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This paper develops a pairs trading framework based on a mean-reverting jump–diffusion model and applies it to minute-by-minute data of the S&P 500 oil companies from 1998 to 2015. The established statistical arbitrage strategy enables us to perform intraday and overnight trading. Essentially, we conduct a three-step calibration procedure to the spreads of all pair combinations in a formation period. Top pairs are selected based on their spreads’ mean-reversion speed and jump behaviour. Afterwards, we trade the top pairs in an out-of-sample trading period with individualized entry and exit thresholds. In the back-testing study, the strategy produces statistically and economically significant returns of 60.61% p.a. and an annualized Sharpe ratio of 5.30, after transaction costs. We benchmark our pairs trading strategy against variants based on traditional distance and time-series approaches and find its performance to be superior relating to risk–return characteristics. The mean-reversion speed is a main driver of successful and fast termination of the pairs trading strategy.  相似文献   

We derive efficient and accurate analytical pricing bounds and approximations for discrete arithmetic Asian options under time-changed Lévy processes. By extending the conditioning variable approach, we derive the lower bound on the Asian option price and construct an upper bound based on the sharp lower bound. We also consider the general partially exact and bounded (PEB) approximations, which include the sharp lower bound and partially conditional moment matching approximation as special cases. The PEB approximations are known to lie between a sharp lower bound and an upper bound. Our numerical tests show that the PEB approximations to discrete arithmetic Asian option prices can produce highly accurate approximations when compared to other approximation methods. Our proposed approximation methods can be readily applied to pricing Asian options under most common types of underlying asset price processes, like the Heston stochastic volatility model nested in the class of time-changed Lévy processes with the leverage effect.  相似文献   

This errata corrects an error in Ruas et al. (2013, Equation 27) and updates the numerical results contained in Ruas et al. (2013, Tables 4 and 5). The material provided here is meant to be read strictly in conjunction with Ruas et al. (2013).  相似文献   

Pricing options under stochastic volatility: a power series approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we present a new approach for solving the pricing equations (PDEs) of European call options for very general stochastic volatility models, including the Stein and Stein, the Hull and White, and the Heston models as particular cases. The main idea is to express the price in terms of a power series of the correlation parameter between the processes driving the dynamics of the price and of the volatility. The expansion is done around correlation zero and each term is identified via a probabilistic expression. It is shown that the power series converges with positive radius under some regularity conditions. Besides, we propose (as in Alós in Finance Stoch. 10:353–365, 2006) a further approximation to make the terms of the series easily computable and we estimate the error we commit. Finally we apply our methodology to some well-known financial models.   相似文献   

We use a forward characteristic function approach to price variance and volatility swaps and options on swaps. The swaps are defined via contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the terminal level of a discretely monitored version of the quadratic variation of some observable reference process. As such a process we consider a class of Levy models with stochastic time change. Our analysis reveals a natural small parameter of the problem which allows a general asymptotic method to be developed in order to obtain a closed-form expression for the fair price of the above products. As examples, we consider the CIR clock change, general affine models of activity rates and the 3/2 power clock change, and give an analytical expression of the swap price. Comparison of the results obtained with a familiar log-contract approach is provided.  相似文献   

Review of Derivatives Research - This paper proposes a hybrid credit risk model, in closed form, to price vulnerable options with stochastic volatility. The distinctive features of the model are...  相似文献   

This paper presents an approximate formula for pricing average options when the underlying asset price is driven by time-changed Lévy processes. Time-changed Lévy processes are attractive to use for a driving factor of underlying prices because the processes provide a flexible framework for generating jumps, capturing stochastic volatility as the random time change, and introducing the leverage effect. There have been very few studies dealing with pricing problems of exotic derivatives on time-changed Lévy processes in contrast to standard European derivatives. Our pricing formula is based on the Gram–Charlier expansion and the key of the formula is to find analytic treatments for computing the moments of the normalized average asset price. In numerical examples, we demonstrate that our formula give accurate values of average call options when adopting Heston’s stochastic volatility model, VG-CIR, and NIG-CIR models.  相似文献   

