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本文提出下述假说并对其进行了探索性的分析:不同治理形态的社会在追求效率、公平与安全三大目标的时候,最多能够同时实现其中两个。本文认为,东西方发展日益分叉的实质在于不同治理形态首先追求的目标存在系统性的差异。在此基础上,通过对秦汉之际多委托人治理结构向单一委托人治理结构转变的各项特征事实的分析和模型推演,本文厘清了中国何以走上并锁定在以安全为导向的单一委托人治理形态的初始条件,认为商人的官僚化将社会资源控制力从非主流治理集团牢牢吸纳并控制在主流治理者集团之内,此举消除了各类游侠生存发展的经济基础,对游侠的打击削弱了非主流治理集团的暴力依凭,汉朝以降各大一统时代均不能形成长期独立于政权之外的有规模暴力,是新的治理竞争者不能长期存在从而打破单一委托人治理形态的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文的分析基于两个假设前提:第一,人类社会总是存在不同主体,包括集团和个人。制度的设定和变迁不可能发生在单一主体的社会里。第二,不同集团或个人,包括政府官员,都是作为不同利益主体存在的,只是追求利益的形态、内容不同而已,即我们接受经济人假设。一、多元...  相似文献   

本文以 90年代末期中国的乡镇企业转制为线索 ,分析了不同“行政级别”乡镇企业所有者的“政府化”和“非政府化”特征对企业治理结构的影响。实证研究显示 :以现代公司制度为特征的企业法人治理结构所必需的基本前提 ,即明晰的产权制度 ,不可能在委托人 (所有者 )“政府化”的情况下形成。中国乡镇企业的成长正经历着一个产权不断清晰化的过程 ,随着产权清晰化的完成 ,企业治理结构的现代化将被提到议事日程。本文对“社区级”乡镇企业治理结构演变的描述显示 ,中国公有企业治理结构现代化的逻辑顺序为 :委托人 (所有者 )身份的“非政府化”是企业产权清晰化的前提 ,而企业治理结构现代化则是产权清晰化的结果。尽管本文分析的对象是中国的乡镇企业 ,但委托人“政府化”和“非政府化”的界定对国有企业治理结构的转变也具有同等的政策含义。  相似文献   

公司治理结构与财务复数目标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡元木 《现代财经》2001,21(7):27-30
不同的公司治理结构,有不同的财务目标,在“股东治理”结构模式下,财务目标是“单一”的,指股东利益的最大化;在“共同治理”结构下,需要建立以企业价值最大化为中心的财务目标群,即“复数目标”。本文拟就这一问题进行探讨,目的在于为建立我国科学的公司治理结构提出理论支持。  相似文献   

公司内部治理组织结构研究:委托代理链视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从委托代理链的视角出发,我们可以把委托人和内部治理组织纳入统一的分析框架当中.内部治理组织的首要功能是支持内部治理机制的运行,而内部治理机制的主要作用是引导代理人的行为,使其与企业的治理目标相一致,这是内部治理的基本逻辑.重新构建委托代理链的起点以改变初始委托人的有效结构,或者重新构建委托代理链的中心以改变不合理的内部治理组织结构,都是激活治理机制的有效途径.  相似文献   

公 司治理结构是企业内部会计核算的基础 ,内部会计核算体系的完善又进一步促进公司治理结构的健全。正确发挥与公司治理结构相适应的企业内部会计体系的各项职能必将促进企业的发展。一、公司的法人治理结构现代企业的公司制使所有权与经营权相分离 ,当一方(委托人 )对另一方 (代理人 )的行为具有依赖性 ,并且获取关于后者行为的信息要付出高昂的代价时 ,就会产生道德风险。因为代理人的利益与委托人的利益是不一致的 ,前者更倾向于谋取自身利益。企业理论认为 ,有关的代理关系是指 :所有者与经营者、股东与债权人、企业和非投资的利害关系人 ,例如雇员、供应商以及顾客之间的关系。由于所有者和经营者之间的信息不对称 ,导致各相关利益主体的地位及其所拥有的信息量的不同 ,从而引起以下代理成本 :(1)签约成本 ;(2 )监督和控制代理人的成本 ;(3 )确保代理人做出最优决策或者保证委托人由于遭受次优决策的后果而得到赔偿的保证成本 ;(4 )不能完全控制代理人的行为而引起的剩余损失。这种代理成本的存在使公司治理结构的研究提上了议事日程。公司法人治理结构是公司制的核心。公司法人治理结构是由具有不同职能的组织机构组成的。公司在经营管理活动...  相似文献   

