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Mixed methods research is becoming an increasingly popular approach in several fields. However, its application in the field of entrepreneurship has not been studied. The authors reviewed the use of mixed methods research in three entrepreneurship journals and two leading generalistic journals that publish entrepreneurship research, examining the main purposes and designs. A total of 955 articles were reviewed and 81 mixed methods studies were identified. The analysis of these articles revealed opportunities associated with the application of this approach. Mixed methods may help to improve entrepreneurship research addressing challenges emphasized in earlier studies. Suggestions on why and how to use mixed methods research are offered, and recommendations are provided to guide future mixed methods studies to advance our understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon.  相似文献   

黄炳龄 《价值工程》2010,29(11):98-98
分析了古建筑测绘的工程目的和教学目的异同,探讨了工程实施根据工程目的与教学实践根据教学目的不同采用相应的测绘技术方法,测绘类和建筑类专业的学生根据教学目的不同侧重学习相应的测绘技术方法。  相似文献   

任惠斌  鞠宁 《价值工程》2011,30(22):191-192
通过对国际贸易规则教学目的的论述,分析了国际贸易规则教学中存在的问题,提出了应采取的正确的教学思路和方法,指出了对学生规则实际运用能力的培养是教学的终极目的。  相似文献   

Sustainability as part of the development of companies' business strategies is gaining in importance. Due to its impact on the environment, this is particularly essential for companies of the transport and logistics sector. This paper explores several factors that influence the environmental behaviour of transport and logistics companies in Austria. It discusses the importance of the economic impact on environmental management decision in detail and analyses the sector's specific characteristics in terms of environmental behavior. A case‐based approach involving multiple field studies with face‐to‐face expert interviews and secondary data analysis was used to evaluate environmental performance and specific practices. Using selected cases, we will demonstrate how environmental measures contribute to overall business performance and draw general conclusions regarding the transport and logistics sector. Furthermore, suggestions are given as to how the government can further support transport and logistics companies in this regard. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Despite the evident rise in the number of qualitative studies that are published in leading journals, I argue that the rich tradition and hallmark of qualitative research is under pressure. In recent years qualitative papers are increasingly being fashioned in the image of quantitative research, so much so that papers adopt ‘factor‐analytic’ styles of theorizing that have typically been the preserve of quantitative methods. This is a worrying trend as it leads to certain types of explanations dominating our field and at the expense of other viable forms of explanation. It also narrows the remit of qualitative research in general by channelling the theoretical contribution of qualitative studies in the direction of factor‐analytic propositional or variance models. In this article, I discuss the differences between the distinct types of theoretical explanations that are associated with quantitative and qualitative methods, survey the trend towards a quantitative ‘restyling’ of qualitative research, and elaborate its negative implications for our body of knowledge and for the state of management and organization theory.  相似文献   

In predicting the direction of innovative changethe question arises of the valid measurement ofyet unknown variables. We developed and applied aresearch method that combines qualitativeand quantitative elements in one interview formatand an analysis tool suitable for these data. Animportant characteristic of the method is the useof a model based on more universal forcesunderlying the direct interests in a product ofthe stakeholders in a system. This allows directedstatements, with a provocative and sometimes atrade-off character, on which the opinion ofstakeholders is asked on a quantitative scale andwhich are further probed in a standardisedqualitative way. A modified spider-web model isdeveloped to present the results in an orderlyand comprehensive way. The method is validatedon research on the strategic development ofthe market of scientific communication andinformation as it is presently developing on theInternet.  相似文献   

