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街道公共空间承载着丰富多彩的日常生活,是城市活力的重要载体。结合前人的研究,构建了老旧社区生活性街道活力测度框架,以外在表征与空间载体为主,采用道路网、POI数据、街景图片大数据等,并使用Pearson相关性分析探究行人空间分布与业态POI、物质空间环境之间的影响关系。再通过杭州市老旧社区生活性街道实证研究,行人空间分布与业态POI、物质空间环境都呈现不同程度的相关性,并得出结论:(1)街道活力与物质空间环境、业态POI设施存在显著相关性;(2)街道行人空间分布在不同时刻有不同的分布规律;(3)街道空间合理规划布局,是提升街道活力的关键。  相似文献   

针对北京王府井商业街公共空间现状的重点问题进行了调查研究.在此基础上,从提升城市生活环境质量的角度,就空间场所营造、景观设计、环境设施、交通规划等提出构想和建议,旨在探索提高城市开放空间品质的景观学路径,并通过该典型个案的研究为北京市乃至其他城市公共空间的设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

本文力图改变传统城市安全管理以制度体系构建为主的研究角度,通过引入"互联网+"思维丰富城市安全管理的操作空间,从制度与技术并重的新型管理模式出发,探索城市安全管理面临的低效能、低品质的改进之路。  相似文献   

以人为本的地下公共空间设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芝霞 《城市问题》2007,(2):14-19,35
地下空间的开发利用已逐步成为现代大城市规划建设的重要组成部分.由于地下空间固有的特点及人的习惯性思维定势,地下公共空间难以吸引人气.以满足人的生理、心理要求为基本出发点,从安全、舒适、便利、健康等角度分析了地下公共空间的空间形象,指出其内在的特点,并提出了相应的设计原则和设计要求,以期建立一个以人为本的城市地下公共空间.  相似文献   

在城市灾害频发与城市防灾规划不断发展的大背景下,提出了街道安全设计的概念、内涵及设计内容。以丽泽商务区综合防灾减灾规划中的街道安全设计部分为例,通过对该地区的防灾规划定位与设计目标的分析,结合街道安全设计原则,对现有规划方案进行有效整改,以期为防灾规划与城市设计的结合提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

城市公共空间,对承载公共生活、维系城市活力、提升城市环境品质等方面具有关键作用。公共空间如何在快速发展过程中,应对各种变化和挑战,在预先设定的城市功能和自发的、随机变化的市民活动之间取得平衡,并保持自身活力,是一个亟待解决的重要问题。营造有活力的城市公共空间是一个复杂的系统工程,需要从宏观、中观、微观进行综合考虑。基于弹性设计理论从城市、场所、设施三个不同维度,提出了"框架+留白"的开放的空间结构、包容性的场所以及可变的设施等思路,探讨了多维视角下城市公共空间弹性设计的方法。与传统的城市设计方法相比,弹性设计是一个开放式过程,具有多层次动态反馈的特点,从而使城市公共空间满足动态变化的功能需求,实现长久的生命力。  相似文献   

当前城市正经历从增量规划到存量规划的重大转型,对高品质多类型公共空间的需求逐步提升.建筑学界对"精度"(细节)与"温度"(人性场所)的深层次思考以及微型化趋势使小尺度公共空间讨论重回历史舞台.城市小微公共空间对当前微更新建设以及修补城市断裂肌理,重塑人与城市密切关联方面具有重要意义.同时新时代背景下小微公共空间具有时代赋予的特殊性以及原属性的新解析价值,回归到尺度、网络体系、设计操作及社会哲学等基本问题的讨论,进一步拓展小微公共空间情感化设计要义,并建立小微公共空间内涵特质同情感化设计三个递进层级的逻辑映射,唤醒小微公共空间的情感内核和本源属性.  相似文献   

城市公共空间是承载市民公共生活、展现城市特色的重要载体,是城市高质量发展的重要战场。以城市设计视角出发,通过实地调研梳理当前公共空间存在的问题,包括公共空间布局缺乏系统性、规划缺乏绿色理念、设计缺乏人性化、特色彰显不足,以及公共空间建设和管理缺乏完善法律依据、规划统筹和刚性控制不足、建设和管理职责不明等问题,在比较研究美、英等国公共空间规划和管理方面工作经验做法的基础上,提出了基于城市设计体系的公共空间规划设计和实施策略,应分类分层规划布局公共空间,城市总体层面要构建绿色发展空间体系,重点地区层面要注重活力和特色营造,并要加强公共空间规划设计与国土空间规划的衔接,完善公共空间的精细化管理制度和公众参与共建共享机制。  相似文献   

轨道交通建筑公共空间一体化是打造"智慧城市"的重要手段,随着社会经济水平的大幅度提高,城市的交通所面对的压力越来越大。针对这一问题,进行轨道交通建筑一体化公共空间设计分析。通过公共空间换乘规划、公共空间商业规划两个个方面对轨道交通建筑的公共空间进行一体化整合,致力于促进城市交通的可持续发展,实现效益最大化。  相似文献   

本文旨在从规划师的视域初步探讨城市规划层面的城市社会学研究内容,包括社区发展规划、城市复兴与更新、社区物质环境整治、规划的公众参与、老龄化与社区养老研究以及城市公共空间研究等.同时以北京西单文化广场使用模式调查殚为案例,透视城市社会学在城市规划领域的应用.  相似文献   

A bstract . The impact of having a state lottery on the rate of crime against property in that state is estimated. Arguments in the standard economic model of criminal activity employed here include the unemployment rate, real income per capita, presence of the death penalty in the state as a proxy for general severity of punishment , police officers per capita, the percentage of population between the ages of 5 and 24, and the presence of a state lottery. Because the decision of a state to operate a lottery may correlate with crime rates, a selectivity model was run to extract any bias, but no such bias was found. The analysis used data for the 50 states plus the District of Columbia from 1970 through 1984. The results suggest that presence of a state lottery is associated with a crime rate higher by about 3 percent, an effect both statistically significant and practically important.  相似文献   

