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沈阳是东北地区最大的商品物资集散地和商贸中心城市,交易活跃、商业繁荣。近几年.沈阳连锁便利店发展迅速,带动了整个商业的发展,同时,与全国同等城市相比,沈阳连锁便利店发展尚存在着一些问题,物流是其中重要问题之一,但是对沈阳连锁便利店物流存在的问题及对策分析还是空白的,希望这一问题的研究能够促进沈阳连锁便利店物流的深度发展。  相似文献   

便利店是超级市场发展到相对较为成熟的阶段后,从超级市场中分化出来的一种零售业态,由于中国人均收入增加及生活节奏的加快,作为继大卖场及超市之后出现的又一新兴的零售业经营方式,便利店已成为零售业新的利润增长点。从含义上说,它是一种具有食品杂货店特点的便利店,但又使用超市销售方式和经营管理技术的零售业组织,具有能在最大程度上满足消费者需求的功能。目前连锁便利店面临的竞争十分激烈,但其发展前景十分广阔。连锁便利店发展大有星火燎原,全国蔓延之势。但仔细审视之下,我们发现目前诸多便利店的繁荣只是局部的、外表的繁荣,其背后蕴藏着潜在的危机和薄弱环节。因此,连锁便利店面临的主要问题就是如何形成自己的竞争优势,在需求过剩、市场激烈竞争中脱颖而出。  相似文献   

目前我国连锁便利店网上销售还处于摸索阶段,无论在策略或是网站建设中网络便利店仍然存在一定的问题,但是网络营销这样的销售途径乃是大势所趋,需要加以进一步的认真分析和探讨。与电子商务的结合,可以提高连锁便利店的规模管理效率,构建高效的物流配送系统,开展网络营销和提供多元化服务,并能在零售业激烈的竞争中取得好的效益。  相似文献   

一种适合的经营模式是校园连锁便利店赢利与发展的基础.校园便利店可与经贸管理类专业组群的创业基地和实践教学场所相结合,通过市场定位分析与目标消费群体研究,使校园便利店形成商品与服务方面的经营特色,并可探讨校园便利店的开发、经营策略.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理国内石化销售企业的非油品业务的发展轨迹,根据已有的宏观与微观数据,从便利店经营大类商品构成与顾客群体的消费行为的供需关系两方面进行统计分析,对以加油站便利店为核心的非油品业务发展过程中的主要特点和营销方式加以探究,助力非油品业务发展和营销创新。  相似文献   

便利店由于规模小、前期投入大、进入门槛低、可操作性强等特点,给了中国的中小资本极大的想象空间.这一切,都说明中国的便利店加盟市场潜能巨大.便利店加盟的诱惑的确是难以抗拒,只要连锁总部稍加点拨,借翼腾飞便指日可待.  相似文献   

连锁便利店商圈特性的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
决定零售店经营成败的三个关键因素是“选址、选址还是选址”,因此,在中国最有发展前景的零售业态连锁便利店快速发展的今天,研究其商圈特性并为科学选址提供依据具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。本文通过对连锁便利店的商圈特性的研究,提炼出对便利店经营有重要影响作用的店址因素,包括通行量、商圈类型、商圈竞争程度、消费能力、可视性、动线性等,并利用定性、定量等研究方法分析上述因素对便利店经营业绩的影响,初步得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

双汇连锁店是双汇集团为推广冷鲜肉而创新推出的肉类产品连锁零售终端。双汇连锁店定位于生鲜便利店。它在目标市场、连锁发展模式、连锁方式、物流配送和信息化建设上具有自己的鲜明特色。自建立以来,双汇连锁店的发展经历了较大起伏,尤其在河南省外的扩张遇到挫折。企业内部因素和外部环境的不利影响是导致其发展遇挫的主要原因,双汇集团应在内部关系协调、连锁人才储备、连锁模式创新、零售技术提升、连锁品牌塑造等方面采取积极有效的对策。  相似文献   

温州十足便利店50家店"试水"卖手机便利店开卖手机了。记者目前获悉,5月中旬开始,十足与天一地带手机连锁合作销售手机,还与移动运营商合作推出充话费送等值购物券、卖手机号码等业务,期望借助便利店众多的网点渠道,销售原本只能到大卖场才能买到的一些商品。  相似文献   

本文以连锁超市食品物流为研究对象,通过问卷调查、焦点访谈、实地考察等方式对上海市联华、家乐福、好又多、乐购、可的便利、联华快客等连锁超市卖场和便利店为调查对象进行调研,分析了超市食品物流质量安全现状及其在食品安全主要环节中所存在的问题,为建立和完善连锁超市食品安全管理体系提供线索。  相似文献   

家电连锁行业供应商选择与评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家电连锁企业的供应商是指处在家电连锁企业供应链上游的为家电连锁企业提供产品的家电制造企业或批发企业。目前,众多家电连锁企业为了减少流通环节,降低流通成本,避开中间的批发环节,更多的是同产品的制造企业直接建立采购供应关系。随着家电连锁企业在家电销售主渠道地位的确立,商家面对大量的供应商,结合自身发展战略需要,如何选择合适的供应商是值得深思的,同时在此基础上对这些供应商通过什么指标进行评价也是需要我们深入探讨的。  相似文献   

