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生态系统服务研究是当前生态学、经济学等的研究热点与重点,相关研究日益增多。但目前关于生态系统服务的定义与内涵、分类及价值评估方法等均存在争论。文章在对国内外主要生态系统服务分类与价值评估研究进展进行梳理的基础上,对生态系统服务功能分类、价值分类和基于需求与人类福祉分类等不同分类体系进行了分析,同时对价值评估方法进行了探讨,指出了生态系统服务与价值评估方法之间的联系,提出今后应该加强生态系统服务分类体系与价值评估方法的标准化,对生态系统服务价值评估研究工作的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统服务的形成及其对人类福利的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生态系统服务来源于复杂的生态系统组分和生态过程.文章在界定海洋生态系服务内涵和分类体系的基础上,探讨了支持海洋生态系统供给服务、调节服务、文化服务和支持服务的生态系统组分和主要生态过程,并分析了上述服务对于人类经济福利、文化福利、健康福利等的贡献.本研究可为海洋生态系统服务价值评估提供科学依据.  相似文献   

文章根据近几年国内外的最新文献,将当前生态经济学研究中的理论和前沿进展概括为:经济增长的生态经济学研究,生态系统的经济分析,具有开放进入特征的生态系统管理的研究。重要的结论为四点:第一,将自然资本纳入增长与分配的宏观模型是生态经济学研究中的重大理论问题。第二,生态系统服务对福祉和不平等的影响研究进入经济学家的视野,已经有清晰的证据显示出:功能良好的生态系统和人类福利两者相关的重要性。第三,生态系统服务价值的前沿研究是一些尚未涉及的生态系统服务价值,生态系统服务价值增量,以及生态系统服务未来价值的预测。第四,对具有开放进入特征的生态系统管理的关注度不断增加,正在试图给出超越经典经济理论的解释。  相似文献   

生态系统是人类经济社会生存和发展的基础。准确定位青藏高原生态系统服务功能并明确其价值取向,对于维护全球生态平衡和人类的根本利益具有重要意义。本文从介绍青藏高原生态系统功能特征及服务价值入手,分析了生态系统服务功能弱化深层原因及影响,并就应对策略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能是指生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用.我国矿产资源型地区生态系统服务功能因受到矿产资源开发的严重威胁正在不断恶化,建立该区域生态系统服务功能科学调控与可持续管理的长效机制至关重要.文章对矿产资源型地区生态系统服务功能的思想渊源和相关理论进行了系统梳理,总结该领域研究的最新进展,以此作为深入探讨生态系统服务功能与矿产资源统筹协调发展的切入点.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外生态系统服务功能价值评估研究进展,以简单生态经济系统整体为研究对象,建立了简单生态经济系统数学模型。以动态模拟为研究手段,系统分析了生态系统服务功能的变化过程。研究表明:生态系统的功能与人类利用生态资源的方式密切相关;社会发展的目标直接影响着人类对生态资源的开发方式;使人类发展与多物种共存相统一,综合评估生态功能,有利于实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外生态系统服务功能价值评估研究进展,以简单生态经济系统整体为研究对象,建立了简单生态经济系统数学模型.以动态模拟为研究手段,系统分析了生态系统服务功能的变化过程.研究表明生态系统的功能与人类利用生态资源的方式密切相关;社会发展的目标直接影响着人类对生态资源的开发方式;使人类发展与多物种共存相统一,综合评估生态功能,有利于实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

森林、湿地和荒漠生态系统组成了陆地生命支撑体系的主体,构成现代林业的根基。三大生态系统构成了一个开放、整体、动态和远离平衡态等的生态巨系统,物质、能量循环和信息在三大系统与环境之间持续交换,各子系统之间彼此联系,相互影响。随着人类活动加深,经济社会与生态系统构成了一个关系更为紧密的人类一经济一社会复合生态系统。系统论、耗散结构理论和协同论为协调复合生态系统发展,建设生态文明和发展现代林业提供了建设思路。  相似文献   

杭州市生态系统服务价值分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生态系统服务价值是人类社会赖以生存的条件与效用。参考Costanza等人对全球陆地生态系统服务价值研究结果,从自然资本、经济资本和社会资本三方面构建了生态系统服务功能价值评估体系,并对杭州生态系统服务价值的构成及空间分布进行分析,为杭州区域规划与管理提供依据。  相似文献   

