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王明益 《技术经济》2012,31(4):82-86
构建了一个包含煤炭、石油、天然气和电力4种能源投入要素及时间趋势变量的超越对数生产函数,实证检验了1979—2009年山东省各能源要素的产出弹性、替代弹性及技术进步差异。结果表明:自改革开放以来,山东省的能源要素投入系统存在中性技术进步,技术进步率呈逐年递增趋势;山东省各能源要素的产出弹性逐年提高,按其均值由高到低排序依次是电力、石油、煤炭和天然气;1979—2009年期间煤炭与石油、煤炭与电力、石油与电力以及天然气与电力的替代弹性均大于1,石油与天然气的替代弹性虽然小于1,但自2000年后逐渐增大;山东省各能源要素的技术进步差异较小,按能源要素的技术进步率由高到低排序依次是煤炭、石油、电力和天然气。  相似文献   

随着社会和政府对碳排放的日益关注,低碳成为未来物流业发展的趋势。在借鉴已有研究成果基础上,构造超越对数函数模型对物流业不同能源投入要素的产出弹性、替代弹性以及技术进步差异情况进行分析,研究结果表明:2002年开始我国物流能源利用效率在显著提高,尤以天然气能源投入的贡献最大;电力、天然气为代表的清洁能源可以有效替代石油和煤炭,并且天然气、电力等能源技术进步速度要快于石油、煤炭,未来物流业高碳排放能源将被清洁能源逐步替代。研究结果反映了我国物流业能源消耗的实际现状,可以为政府、企业发展低碳物流进行科学决策提供有益参考。  相似文献   

通过建立超越对数成本函数,首先测算了28个省份制造业资本、劳动和能源的替代关系,随后结合VAR模型,研究了28个省份的石油、电力和天然气对煤炭的替代关系。结果表明:就总体来看,制造业对资本依赖程度明显提高,且资本对劳动力和资本对能源都存在明显替代关系;虽然制造业的劳动力自价格弹性绝对值不断增大,但能源自价格弹性较低,甚至最近几年为正值;制造业生产过程中投入的石油和天然气都可以替代煤炭,但替代能力都较弱。从区域角度看,各地区制造业能源替代差异明显。  相似文献   

能源异质性及其与资本替代的非对称效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以超越对数成本函数及弹性分析模型为基础,对1995~2013年中国制造业分行业典型能源消费与资本的替代弹性和替代特征进行分析,发现煤炭、电力、石油与资本之间的替代强度及方向存在显著差异。并运用MES弹性模型分析表明,受控于要素价格变化触发的来源不同,制造业整体表现出资本替代能源、能源互补资本的反向非对称特征,在资本密集型行业与劳动密集型行业中替代的方向与大小亦存在显著的非对称性。这种替代非对称效应表明,中国现阶段实现制造业整体节能及推动节能技术使用的路径适用性上,可以考虑借力于资本替代能源的视角。但是,在综合各类能源研究工业能源政策时,必须充分考虑行业能源消费类型不同及与资本替代的异质性差异和非对称效应的存在,才能使得产业能源政策制定具有针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

蔡莉  马远 《经济论坛》2013,(7):47-50
本文通过对新疆农业生产性能源消费现状及结构进行分析后认为,新疆农业能源消费以石油和煤炭为主,电力次之。并且自1990年以来,煤炭和石油在新疆农业能源消费中的比重在逐渐降低,而电力的比重在逐渐上升。本文还对2001~2010年新疆和全国农业能源消费弹性进行比较分析,对新疆主要农业能源的消费弹性进行研究。最后针对新疆农业能源消费结构不合理及利用效率低下问题提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

从生产要素结构变动的角度,分析了1985年与2004年中国各省(市、区)农业生产要素投入比例的变化,然后借助计量经济模型检验了两个时期要素产出弹性的差异。结果显示:随着资源配置市场化的深入,土地与劳动力在农业生产中的投入比例呈下降趋势,而资本的投入比例日益上升。就产出弹性而言,2004年资本要素的产出弹性最大,劳动次之,土地的产出弹性最小。但与1985年相比,各要素的产出弹性变化趋势不同,其中资本与土地的产出弹性呈现幅度不等的下降,而劳动的产出弹性则是上升的。研究同时表明中国农业产出处于规模报酬递增阶段,近期内增加农业的资本投入对农业的增长仍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据我国内地30个省(市/区)(因数据不全,不含西藏)1990-2009年工业能源利用效率的相关投入与产出数据,运用协整理论选取投入变量、产出变量,并利用误差修正模型(ECM)和VAR脉冲响应函数,从短期和长期两个方面,研究能源效率及其影响因素的互动机制。基于DEA模型,综合测度了各个地区的工业能源利用技术效率、规模效率。结果表明:工业总产值对石油和煤炭的弹性高达2.509和2.263,石油和煤炭是工业总产值提高的内在驱动力;我国内地30个省市的工业能源利用效率存在不平衡性,出现技术效率和规模效率的“高低型”和“低高型”,西部地区存在巨大提升空间。  相似文献   

