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ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al fin del artículo.
: This paper re‐examines the non‐distribution constraint as a key structural feature of non‐profit organization. It argues that its traditional understanding as a trustworthiness‐enhancing device is incomplete. This paper shows that the non‐distribution constraint is also a reflection of the directly utility‐enhancing character of involvement in non‐profit firms for their key stakeholders. This alternative explanation allows one to solve the central puzzle of trustworthiness theory: why doesn't the non‐distribution constraint destroy entrepreneurial motivation? Additionally, it helps one to understand the role of the non‐distribution constraint in economic theories of non‐profit organization that do not rely on trustworthiness theory. Finally, it enables one to logically integrate the different economic theories of non‐profit organization.  相似文献   

Abstract ** ** Résumé en fin d’article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo. : A simple bargaining model highlights the role of commitment to a low‐risk investment policy for firms which offer within‐house pension and health insurance schemes. The roles of this commitment level plus bargaining power, and the ability of a failing firm to misappropriate pensions funds, are studied and their influence on the equilibrium pension determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al fin del artículo.
: Have public enterprises become obsolete policy instruments? Should they be privatized or can their governance be radically transformed so that they could still be used as policy instruments? The world around them has changed and forced governments to move. After a discussion on the arguments in favour of privatization, this article suggests an analysis of three cases in the Canadian province of Quebec. Considering the pressures linked to the liberalization of trade resulting from NAFTA, this article suggests that the governance of public enterprises can be transformed and adapted and that consequently, it is not useful or necessary to privatize them. There is in reality a lot of room in the public enterprise governance to reform them, room that has been neglected over the last decades.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al fin del artículo.
: The quantity vs. quality trade‐offs in network industries are well known from the theoretical literature and have been the subject of many empirical assessments, although mostly for the telecoms and energy sectors. The purpose of this paper is to expand the evidence for the railway sector by documenting the importance of this trade‐off in the context of the Brazilian freight railway industry reform, the first example of a railway sector in which tariff revisions are subject to joint output and quality performance indicators. The analysis is based on the calculation of the Malmquist productivity index proposed by Färe et al. (1995) . The decomposable nature of this total factor productivity (TFP) index reveals the prevalence of quantity‐quality trade‐offs up to the end of the reform period, but a positive correlation between them during the period just afterwards. This type of information would certainly be useful for regulation purposes, particularly as an alternative way of taking into account quality without introducing complex, and very often ineffective, penalty schemes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo.
: In 1994 the Deutsche Bundespost, Deutsche Bundespost Telekom, Postdienst and Postbank were transformed into three stock companies. This so-called Postal Reform II required an amendment to German Basic Law as well as new laws, which have been condensed in the‘Post and Telecommunications Reorganization Act’of 14 September 1994. This paper reviews the regulations concerning –- among others —the amendments to the Basic Law, the presentation of the stock companies, the minister Post and Telecommunications, the agency, the regulation structure and the personnel.  相似文献   

We empirically analyse the response of labour market related variables in the US manufacturing sector to various shocks, notably to trade openness and technology, as well as examining spillovers from industry-specific labour market shocks. The econometric approach involves an application of the recently developed Global Vector Autoregression methodology of Dées et al. (2007 Helbling, T, Jaumotte, F and Sommer, M. 2006. How has globalization affected inflation?. IMF World Economic Outlook, April: 97134.  [Google Scholar]) to 12 manufacturing industries over the period 1977–2003. The framework allows us to analyse the response of a standard set of labour-market related variables (employment, real compensation, productivity and capital stock) to exogenous factors (a sector-specific measure of trade openness, a common technology and oil price shock), along with industry spillovers using specific measures of manufacturing-wide variables for each sector. Generalized impulse responses indicate that increased trade openness negatively affects real compensation, has negligible employment effects and leads to higher labour productivity. These impacts, however, are relatively weaker than those induced by technology shocks, with the latter positively and significantly affecting both real compensation and employment. There is also evidence of positive spillovers across industries from sector-specific employment and productivity shocks. Impact elasticities suggest strong intra-sectoral linkages for employment and capital stock formation, contrasting with weak linkages for what concerns real compensation and productivity.  相似文献   

