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This paper highlights the openness and indeterminacy of passenger experiences by exploring the power of passengers' imaginations in the context of urban railway commuting in Tokyo, Japan. Contrasting with much existing research on the figure of the passenger which has often stressed its intensified management and securitisation through spaces of transit, this paper examines how imagination plays an important but under-acknowledged part in transforming passenger experiences. Drawing upon extensive qualitative fieldwork conducted in Tokyo, it describes how the virtuality of these imagined spaces can work in different ways that can both enable and constrain passengers. Rather than seeing imagination as an internal psychological phenomenon, this paper stresses the relational qualities of imagination. Imagination can enable passengers to creatively travel as they gather references from what they see, hear, smell and feel through their bodily registers. In doing so, this paper argues that imagination is a situational process that materializes through passengers' encounters with a range of sensory stimuli in railway spaces. It also spotlights the specificity of the Japanese context for developing our understanding of power dynamics in research on passenger experiences. Supplementing transport geography's longstanding commitment to tracing the politics of enablement and constraint in terms of accessibility and travel time use, our paper highlights how imagination is an important but overlooked political domain.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通线路可以实行大小交路的开行模式,以克服断面客流不均衡导致的能力浪费,而这种模式使长距离乘客的出行时间增加,可以在列车开行大小交路的基础上考虑开行快慢车。以乘客出行成本与企业运营成本最小为目标,考虑列车停站时间与客流需求的关系,将停站时间纳入乘客出行成本,建立双目标非线性整数优化模型,求解乘客与运营企业的成本博弈均衡点。通过算例验证模型的有效性,结果表明,相对于大小交路嵌套的运营模式,实行“大小交路+快慢车”的运营模式可以有效降低乘客出行成本与企业运营成本。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a methodology for designing an airline connection builder (CB) and adjusting its parameter settings. The objective of the proposed CB is to construct relevant connections that attract passenger demand while avoiding operationally infeasible and commercially irrelevant connections. Using worldwide MIDT booking data, we examined the sensitivity of CB results to the setting of the standard CB parameters maximum connection time and geographical detour. We demonstrated that CB performance can be increased by replacing these two parameters with connection lag, a measure that combines the impact of connection time with geographical detour on the total travel time of a given connection. We also found that the willingness of a passenger to book slower connections and the relationship between the number of passenger bookings and generated connections strongly depends on the O&D distance. Better results can thus be obtained by greedily determining the distance-specific CB parameter settings. The greedy adjustment of parameter settings reduces the number of unattractive connections generated, while keeping the number of covered passenger bookings high.  相似文献   

Trip distribution laws are basic for the travel demand characterization needed in transport and urban planning. Several approaches have been considered in the last years. One of them is the so-called gravity law, in which the number of trips is assumed to be related to the population at origin and destination and to decrease with the distance. The mathematical expression of this law resembles Newton's law of gravity, which explains its name. Another popular approach is inspired by the theory of intervening opportunities which argues that the distance has no effect on the destination choice, playing only the role of a surrogate for the number of intervening opportunities between them. In this paper, we perform a thorough comparison between these two approaches in their ability at estimating commuting flows by testing them against empirical trip data at different scales and coming from different countries. Different versions of the gravity and the intervening opportunities laws, including the recently proposed radiation law, are used to estimate the probability that an individual has to commute from one unit to another, called trip distribution law. Based on these probability distribution laws, the commuting networks are simulated with different trip distribution models. We show that the gravity law performs better than the intervening opportunities laws to estimate the commuting flows, to preserve the structure of the network and to fit the commuting distance distribution although it fails at predicting commuting flows at large distances. Finally, we show that the different approaches can be used in the absence of detailed data for calibration since their only parameter depends only on the scale of the geographic unit.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the spatial distribution of travel time differences between car and public transport during peak and off-peak hours using geospatial methods and circular statistics. To that end, we combine two origin-destination matrices: one contains the number of simulated commuting trips and the other contains accurate travel times measured using either Floating Car Data or transit data. The combination of both matrices reveals that differences in travel time during peak and off-peak hours are high for intra-city commuting and low for inter-city commuting.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通乘客服务相关系统和设施设备是提升乘客出行满意度的关键要素。以挖掘数据潜能、释放资源价值为切入点,整合相关系统业务流程,在研究国内城市轨道交通乘客服务智能化发展的基础上,从提升服务体验、优化运营管理、挖掘商业价值3个维度分析乘客服务存在的问题,提出基于中台技术的智慧乘客综合服务平台方案。基于信息资源整合和业务能力抽取,设计乘客画像、出行支持、客流特征、场景模型4大业务中台模块,满足乘客购票、站内引导、资讯获取等方面的服务需求,实现乘客服务与车站信息的协同共享能力。通过设计智能票务、无人客服中心、智能导向、精准营销等典型场景应用,提升服务体验与运营管理水平,促进商业资源开发以满足日益增长的乘客消费需求。  相似文献   