A bstract . The effects on crime rates of the intrusion of large numbers of strangers into an area are investigated. The sensitivity of six different crime types ( murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary , and larceny ) to density of strangers is estimated using a standard model of criminal behavior. The variables which reflect this density are measures of tourists, college students, shoppers from other areas, opportunities to consume alcohol , and the presence of interstate highway exits. The results suggest that an increase in the number of strangers into an area has a positive effect on the crimes of burglary, larceny, and robbery, but very little effect on assault, murder and rape. A significant finding is that "wet" counties have a higher incidence of each crime type than do "dry" counties. From a policy standpoint, officials who support economic growth in urban areas should keep in mind that an increase in the opportunity for illegal activity accompanies such growth and plan accordingly.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic Conditions and Property Crime:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comprehensive review of the crime literature indicates varying and often opposing hypotheses of relationships between property crime and socioeconomic conditions such as poverty, business cycle conditions, demographics, criminal justice system actions, and family structure. Employing measures of each of the hypothesized factors, time-series models for robbery, burglary, and vehicle theft are estimated from yearly and national Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data for the period 1959 through 1992 and are used to test these hypotheses' current empirical relevance. The empirical findings selectively confirm the importance of macroeconomic stability and criminal justice system actions in reducing property crime activity. In contrast, decreases in absolute poverty and general income inequality are associated with increased criminal activity; and age demographics and family/community structure apparently have little impact on any of the analyzed property-crime trends, A reduction in inflation apparently decreases property crimes.  相似文献   

A bstract TWO perspectives prevail in analyses of the savings and loan industry's crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s: on one hand are claims of individual fraud and greed; on the other are arguments focusing on organizational factors, particularly the deregulated environment in which lax or nonexistant oversight encouraged "collective embezzelment." Both approaches rely on a narrow conceptualization of the concept of white-collar crime that focuses on identification of the static dimensions that differentiate white-collar crime from other crimes. We apply Schlegel and Weis-burd's (1993) notion of white-collar crime as more of an interactive process than a set of unique defining factors by combining a theoretical focus on the state's policy-making process with an analysis of organizational and occupational crime to analyze the role the state may play in creating the structural environment facilitating those behaviors. We analyze the case of Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association to examine the behavioral effects of implementing a state policy of deregulation. The case suggests that state policy may not only regulate and restrict behavior, but actually contain defeating incentives that create corporate behaviors contradicting the policy's intention. This points to the limitation of state theory in its focus on de jure policy creation as opposed to de facto policy implementation and its behavioral and structural consequences. Finally, we suggest that organizational crimes may result not only from circumventing or violating laws that must be enforced; they may also derive from contradictions contained in the policies of state projects themselves. As such, organizational crimes and deviant behavior may be better understood as unintended consequences of the dialectics of state projects.  相似文献   

信用卡是银行发给信用良好的法人或者公民的一种良好信用凭证,持卡人可以凭信用卡购物、消费或取现。信用卡制度极大地促进了经济的发展,方便了人们的生活,改变了人们的消费理念。但是,信用卡在给人们带来方便的同时,利用信用卡犯罪的行为也日趋严重。有关资料统计,中国1994年共发生近万起信用卡诈骗案件,给银行造成数千万元的损失,目前我国每年银行卡犯罪金额在1亿元左右,严重影响了我国的经济发展,成为我国经济犯罪的重要形式之一。  相似文献   

Has there been an economic miracle during Mrs Thatcher's decade in office? Richard Layard and Stephen Nickell describe the government's achievements, but ultimately conclude that despite benefits there nave been major costs.  相似文献   

The article introduces "hiding behavior" as a concept for understanding why people conceal economic problems and solve them by committing crimes. This concept's theoretical purport, empirical applicability, and relevance for the research area are considered through an analysis of an empirical case. An explanatory model is then developed, focusing on the concrete social relations in which hiding behavior originates and in which it remains embedded. From case studies we see how hiding behavior is situated in social relations characterized by a specific form of uncertainty arising from engulfment and isolation. In these relations money plays a central role, providing a medium for action-coordination essential in the incidence of economic crime. Finally, the explanatory power of the proposed conceptual model is discussed, with several possible refinements suggested for it.  相似文献   

The legal system of a nation and its response to crime reflect the economic, political, and cultural conditions prevailing at the time, as well as popular values and customs. In the case of China, the oldest continuous civilization in the world, the criminal justice system contains ancient traditions that are still influential. The cosmological tradition, which has the longest history, treated nature as the victim when human actions violated social norms. Thus, harsh punishments were imposed that rigidly mimicked violent aspects of nature: if the victim died, even by accident, someone must die to balance the harm caused to nature. The Confucian tradition developed a competing natural philosophy that tempered punishment by restoring social and natural order through moral education about proper behavior. Confucianism was designed to maintain civility in the absence of central authority by persuading leaders to create a harmonious society based on the limited use of raw power and punishment. Finally, the Legalist tradition restored harsh punishment as a way to impose order upon a fragmented society in which local despots had been carrying out arbitrary judgments. But Legalism carried the seeds of its own destruction and required Confucianism to balance it in creating a durable system of governance and justice. Each tradition developed as a way of solving a specific set of social and political problems, and each persisted as a partial solution to perennial questions about how to deal with social disorder. Even though criminal justice in China was Westernized after 1911, the older traditions still have an influence. Socialism has modified traditions of crime and punishment to some extent, but the overriding concern for social order and the ability of the state to guide society has not diminished.  相似文献   

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