计划的背景 英国是欧洲国家中能源最丰富的国家,能源资源主要来自煤炭、石油和天然气,而水电资源比较缺乏。长期以来,英国所消耗电力的70%出自煤炭、石油和天然气,28%出自核电,而水电及其它可再生能源所占的比例仅约为  相似文献   

选取1987—2009年中国工业部门能源需求的时间序列数据,利用修正的AES模型和MES模型,实证研究了中国工业部门中生物质能对化石能源的内部替代问题。结果显示:中国对生物质能的需求量会随其自价格弹性的降低而增加;传统化石能源(石油、煤炭)的价格和需求量的同向变化表明,不能依靠价格诱导降低其需求,但价格诱导可促进生物质能对石油和煤炭等传统化石能源的替代。据此得出:中国的石油和煤炭两类化石能源呈现出"吉芬物品"或"低档物品"的特性,作为可再生能源之一的生物质能则表现出"正常物品"的特性;生物质能是传统化石能源的有效替代品。  相似文献   

研究家庭能源消费可为能源规划政策的制定提供科学依据。以中国家庭能源消费为研究对象,在全国和省域尺度上,分析了其在时间序列上的变化趋势及其空间差异。结果显示:(1)1997—2016年,中国城乡家庭能源消费在总量上的差距逐渐扩大,在人均量上逐渐缩小,说明城市化过程中家庭部门的能源消费不断向城市地区转移,同时农村家庭的能源消费水平也在不断提高;(2)电力消费在各地区均呈显著上升趋势,石油、天然气和热力基本呈上升趋势,煤炭在各地区有增有减,说明家庭能源结构呈现出电力等现代能源对煤炭的替代及煤炭的清洁化利用趋势;(3)不同能源消费类型的变化速率有很强的空间异质性,反映了家庭能源消费结构在各地区处于不同的发展阶段。  相似文献   

中国已经成为全球能源消费的大国,这是全球化趋势和中国作为“世界工厂”所产生的能源“替代消费”效应所决定的。中国的能源产业不仅满足了本国的需要,还在对世界能源生产方面做出了贡献。中国应该大幅度提高石油、天然气的消费比例,降低煤炭等低能效能源的消费比例。增加能源进口是优化中国能源消费结构的必然选择。我国单位GDP能耗的降低很大程度上只能期待能源消费结构优化和经济结构的转型。  相似文献   

This paper investigates substitution among such alternate fuels as coal, natural gas, and electricity during the actual oil price increases of 1970s. These substitution adjustments are assumed to be dynamic and modelled by a partial adjustment structure. This dynamic structure is incorporated into a translog cost technology. Short- and long-run price elasticities are estimated by identifying inter- and intra-industry variations. The models are estimated with a sample of 88 pooled observations, including distillate and residual oils purchased by eleven 2-digit manufacturing groups (1974-81). Models are estimates are strictly negative. These own price elasticities range from (long-to short-run) –2.93 to –2.55 for distillate oil, –0.698 to – 1.53 for residual oil, –0.533 to 0.011 for coal, –0.235 to –0.213 for natural gas, to –0.888 to –0.845 for electricity. Estimastes of both short-run and long-run cross-price elasticities suggest that coal and electric energy are the prominent substitutes for fuel oils. While the relationship between the latter and natural gas remains largely complementary.  相似文献   

基于通用可计算一般均衡(CGE)平台,探讨了能源价格变动对新疆地区宏观经济的影响。模拟结果显示:(1)煤炭价格和天然气价格分别上涨10%以后,新疆地区的GDP、各部门的产出和居民消费变动不大,说明提高煤炭和天然气价格不会对新疆经济造成大的波动,未来新疆地区能源价格改革应从煤炭和天然气入手。(2)油价上涨10%后,新疆地区部门产出和居民消费变化较大,因此未来新疆地区在提高油价时应考虑社会稳定,避免产生大的经济波动。值得注意的是提高油价后,城乡收入差距缩小。总体来说提高油价所产生的影响是积极的。  相似文献   

