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结合闽南地区服装产业与服装高等教育发展形势,通过问卷调研了该地区168名本科生的就业意愿,针对调研结果进行了分析。以企业人才需求为导向,并结合该地区服装教育特点,提出闽南地区服装高等教育人才培养应该贯彻专业职业化的人才培养思想、建设课程模块化的人才培养体系、推介职业市场化的人才需求形势。  相似文献   

通过市场调研,了解到郑州市服装行业发展现状和服装企业人才需求,及时找服装专业就业中存在的问题和服装企业的人才需求情况,并针对其问题对服装专业教学改革提出合理的建议,从而提高服装专业人才的就业能力,使人才培养与服装企业的人才需求接轨。高校的服装人才的培养目标必须要主动适应服装行业对服装人才需求的变化,并对人才培养的模式做出相应调整,从而进行教学改革、更新教学理念与教学模式,最终培养出具有实用性、应用性、创新性、综合性能力的复合型人才。  相似文献   

目前泰安市的服装企业急需服装设计专业人才,而"工学结合"是高职服装设计专业培养高技能应用型人才的重要人才培养模式。要顺利运行"工学结合"的人才培养模式,建立一支强有力的教学团队是必要的。笔者以山东服装职业学院服装设计与制作专业教学团队建设为例,阐述了团队建设规划、教学改革和校企合作人才培养模式的教学团队建设具体方案,并提出了基于工学结合的专兼结合保障机制。  相似文献   

服装产业升级是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,它直接影响高职院校人才培养模式与目标,特别是对高职服装专业实践教学提出了新的要求,本文分析了国内外服装产业升级发展的现状,分别从教学定位与目标、服装实践教学内容及实践教学方法等方面进行了探讨,提出了在服装产业升级背景下高职服装专业实践教学整合的措施。  相似文献   

闫文佳 《中国纺织》2012,(10):106-107
获奖项目:基于艺文互动的服装设计创新学分培养模式完成单位:江南大学完成人:梁惠娥、薛再年、崔荣荣、潘春宇、张竞琼、刘水、徐亚平、王蕾 突出的创业能力和成功的创业实例成为江南大学的最大特色,在采访中给我们留下最深印象的,除了基于纺织服装创新、创业体系的构建,具有鲜明民族个性文化特色的民间服饰传习馆也让我们眼前一亮。江南大学在2011中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖的获奖项目中,有太多的不同值得分享。针对服装专业本科生目前普遍存在设计创新能力不足、文化底蕴缺乏的现状,江南大学实施了以“秉承传统融合现代创意”为方针进行服装创新型人才培养模式,将产学研、文化和设计前沿理念相糅合,强化设计艺术的创新模式和文化素质深度的培养。创新学分制特色凝练和文化素质基地的建设得到国内外同行院校的高度赞赏。  相似文献   

本文从服装艺术设计专业教育发展的基本特征出发,结合现如今国内外的服装行业的发展趋势,论证了设置艺术设计专业方向教学改革的新型交叉学科——服装营销与传媒的必要性与可行性,探讨了服装营销与传媒人才培养教学改革的内容和形式,对专业设置以及课程建设提出了具体的步骤,走多样化的服装专业人才培养之路。  相似文献   

产学研相结合的人才培育模式是培养高层次、复合型物流人才,解决我国物流人才缺口的关键。但我国目前的物流人才培养模式以及一对一为主的产学研培养模式仍存在着一定的问题需要解决。文章首先分析了我国目前物流人才培养过程中的基本问题,进而针对校企合作的产学研模式及其存在的主要问题进行了探讨。在此基础上,提出了解决这些问题的途径——建立区域联合物流人才培养实践基地的战略思考,并分析了该战略在运作模式、服务范围、资源利用、培养方式、协作关系以及功能拓展等方面的独特优势。  相似文献   

