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办好企业离不开市场情报。但不是所有企业领导人对市场情报的重要意义和作用都认识的很清楚。本文从理论上并结合实例深入浅出的进行论证。  相似文献   

海娜 《大经贸》2000,(10):26-28
用兵之道,攻心为上,攻城为下;心战为上,兵战为下——《三国志·蜀书》 1 电信业此起彼伏的购并浪潮和激烈的市场竞争,成为20世纪最后一年世界电信业的主流。在这一潮  相似文献   

(北京,2006年8月20日)7月1日,中国领先的市场研究公司CTR市场研究,正式推出中国最大的市场信息情报服务项目:CTR媒介智讯——新闻监测。这项新服务将包括电视、电台、报纸和网络在内的各个媒体的监测,为广告主、公关公司、广告公司、媒体等提供快速、全面、专业化的市场信息情报服务。  相似文献   

迎接挑战   对企业而言,固定资产可以确保企业从底层到顶层运转正常,服务系统运行良好,网络运输无间断.……  相似文献   

迎接挑战   对企业而言,固定资产可以确保企业从底层到顶层运转正常,服务系统运行良好,网络运输无间断.……  相似文献   

晋竹 《中国市场》2012,(6):69-70
企业竞争对手的动态以及企业环境的变化影响着一个企业竞争策略和战略决策的制定。企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须充分利用竞争情报,以便全面了解竞争态势,准确地预测市场变化。在21世纪的今天,网络信息的及时性与丰富性,使得网络资源成为竞争情报最重要的信息源,很多企业在市场情报方面的管理更多依赖于情报分析系统,而忽视了情报本身的收集管理,使企业的很多决策失效。本文主要阐述了在网络环境下进行竞争情报收集的一些特点,并结合信息收集的相关概念,阐述竞争情报收集的可行方法和一般规则。  相似文献   

张承津 《商业研究》1997,(10):25-27
社会需求的变化趋势和市场变化特征,可通过各种经济信息反映出来,形成对企业营销有关的市场情报。研究市场情报的性能,进行市场细分,选择目标市场,使企业制定科学的产品生产经营计划,实现经营目标。  相似文献   

信息产业部巨资支持本土3G 12月19日,信产部副部长奚国华表示,中国 3G牌照发放的决策时机已到,牌照发放涉及4个关键性问题:技术和业务成熟性、竞争格局优化、知识产权问题、TD-SCDMA的发展。随着牌照发放的日益临近,信产部已开始对本土企业提供巨资支持。2005年度电子信息产业发展基金的中  相似文献   

米兰  小佳 《大经贸》2001,(6):30-31
继前年美国、去年法国的中国广东经济技术洽谈会后,今年广东把目标瞄准了非洲国家。于6月,广东省政府在南非约翰内斯堡举办"2001年中国广东(非洲)贸易暨经济技术洽谈会。"这是广东首次在南非举行颇具规模的经济技术洽谈会。为何要在非洲举行这样一个洽谈会,在这次洽谈会中广东省又要达到怎样的目的?广东省外经贸厅梁耀文称,非洲是广东对外经贸重点市场,我省与非洲的外经贸合作历史悠久,从20世纪60年代开始,广东多次承担我国对非洲的经济援助项目,包括在刚果、加纳、加蓬、毛里塔尼亚、扎伊尔,津巴布韦、多哥等国建设石灰厂、造船厂、会  相似文献   

Using data from a high-income, emerging market economy in the Middle East, this study examines changes in service performance outcomes of an incumbent monopoly during different periods in the phased liberalization of the country’s telecommunications market. The study draws on Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) theory and Social Exchange Theory (SET) to develop hypotheses about expected changes in four customer-based service performance outcomes—service quality perceptions, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer attitudes. These are tested using data collected in a longitudinal tracking study spanning different periods in the liberalization process. Results show that all four performance outcomes improved significantly during an early post-liberalization period when there was only one additional competitor in the market, but declined slightly during a later period when a second competitor entered the market. However, structural relationships among the outcomes themselves remained invariant across liberalization periods. Policy-making and theoretical implications of the results are outlined and discussed. Although the data come from a single industry in an emerging market economy, a particularly key implication is that while incumbent monopolies may initially harbor a preference for the comfort and ‘freedom’ that comes with being the only player in the market, under certain circumstances liberalization can actually benefit them through the impetus that it provides for their own service quality improvements.  相似文献   

