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毛丽冰 《经济》2013,(10):30-33
"在我最喜爱的工作岗位上,在众多荣誉和奖项中,我感觉最有成就的就是获得‘北京大学最受学生爱戴的十佳教师’。"身兼数职、荣誉无数,她却最在意学生对她的认可。中国经济女性年度人物这样推评她——"作为一名上过山、下过乡、做过工、留过洋的杰出女性学者,她阅历丰富且多才多艺,实现了女性气质和学者风范的完美结合,她博学但不虚华,明察却不琐屑,宽容而不粗疏,自主又不张扬,在专业领域和教育界广受欣赏和尊重"。她就是北京大学经济学院百余年历史上第一位女性院长孙祁祥。饱经阅历的她,脸上却满是自足和快乐,宁静淡泊、知足常乐是她的人生写照。  相似文献   

卢黎 《大陆桥视野》2011,(24):113-115
《呼啸山庄》和《荆棘鸟》两位女作家都认为爱情是男女双方情投意舍、心心相印,婚姻要以爱情为基础,反对讲究门第等级的婚姻观念。不同的是,考琳·麦卡洛主张在遵守社会既有规范下的人间之爱,艾米莉主张超越世俗、超人间的灵魂之爱,精神之爱。艾米莉和考琳·麦卡洛的小说都体现出反抗男权制歧视欺压女性、争取女性权利、追求女性个性自由和人格独立的女性观。不同之处在于,艾米莉的女性意识比考琳·麦卡洛更坚决、更彻底,考琳·麦卡洛认同男权社会以男性为中心的观点,遵循传统只是反抗其不合理。不公正之处;艾米莉对男权社会却是坚决的反抗,以叛逆者形象出现。考琳·麦卡洛是不完全的女性主义者,她的观点较现实,能够被认同和接受。艾米莉是比较彻底的女性主义者.但是她的观点在当时不会被接受也行不通,只能是绝望的反抗,无力的叛逆。  相似文献   

吴华丽 《经济学动态》2023,(12):126-140
因在深化理解女性劳动力市场状况方面做出的杰出贡献,克劳迪娅·戈尔丁荣获2023年度诺贝尔经济学奖。通过创造性地梳理和整合美国女性劳动力市场的历史数据,戈尔丁首次阐述了美国女性在劳动力市场上的变迁,以及两百多年性别收入差距的发展过程。她还创建了一个以女性为中心的经济学研究框架,将技术进步、经济转型以及法律和性别文化引入劳动力需求的分析中,将女性的教育、生育、抚育、身份认同纳入劳动力供给的分析中,解释美国女性在劳动力市场上的行为变化,揭示性别不平等存在的深层原因。戈尔丁不仅系统性地将性别纳入增长和发展的经济学核心议题中,她对女性劳动史的研究也极大地推动了性别经济学的发展。  相似文献   

女作家张爱玲是一位生活在旧中国的知识女性.她对当时知识女性的生存状况给予了深切的关注,在她的作品中塑造了几位年轻的知识女性形象,讲述了她们悲凉的爱情故事,揭示了知识女性艰难的现实生活和艰辛的情感经历,并引导人们去思索让知识女性生活幸福的出路.  相似文献   

“有一个这样的说法:女性一般不会在酒桌上喝酒;但她若敢喝,那她酒量肯定就很好。办企业也是如此,创业的女性若没有十成的把握,是不会出来的。”  相似文献   

论张爱玲文学创作中的女性意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪是中国文学中的女性意识不断觉醒的年代。张爱玲就是一位女性意识极强的作家,她的文学创作中就呈现出一种真正的女性化写作的风貌。张爱玲女性意识成因中的环境因素和心理因素,张爱玲文学创作中的女性意识。  相似文献   

池莉一直以来都在探索着女性的生存之路,她用自身的体验写出了普通女性在有限的生存空间里的一个故事,一丝情感,一声巧笑,一滴眼泪,一种情调。池莉书中的女主人公性格各异,光彩夺目,栩栩如生。是传统女性与现代女性各种不同的真实写照。通过对其笔下的一个主人公的性格进行分析,来探讨池莉读女性形象的塑造手法。  相似文献   

李燕 《经济研究导刊》2011,(15):235-236
《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代的名著之一,讲述了一名生活在维多利亚年代,遭遇了各种各样困境,名叫苔丝,漂亮单纯的乡村女孩的悲剧故事。她的悲剧命运是那个年代女性的悲剧。  相似文献   

张琼文 《经济月刊》2009,(9):126-127
一袭白衣,面容姣好,张德芬出现在众人面前始终是一个脱胎于古典的现代女性。给人印象深刻的不只是她娓娓的谈吐、从容的表达、清晰的思路,还有一个畅销书女作家在喧哗世界中的修身养性和独特心路。  相似文献   