准东开发区"产城融合"要求产业区与生活服务区空间布局合理,通过高效的轨道交通系统,实现职工的通勤需求。基于准东开发区"产城融合"模式、准东开发区及周边县市现状、交通发展状况,分析通勤旅客出行特征及存在问题。依据客流量预测结果、交通方式选择,结合准东开发区通勤轨道交通规划目标及布局,提出通勤轨道交通规划布局方案,有利于提升准东开发区与周边县市交通功能,改善开发区与周边县市的出行条件,压缩准东开发区和周边县市生活区的时空距离。  相似文献   

换乘所产生的附加费用,如时间和票价等,导致配流影响因素产生变化,如果沿用传统方式将降低预测精度和可靠性。通过引入换乘次数和方式等因子计算出行等待、乘车、换乘及风险评估预留时间等,定义广义出行费用与计算方法;建立双层规划模型求解最优票价,最后通过算例分析弹性出行需求、换乘费用、票价之间的关系。计算结果表明,换乘费用对出行需求的影响小于票价优化对出行需求的影响,优化票价随换乘费用增加而加速降低,为公共交通票价优化提供研究依据。  相似文献   

As the basic travel service for urban transit, bus services carry the majority of urban passengers. The characterisation of urban residents' transit trips can provide a first-hand reference for the evaluation, management and planning of public transport. Over the past two decades, data from smart cards have become a new source of travel survey data, providing more comprehensive spatial-temporal information about urban public transport trips. In this paper, a multi-step methodology for mining smart card data is developed to analyse the spatial-temporal characteristics of bus travel demand. Using the bus network in Guangzhou, China, as a case study, a smart card dataset is first processed to quantitatively estimate the travel demand at the bus stop level. The term ‘bus service coverage’ is introduced to map the bus travel demand from bus stops to regions. This dataset is used to create heat maps that visualise the regional distribution of bus travel demand. To identify the distribution patterns of bus travel demand, two-dimensional principal component analysis and principal component analysis are applied to extract the features of the heat maps, and the Gaussian mixture model is used for the feature clustering. The proposed methodology visually reveals the spatial-temporal patterns of bus travel demand and provides a practical set of visual analytics for transit trip characterisation.  相似文献   

随着北京大兴国际机场夜间到港旅客量的增加,机场轨道交通运营时长已难以满足客运需求。为提升线路服务水平,延长夜间运营时间,同时减少运力浪费,需要平衡线路夜间客运需求、维检修需求及运营成本,制定延时运营方案。通过挖掘北京大兴国际机场及大兴机场线客流变化规律,分析线路夜间客运需求,结合大兴机场线夜间维检修要求,探讨延时运营对设备设施作业的影响,并进一步研究延时运营成本的构成以及成本计算方式。最后通过对比、分析不同的延时运营方案对夜间维修时间的影响、增开列次与路网换乘情况、运营成本的增加情况,提出当前大兴机场线宜采取上行单向延长运营30 min的方案,并结合大兴机场线实际情况设计线路延时运营阶段的列车运行方案。  相似文献   

针对有关列车停站方案与换乘接续研究中的不足,结合高速铁路旅客换乘需求数据,引入可达性定义,首先建立以运行图可达性最大为目标的优化模型,其次提出单亲遗传求解算法,并开发列车运行图自动铺画软件,通过对某高速铁路2011年春运期间运行图的下行列车进行优化,在不改变原运行图骨架、满足运行图标尺的基础上,提高了运行图的可达性和列车平均旅行速度。  相似文献   

城市化进程中需要解决的一个关键问题,就是为特大或超大城市所形成的都市圈构建轨道通勤体系,不仅城市自身需要加快建设城市轨道交通和市郊铁路,以国家铁路为主体的大铁路转型都市区通勤服务也不可或缺,这对特大超大城市和国铁系统双方都是艰巨挑战,同时也是重要发展契机。日本国铁从1960年代后期开始,实施了以大力强化干线通道、提高通勤能力、缓解乘车拥挤为目标的"东京都市圈通勤五方面作战"取得显著成效,同时推动诸多民营铁路共同加快东京都市圈通勤系统建设,这些研究为形成都市圈"四网融合"的轨道交通网络提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

为了按照旅客出行要求提供准确的换乘方案,在分析客运换乘问题的基础上,通过增加虚拟点的方式构建基于列车运行时刻的换乘网络。并在此基础上,设计了有换乘次数限制的、总旅行时间最少的中转换乘模型,对数学模型中的目标函数采用遗传算法寻找最优解。同时通过实例计算说明模型的应用。  相似文献   