This paper analyses some issues raised by Rosa Luxemburg's theory of imperialism that are central to current debates on globalisation. Methodologically, despite widespread scepticism on the use of mathematics in Marxist social science, Luxemburg's rigorous analysis of Marx's schemes of reproduction forcefully shows the importance of theoretical abstraction and formal modelling. Indeed, this paper analyses Luxemburg's theory by means of an intertemporal generalisation of Roemer's (1983) Roemer, J. E. 1983. “Unequal exchange, labor migration, and international capital flows: a theoretical synthesis”. In Marxism, Central Planning and the Soviet Economy, Edited by: Desai, P. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  [Google Scholar] economy with a global capital market. It focuses in particular on two substantive issues: the relation between capital accumulation and imperialism, and the role of force and non-competitive distortions in imperialistic international relations. It argues that differences in development and competitive credit markets, rather than realisation problems, are important to understand the emergence of international exploitation, whereas extra-economic coercion may be important to understand its persistence.  相似文献   

RESUME ** 2 Abstract at the end of the article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al final del artículo.
: L’aide à domicile est emblématique d’importantes mutations à l’?uvre dans les sociétés européennes. L’objet de l’article est d’analyser les enjeux sous‐jacents à l’évolution des modes de régulation vers les quasi‐marchés. Dans la première partie, nous rappelons la nature des modes de régulations historiques de l’aide à domicile dans chacun des pays qui façonnent ainsi des régimes de care. Ensuite, nous analysons comment l’introduction de régulations quasi‐marchandes vient se greffer et ainsi infléchir les régimes de care. Enfin, nous analysons en quoi la présence d’échecs du marché soulève des questions toutes particulières en terme de régulation publique.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo.
: Italy's state industry is in a strategic transition, the result of which was not foreseen in the reforms approved by Parliament in the 1990s. Privatization pressures and opposite trends aimed at rejuvenating the state-owned holdings (the major ones being Iri and Eni) coexist in the Italian mixed economy. However, in the absence of a clear strategic intent, the functions of Iri and Eni are destined to whither away, in spite of the success achieved by them in both national and international markets. New pressures are menacing public enterprises. The attitudes of the European Commission, the trends of the European Union's industrial policy, and the drive towards the construction of a single market challenge the competitive skills of Iri and Eni, which in 1992 became joint stock companies.  相似文献   

We develop a mainstream reformulation of the original Walras?? model of capital accumulation. We overcome the shortcomings of the original model. First, we prove the existence of intertemporal competitive equilibria. Our proof combines a well known theorem due to Yannelis and Prabhakar (J Math Econ 12:233?C245, 1983) with a lemma due to Geanakoplos (Econ Theory 21:585?C603, 2003). Secondly, we remedy the indeterminacy of allocation of savings across multiple types of capital goods by introducing a storage technology. Finally, we show that, for stored capital goods, the equality of rates of returns emerges endogenously in equilibrium, while it was imposed by Walras from the outset in his original contribution.  相似文献   

RÉSUMÉ ** ** Abstract at the end of the article: Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo.
: Le secteur à but non lucratif constitue un secteur non néligeable de notre écommie qui reste cependant sous exploré tant sur leplan empirique que théorique. De récents travaux anglo-Saxons et français permettent de mieux cerner cette réalité. Le programme de recherche du secteur à but non lucratif traite deux types de problématiques: la problématique de l‘origine (pourquoi les organisations à but non lucratif existent elles?) et la problématique du comportement (en quoi se différencient-elles d‘autres formes d‘organisations?). Une approche socio-économique des organisations non lucratives est auancée à partir du problème de la coordination de l‘action. On peut en effet considérer que les institutions sont créées afin d‘aider les agents éonomiques à résoudre les problèmes rècurrents de coordination auxquels ils ont à faire face. Dam cette perspective l'organisatwn rwn lucrative peut être comprise comme un mécanisme de compromis permettant de gérer les tensions entre quatres logiques de coordination: les logiques marchande, domestique, solidaire et civique.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature on the convergence of financial systems in the euro area by estimating household credit demand in individual countries. Using the ARDL framework advocated notably by Pesaran et al. (1999 Pesaran, MH, Shin, Y and Smith, RP. 1999. Pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panels. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94: 62134. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the article provides evidence on the convergence of long-run credit demand determinants (interest rates, investment and house prices) in the largest euro area countries, while short run-dynamics remain heterogenous across countries. The article also demonstrates that the equation uncovers demand rather than supply behaviour.  相似文献   

