是医院适应现代化发展的必然要求.本文分析了在医院财务管理中实现信息化的意义及特点,在此基础上提出了医院进行信息化建设的途径.  相似文献   

我国医院既是经济效益的主体。又是社会效益的主体,是建设和谐社会的关键性部分。加强医院会计信息化建设是医院现代化发展的必然要求,是医院财务公平、公开、高效的必然要求。文章就当前我国医院会计信息化的相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

纵观我国医院信息化建设管理的历史,从总体上说我国的医疗卫生事业有了很大进步。随着科技的不断进步,与其它信息化发达的行业相比还是相对滞后的。构建医院信息化系统,从而提高医院工作效率,实现医院的社会效益和经济效益的提高,让老百姓看病不再是一件程序冗杂的事情。文章探讨了我国目前医院信息化管理的不足,并提出解决措施。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化技术飞速发展的时代,随着信息化事业的不断发展,信息化技术普及到各个领域,当然在医院的档案管理方面,也得到了大面积的应用。目前,医院档案信息化的应用已经取得了显著的效果,在很大程度上提高了医院档案管理的水平和效率。但是,在实际的工作中仍然存在着一定的问题,亟待我们去解决。因此,笔者对医院档案信息化建设的情况进行了详细的分析,并提出了加强医院档案信息化建设的对策。  相似文献   

随着信息科学和计算机的广泛应用,医院信息化建设已成为提升医院管理水平,提高医疗服务质量的重要内容。尤其是近几年来我国医院信息系统发展很快,已成为医院正常运转的基本条件。以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力的跨越式发展。以来,不少医院在信息化建设方面取得了前所未有的进展。  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展与进步,档案信息化管理成为了档案工作适应社会信息化发展的必然趋势,是提高档案工作服务质量的必然选择。在医院档案管理中,信息化管理也得到了大力推广,促进了计算机在档案管理中的广泛运用,并且电子文件以其传递速度快、办公速度快的优势逐渐代替了纸质文件。文章在分析医院档案信息化管理必要性的基础上,总结医院档案管理的现状,从而提出有效的管理措施,提升医院档案管理绩效。  相似文献   

医院文化建设的关键是以人为本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院文化作为企业文化延伸而来的一种新的管理理念,是一种高层次的管理方法,它既是医院在长期建设和管理中所创造的具有本院特色的精神财富,又是强调以人为本,有效强化团队精神的集中体现,从而提高医院核心竞争力。  相似文献   

樊静 《经济研究导刊》2014,(17):280-281
财务管理是医院内部管理的核心。医院财务管理的实质就是对医院的资金筹集、使用、分配的管理工作。精神病专科医院的资金筹集渠道有限,主要靠政府的财政拨款和医院的医疗收入。使用PDCA循环法,可以加强精神病专科医院存货管理,增强流动资金的周转,减少流动资金的占用,合理安排存货储备,提高资金使用效率。  相似文献   

目的:了解湖南省某中医院门诊患者满意度现状及影响因素,并提出对策建议。方法:采用发放调查问卷的形式对来此中医院就诊的患者进行调查。结果:患者对此中医院的忠诚度是比较高的,78%的患者表示在此中医院看过2次以上病;患者选择到此中医院看病的原因中,"中医特色鲜明"排在首位,占被调查人员的67%;患者对此中医院满意度总体来说较高;52%的患者表示会介绍其他病人来此中医院看病。建议:继续做好医务人员服务;改善就医流程;优化就医环境。  相似文献   

目的通过住院患者对医护人员服务态度、医疗护理质量、住院环境、是否存在滥收费现象及心理指导的满意度调查,研究患者满意度调查对医院管理的作用。方法对2009年1~2月与11~12月接受满意度调查的住院患者进行回顾性分析。结果患者满意度调查开展前后,实验组医护人员操作、医护人员服务态度、病区环境、是否存在滥收费及心理指导等方面内容评分均高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且实验组投诉率较低。结论患者满意度调查可以提高患者对医院的满意度,降低投诉率,及时发现工作中存在的问题。医院应注意提高医护人员的操作及服务态度,杜绝滥收费现象,并定期对患者进行心理指导,加强患者对医院的信任,利于医院的管理。  相似文献   

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Hospital Compare Program in 2003 to increase transparency between healthcare providers and consumers. Implemented in 2005, this transparency consists of hospitals' collecting and making publicly available a set of hospital quality score measures. The CMS induced participation by financially penalizing hospitals that did not publicly report a specific subset of these measures (called “starter” measures). Three years into the program, the penalty for non-reporting both the starter measures and other (“non-starter”) measures was increased. I use a difference-in-differences methodology to analyze the effect of the increased CMS penalty on the likelihood that a hospital publicly reported its starter and non-starter measure scores. I find that the penalty had an economically and statistically insignificant effect on the probability that a hospital publicly reported its starter scores, but a statistically significant 8.0 percent effect (p-value<0.01) on whether it reported its non-starter scores. These findings are robust to a series of alternative empirical specifications.  相似文献   