许云峰 《广告大观》2008,(10):50-50
欲取全国,必先取华南;欲取华南,必先取广州。 这已经是各个品牌的营销老总深藏于心的营销“圣经”。但有意思的是,广东市场却也充满一个消费矛盾。  相似文献   

上汽集团旗下上海汇众汽车制造有限公司的自主品牌商务车伊思坦纳(ISTANA)上半年下线后,经过一段时间的试销,日前在广东地区总代理广物汽贸旗下专卖店全面发售。  相似文献   

The role of proprietary information in forecasting and market efficiency in the U.S. live cattle futures market is investigated. Using a unique proprietary data source collected by a private firm, we test whether the initial estimates in the USDA Cattle on Feed Report and the Knight‐Ridder pre‐release forecasts are unbiased and efficient forecasts of final revised USDA Cattle on Feed Report numbers. We then use these results to test whether futures price movements are predictable based on information in the proprietary data. We also test whether the initial estimates from the Cattle on Feed Report have new information that moves prices once the information contained in the proprietary data source has been taken into account. Results suggest that the information contained in the proprietary data source does have statistically significant explanatory power for forecasting final revised Cattle on Feed Report numbers and for predicting short‐term price movements of futures contracts. The results are inconsistent with strong‐form market efficiency in the live cattle futures market. We also find that the initial estimates in the Cattle on Feed Report still have new information that moves prices even after accounting for the unique information in both the Knight‐Ridder pre‐release forecasts and the proprietary data. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 24:429–451, 2004  相似文献   

最近,我有幸参观考察了美国的汽车市场。“美国”、“汽车”这两者之间联系的紧密程度和广度,给我留下了深刻的印象。汽车,于美国无所不在:不论是家庭、社会、生活、购物、旅游,还是税收、法律、竞选、交通、贸易等,几乎国家生活、社会生活和家庭生活的方方面面,都与汽车息息相关。在一定程度上,我们可以说,美国是一个建立在车轮上的国家,汽车是每一个家庭的准成员。正因为汽车这一最具科技和人文特色的商  相似文献   

This research examines the information search and usage behaviour of physicians when they choose pharmaceutical treatments for their patients. It details this behaviour, its causes, variations and information sources. Grounded Theory was used, with data collection primarily based on depth interviews with primary and secondary care physicians. Two main categories of search behaviour emerged and were labelled self-referencing and surrogating. Self-referencing describes the process where physicians first use internal, patient case experiences to discover behavioral patterns for the successful treatment of patients. If insufficient confidence is held in their internal knowledge, physicians will attempt to use the patient case experience of external sources and surrogate this experience as their own. Recommendations are made regarding matching the information usage behaviors of physicians with that provided by organisations and marketing outputs.  相似文献   

We investigate characteristics of cross‐market correlations using daily data from U.S. stock, bond, money, and currency futures markets using a new multivariate GARCH model that permits direct hypothesis testing on conditional correlations. We find evidence that arrival of information in a market affects subsequent cross‐market conditional correlations in the sample period following the stock market crash of 1987, but there is little evidence of such a relationship in the precrash period. In the postcrash period, we also find evidence that the prime rate of interest affects daily correlations between futures returns. Furthermore, we find that conditional correlations between currency futures and other markets decline steeply a few months before the crash and revert to normal dynamics after the crash. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:1059–1082, 2002  相似文献   

信用卡产业在我国已步入快速发展的轨道,然而宽松的发卡策略加剧了持卡人和发卡行之间的信息不对称,继而诱发信用卡支付危机。鉴于此,在声誉(KMRW)博弈模型基础上建立了发卡行和持卡人之间的声誉博弈模型,分析了持卡人、发卡行的声誉与信用卡市场上的信息不对称之间的关系,提出引进第三方治理机制作为KMRW模型自我实施机制的加强和补充,以更有效地缓解信用卡市场上的信息不对称。  相似文献   

This study aims to enrich international business theory and practice by being the first study to investigate how both inter- and intra-organizational managerial trust in the source of market information contributes to its’ perception and use and by examining the contingent role of structural fluctuations and market turbulence. Structural equation modelling of cross-sectional survey data of 158 firms in Hungary shows that trust is an important driver of utilization of market information. Perceived information quality mediates the effect of trust on information use partially when it derives from intra- and fully when from inter-organizational source. When unpredictable changes occur due to structural fluctuations of the firm, the role of trust in quality perception of market information becomes more prominent. However, changes in the environment due to market turbulence do not moderate the effect of trust on perceived quality of information from inside, only from outside the firm.  相似文献   

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