生态文明与我国的“绿色”服装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衣食住行,衣是人类的生活必须品,十七大提出的"生态文明"与服装的生产、设计有着密切的关系。本文从服装材料的选择到服装的整个加工过程进行讨论,找到一些制造"绿色"服装的方法,并提出我国在"绿色"服装方面存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

挺进俄罗斯中纺协会召开座谈会为了落实中央关于开拓俄罗斯市场的指示,中国纺织工业协会于8月2日召开了开拓俄罗斯市场的座谈会。中商集团欧洲中心的负责人蔡桂茹主任到会,全面介绍了俄罗斯的经济情况以及俄罗斯的纺织服装的市场情况,听取并回答了参加座谈会的企业对开拓俄罗斯的市场的想法和提出的一些问题。资料表明,俄罗斯纺织品和服装的加工能力不足。现有棉纺锭339万锭,织机11.6万台,毛纺锭50万锭,产品产量不能满足俄国人民的需要,每年需进口40亿美元的纺织品和服装。据海关统计,2001年中国对俄罗斯出口纺织品服装13.4亿美元…  相似文献   

根据我校办学定位,纺织工程专业对“产学研”教学模式进行了大胆的革新,并提出了新形势下人才培养的关键,探索“产学研”模式下校企联合育人的必要性,提高了教学的时效性,学生动手实践能力得到很大提升,达到学生毕业即可就业的目的,这为复合型技术型人才奠定了基础。  相似文献   

To ensure the ongoing vitality of a company's product offerings, R&D professionals must play a daunting array of roles. The already rapid, yet still accelerating, pace of technological change may lead some companies to devote more resources to intensive internal research efforts. However, the shift toward global competition demands a more market-oriented focus from R&D; clear understanding of current and potential markets must drive R&D efforts. And efficient, cost-effective manufacturing of new products requires an R&D organization that understands and interacts effectively with the production department. How does a company create an environment in which its R&D organization comprises market-savvy, production-friendly experts in diverse technologies? With case studies of R&D efforts at Canon and Sony, Sigvald Harryson identifies and illustrates the key mechanisms that these companies use to foster product innovation. His examples show how Canon and Sony use a combination of external and internal networking mechanisms to identify and acquire key technologies and related skills, gain market knowledge, improve the results of internal R&D efforts, and ensure the successful transfer of these results to efficient production processes. He identifies four key mechanisms underlying successful product innovation at Canon and Sony: strategic training and job rotation for engineers, application-driven R&D, direct transfer of development teams from R&D to production, and extensive networking with external centers of excellence and key suppliers. At Canon, the initial training program for all researchers and engineers begins with three months of work on a production line. Sony's new researchers and development engineers spend one month in production. Both companies also give their new R&D professionals three months of training in sales and marketing. The emphasis on market-driven research at both companies means that researchers have identified some commercial application for almost every initial research proposal that gains approval. Neither company treats research as a long-term assignment; almost all engineers at both companies eventually move from the labs to production. And rather than viewing this job rotation strategy as a drain on the technological expertise in their labs, both companies rely on strong external networks with key suppliers and university-based researchers as important sources for acquiring new technologies and the competencies needed to support them.  相似文献   

稠油注汽系统能耗测试方法与效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低稠油开采成本和提高经济效益,对稠油注汽系统采取了一些节能技术改进措施,并应用了一些节能产品,以提高注汽系统热效率。为了评价改造后稠油注汽系统的热效率及使用配套节能产品的效果,给出了稠油注汽系统技改能耗测试要求、测试程序与方法、测试结果评价指标及评价方法;并对技改前后稠油注汽系统能耗进行了综合评价,说明所采取的技改措施是有效的。  相似文献   