Hospital expenditures vary across states both in terms of the levels and growth rates. Economic status, insurance coverage (or lack thereof), health risk factors, and demographic factors are used to explain these differences. Interestingly, the prevalence of poverty rates across states does not seem to be a good predictor of differences in hospital expenditures but the percent without health insurance does relate to higher hospital expenditures, when the factors listed above are all considered. Policy discussions about universal health insurance may be missing a point if better health care coverage resulted in lower hospital costs.
Anthony E. BoppEmail:

浅析如何提高医院财务管理水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院财务管理是基于医院日常经营过程中,客观存在的财务活动和财务关系而产生的。通过加强财务管理,可以及时掌握上述信息,发现经营中存在的问题,提高经营管理水平和经济效益。本文分析了医院财务管理申存在的问题,提出了提高财务管理水平的途径和方法。  相似文献   

我国医药卫生体制改革的实施方案明确指出,要不断推进公立医院改革,鼓励民营资本举办非营利性医院.随着医药卫生体制改革的日益深入,医院营销中面临的竞争和挑战也越来越多,医院医疗作为服务的产品形式,传统营销模式与手段已表现出不足,当前以协调医院经营效益与患者利益之间关系的改革成为制约医改成功与否且提升医院竞争力的重要因素.从医疗消费者和医院两方面出发,以体验营销理论为基础,结合医院体验营销差异性、参与性及长期性等特点,从体验设计、体验实践和体验控制三步出发构建医院体验营销实施的模型,分析了体验营销模式的构成要素及实施中注意的问题,为医院进一步实施医疗改革和体验营销提供了借鉴.  相似文献   



In the last decade, the number of new agents, including monoclonal antibodies, being developed to treat metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) increased rapidly. While improving outcomes, these new treatments also have distinct and known safety profiles with toxicities that may require hospitalizations. However, patterns and costs of hospitalizations of toxicities of these new ‘targeted’ drugs are often unknown.


This study aimed to estimate the costs of hospital events associated with adverse events specified in the ‘Special Warnings and Precautions for Use’ section of the European Medicinal Agency Summary of Product Characteristics for bevacizumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab, in patients with mCRC.


From the PHARMO Record Linkage System (RLS), patients with a primary or secondary hospital discharge code for CRC and distant metastasis between 2000–2008 were selected and defined as patients with mCRC. The first discharge diagnosis defining metastases served as the index date. Patients were followed from index date until end of data collection, death, or end of study period, whichever occurred first. Hospital events during follow-up were identified through primary hospital discharge codes. Main outcomes for each event were length of stay and costs per hospital admission.


Among 2964 mCRC patients, 271 hospital events occurred in 210 patients (mean [SD] duration of follow-up: 34 [31] months). The longest mean (SD) length of stay per hospital admission were for stroke (16 [33] days), arterial thromboembolism (ATE) (14 [21] days), wound-healing complications (WHC), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), congestive heart failure (CHF), and neutropenia (all 9 days; SD 5–15). Highest mean (SD) costs per admission were for stroke (€13,500 [€28,800]), ATE (€13,300 [€18,800]), WHC (€10,800 [€20,500]).


Although no causal link could be identified between any specific event and any specific treatment, data from this study are valuable for pharmacoeconomic evaluations of newer treatments in mCRC patients.


Inpatient costs for events in mCRC patients are considerable and vary greatly.  相似文献   

The 1983-1996 period saw enormous expansions in access to public health insurance for low-income children. We explore the impact of these expansions on child hospitalizations. While greater access to inpatient care may increase hospital utilization, improved efficiency of care for children who are also newly eligible for primary care could lower hospitalization rates. We use a large sample of child discharges from the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) to assess the net impact of Medicaid expansions on hospitalizations during this period. We find that total hospitalizations increased significantly, with each 10 percentage-point rise in eligibility leading to an 8.4% increase in hospitalizations. Thus, the access effect strongly outweighs any efficiency effect produced by expanded coverage. However, we find some support for an efficiency effect: the increase in hospitalizations for unavoidable conditions is much larger than that for avoidable conditions that are most sensitive to outpatient care. Indeed, the increase in avoidable hospitalizations is less than half that of unavoidable hospitalizations, and it is not statistically significant. We also find that expanded Medicaid eligibility reduced the average length of stay, but increased the utilization of inpatient procedures, so that the net impact on total costs per stay is ambiguous.  相似文献   

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