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Many goods are marketed after first stating a list price, with the expectation that the eventual sales price will differ. In this article, we first present a simple model of search behavior that includes the seller setting a list price. Holding constant the mean of the buyers’ distribution of potential offers for a good, we assume that the greater the list price, the slower the arrival rate of offers but the greater is the maximal offer. This trade‐off determines the optimal list price, which is set simultaneously with the seller's reservation price. Comparative statics are derived through a set of numerical sensitivity tests, where we show that the greater the variance of the distribution of buyers’ potential offers, the greater is the ratio of the list price to expected sales price. Thus, sellers of atypical goods will tend to set a relatively high list price compared with standard goods. We test this hypothesis using data from the Columbus, Ohio, housing market and find substantial support. We also find empirical support for another hypothesis of the model: atypical dwellings take longer to sell.  相似文献   

趸售县销售电价存在的问题和矛盾地方政府越权出台优惠电价政策。一些地方政府为发展地方经济,将电价作为优化投资环境的主要手段,以承诺函、政府文件、会议纪要、招商引资协议书等形式,降低销售电价,价差由电力企业承担。地方政府制定了名目繁多的电价优惠政策,如免收基本电费、工业园区优惠电价、特殊企业特殊电价、重点企业扩大再生产优惠电价,或任意延长丰水期下浮目录电价水平等,使电力企业背上沉重的经济包袱。据福建省物价局2004年的一份统计资料表明:全省61个趸售县中,有32家县电力公司因地方政府干预而被迫实行优惠电价;2003年,有1…  相似文献   

指出了加油站存在的单站销量较低、运作效率不高的问题,并就成品油末端销售增效的若干渠道进行了探讨。  相似文献   

石油销售公司主要销售成品油,在加油站完成对消货者的服务,要求销售行业的员工要彻底转变观念,要将纯粹的商品营销的理念转变为服务营销观念,要将对车的服务延伸至对车和人的服务。在当今的市场条件下更好地实现油品销售,主要应做好这些工作:细分市场,准确进行市场定位;加强培训,提供优质服务;扩展服务延伸。  相似文献   

企业赊销与信用管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用交易(即赊销)是市场发展的产物,但是信用风险和信用管理对企业的发展影响极大,甚至对企业的生存直接造成威胁.文章介绍了企业信用管理体系的要素,阐述了建立信用管理制度和设立信用管理部门的具体方法,以及信用管理体系的运作方式,并通过实例建立了客户信用评定模型.  相似文献   

This paper uses the theoretical perspectives of disruptive innovation, network externalities, and regulation to study the submarket strategies of incumbent firms that operate in a regulated network industry. In this setting, the impact of potentially disruptive innovations might be different because of the tighter regulation of incumbent firms. By analyzing the entry and success patterns of incumbent mobile network operators (MNOs) in the public hotspot markets in 17 Western European countries, we focus on how regulation and network effects as well as disruption factors influence the incumbent firms' strategies. In doing so, this paper departs from prior research that has primarily focused on unregulated industries and combines contradicting explanations from disruptive innovation theory, the motivation/ability framework, regulation theory, as well as network effects to provide a comprehensive analysis on how incumbents behave in a regulated network industry that is being confronted with a potentially disruptive innovation. In particular, while disruptive innovation theory predicts that the incumbents' vast experience in an industry could cause them to avoid entering new submarkets created by potentially disruptive innovations, the desire to avoid regulation could encourage such submarket entry. Furthermore, in regulated network industries, incumbent firms might have a stronger motivation to enter new submarkets as the importance of single customers and high market shares could be substantially different. These contrasting insights are used to develop an integrative research model and to derive hypotheses on incumbents' submarket entry decision and success. Drawing on cross‐sectional, multicountry data of 62 MNOs that operate in 17 Western European countries, this study uses logit and tobit regressions to test the impact of disruption factors, regulation, and network externalities on the entry decision and success of incumbent firms. The results reveal that the incumbent MNOs are caught in an area of conflict between the regulated industry context and their international technology strategy. The findings suggest that the incumbent MNOs' motivation and ability to escape regulation positively influenced their submarket entry and success in the public hotspot market. Thus, the potentially disruptive scenario was successfully turned into a potentially sustaining one as the incumbent MNOs could enhance their presence in the mobile broadband market. The testing on a multicountry basis as well as the positive influence of ethnocentric technology strategies for public hotspots, which are devised in the headquarters' location and are then brought out internationally, shed new light on an industry that has typically been characterized by country‐by‐country decisions. These findings may also reveal challenges for future research on disruptive innovations in multinational industries and expose future challenges for regulative authorities and managers. This paper thereby adds to the theory of disruptive innovation as it includes the influence of regulation on incumbents in network industries. Additionally, this study expands on previous findings on the disruptive potential of wireless local area network technology by employing a multi‐country analysis in 17 Western European countries.  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization -  相似文献   

Sale before Completion of Development: Pricing and Strategy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The paper examines the risk-and-return characteristics of a popular development strategy, the presale system (or sale before completion), used in many Asian cities. We model a presale decision in a real-options framework and suggest that the use of presale is primarily for a risk-sharing purpose. That is, developers can reduce bankruptcy and marketing risks by selling (or leasing) their projects before their completion dates. Our model also indicates that, because of the presale system, there is a barrier for new developers to enter into a market, which helps explain the anecdotal observation that most real estate markets in Asian cities are oligopolistic in nature and dominated by large developers.  相似文献   