This paper presents an EMQ model which determines an optimal production run length in a deteriorating production process. It is assumed that the process is subject to a random deterioration from an in-control state to an out-of-control state with an arbitrary distribution and, thus, produces some proportion of defective items. An optimal production run length and a minimum average cost are derived in three deteriorating processes: constant, linearly increasing, and exponentially increasing. Several different results from those of previous research are obtained and discussed. A numerical experiment is carried out to see the behavior of the proposed model depending on the cost and process parameters. Some interesting behaviors are observed.  相似文献   

柴油非加氢脱硫工艺研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日益严格的燃料环保法规使传统的加氢脱硫工艺的生产成本日益提高,我国炼油工业将面临严峻的形势,发展环保脱硫加工工艺已成为燃油生产加工的大势所趋。文章介绍了吸附脱硫、氧化脱硫和生物脱硫等柴油非加氢脱硫工艺的研究开发情况,展望了这些加工工艺的发展和应用前景。  相似文献   

Increases in cereals production risk are commonly related to increases in weather risk. We analyze weather-induced changes in wheat yield volatility as a systemic weather risk in Germany. We disentangle, however, the relative impacts of inputs and weather on regional yield volatility. For this purpose we augment a production function with phenologically aggregated weather variables. Increasing volatility can be traced back to weather changes only in some regions. On average, inputs explain 49% of the total actual wheat yield volatility, while weather explains 43%. Models with only weather variables deliver biased but reasonable approximations for climate impact research.  相似文献   

非金属管道在解决油田腐蚀问题上取得了明显的效果,通过工程实际应用,大多数非金属管道生产运行基本正常,但部分工程在生产维修上存在一定问题,暴露出不同程度的渗漏、断裂损坏等问题。为了进一步规范非金属管道的工程设计、产品检验、施工与验收、维护和管理工作,有必要完善非金属管道标准体系。重点对油田实际应用的非金属管道设计选用条件、基本规定、技术界限、计算方法及管道敷设与连接等,以及产品检验、施工验收、维护和管理中应执行的标准进行了研究。  相似文献   

The objectives of this research are to identify the research trends in and publication outlets for the applications of the fuzzy set theory technique in production and operations management (POM). The major findings indicate that (1) the most popular applications are capacity planning, scheduling, inventory control, and product design, (2) some application areas make more use of particular types of fuzzy techniques, (3) the percentage of applications that address semi/unstructured types of POM problems is increasing, (4) the most common technologies integrated with the fuzzy set theory technique are genetic/evolutionary algorithms and neural networks, and (5) the most popular development tool is C Language and its extension. Our survey confirms several research trends, some of which are unexpected and some of which contradict previous findings.  相似文献   

全球价值链理论与我国产业发展研究   总被引:200,自引:7,他引:200  
随着生产和贸易全球化的不断深入,世界价值创造体系在全球出现了前所未有的垂直分离和再构。面对这一国际分工大转换的背景,本文旨在通过引入全球价值链理论对我国如何面对全球产业转移和竞争有一个由宏观到微观多层次多角度系统的认识。本文回顾了全球价值链理论20多年的形成历程,理清理论传承和主要研究思路;对全球价值链理论中的动力机制、治理结构、产业升级等诸多方面进行了概括性探究和由此引发的诸多发展启示;最后,给出了研究和应用全球价值链理论的一些总结和建议。  相似文献   

一个品牌的成功,其设计流程的管理十分重要。在童装品牌设计流程中,各个环节的配合怎样才能体现最好的设计?从调研,到设计理念确定,绘制图纸,制作样衣,投入生产,一整套设计流程既紧密贴近设计要求,又遵循任务书的限定,并且最终能够达成令人兴奋和有所创新的设计。  相似文献   

催化裂解与蒸汽热裂解制烯烃技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对石脑油采用催化裂解技术和采用传统的蒸汽裂解技术生产烯烃两种工艺路线对比,得出无论是从其产品分布,还是从装置经济效益等各项指标上,石脑油催化裂解制烯烃的技术都较传统的蒸汽热裂解制烯烃技术具有先进性,该领域的研究开发具有相当重要的意义。  相似文献   

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