生态价值的源泉是生态系统的服务功能。从生态服务功能的产生或供给来看,是纯自然的,从生态服务功能的利用或需求来看,是纯人类的。根据价值的哲学概念和经济学中的传统理论,对生态价值的自然范畴和人类范畴进行分析.可得出生态价值的实质就是人类社会系统对自然生态系统服务功能客观需要的主观价值反映。它反映着人类社会系统和自然经济系统两个整体之间的关系.是在一定技术条件下人与物的关系。  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a problem of global concern affecting ecosystem functioning and services provided to humans. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is built on a conceptual framework that links biodiversity with the services ecosystems provide to society and human welfare. Numerous empirical studies have measured ecosystem goods and services in terms of economic values; however, less evidence is available of the indirect effect of biodiversity on these values. Based on this, we first compile market and non-market forest valuation studies and, secondly, explore the potential of an econometric modelling exercise by conducting a worldwide meta-analysis. This exercise aims to highlight the role of biodiversity indicators on valuation. In this way, we can study the underlying transmission mechanisms that explain to what extent biodiversity is related to human welfare. Furthermore, we also propose to evaluate the magnitudes of the respective distributional impacts, including the different ecosystem goods and services under consideration. Our results show that biodiversity indicators may have an underlying effect on forest ecosystem values, which also depend on the type of ecosystem services. Lastly, the results are discussed and analysed with respect to their policy implications concerning biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Human Resource Ecosystem and its evolutionary rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper, based on the concept and the elements of human resource ecosystem (HR Ecosystem), studies the function and structure of HR Ecosystem, introduces the entropy theory to define the content of entropy of HR Ecosystem, constructs the corresponding distinctive model to distinguish the direction of the evolution of HR Ecosystem and the evolutionary entropy model, and applies the models to demonstrate the evolutionary rules of HR Ecosystem. The study shows that the entropy theory can be well applied to the analysis on HR Ecosystem and that it opens up a new field in the research of human resource management and provides a new effective technical method.  相似文献   

生态系统健康评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生态系统健康是人类赖以生成和发展的必要条件,生态系统健康科学深深植根于生物学,生态学,并与保护生物学,生态监测和景观生态学等领域密切相关,这些领域也与可持续发展有关,生态系统健康评价指标包括物理化学指标,生态学指标和社会经济指标,较小尺度徨态系统的评价更多采用生态学指标,大尺度生态系统健康的评价则注重整体性评价,最后,提出了生态系统健康恢复和维持的措施。  相似文献   

Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision making   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The concept of ecosystems services has become an important model for linking the functioning of ecosystems to human welfare. Understanding this link is critical for a wide-range of decision-making contexts. While there have been several attempts to come up with a classification scheme for ecosystem services, there has not been an agreed upon, meaningful and consistent definition for ecosystem services. In this paper we offer a definition of ecosystem services that is likely to be operational for ecosystem service research and several classification schemes. We argue that any attempt at classifying ecosystem services should be based on both the characteristics of the ecosystems of interest and a decision context for which the concept of ecosystem services is being mobilized. Because of this there is not one classification scheme that will be adequate for the many contexts in which ecosystem service research may be utilized. We discuss several examples of how classification schemes will be a function of both ecosystem and ecosystem service characteristics and the decision-making context.  相似文献   

The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital by Costanza in 1997 is generally regarded as a monumem for the research of valuing ecosystem services. However, the classification of ecosystem services, the method of various services summation and the purpose for static global value had be confronted by many criticisms. Based on the summary of these criticisms, suggestions, related function assessment and further study direction, the sustainability of ecosystem Services is presented. The two basic indicators in ecology, productivity and biodiversity, respectively charactering the ability of producing and self-organizing, not only represent the internal function of ecosystem, but also are proportioned to its external function of supporting and providing for human life. On presenting the general.form of ecosystem services assessment, this paper improves the mathematical formula by giving a function adjusting coefficient composea of productivity and biodiversity. Theoretically, the integration of the two indicators reflects the changes of ecosystem services at spatial and temporal scales, can physically assess the sustainability of ecosystem services, and build a firm scientific fundament of value assessment for ecosystem services. Objectively, its application should be strictly tested in next step.  相似文献   