在卖方市场中企业追求以生产为导向的经营目标,通过处于主导地位的财务资本"雇佣"劳动完成企业价值创造。随着人类社会的生产力水平不断提高以及人性的不断解放,以雇佣方式存在的企业财务资本结构难以满足"人性觉醒"的公司治理需要。在买方市场中企业追求以顾客为导向的经营目标,崛起的企业人力资本促使企业财务资本与劳动之间的"和谐"关系逐渐形成,以人为本的企业人本资本结构逐渐成为公司治理的核心。在无激励与有激励情况下,本文利用所界定的无委托代理成本与委托代理成本分析以人为本的企业经营者实现企业价值最大化的条件,解释了企业人本资本结构在公司治理中所发挥的核心作用。  相似文献   

集团委托与主动代理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐德信 《经济学家》2006,1(2):97-103
主流企业理论可以解释代理人损害委托人利益的问题,但是却无法说明委托人对代理人贡献的侵害。国有经济中的创业经理为什么能容忍对自已的损害?替代这种损害的是什么?本文提出“集团委托”分析枢架,认为创业经理面对委托人团体成员的搭便车与利益差别,主动地进行多任务委托考核,集团委托中的主动代理成为创业经理容忍损害的被动替代。  相似文献   

贵阳市自2009年连续举办了四次生态文明贵阳会议后,2013年经国家批准举办了我国第一个生态文明国际论坛——生态文明贵阳国际论坛2013年年会。以2013年国际论坛为主结合历年年会,用文本分析方法对会议成果进行归纳研究而知,生态文明是追求经济效益和生态资源协调统一的新型文明形态,而以经济发展为一元化目标所构建的政府单一治理主体模式已经不适合对新文明形态的社会进行治理。生态文明实现需要超越工业化社会竞争的思维,构设一种治理主体间平等合作的哲学理念,充分调动非政府组织、企业、教研传媒其他社会组织作为社会治理主体的主人翁意识,深入认识到自我的长期利益和生态环境利益的统一性,形成多元主体合作治理体系才能突破生态文明建设的现实困境。  相似文献   

本文试图研究当前中国集体行动暴力生成机制,探讨在当前中国基层社会,有哪些因素或机制影响着集体行动中民众对斗争手法的选择,从而使其呈现出暴力型、常规型和破坏型这3种基本类型.本文运用社会运动理论和社会网络理论,以集体行动常见的3种形态为依据,选取林镇近几年发生的群体性事件中的3个典型案例进行比较分析,并以此为基础提出了一个关于社会网络所提供的社会资本总量同集体行动暴力程度之间特定关系的命题.  相似文献   

科技创新能力与区域经济实力差异的实证研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
洪名勇 《经济地理》2003,23(5):606-610
从新经济增长理论的视角将经济增长、科技创新整合为一个理论分析框架进行实证研究,结果表明:区域经济非均衡增长在很大程度上依赖于科技进步、科技知识生产、交换和运用(消费)情况。凡是科技创新能力较强的省区,大多都是经济实力较强的省区,多是东部省区;而科技创新能力较弱的省区,同时也是经济实力比较弱的省区,多属于西部省区。因此,实施西部大开发战略,其中一个重要方面就是实施西部科技创新战略,提高西部科技创新能力。  相似文献   