随着铁路路网规模的扩大和旅客出行需求的改变,亟需深化客运供给结构性改革。在分析铁路客运服务质量影响因素的基础上,以结果质量、环境质量、交互质量为一级维度,以可靠、畅通、舒适、便捷、响应及时、重点关怀为二级维度,对旅客感知服务质量要素进行多维度分析。通过开展旅客感知服务满意度调查,在旅客服务满意度分析的基础上,围绕降低旅客感知服务质量的关键要素有针对性地提出铁路旅客感知服务质量提升策略,有助于改善旅客出行体验,满足旅客日益增长的客运服务需求,为铁路旅客感知服务供给改革提供依据。  相似文献   

Circuity of transit networks, defined as the ratio of network to Euclidean distance traveled from origin to destination stop, has been known to influence travel behavior. In addition to the longer time spent in travel, for networks where fare is based on distance traveled, higher circuity also means higher fare for the same Euclidean distance. This makes circuity relevant from an equity perspective. Using a case study of the urban transit network of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, this study explores the role of transit circuity on the disparity in distance traveled by travelers' income profile and its implications on travel times and costs for networks with distance-based fares. The analysis is based on travel patterns from smart card data for bus, tram, and metro modes, combined with neighborhood level income data. Results reveal that in Amsterdam, the higher the share of high income people living in proximity to a transit stop, the lower the circuity of journeys from the stop, when controlled for the Euclidean distance covered and spatial auto-correlation. The uneven distribution of circuity exacerbates the disparity in distance traveled, and hence fare paid between the income groups. However, the travel time per Euclidean distance favors the low income group, possibly due to the circuitous routes serving these areas being compensated by higher travel speeds. This study highlights the role of transit network design in determining its equity outcomes and emphasizes the importance of considering equity during route and fare planning. The process followed can be adapted to examine equity for other urban networks.  相似文献   

基于信息融合的理论和方法,将城市轨道交通各个系统采集到的数据进行相关和集成融合计算出客流量、平均发车间隔和平均运距等.通过对车辆运营成本与乘客等车时间成本的分析,确定乘客总的等车时间成本是常量固定的社会成本.利用边际成本法建立城市轨道交通补贴决策模型,并结合长春市轻轨的运营数据进行实证分析,期以辅助城市轨道交通财政补贴决策.  相似文献   

A longstanding issue for public transit agencies has been how to assess the performance of transit service including spatial service coverage to meet the transport needs of the community. The conventional approach quantifies accessibility using door-to-door travel time in such a way that accessibility declines as the travel time to the opportunity increases. A new approach to modelling transit accessibility is proposed by incorporating the potential effect of transfer location. It builds on the premise that transit users may have a preference for a transfer location best located relative to the trip origin and destination points. The model is tested in Brisbane's bus network which has a radial form, where inner-city suburbs have relatively higher accessibility than outer-city suburbs, if only travel time is counted. Incorporating the transfer location refines the accessibility modelling so that some outer-city suburbs located along the major bus corridors have a relatively higher accessibility level. The new model also suggests that inner-city suburbs do not necessarily have better accessibility. Suburbs close to the city centre may have shorter transit travel time to reach other suburbs, but they do not have a well-connected transit network to other suburbs through service transfers.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2008,15(5):315-323
The suburbanization of large Chinese cities has placed many residents in locations that are far less accessible than their prior residences, requiring motorized travel. This paper examines the impacts of relocation to outlying areas on job accessibility, commuting mode choice, and commuting durations based on a current-day and retrospective survey of recent movers to three suburban neighborhoods in Shanghai. Job accessibility levels were found to decline dramatically following the move, matched by increased motorized travel and longer commute durations. Relocating to a suburban area near a metrorail station, however, was found to moderate losses in job accessibility and for many, encourage switches from non-motorized to transit commuting. We conclude that transit-oriented development holds considerable promise for placing rapidly suburbanizing Chinese cities on a more sustainable pathway.  相似文献   

轨道交通的枢纽建设在实现城市交通发展一体化中起着至关重要的作用。在总结上海轨道交通多个枢纽建设和运营经验的基础上,提出在一体化发展策略下建设轨道交通枢纽的创新理念,包括“由多线集中换乘到分散换乘”的网络规划理念、由“零距离换乘”到“以时间换空间”的运营安全理念、注重客流组织“单循环”流线的换乘效率理念、实现立体化交通组织的“人车分流”理念、注重细节的“以人为本”理念以及车站周边空间的一体化开发理念,最后从规划、设计、运营、服务、开发五个层面提出轨道交通枢纽建设的具体要求,为未来轨道交通枢纽的规划和建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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