Given that the impact of retail shelf facings and price on a product’s market share is of substantial interest to marketing managers in the retail supply chain, we examine whether these relationships may be interdependent with the firm’s supply chain activities. We offer predictions regarding the interdependence of the marketing and supply chain variables using monthly in-store observations from 62 different retail stores from five different chains, taken over a 24-month period. The in-store observations included price and number of facings, which is combined with data obtained from the manufacturer on case pack quantity and market share data from the ACNielsen HomeScan consumer scanner panel. Results indicate that shelf facings impact the effects of price and case pack quantity on market share. In addition, we explore the strength of relationships across retailers employing everyday low price versus HiLo pricing strategies. Generally, our findings suggest that retailers and suppliers must work to integrate marketing activities and supply chain processes both within and across firms to most effectively serve the consumer at the retail shelf and increase market share.  相似文献   

网民数和网络购物人数的逐年上升,使网上开店成为很多创业者的首选。网络营销是从实践应用中经过归纳总结逐步形成的一门学科,有很强的实践性。结合网络营销理论与方法,分析网上开店活动初期常见的4个难题,并提出解决办法。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化及科技的发展,连锁经营的发展日趋多样化.但中国连锁经营仍处于发展的初级阶段,在与国外大型连锁企业的竞争中,处于明显劣势.中国连锁企业应通过兼并及并购、特许经营等方式来促进连锁经营的规模化;应该重视连锁企业信息化系统建设,不断优化、升级信息系统;通过选择良好的促销模式和广告方式来提高消费者对连锁企业品牌的认知度,促使连锁企业品牌战略的顺利实施.最终促进中国连锁企业经营在新市场环境下的发展与壮大  相似文献   

Technology has the ability to heavily influence marketing and supply chain theory and practice. This research incorporates a two-study approach to examine the impact of collaborative supply chain technologies on retailer logistics service and financial performance, and ultimately on the overall performance of the partnership. In this study we discover dynamic interactions between collaborative technology categories, relationship quality, resource complementarity, and performance. The results support the importance of collaborative technologies, the role of different degrees of partnering, and the need for a better understanding of firm and partner performance. Ultimately, this study creates a foundation for future research across the domains of marketing and supply chain management incorporating the resource based view of technology and service-dominant logic.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine internal marketing relationships and their influence on salesperson attitudes and behaviors in retail store environments. The authors investigate the moderating role of customer complaining behavior on the nature of these relationships. Specifically, they examine the relationship between organization-employee and supervisor-employee relationships and their association with salesperson job motivation and commitment to customer service. Customer complaints are expected to have differential moderating effects on the relationship between organizational and supervisory support and these salesperson outcomes. Our hypotheses were tested using a sample of 392 retail employees within 115 stores of a national retail organization. The model was partially supported. Theoretical and managerial implications are explored.  相似文献   

苏宁云商员工的积极性和某些财务指标下降,与原有绩效考核方法密切相关,因此,建立新的公平合理的绩效考核指标体系迫在眉睫。通过以苏宁云商集团股份有限公司营销人员为研究对象的调研,构建了其胜任力模型的指标体系,利用AHP法确定了各级指标的权重,并对哈尔滨6家店8个品类70位营销人员进行问卷调查,得出评价结论。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between distance and the number of retail stores in SMSA's and states by using land area as a proxy for distance between stores and consumers. Correlation analysis showed no statistically significant relationship between land area and the number of stores. This lack of relationship is attributed to the inadequacy of the land area variable as a proxy for distance. Consequently, actual measures of distance are needed to appraise the relationship between distance and numbers of retail stores.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing research and practice operate according to the paradigm that firms should invest in relationship marketing to build better relationships, which will generate improved financial performance. However, findings that relationship marketing efforts vary in their effectiveness across customers and may even be detrimental to performance challenge this belief. This article, therefore, offers a theoretical model that addresses three key issues: 1) what factors determine a customer’s need for relational governance (relationship orientation); 2) what mediating mechanism captures the negative effects of relationship marketing on performance (exchange inefficiency); and 3) how does a customer’s relationship orientation determine the effectiveness of relationship marketing, thus allowing for effective segmentation. The authors demonstrate in an empirical study that the trust in the salesperson and exchange inefficiency both mediate the effect of relationship marketing on seller financial outcomes. In addition, customers’ relationship orientation moderates the impact of relationship marketing on both trust and exchange inefficiency.  相似文献   

We explore patterns of store choice and shopping behavior in the domain of women’s specialty clothing stores. Based on previous research, four exploratory research propositions are examined to note patterns in customer loyalty to their “favorite” stores and the incidence of shopping at competing stores. We conduct a vulnerability analysis to note which stores have customer segments most vulnerable to marketing efforts of competitors. Our findings suggest customers in the women’s specialty clothing market do not exhibit 100 percent loyalty to the favored retailer, and the share of trips to the favored retailer is generally constant among stores. The primary implications to retail managers are that they should be most concerned withincreasing the customer franchise base (those naming the retailer’s store as “favorite”) rather than focusing on increasing thefrequency of shopping trips among those customers that comprise the current franchise base.  相似文献   

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