While ‘traditional’ cooperatives operating for a long time in fields such as banking, agriculture, or retail, have received important attention in the cooperative literature, much work still needs to be done to understand why and how cooperatives emerge either in fields in which they have not traditionally been widespread (such as health and care, services, etc.), or in ‘new’ fields or sub‐fields (such as fair trade, microfinance or renewable energy). Research is even more needed insofar as ‘new’ cooperatives tend to differ from traditional ones in several ways, for instance through the involvement of multiple stakeholders (rather than a dominant one such as producers, consumers or workers) or through a stronger orientation towards general interest goals (beyond traditional mutual interest at the basis of most cooperatives). In this article, we analyze the emergence of cooperatives in the field of renewable energy. This emergence has raised a lot of enthusiasm among the supporters of cooperatives and citizen‐based renewable energy as well as questions regarding the viability and the replicability of this model. On the one hand, the assets of the cooperative model enable us to understand why this form has been adopted by citizen groups and has developed, although to varying extents, in many countries. On the other hand, the limits or weaknesses of the model enable us to explain why cooperatives are still a minority in the field of renewable energy and why their development is constrained by several obstacles.  相似文献   

1. All individual labour relations disputes arising out of breach of contract of employment including unfair dismissal should be capable of being settled by the relatively rapid, inexpensive and informal procedures of the industrial tribunals with further appeal on points of law; 2. The minimum condition of legal recognition for the closed shop should be the effective strengthening in law of protection for the individual union member or prospective member, subject to discretion concerning ‘disruptists7rsquo; 3. In the central area of collective labour relations, the following policy suggestions are made: a) criminal or civil sanctions against individual employees are impractical and best forgotten. Sanctions can only be realistically considered in relation to leaders and organisations; b) the objective for a rational law of strike action (or other forms of direct action) should be limited if it is to be realistic, i.e., not the chopping down of managerial or trade union or shop floor power but insistence on a reasonable degree of orderliness and time for second thoughts in the run up to direct action; c) it is an ancient truth that only fair and reasonable laws will command respect. Disputes procedures are a kind of quasi-law. To command respect and to justify sanctions for its breach, a disputes procedure should be independently certificated as fair and reasonable in accordance with modern labour relations standards. The C.I.R. is at present the obvious body in which to vest this certificating power; d) where adequate procedures and principles are provided by the law to deal with an identified class of industrial dispute, the use of private power, including private collective power, to impose a solution should be legally discouraged.  相似文献   

湖南省文化产业发展的产业链解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化产业是湖南省的支柱产业之一,同时也是一个朝阳产业,大力发展文化产业有利于湖南经济的科学发展。在界定产业链这一概念的基础上,以此为视角分析湖南省的文化产业,提出应该按照下列步骤和方法构建湖南省的文化产业:选择主导和潜导行业,完善这些行业的行业链条,建立行业链条间的协同机制,优化价值链和空间链等。  相似文献   

为促进长江沿江地区资源的优化配置,并探索经济地理学服务市场经济的理论和相关方法,本文采用加权等级尺度法,在征求专家咨询意见的基础上,推举并筛选出九大评价指标组成评价指标体系,对长江沿江15个主要城市的投资环境进行了总体性评价和重点产业的适宜性评价。并以此为基础,对今后一个时期长江沿江地区主要城市产业布局拓展的方向作了探讨。  相似文献   

The increased role of monetary and other financial variables has required the introduction of a quantitative framework for monetary policy planning. This has been found in a planning procedure based on flow-of-funds accounts. The very comprehensive structure of these accounts is relied upon to provide to policy makers with quantitative indications as to policy goals and measures for their implementation, and at the same time, to ensure a consistent incorporation of monetary planning in general economic planning.
There are annual and monthly plans. Annual planning involves two stages. The first is projection of flow-of-funds accounts on the basis of appropriate relationships, historical trends, institutional changes, economic policy targets, etc. The final result of this stage of planning is a projection of the Monetary Sector transactions as residuals, including changes in money supply and in short-term credits as key projections. The second is decomposition of the Monetary Sector account into the Central Bank Sector and the Other Banks Sector, which makes possible a projection of measures for the implementation of projected changes in short-term credits and money supply.
Monthly planning has two objects: first, to check annual projections and, if necessary, to adjust them to actual developments; and second, to introduce seasonal components. Seasonal adjustment is made only for the Monetary Sector, its two subsectors, and credit policy measures. Monthly projections are made every month for three months in advance.  相似文献   

