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徐翠荣 《魅力中国》2013,(20):187-188
摘要:提高学生综合素质是教育改革的主旋律。语文学科,在培养和发展学生的语文素质及各种素质上都有较强的优势。因此,探讨学生素质在语文学科教学的“导、学”机制的渗透是很有必要的。  相似文献   

英语教育是整个教育的组成部分.外语教育的意义不能停留在"工欲善其事,必先利其器"这个层面上,还必须看到它对人的素质提高,智力开发和德、智、体全面发展诸方面所起的作用.在"面向21世纪教育,振兴行动计划"中,党中央和国务院特别把素质教育的实施作为突出的重点,将跨世纪素质教育工程列为第一项工程,这充分体现了素质教育的重要战略地位.基础教育的素质教育是通过多门学科的教学来实现的.英语作为基础教育中的一门学科,和其他学科一样,肩负着提高学生素质的重任.  相似文献   

承载着培养小学教师任务的高等师范院校,应当重视对学生特别是师范生进行语音素质的培养。针对地方音负迁移作用、对语音知识知知甚少、语音课课时少、教材不足的问题,应改变传统语音教学模式,定期进行语音测试,将语音教导与其他学科教学有机地结合起来,提高师范生的语音素养。  相似文献   

李红 《发展》2008,(1):105-105
英语教学是一种多层次、多功能、综合运用各种感官的活动,是教与学双向作用的复杂而又细致的过程。在英语教学中,教师应自始至终地关注学生的情感,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,采用多种形式激发学生的求知欲,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,让学生快乐学英语。  相似文献   

论高职英语教师的素质及培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高教学质量是高职院校英语教学改革的核心,而教师队伍的素质是教学改革能否成功的关键。高职英语教师现状不容乐观,存在着年龄、学历、职称结构不合理的问题。本文结合高职英语教学实际对高职英语教师的素质构成进行了深入分析,并提出了提高教师素质的建议。  相似文献   

在追求和谐与可持续发展的道路上,生态人已成为我国高等院校人才培养的新目标.本文论述了高校英语学科中生态人培养的目标、理念、教学内容、教学环境、教学模式、培养策略与学习评价问题,从而在英语教学中实践生态主义教育价值观.  相似文献   

教育的目的,在于提高受教育者的综合素质,在公共计算机课程教学中培养综合素质,教师是关键,学生是主体,要多上机,多实践,践行任务驱动教学法,采用项目型教材上好实践课,并改革传统的考核与评价方法,让每一个学生的潜能都能最大程度地激发出来。  相似文献   

正生活教育理论是陶行知先生教育思想的主线和重要基石,他认为脱离生活,脱离劳动的传统教育会扼杀儿童的身心发展,其结果是培养了一些没有创新精神和胆略的书呆子;教育必须面向社会,面向生活,要为学生提供更多的能亲自动手、动脑的机会。正是基于这种教育认知,重庆七十一中以和美育人,育和美人的办学指导思想,在开齐开足国家课程、地方课程的基础上,不断完善构建无边际课程体系,  相似文献   

本文阐述了课题“大学英语体验自主学习管理及能力培养的研究与实践”的研究过程和方法、取得的效果及获得的启示,主张继续改进现有的教学模式和管理模式,不断更新知识,推进教学创新。  相似文献   

阐述了在我国高校为研究生开设职业规划课程的必要性;以实际开展的职业规划与发展教学为例,初步探讨了研究生开设职业规划与发展课程的可行性;并对实施中发现的问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

This is a review of the United States experience with issues of child health and services, as they relate to changes in economic trends. No existing data systems are entirely adequate for reporting on the current health status of children, an important consideration for the monitoring of children's health in the United States is the focus on subgroups such as those who are disadvantaged for reasons of poverty, discrimination or geographic isolation. Ample evidence exists that children living in poverty suffer adverse health consequences and that the proportion of children living in poverty in the United States has increased steadily since 1975 and dramatically since 1981. Most measures of health status and health risks for children show steady improvements througout the 1970s. The exercise of public responsibility for financing and providing essential services and supports held constant or improved during this recession period, especially during the recession of 1974–1975. The health status and risks for children since 1981 appear to be adversely affected which must be attributed to a combination of circumstances that include serious recession, increased poverty rates for households with children and diminished health benefits and social support services. These findings suggest that when either local or widespread economic reversals are anticipated, health services and social supports for children need to be expanded rather than contracted.  相似文献   

刘军 《山东经济》2006,22(4):75-78
20世纪60年代末70年代初,环境核算作为社会核算的一部分被提了出来。美国在环境核算方面是一个积极的先行者和参与者,经济分析局1992年开始着手建立“经济环境一体化卫星账户”。本文对美国的环境核算进行综述。  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - This paper explores the macroeconomic and distributional consequences of consumption tariffs and materials tariffs. It highlights the contrasting effects of consumption and...  相似文献   

魏然 《港口经济》2003,(2):50-51
奥克兰港地处美国西海岸加利福尼亚州,金门海峡的东南端,圣弗朗西斯科湾口的东岸,隔湾与旧金山相望,是典型的峡湾港.奥克兰港口所在的奥克兰市,是美国西海岸加利福尼亚州的第四大城市,也是全美第六大都市区"旧金山一奥克兰"地区的心脏,并以其悠久的历史、优美的景色,成为著名的旅游城市.奥克兰港口是世界上首批使用集装箱运输的港口,同时也是首批专门从事集装箱多式联运的港口之一.目前港口全年运送货物总量的98%是通过集装箱装运的,其余2%的货物是散货,如钢材和木材等.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a regime-dependent model to estimate fiscal multipliers in the US. Output, consumption and investment are assumed to respond to tax and spending changes in a nonlinear manner. Fiscal multipliers are time-varying because their size and sign depend upon the state of the economy (upturns and downturns). Keynesian effects appear essentially during downturns, while anti-Keynesian effects are observed during expansions. Transfer payments contributes to a higher private consumption when they are given to consumers in bad times. Reducing taxes boosts consumption in good times. Investment responds positively to lower taxes during downturns, but negatively in the upturn regime. Our results thus suggest that Keynesian effects have been associated to expansionary policies during recessions, while anti-Keynesian effects were observed during expansions illustrating situations of expansionary fiscal consolidation. The effectiveness of fiscal positive impulses increases in downturns relative to upturns. A corollary is therefore that austerity measures during recessions would have detrimental effects on the GDP and its components.  相似文献   

Presence of foreign commercial banks, especially the Japanese Commercial banks, in the United States has become the subject of much attention. As of December 1990, assets owned by branches of foreign banks amount to $626.4 billion of which Japanese bank branches hold a 59.4 percent share and of the $154.5 billion worth of assets held by subsidiaries of foreign banks, the share held by Japanese-owned subsidiaries is 41.2 percent. This paper presents an economic analysis of the situation drawing upon the comparative behavior patterns with respect to direct foreign investment of Japanese and U.S. commercial banks.  相似文献   

2011年2月2日,中国农历腊月三十。英国专长学校联合会国王爱德华七世高中孔子课堂和学生们一起迎接中国新年的到来。一走进国王爱德华七世高中的主楼大厅,就可以看到大厅的上方悬挂着一面面中国国旗,一条中国龙,还有两盏大红灯笼。  相似文献   

上海中山北路、沪太路交界处,矗立着一幢古典欧式棕色墙、白窗户的格林豪泰商务酒店,酒店的一间普通客房内,有一位长住客人.  相似文献   

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