The United States Energy Information Administration publishes annual forecasts of nationally aggregated energy consumption, production, prices, intensity and GDP. These government issued forecasts often serve as reference cases in the calibration of simulation and econometric models, which climate and energy policy are based on. This study tests for rationality of published EIA forecasts under symmetric and asymmetric loss. We find strong empirical evidence of asymmetric loss for oil, coal and electricity prices as well as natural gas consumption, electricity sales, GDP and energy intensity.  相似文献   


The implications of national or regional energy policies for technical efficiency and environmental outcomes in electricity generation depend on fossil fuel input substitution. This study uses state level data to examine fossil fuel (coal and natural gas) substitution in electricity generation under increased availability of natural gas in the United States. We observe that changes in elasticities of substitution from pre-2009 to post-2009 differ across states suggesting that the effects of increased availability of inexpensive natural gas on electricity generation have been spatially heterogeneous. We rely on the observed heterogeneity to assess the effects of fossil fuel input substitution on technical efficiency and CO2 emissions. The results reveal that state level elasticity of substitution between natural gas and coal has a positive effect on technical efficiency and a negative effect on CO2 emissions. Therefore, future policy design and analyses should reflect the implications for regional elasticities of fossil fuel substitution and associated environmental outcomes.  相似文献   

Interfuel substitution, a priori , seems to be of considerable importance in the economy of the United Kingdom. Consequently, an appropriate model is developed and estimated. All energy sources are demonstrated to be substitutable. Coal is the most price responsive with natural gas, oil and electrical following. The results are not inconsistent with other studies of energy substitution. Moreover, when the issue of the stability of the demand for energy types is considered, the suggestion that the demand for coal, oil, natural gas, and electrical energy have remained virtually constant over the past three decades.  相似文献   

黄芳  江可申 《技术经济》2013,(3):100-104
依据IPCC中的碳排放系数和不变价GDP计算了1978—2010年中国的碳强度,采用向量自回归模型对中国能源结构、产业结构与碳强度的动态变化关系进行实证研究。结果显示:中国碳强度与煤炭消费比重以及第三产业比重之间存在长期均衡关系;煤炭消费比重对碳强度的贡献度较大,并具有持久的冲击作用;第三产业比重与碳强度负相关,短期内其影响稍弱。因此,降低煤炭消费比率和增加第三产业比重有利于降低碳强度。  相似文献   

重庆市天然气价格调整的经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分别从天然气价格与可替代能源价格的定量关系、天然气的价格与其消费量的关系、天然气消费量的GDP弹性三个方面分析重庆市天然气价格调整的经济影响,然后给出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

Political interest in developing the capability to produce gaseous fuel from coal in the United States has been cyclical in nature, depending primarily upon the security of the international market for oil and public attitudes toward nuclear power. Interest in coal gasification technology by private investors, however, depends primarily on the economic and technological considerations analyzed in this paper. A cost forecasting model is developed with the capability to take into account future economic and technological uncertainties associated with producing high BTU gas (a substitute for natural gas) from coal. The cost forecasting model incorporates probabilistic information on key economic and technological parameters subject to future uncertainty and simulates, by Monte Carlo methods, the costs which private investors would incur over the life of a commercial size coal gasification plant. The results suggest it is highly unlikely that the coal gasification process could produce high BTU gas more cheaply than the price at which natural gas is likely to be available.The cost forecasting model is also modified to compare the cost per kilowatt–hour of generated electricity when fueling a 1,000 Mw power plant with oil versus high BTU gas from coal. Again, based upon the costs to private investors, the simulation results indicate a very low probability that high BTU gas from coal would prove the least costly fuel for generating electricity.The implied economic infeasibility for private investment in coal gasification does not necessarily provide a basis for public policy to abandon the technology. Public policy recommendations must consider social costs as well as private costs. Possibly the greatest social cost associated with abandoning coal gasification is the risk of a significant energy supply interruption. A diversified national energy policy including coal gasification may in fact be less costly if relevant social costs are included in the calculations. Results from the cost forecasting model indicate the size and type of public subsidies that may be necessary to support a diversified energy industry which would include coal gasification.  相似文献   

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