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随着我国经济的飞速蓬勃发展,改革开放使我国城镇单位就业人员的平均工资水平有了很大的提高,但同时各个地区由于发展水平的差异,城镇单位就业人员的平均工资水平差异问题也日益严峻起来。文章根据行业不同的分类,针对我国各地区城镇单位就业人员平均水平的差异,利用主成分分析的方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

19731 据国家统计局10月2913发布的数据显示,前三季度我国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为19731元,同比增长18.3%。国家统计局报告指出,有9个省区市城镇单位在岗职工平均工资高于全国平均水平,有22个省区市低于全国平均水平;有12个行业超过全国平均工资水平,有7个行业低于全国平均工资水平。统计显示,前三季度城镇单位在岗职工平均工资最高的地区是北京市39663元,平均工资最低的地区是河南省14485元;第二、  相似文献   

4.1%今年1至9月,全国城镇新增就业1024万人,完成目标的114%。城镇失业人员再就业完成432万人,完成目标的86%。就业困难人员实现就业135万人,完成目标的113%。三季度末城镇登记失业率为4.1%,与二季度末持平。15.12%统计数据显示,与上年同期相比,我国二季度15个城市4个行业的劳务派遣用工人员的平均工资增长18.32%,扣除物  相似文献   

山东省城镇地区就业现状与劳动力供求变动趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用统计年鉴数据和人口普查资料,分析山东城镇地区就业现状,认为城乡就业问题集中在城镇地区,城镇劳动力供给大于需求,城镇经济活动人口的二元化特征显著。利用弹性法和构成法分别预测了2008-2020年城镇劳动力需求和供给变动趋势。结果表明,在十三五中后期山东省劳动力供求矛盾有望缓解。最后提出了解决城镇劳动力供求矛盾的对策建议。  相似文献   

12.3%国家统计局发布的报告显示,2011年全国城镇非私营单位在岗职工年平均工资为42452元,扣除物价因素比上年实际增长8.5%;城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资为24556元,实际增长12.3%。(上海证券报)  相似文献   

扩大辽宁省就业问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、辽宁省就业问题分析 根据辽宁省2006年统计年鉴显示:2005年末,全省城镇登记失业人口60.4万人,城镇登记失业率为5.4%,在全国31个省、直辖市均排名前列,因此,辽宁省在当前和未来一个较长的时期内,就业形势依然严峻,就业问题十分突出.  相似文献   

国家统计局近日发布的数据显示,去年全国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为29229元,日平均工资为111.99元。统计结果显示,去年全国城镇职工平均工资背后存在三大差异:一是地区差异。高于全国平均水平的有9个省区市,低于全国平均水平的有22个省区市。分四大区域看,平均工资由高到低排列依次是东部、西部、东北和中部,分别为34316元、25602元、25101元和24390元。  相似文献   

正一、国有企业行业工资差距不断扩大当前,我国行业国有企业就业人员的平均工资差距呈现扩大趋势。本文借鉴相关研究的经验,采用差值率作为反映某行业国有企业员工平均工资与全行业国有企业员工平均工资差距的指标,对12个大类的行业的企业数据进行分析。具体的计算公式为:行业差  相似文献   

薪酬行情上半年全国城镇职工平均工资增长18%国家统计局8月28日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,全国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为12964元,比去年同期增长18%。2007年全年,全国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为24932元。其中,2007年上半年为10990元,同比增长18.5%。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制建立和产业结构调整,灵活多样的就业形式已成为扩大就业的有效途径,灵活就业人员也成为社会保险扩面征缴的重要增长点。我国城镇灵活就业人员的总量及构成国家统计局根据人口抽样调查推算,2003年底全国城镇从业人员为25639万人。而据国家统计局常规统计,2003年底城镇单位从业人  相似文献   

高利军 《价值工程》2014,(31):184-185
依据黑龙江统计年鉴数据分析黑龙江省房地产企业的资金来源,包括对各项资金来源增长率以及各项资金构成变化的分析。通过分析可明确各项资金来源的增减趋势以及构成的变化趋势,可为从资金来源方面调控黑龙江省房地产的资金供给提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文利用2009年CHNS数据对我国城镇正规就业与非正规就业的工资差异进行实证研究,分位数回归与分解的结果表明:正规就业与非正规就业的教育回报率的差异,随工资分布由低端到高端呈现先升后降趋势,经验—工资线在正规就业与非正规就业明显不同,前者为单调递增的线性关系,后者为倒"U"形曲线关系;正规就业与非正规就业的工资差异主要是由中低端的工资差异引起的;在工资分布中低端和歧视等非市场因素是工资差异的主要原因,而在工资分布高端,工资差异主要来自于教育和经验等个人禀赋差异。  相似文献   