Today there is a large divide between the vast majority of management research that is conducted and the opportunities for doing work that is useful for both research and practice. Action research offers a great opportunity to bridge the divide, with benefits for all involved. For academic researchers, action research can increase access to important research sites that otherwise would remain off‐limits, while simultaneously increasing the relevance and scope of the research issues addressed. For researchers and practitioners who work in organizations, and for external consultants, action research offers a way to scientifically evaluate important organizational issues using scientific methods. These methods provide a type of external validity and support for actions that otherwise could be dismissed as representing a biased internal agenda. Moreover, internal researchers who engage in action research enable the sharing of insights that can benefit practitioners in other organizations as well as the research community. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蒋勋  王俊  向力  戴岗  王佳  廖琦 《价值工程》2013,(30):294-296
通过对重庆动物园涉禽馆、两爬馆、熊猫馆、金鱼馆等动物笼舍的生态化丰容改造,改善了动物圈养生存的环境质量,提高了其生殖率和适应性等生物学功能,增强了福利水平。是动物笼舍自然化、生态化发展做有益的探索。有助于动物的健康和繁殖,也为游客提供良好的视觉享受,提高展出与观赏效果。具有重要的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

赵红霞  ZH  OHong-xi  卢岩  LUY  n 《价值工程》2014,(4):254-255
毕业顶岗实习是学生就业前非常重要的一个学习环节,学生的毕业顶岗实习效果直接影响着学生从业能力。由于学生顶岗实习受时间长、分布地域广、企业数量多、岗位复杂等诸多因素影响,导致顶岗实习存在着管理工作不容易到位、对学生评价不容易准确、以及缺乏必要的反馈等诸多问题。部分学生在顶岗实习阶段甚至处于监控盲点状态,根本得不到应有的管理与收获。因此,加强顶岗实习管理,建立合理的顶岗实习管理办法,具有解决学生实习实践、提升学生就业能力的双重意义。也是提高学生就业能力的重要保障。本文结合我院学生毕业顶岗实习实际情况,从建立合理的学生顶岗期间管理办法入手进行研究,得出了较为完善的顶岗实习管理办法。  相似文献   

The adoption of innovations associated with environmental sustainability has been a topic of growing interest among scholars. The research presented in this paper draws on Abrahamson's theoretical framework of fads and fashions to argue that dimensions of uncertainty and degree of external versus internal influence provide significant insights into firms' decisions to adopt sustainable building innovations. We develop three hypotheses, reflecting three views of adoption influence: fad, fashion, and efficient‐choice. We find that adoption of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification in the United States was more likely among firms similarly oriented toward end‐consumers and among firms strategically positioned as environmental leaders. These results provide support for the fad and efficient‐choice views of adoption, respectively. Contrary to expectations suggested by the fashion perspective, adoption was not more likely among firms located in states whose political leaders are more committed to environmental protection. Our findings offer important implications for practitioners and policy makers seeking to encourage sustainable building design. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous environmental management research by building and empirically testing a model of the contingency effects of green advertising on the relationships between environmental management practices in terms of environmentally conscious manufacturing and product stewardship, environmental reputation and financial performance. We examine the value of green advertising in sharing and publicizing information about organizational achievements in environmental preservation in a business‐to business context with the Taiwanese electronics manufacturing industry. The theoretical propositions are largely confirmed by structural path analyses of survey responses collected from 122 Taiwanese electronics manufacturers. Green advertising delivers financial benefits only for those manufacturers that do not have an established environmental reputation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

王来忠 《价值工程》2011,30(11):45-48
油气田勘探开发是一项复杂的系统工程,由地震勘探、钻井、试油、采油(气)、井下作业、油气集输与初步加工处理、储运和工程建设等环节组成。每一生产环节。因所使用物品、所采取工艺条件和所生产产品的不同,其危险分布及危险性亦有所区别。本文以分析油气集输风险为例,识别主要风险有火灾、爆炸、触电伤害、机械伤害、物体打击、中毒窒息等。同时由于油田的石油系统工程分布在相当大的范围内,线面结构,相连成网,发生的灾害和次灾害,有突发性、广泛性、连锁性和严重性的特点。通过对胜利油田安全生产现状及勘探开发项目生产过程危险因素进行分析,确定勘探开发项目建设过程中各环节的风险程度,研究出适合油田勘探开发项目安全风险管理模式,为建设项目建设、管理单位提供合理、可行的安全建议对策措施,同时可为油田主管部门实施监管和决策提供技术支持。最大程度上降低安全隐患,减少可能的事故损失。  相似文献   