We present a fast and accurate method to compute exponential moments of the discretely observed maximum of a Lévy process. The method involves a sequential evaluation of Hilbert transforms of expressions involving the characteristic function of the (Esscher-transformed) Lévy process. It can be discretized with exponentially decaying errors of the form O(exp (−aM b )) for some a,b>0, where M is the number of discrete points used to compute the Hilbert transform. The discrete approximation can be efficiently implemented using the Toeplitz matrix–vector multiplication algorithm based on the fast Fourier transform, with total computational cost of O(NMlog (M)), where N is the number of observations of the maximum. The method is applied to the valuation of European-style discretely monitored floating strike, fixed strike, forward start and partial lookback options (both newly written and seasoned) in exponential Lévy models. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMI-0422937.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of hedging an arithmetic Asian option with discrete monitoring in an exponential Lévy model by deriving backward recursive integrals for the price sensitivities of the option. The procedure is applied to the analysis of the performance of the delta and delta–gamma hedges in an incomplete market; particular attention is paid to the hedging error and the impact of model error on the quality of the chosen hedging strategy. The numerical analysis shows the impact of jump risk on the hedging error of the option position, and the importance of including traded options in the hedging portfolio for the reduction of this risk.  相似文献   

We obtain an explicit expression for the price of a vulnerable claim written on a stock whose predefault dynamics follows a Lévy-driven SDE. The stock jumps to zero at default with a hazard rate given by a negative power of the stock price. We recover the characteristic function of the terminal log price as the solution of an infinite-dimensional system of complex-valued first-order ordinary differential equations. We provide an explicit eigenfunction expansion representation of the characteristic function in a suitably chosen Banach space and use it to price defaultable bonds and stock options. We present numerical results to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a wide range of flexible drift and diffusion specifications of stochastic-volatility jump–diffusion models for daily S&P 500 index returns. We find that model performance is driven almost exclusively by the specification of the diffusion component whereas the drift specifications is of second-order importance. Further, the variance dynamics of non-affine models resemble popular non-parametric high-frequency estimates of variance, and their outperformance is mainly accumulated during turbulent market regimes. Finally, we show that jump diffusion models yield more reliable estimates for the expected return of variance swap contracts.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a tractable and efficient way of calibrating a multiscale exponential Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility model including a correlation between the asset return and its volatility. As opposed to many contributions where this correlation is assumed to be null, this framework allows one to describe the leverage effect widely observed in equity markets. The resulting model is non-exponential and driven by a degenerate noise, thus requiring a high level of care in designing the estimation algorithm. The way this difficulty is overcome provides guidelines concerning the development of an estimation algorithm in a non-standard framework. The authors propose using a block-type expectation maximization algorithm along with particle smoothing. This method results in an accurate calibration process able to identify up to three timescale factors. Furthermore, we introduce an intuitive heuristic which can be used to choose the number of factors.  相似文献   

We model contingent capital with market trigger under dual jump–diffusion processes in asset values and equity prices. Under the dual jump–diffusions, we show that the conversion ratio is no longer deterministic under the jump–diffusion. The conversion ratio becomes a stochastic process related to the jump process of the underlying equity and the conditional expectation of the contingent capital at the conversion time. Thus, making the implementation of contingent capital impossible. The best we can hope to practically implement this conversion design, is to give the minimal conversion ratio (at least the portion required to convert) to conform with Basel III.  相似文献   

We study the exponential Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility model and observe that the model shows a multiscale behaviour in the volatility autocorrelation. It also exhibits a leverage correlation and a probability profile for the stationary volatility which are consistent with market observations. All these features make the model quite appealing since it appears to be more complete than other stochastic volatility models also based on a two-dimensional diffusion. We finally present an approximate solution for the return probability density designed to capture the kurtosis and skewness effects.  相似文献   

This article provides a closed-form valuation formula for the Black–Scholes options subject to interest rate risk and credit risk. Not only does our model allow for the possible default of the option issuer prior to the option's maturity, but also considers the correlations among the option issuer's total assets, the underlying stock, and the default-free zero coupon bond. We further tailor-make a specific credit-linked option for hedging the default risk of the option issuer. The numerical results show that the default risk of the option issuer significantly reduces the option values, and the vulnerable option values may be remarkably overestimated in the case where the default can occur only at the maturity of the option.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an analytically tractable method for the pricing of European and American Parisian options in a flexible jump–diffusion model. Our contribution is threefold. First, using a double Laplace–Carson transform with respect to the option maturity and the Parisian (excursion) time, we obtain closed-form solutions for different types of Parisian contracts. Our approach allows us also to analytically disentangle contributions of the jump and diffusion components for Parisian options in the excursion region. Second, we provide numerical examples and quantify the impact of jumps on the option price and the Greeks. Finally, we study the non-monotonic effects of volatility and jump intensity close to the excursion barrier, which are important for shareholders’ investment policy decisions in a levered firm.  相似文献   

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