面对种种困惑,女性领导要做好工作,就一定要超越心理障碍,正确认识自己。首先,女性领导具有温柔、机敏、热情、善解人意的特点,她更容易体察下属的各种心情变化,能关心体贴下属。女性领导心思缜密,考虑问题比较周全,做事比较小心翼翼,善于听取部下意见,专政主义思想少,蛮横暴躁情绪少,女性领导善于团结部下,不铺张浪费,责任心强,  相似文献   

Amartya Sen's capability approach to human welfare recognizes the impact of social institutions on human capabilities. But as an evaluative framework, it does not analyze the role of institutionalized power in causing or perpetuating inequalities in individual opportunities to achieve. Drawing on authors who are receptive to the capability approach and who have examined the political aspects of advancing human capabilities, this paper presents a view of social power and its exercise that is congruent with the capability approach. This examination of power continues the exploration of intergroup relationships that Sen has advocated, and it can be expected to yield new criteria for policy evaluation as well as new policy options.  相似文献   

马向新 《新经济》2007,(4):86-89
从艺年表何俊华中国著名青绿山水画家,1962年生于广州,大学本科毕业。艺术师从:黎雄才、关山月、陈金章、刘斯奋、许钦松、李劲堃现任职务:广东省青年美术家协会常务副主席、广东青年画院秘书长。社会兼职:广东省民营企业文化协会副主席、广州市美术家协会山水画艺委会副主任、广州老年诗书画影艺促进会秘书长、广州老干部大学特聘教授、广州文德文化商会副会长。作品近况:国画《明月松间照》荣获2006年广州市美术家协会“青山绿水”专题大展银奖、国画《川藏公路》入选2006年广东省美术家协会成立50周年大展。国画《长征路上》入选2006年广东省:纪念建党85周年美展。出版:《何俊华画集》、《何俊华山水画选》、《何俊华国画精选》。作品收藏:广东美术馆、刘海粟纪念馆、中山美术馆、顺德美术馆、肇庆美术馆、江门图书馆。何俊华是客家人,从他爱画长江三峡坚韧的石头,到坚持四十年不懈的单一专题创作,都可以看到客家人独有的坚毅执着的传统美德。他说:“我出生于一个干部家庭,  相似文献   

In recent years the term social innovation has become widely used by policy makers, yet important ambiguities remain. One of these concerns what has been called the paradox of embedded agency – how social innovators conceive of something new when working with existing social institutions. So far few writers have considered whether historical examples can, with benefit of hindsight, shed light on the relationships between social innovators and social institutions. This paper considers the example of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, creator of rural credit unions and agricultural co‐operatives in 19th‐century Germany. Raiffeisen was a social conservative who worked in many ways within existing social institutions. At the same time, his desire to meet social needs drove him to create new forms of action and organization that resulted in social innovation. Raiffeisen's process of invention shows that social innovation, particularly in transitional eras like his, need not be a matter of using logical‐deductive processes to address a social need, but may depend critically on values, will, a readiness to experiment, and an ability to find allies. These qualities enabled Raiffeisen to break through existing institutions to do something fundamentally new, and they may be qualities that provide new focus for social‐innovation research and policy.  相似文献   

We study the idea that seemingly unrelated behavioral biases can coevolve if they jointly compensate for the errors that any one of them would give rise to in isolation. We suggest that the “endowment effect” and the “winner's curse” could have jointly survived natural selection together. We develop a new family of “hybrid‐replicator” dynamics. Under such dynamics, biases survive in the population for a long period of time even if they only partially compensate for each other and despite the fact that the rational type's payoff is strictly larger than the payoffs of all other types.  相似文献   

Theoretical macroeconomic models typically take fiscal policy to mean tax‐and‐spend by a ‘benevolent government’ that exploits potential aggregate demand externalities inherent in the imperfectly competitive nature of goods markets. Whilst shown to raise aggregate output and employment, these policies crowd‐out private consumption and typically reduce welfare. On account of their widespread use to stimulate economic activity, we consider the use of ‘tax‐and‐subsidize’ instead of ‘tax‐and‐spend’ policies. Within a static general equilibrium macro‐model with imperfectly competitive goods markets, we examine the effects of wage and output subsidies and show that, for a small open economy, positive tax and subsidy rates exist which maximize welfare, rendering no intervention suboptimal. We also show that, within a two‐country setting, a Nash non‐cooperative symmetric equilibrium with positive tax and subsidy rates exists, and that cooperation between governments in setting these rates is more expansionary and leads to an improvement upon the non‐cooperative solution.  相似文献   

One may view current Canadian tax reform as an episode in a tax reform cycle arising from a continual public choice game. Both the positions of the Canadian players and the rules of the game may provide a rationale for these reforms. Revenue, equity, efficiency, and bargaining constraints determine the evolution of the tax code.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider some limitations on the credibility of the threat of noncooperative behaviour as a response to cheating in cartels.  相似文献   

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