薛钰 《价值工程》2010,29(31):49-50
国家统计局公布2008年全国城镇单位职工平均工资为29229元,比上年增长17.2%。公布后社会反映强烈,普遍认为这个水平过高,与实际不符。用这样一个平均数反映全国城镇职工工资收入水平是不妥当的,文章以实例阐述总体平均工资这一指标的不足之处,在此基础上提出改进办法。  相似文献   

本文根据是否遵守最低工资标准,将劳动部门分为正规部门和非正规部门。利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)微观数据,运用固定效应模型和Multinomial Logit模型,本文实证研究了2004年以来,最低工资对正规部门和非正规部门工资和就业的影响。研究发现:最低工资每提高1%,正规部门工资会增加0.5%,非正规部门平均工资下降统计不显著,而处于最低工资线附近的非正规部门劳动者工资下降0.77%;最低工资提高使得失业者向非正规部门流动,而非正规部门劳动者向正规部门流动,最终将有利于劳动者在正规部门就业。因此,政府在制定最低工资制度时应全面考虑最低工资标准作用效果的部门差异。  相似文献   

中国城市居民旅游购买能力统计分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用2001-2002年截面数据,分析了我国39个大城市居民的旅游购买能力并建立了其与人均工资关系的统计模型,在此基础上依据人均工资水平,将39个大城市居民国内旅游购买力划分为四个等级,分别统计出出游率、游客人均花费和居民旅游支付的分布特征,并对几个城市在出游率和游客人均花费上的偏差进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes recent changes in the employment relationships between managers and firms. In both Becker's and Lazear's models of firm-specific wage growth, compensation is deferred from early in an employee's tenure with a firm until later in the contract. The deferred compensation bonds the worker to the firm. Based on cross-sectional data from Current Population Surveys, rates of firm-specific wage growth are estimated for the managerial labor market. The findings show that the rate of wage growth that is firm-specific for managers in manufacturing industries declined significantly during the early 1980s. It is estimated, for example, that a manager with 12 years of tenure in a manufacturing firm enjoyed, on average, a 25% wage premium in 1979 over an otherwise similar manager who was a new hire in a firm. By 1983 the firm-specific wage premium for a manager with 12 years of tenure was only 5%. These changes represent a significant reduction in the strength of the employment bond between firms and managers, and a reduction in the incentive effects previously enjoyed by firms from the use of deferred-compensation schemes. This change is consistent with the significant increases in the displacement rates of managers that occurred during the 1980s.  相似文献   

We study spatial changes in labour market inequality for US states and MSAs using Census and American Community Survey data between 1980 and 2010. We report evidence of significant spatial variations in education employment shares and in the college wage premium for US states and MSAs, and show that the pattern of shifts through time has resulted in increased spatial inequality. Because relative supply of college versus high school educated workers has risen faster at the spatial level in places with higher initial supply levels, we also report a strong persistence and increased inequality of spatial relative demand. Bigger relative demand increases are observed in more technologically advanced states that have experienced faster increases in R&D and computer usage, and in states where union decline has been fastest. Finally, we show the increased concentration of more educated workers into particular spatial locations and rising spatial wage inequality are important features of labour market polarization, as they have resulted in faster employment growth in high skill occupations, but also in a higher demand for low wage workers in low skill occupations. Overall, our spatial analysis complements research findings from labour economics on wage inequality trends and from urban economics on agglomeration effects connected to education and technology.  相似文献   

This paper uses longitudinal data on individuals from the European Community Household Panel over the 1996–2001 period to investigate the impact of reforms of employment protection systems in nine countries on the incidence of employment and of temporary jobs for wage and salary workers. Important features of the research design include the use of individual fixed effects models as well as the inclusion of country-specific trends in the dependent variable. A robust finding is that policies making it easier to create temporary jobs on average raise the likelihood that wage and salary workers will be in temporary jobs. This effect is felt primarily when the regional unemployment rate is relatively high. However, there is no evidence that such reforms raise employment. Thus, these reforms, while touted as a way of jump-starting individuals' careers in the job market, appear rather to encourage a substitution of temporary for permanent work.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of product and labour market deregulation on wage inequality and welfare. By constructing an analytically tractable model in which the level of product market competition and the wages are endogenously distributed among sectors, I show that deregulation in goods market has mixed effects on inequality: the wage variance and the Gini index are lower, but the ratio of the highest over the lowest wage paid in the economy increases. Moreover, deregulation in labour markets raises the aggregate level of employment and the average real wage but reduces the welfare of trade unions in sectors with a low level of competition.  相似文献   

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