巢湖流域生态服务功能价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态服务功能是区域社会经济可持续发展的支撑和保障,本文运用Costanza等人的理论和方法,因地制宜地开展了巢湖流域生态服务功能的货币化研究。结果表明,2006年巢湖流域生态服务功能总价值为2 291.74亿元,为当年流域GDP(1 885.42亿元)的1.216倍。进而对巢湖流域生态服务功能价值的空间分布、不同生态类型服务功能的价值贡献以及流域生态服务功能的价值构成进行了分析,结果发现目前巢湖流域可持续发展的生态支撑不足,而治理富营养化是提升巢湖流域生态服务功能水平的关键。  相似文献   

The impact of conservation efforts targeted at preserving ecosystem services largely depend on the welfare implications associated with spatial variations in the provision of ecosystem services. While there is ample empirical evidence of spatial discounting or decay of the valuation of ecosystem services, there are still few underpinnings based on welfare economic theory. We establish a theory of spatial discounting that closely follows the concept of time discounting pertaining to climate change, and show spatial discount rates in the consumption, ecosystem service, and willingness to pay (WTP) numeraires. We consider the role of key parameters such as pure rate of spatial preference, consumption change, ecosystem services change, population density, and elasticity of marginal utility. We find that the spatial discount rate of WTP for ecosystem services that frequently appears in the empirical literature is the difference between the ecosystem service discount rate and consumption discount rate, where the ecosystem service discount rate includes both physical distance decay and welfare effects. Finally, we use numerical simulations to illustrate how the three different spatial discount rates vary with the spatial distance from the source of ecosystem services and with consumption patterns, implying many more possible spatial variations of WTP.  相似文献   

山区土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值影响的预评价更具学术意义和科学价值。文章以宁夏彭阳县为例,以生态系统服务价值理论方法为基础,以《彭阳县土地利用总体规划大纲(2006-2020年)》为基本数据源,系统分析了土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的影响。研究结果表明,在整个规划期彭阳县土地利用动态度变化幅度不大,但总的生态系统服务价值减少了279.25万元;林地的敏感度系数最大,其次是耕地和牧草地。生态系统服务价值的减少以及各地类敏感度系数的不同变化,就要求彭阳县未来一个时期必须保持好退耕还林还草工程成果、保护耕地,这对于保护生态环境、促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We work with a basic general equilibrium model of an economy with an industrial good and a rural good. Industrial good production results in pollution that affects the provision of ecosystem services and thereby the production of the rural good. The assignment of ecosystem rights to the industrial polluters or to the rural pollutees results in differential transaction costs that affect production possibilities between the two goods. Ecosystem rights are assigned to maximize social welfare. Over time, technological change and differences in income superiority affect the choice of the assignment of rights. Opening to trade affects the choice of the assignment of ecosystem rights depending on the nature of technological change, but the relative income superiority of goods no longer affects the assignment of ecosystem rights in a small economy. Thus, among other findings, we demonstrate that the phenomena known as the environmental Kuznets curve does not hold for the protection of ecosystem services in production, or production externalities generally, because trade separates consumption from production.  相似文献   

There is growing policy and academic interest in transferring ecosystem service values from existing valuation studies to other ecosystem sites at a large geographic scale. Despite the evident policy demand for this combined transfer and “scaling up” of values, an approach to value transfer that addresses the challenges inherent in assessing ecosystem changes at a national or regional level is not available. This paper proposes a methodology for scaling up ecosystem service values to estimate the welfare effects of ecosystem change at this larger geographical scale. The methodology is illustrated by applying it to value the impact of climate change on European wetlands for the period 2000–2050. The proposed methodology makes use of meta-analysis to produce a value function. The parameters of the value function include spatial variables on wetland size and abundance, GDP per capita, and population. A geographic information system is used to construct a database of wetland sites in the case study region with information on these spatial variables. Site-specific ecosystem service values are subsequently estimated using the meta-analytic value function. The proposed method is shown to enable the adjustment of transferred values to reflect variation in important spatial variables and to account for changes in the stock of ecosystems.  相似文献   

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