What happens when the capital asset pricing model is adjusted for the anchoring and adjustment heuristic of Tversky and Kahneman [1974 Tversky, A., and D. Kahneman. “Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases.” Science, 185, (1974), pp. 11241131.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]? The surprising finding is that adjusting the capital asset pricing model for anchoring provides a plausible unified framework for understanding almost all of the key asset pricing anomalies. The anomalies captured in the theoretical framework include the well-known size and value effects, high alpha of low beta stocks, accruals, low volatility anomaly, momentum effect, stock splits, and reverse stock splits. The market equity premium is also larger with anchoring. This suggests that the anchoring-adjusted capital asset pricing model may provide the needed unifying structure to behavioral finance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo.
: Environmental problems are considered by the majority of economic agents as important factors in making public policy. As a result, economic and market-integrated instruments are increasingly being used as alternatives to traditional environmental policy instruments. This article aims to determine the actual effect of environmental taxes on pollution levels. In particular, a case study of Flemish environmental taxes on water and solid waste pollution is reported. A quantitative model for testing the actual effectiveness of environmental taxes is developed, based on similar studies that analysed Dutch environmental policy. The conclusions of this analysis are extended with a qualitative analysis of information provided by in-depth interviews. Data-driven empirical research of the Flemish situation does not confirm the expected direct relationship between an increase in taxation and a decrease in pollution. In general, industrial firms do not consider the present taxation system a legitimate one for changing their polluting activities. As a result, the greening’of management is limited and environmental taxes are considered by the majority of firms as a mere business taxation rather than a system to create a switch from polluting to non-polluting behaviour.  相似文献   

RÉSUMÉ ** ** Abstract at the end of the article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resúmen al fin del artículo.
: Mesurer la performance globale des entreprises publiques est wte tâche ardue en raison des multiples objectifs konomiques et sociaux qui sod habituellemeni assignés à ces organisatwns. L'article s'attmhe à appécier un aspect particulier mais néanmoins important de laperformance éonomique: l‘efficience techruque. Une frontiére des possibilités de production est dérwée de l'estimation d'une fonction de production de type Cobb-Douglas sur un éhantillon de dix sociétés africaines pmductrices d‘éectricité. La principale conclusion qui se dégage de l’analyse économétrique est la suivante: l‘écart relatif d‘efficience entre les dew soeiétés extrêmes de la distribution est de l'odre de20%, avant comme aprè correction Cle l'efficience pour l'action de factews d'environnement exogènes à la gestion des sociitb.  相似文献   

This article aims to assess the debate between John Bates Clark and the “old” institutionalist scholars — Thorstein Veblen, above all — with particular reference to the nature of capital and the functioning of the labor market. Although studies on both authors are numerous, relatively little attention has been paid to finding the crucial elements at the heart of their radical disagreement. A.J. Cohen (2014 Cohen, A.J.Veblen Contra Clark and Fisher: Veblen-Robinson-Harcourt Lineages in Capital Controversy and Beyond.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 38, 6 (2014): 1493-1515.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) convincingly argues that Veblen’s attack on Clark is in the center of the capital controversy of the 1960s and 1970s. We propose an extension of this argument, based on the idea that Veblen’s attack on Clark follows three steps. First, Veblen defined capital in money terms and, at the same time, he saw it as the accumulated technological and institutional experience of a community. Second, insofar as capital cannot be reduced to a stock of physical goods, it is logically impossible to derive a function of the marginal labor productivity from the existing stock of capital. Third, insofar as the marginal productivity of labor cannot be measured, it follows that the equality between real wage and marginal labor productivity cannot logically hold. It also follows that, since it does not exist, this equality cannot be used as a basis for establishing that the equilibrium wage is a just wage.  相似文献   