Taxes or rental charges for water use are bearable and legal and would spur water economy, but the following fallacies impede acceptance of these ideas: (i) water rights are real property, (ii) a charge on water would be passed on to consumers, (iii) the cost of water is just its development cost, (iv) markets solve most problems if property rights are firm, (v) only consumptive use is a social cost, and (vi) common rights must spell tragedy. This paper dispels these fallacies while advocating taxation and/or rental charges for water use.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of China and India on manufactured exports of the G7 economies. The following three findings stand out. First, the rivalry effect of China is robustly significant in all investigated markets, including the world and the G7 countries collectively and individually, while the rivalry effect of India is significant in the French, Italian, Japanese, and world markets but insignificant in other markets. Second, the rivalry effect of China in the world market is substantial in 13 of 22 manufacturing industries, and most pronounced for textiles, telecom equipment, fabricated metal products, computing machinery, and furniture, while this effect of India is significant only in one industry (basic metals). Third, Germany is the only G7 economy that appears not to be affected by China's rivalry effect. Germany has also been more successful than other G7 economies in penetrating the Chinese market. (JEL O4, F1)  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of regulations on microfinance institutions in Nigeria and Zambia by focusing on the post‐regulation experiences and reflections of the microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their regulators. Based on in‐depth interviews with the Central Banks as regulators, MFI managers, practitioners and apex microfinance associations, the study finds that regulations in both countries have managed to professionalize the sector, but their effectiveness in augmenting the centrality of social goals to microfinance and MFIs remains doubtful. The poorly designed regulations are not only undermining social goals but also sending wrong signals to would be social investors, with implications for the social image of the industry. The study further finds that regulations have neither speeded the emergence of sustainable MFIs (especially in Zambia) nor accelerated the sectors’ outreach to the poor and the financially excluded. Additionally, considerable levels of political interference and poor regulation have led to unintended consequences to the sector, further frustrating the ultimate goal of extending financial services to the poor. These findings have policy and practical implications for how microfinance engages with the regulatory logic and continues to serve those at the bottom of the pyramid.  相似文献   

The formidable expansion in the scope of the United Nations International Comparison Project has brought into evidence limitations of the methodology used in the first three phases. The author considers that there are two indispensable conditions needed to give renewed impetus to the ICP: (a) the objectives must be redefined, and (b) the methodology must be built on an entirely new basis. He considers the broad lines of such an evolution to be the following. (a) The objective of volume comparison must be kept distinct from that of purchasing power comparison, given that both the basic material and the formulae to be used at the aggregate level differ in the two cases. (b) At the basic heading level, it is proposed, for both volume and purchasing power comparisons, to replace the multilateral approach by a “minimum scale” binary and unilateral approach, and to use the EKS method. This will make possible an improvement in the accuracy of the estimates, a reduction in the overall costs, and a drastic reduction in execution time. What is more, it would be possible to regionalize the worldwide comparison, in the sense that the results of the basic heading comparisons already obtained at the regional level for regional purposes can be used as an input in the framework of the worldwide comparison. At the aggregate level, in the framework of volume comparison, it is proposed that a constant price procedure in the spatial sense should continue to be used. It is, however, proposed that the prices of the set of countries (GK) be replaced by a structure of common “equi-distant” prices (G). This would permit the elimination of the significant systematic distortions observed in the comparison between rich and poor countries in the first three phases of ICP. What is more, this gives maximum stability to results obtained for the same countries at different geographical levels. By using a set of common “equi-distant” quantities, the same advantage can be obtained in the purchasing power comparison.  相似文献   

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