企业环境风险管理与环境负债评估框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着环境污染问题的日趋加重,企业面临的环境风险也随之增大,并可能承担环境负债责任。基于企业环境风险管理的基本原理和技术,从企业环境全过程管理角度出发,结合环境风险评价方法和管理程序、环境损害总费用分析框架并设计企业环境负债评估与管理程序。具体步骤为环境风险点确定;环境风险初步评估分析;现场取样与测试;环境损害的货币化评估;环境义务清偿与损害恢复;可持续监控。该程序可为企业环境风险管理、环境负债防范提供一个科学有效的评估与控制框架。  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that information technology (IT) can facilitate (or even permit) forms of empirical analysis unimagined just a generation ago. However, political scientists have generally experimented with only a narrow range of the possibilities the new technologies offer – easier writing, editing and communications processes, and more sophisticated statistical analyses. While these have undoubtedly increased productivity and rigor within the discipline, other IT applications have largely gone unnoticed. The growing pool of Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) technologies presents researchers with new ways to conceptualize, perceive, and communicate their research, with the potential of revolutionizing social science research. This paper offers an overview of those IT and CAQDAS solutions with the most potential to facilitate political inquiry, and offers a series of practical steps by which technological novices might begin to apply the new technologies in their research. In closing, we discuss the benefits and perils of using such technology, and suggest the ways by which IT might strengthen current research techniques. The appendix catalogues several dozen applications for data acquisition, organization, processing, analysis and presentation, with contact and pricing information.  相似文献   

李渊 《价值工程》2014,(24):206-207
建立在现代项目管理理论基础上的企业研究与开发的管理重点是通过时间控制、成本控制来提高R&D的投入—产出比,进一步提高R&D的绩效。  相似文献   

Most oil refineries and factories producing basic chemical products are located in port areas, with the result that industrial complexes potentially have a strong environmental impact on their area of influence. These externalities result in a loss of welfare for citizens residing in neighbouring areas. In a context of sustainable development, companies must integrate concerns about the natural environment in their business strategy. External stakeholders, as residents, find it difficult to visualize the actions firms take to reduce their environmental impact, and the adoption of voluntary certified environmental management systems (EMSs) acts as a signal indicating the adequate environmental behaviour of these companies. These certifications enable companies to achieve the social legitimacy they need for long‐term survival and competitiveness. In the context of a petrochemical industrial complex located in the port of Castellón (Spain), this paper primarily discusses whether such certifications – which act as signals of firms’ desirable environmental conduct – translate into higher trust in firms and lower risk perception by residents. Contrary to what might be expected, despite the widespread use by companies of voluntary and certified EMSs, the research findings confirm a relatively high citizen perception of risk regarding the industrial complex and a low trust in companies. On the other hand, the findings also show a low trust in the public institutions responsible for authorizing and monitoring firms’ activities and for enforcing possible sanctions in non‐compliance cases. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Environmental management represents a significant challenge for small businesses, and prior research has shown that they are typically less engaged with environmental issues than their larger counterparts. At the same time, prior research has seldom explored engagement among small and medium‐sized companies (SMEs) with the wide variety of practices that are encompassed by environmental management, nor has it sought to explore heterogeneity among SMEs. In this study, we analyse the extent of SME involvement in a wide range of environmental management practices and the differences between small and medium‐sized businesses. We also explore SME perceptions of pressures for, and benefits of, engagement with environmental issues. Our findings show that most small businesses are engaged in some environmental initiatives but that there is significant heterogeneity in the engagement of small and medium‐sized businesses. Consistent with this, we show that the smallest companies perceive significantly fewer benefits of engagement with environmental issues. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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