Must banks match asset and liability maturities, as William Barnett and Walter E. Block (2009 Barnett, William and Walter E. Block. “Time Deposits, Dimensions and Fraud.Journal of Business Ethics 88, 4 (2009): 711716.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2011 Barnett, William and Walter E. Block. “Rejoinder to Bagus and Howden on Borrowing Short and Lending Long.Journal of Business Ethics 100, 2 (2011): 229238.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), as well as Ivan Jankovic (2011) Jankovic, Ivan. “Economic Calculation, Maturity Mismatching and the Credit Cycle.New Perspectives on Political Economy 7, 1 (2011): 105124. [Google Scholar], surmise? While we agree with these authors that issuances of fiduciary media breed financial instability, we disagree that maturity transformation represents such a case. Maturity transformation — otherwise known as borrowing short-term and lending long-term — guided by several base legal principles, does not result in the issuance of fiduciary media. Most notable among these principles is that any credit issued must be funded by borrowing of a positive duration, i.e., not via a demand deposit. We demonstrate that two factors instigate larger degrees of maturity transformation than would otherwise be the case, breeding potential instability: a continual increase in the credit supply and the provision of a lender of last resort. We also show that the interest rate is a natural stabilizing brake on the over-issuance of longer-dated credit against short-term financing.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is twofold: first, it presents an extensive review of empirical studies that have examined the relationship between higher education and economic growth. Second, it estimates the effect of higher education on economic growth in Greece over the period 1960–2009. It applies the model introduced by Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992 Mankiw, G., Romer, D., & Weil, D. (1992). A contribution to the empirics of economic growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), 407437. doi: 10.2307/2118477[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by using the higher enrolment rates as a proxy of human capital. The paper employs cointegration and an error-correction model to test the causal relationship between higher education, physical capital investments and economic growth. The empirical analysis reveals that there is a long-run cointegrating relationship between higher education, physical capital investments and economic growth. The elasticity of economic growth with respect to higher education is 0.52%. The results also suggest that there is evidence of unidirectional long-run and short-run Granger causality running from higher education and physical capital investments to economic growth.  相似文献   

A critical question in the policy debate about payday lending is whether other financial institutions can plausibly provide attractive and lower‐priced substitutes for standard payday loans. I present several new pieces of evidence addressing the question, focusing on whether credit unions, which are often held as the strongest potential competitors to payday lenders, do (or might) viably compete in the payday loan market. National payday loan offerings by credit unions show that very few credit unions currently offer payday loans. Credit union industry reports suggest that those credit unions offering such loans seem unwilling or unable to undercut substantially the prevailing prices set by payday lenders. Those industry reports also reveal that lower‐priced credit union loans generally ration riskier borrowers out of the market by imposing greater restrictions on approval and repayment; risk‐adjusted prices for credit union payday loans may not be lower at all. Survey evidence suggests that most current payday borrowers prefer higher‐priced but less restrictive standard payday loans to lower‐priced but more restrictive alternatives offered by credit unions. The combined demand‐ and supply‐side evidence suggests that one should not expect credit unions (or by extension banks) to offer lower‐priced, higher‐quality alternatives for consumers who currently use payday loans. (JEL G2, L0, L5)  相似文献   

Moseley’s (2016 Moseley, F. 2016. Money and Totality: A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx’s Logic in Capital and the End of the Transformation Problem. Leiden: Brill Publishers. [Google Scholar]) Money and Totality focuses on two important issues: (a) the nature and significance of Marx’s notion of the “circuit of money capital” and (b) the solution to the “transformation problem”. The former question, in particular, makes this book important not only for Marx specialists but also for other dissenting economists. Recall that in writings before the General Theory Keynes (1933a, 1933b), in particular, made allusion to the Marxian circuit via the concept of the monetary theory of production. However, these references did not survive in the published version in 1936. Nor was Keynes at all confident on this topic in debate the following year. It is therefore important to both Marx scholars and other heterodox economists to inquire exactly how the Marxian circuit was supposed to work. A starting point is to write out the scheme from Capital Vol. 2 (Marx, 1885/1976 Marx, K. 1885/1976. Capital: Vol. II. London: Penguin Books. [Google Scholar]) in full, M – C?…?P … C’ –?M’, and try to explain what the magnitudes (M’ – M) and (C’ – C), are supposed to represent. This is indeed one of Moseley’s main tasks in this thought-provoking book.  相似文献   

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