The Wealth Effects of Sale and Leasebacks: New Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the phenomenon of sale and leasebacks as one way in which firms may use financial contracts to rearrange their organizational architecture. A theoretic model links the length of initial leaseback period to incentives to make noncontractible future investments in the lease relationship and predicts that firms choose shorter leases when landlords make relatively important investments. Using a sample of 71 sale and leaseback events from the 1990s, we document a significant mean abnormal return of 1.3% for shareholders of seller/lessee firms announcing relatively short leasebacks. The evidence suggests that firms may use sale and leasebacks to optimize their claims to real estate.  相似文献   

本文介绍了销售合同管理信息系统。利用微机对合同进行管理,能够提高工作效率,及时查询合同执行情况,及时了解全厂的销售情况,并对各个客户的重要程度进行定量化的分析,为领导决策和外销员的工作提供必要信息。  相似文献   

低迷了几年的纸张市场,终于在新世纪冰雪消融的初春时分,涌动了一次小小的“牛市”。胶印书刊纸作为出版业主打的纸张,重又成为纸业舞台的主唱。纸,还是那张纸,厂,还是原来那个厂,昨天“跳楼”甩卖,今日风光再现,重又成为抢手的俏货,个中缘由真是令人难以琢磨,供求关系随之发生了微妙的变化,主客体  相似文献   

探讨在电子商务研究开发中的技术实现,以及如何使用DAO函数和ADO控件对ACCESS数据库进行操作。本系统已投入运行,提高了营销过程中信息流和资金流的运转速度,促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the sale and leaseback of corporate real estate on the stock prices of the selling firms. We ask whether the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 1986) had a negative impact on the market valuation effects of corporate sale and leasebacks. The results of the comparative statics analysis predict that the net present value of the lessee should be negatively related to the tax depreciation recovery life for the lessor and to the marginal ordinary income tax rate of the marginal holder of commercial mortgage debt. However, it should be positively related to the marginal tax rate of the equityholder of the corporate lessee. Changes in the marginal ordinary income tax rates of the lessor and the corporate lessee have an ambiguous effect on the equity value of the corporate lessee. Nevertheless, results of simulation analyses suggest that the relationship between the net present value of the lessee and each of the tax rates of the lessor and corporate lessee is negative. The empirical evidence suggests that subsequent to TRA 1986, the lessee's benefits associated with sale and leaseback transactions have decreased.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,服装行业生产经营体系的转变,大量新技术、新工艺在企业中应用,这些都给高校的服装专业提出了更高的标准和更严格的要求。如何适应服装行业快速的发展,如何培养出企业青睐的实用型的技术人才,是摆在我们服装教育者面前的一个迫切的问题。本文就如何培养服装企业急需的"艺术、技术与商品管理综合型"的人才,提出几点看法。  相似文献   

议油品终端销售市场的开拓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前石化集团公司油品终端销售市场的优势与不足。建议建立并形成石化集团公司油口销售网络,建立成品油配送中心和市场研究中心,建立多种形式的终端销售网点,从而拓展沿品终端终端销售市场。  相似文献   

We offer a theoretical and empirical comparison of auctions and negotiated sales. We first build a simple model to show that auctions generate a higher relative price than negotiated sales when demand for the asset is strong, when the asset is more homogeneous and when the asset attracts buyers with higher valuations. Using data from property sales in Singapore, we find support for our theoretical predictions. In addition, we find that auctions do not necessarily generate a higher price premium for foreclosed properties than for nonforeclosed properties.  相似文献   

集群竞争力的动力机制以及实证分析   总被引:118,自引:2,他引:118  
集群由于持续创新而显现的竞争优势,已经成为工业政策制定者的研究内容和模仿手段。为了揭示集群竞争优势背后的动力机制以及加强实施的可操作性,本文首先详细分析了集群的动力机制:基于社会资本的地域分工,外部经济,合作效率,技术创新与扩散,并分析其对应的竞争优势。然后,以嵊州领带产业集群为例,具体分析其动力机制,以及嵊州领带集群存在的问题,并提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of spatially correlated unobservable variables on the refinancing, selling and default decisions of mortgage borrowers. Virtually the entire mortgage literature acknowledges that borrower-specific characteristics, such as culture, education or access to information, play an important role in mortgage termination decisions. While we do not observe these variables directly, we note that borrowers of similar background tend to cluster together in neighborhoods. We estimate a competing risks hazard model with random effects using a three-stage maximum likelihood estimation approach. We utilize the space-varying coefficient method to modify the covariance structure according to the spatial distribution of the observations. Beyond a significant improvement of the model performance, this yields a number of insightful implications for mortgage termination behavior. For instance, borrowers of the affluent "West Side" of Los Angeles County both refinance and move at a higher rate than predicted by the standard maximum likelihood estimation method. At the same time, borrowers from some lower-valued neighborhoods tend to stay longer than expected with their mortgages and properties.  相似文献   

排队等待现象在当今服务业中已成为一个焦点问题,各服务行业纷纷提出改革措施对此进行整顿,以减少消费者的等待时间并达到顾客满意的目的。本文从理论角度,通过分析国外学者已有的相关研究成果,指出我国学术界对此问题的研究建议,以期对服务等待管理具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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