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商业促销价格欺诈行为的十种表现形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臻实 《中国物价》2006,(8):50-50,66
一、商家以降价(折扣)方式销售商品,不如实标示降价(折扣)原因、降价(折扣)起止时间、原价、折扣幅度等相关内容,销售商品的降价折扣幅度与标示不符。如某商场出售某品牌羽绒服标出原价438元,打3折现价为131元。经查实。原价是由生产厂家提供的建议零售价,实际该商场并没有按此价格成交过。某商店以“全场5折”的文字进行价格宣传,但消费者在购物时发现。全场数千种商品,实际上只有两种商品按5折销售。  相似文献   

聚焦供应链管理 众所周知,零售行业的企业利润来源主要来自其经营的商品售价和进价的差额,而商品最终售价除了产品的进价成本以外,还要加上零售企业在进销存过程中发生的成本以及一定的利润。随着市场的不断开放,零售行业的竞争日趋激烈,很多零售企业为了保住市场份额,往往依靠降价来吸引顾客。一家商场这样做,其他商场迫于压力也不得不跟进,结果不免陷入恶性降价的循环怪圈中,也使得通过商品售价来保证利润的手段难以实施。从另外一个方面说,生产厂商和供应商提供的商品批发价格因为生产经营成本等因素而使零售商不断压低商品进…  相似文献   

<正> 从去年到现在,各种商品,障价的多,涨价的少。即使涨价,幅度很小,似乎都感觉不出来。早上逛菜市场,各种时令细菜新鲜干净,价格不贵。肉、蛋、鱼的价格也很稳定。晚上到商场购物,可以见到好多商品在降价销售。商家大打"降价牌",尤其是彩电、VCD、电脑,价格更是一降再降,消费者喜笑颜开。昔日上万  相似文献   

西城区某电器商场降价处理一批29寸彩电,消费者张某到商场购买,商场告之张某,这批彩电属积压商品,外观有些磨损,因此降价销售,保修期为半年,张某就买了一台。谁知过了半年,双方却由此产生了纠纷,谁是谁非,看过《处理彩电惹出赔偿》便可知晓。  相似文献   

一、引言生鲜类商品属于特殊商品,它的特征是当日供应的生鲜商品若最大限度地满足当日需求量则会取得较好的经济效益,若供应量大于需求量就得降价处理,若处理不掉则产生保管费用或丢弃。商场希望生鲜类商品都能够当日卖出且不产生缺货的情况,从而产生最好得经济效益,准确预测生  相似文献   

市场如战场,波诡云谲,风雷跌宕,特别是近年金融危机的涌现,使这种态势尤为明显.当今在你走过纽约的时代广场,或是东京的银座,或是广州的正佳商场,会发现无处不是五花八门的商品展售,在那琳琅满目的商品中,你很难用一个词语概括之.但是,你可以用一个词总述各地的共同现象--降价竞销或折扣奖售.  相似文献   

企业价格战对顾客交易价值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过情景模拟实验讨论了降价因素对于己购买产品的顾客在交易价值感知上带来的影响,研究的主要发现有:顾客购后仍然会进行交易价值判断,顾客的可接受降价幅度受到使用时间和心理折旧等因素的影响,在一定时间内,当市场实际降价幅度超过顾客的合理降价预期时,顾客的交易价值感受将受到负面影响。  相似文献   

商场的区划设计涉及到客流路线方便与否,商场营业额,商品的呈现度,吸引顾客的能力等,合理的商场区划设计能提高顾客的满意度、商品的知名度、美誉度,对增加商场的利润也是非常有帮助的。  相似文献   

<正> 一、降价要有适当的理由巧立名目找出一个合适的降价理由,不能让顾客认为是商品卖不出去,或质量不好才降价。现实中商家降价的名目、理由通常有:1.季节性降价。2.重大节日降价酬宾。3.特殊原因降价。如商店拆迁、商店改变经营方向、柜台租赁期满等。有的商家居然一年四季降价不断,但每次都是名正言顺,事出有因,降价次数虽然多了点,但也没有损害商家或商品形象。二、降价要选择好时机当某一类商品严重性供过于求,降价已不可避免时,率行降价者能取得极大的市场优势。在这方面,长虹彩电两次率先降价是一个典型的范例。三、降价也要讲信誉  相似文献   

舒适合理的规划布局,满足消费者视觉审美期待的商品陈列设计是现代商场推销商品提高营业额的重要手段,本文从视觉审美理念,表现形式和具体应用等方面解析了商品陈列设计对商场促销的重要意义,供商家参考。  相似文献   

We investigate whether commodity futures or options markets play a more important role in the price discovery process in the six most actively traded markets: crude oil, natural gas, gold, silver, corn, and soybeans. Using new information leadership techniques, we report new evidence and report that both markets make a meaningful contribution to price discovery in recent times; however, on average, options lead futures in reflecting new information for a majority of these commodities. We find that increased speculation, rather than hedging activity, in commodity derivatives is a key determinant of price discovery in the options markets.  相似文献   

本文选取2005年1月4日至2016年9月30日农产品类、金属类和工业品类等中国和国际大宗商品期货市场交易品种,以及国内外主要股票市场指数的日收益率,基于DCC--GARCH模型分析了期货市场和股票市场的波动性溢出关系和动态相依性。结果发现,股票市场对中国商品期货有波动率溢出效应,但是不同类型的大宗商品其波动率溢出效应有明显差异。这说明:中国大宗商品市场存在金融化现象,但是不同类型的大宗商品金融化的程度不同,和国际大宗商品期货市场相比,中国市场的金融化程度总体偏低。  相似文献   

近年来,中国食品行业在国际市场上屡遭反倾销投诉,企业损失惨重。因此,深刻了解国外对中国食品行业反倾销调查的特点,并采取相应措施,已成为中国企业进一步开拓国际市场的当务之急。针对上述现状,并结合国外对中国食品行业实施反倾销的四个特点,对其遭遇反倾销的原因及损害进行了深层次的分析。中国食品行业应该培养并形成自己的核心竞争力,并强化反倾销意识,这样可以从根本上改变食品行业出口频频遭遇反倾销的状况。  相似文献   

We examine the liquidity and insurance premia demanded by hedgers and speculators in commodity markets. We find that hedgers and speculators demand a higher premium for illiquid commodities for providing insurance and liquidity, respectively. Decomposing illiquidity into turnover and size components, we find evidence of a size premium associated with the insurance premium such that speculators demand a larger insurance premium for smaller commodities. We also find that the liquidity premium demanded by hedgers for illiquid commodities varies across bullish and bearish markets with hedgers demanding a larger premium from speculators trading in illiquid commodities in bearish markets.  相似文献   

随着中国石油、铁矿石及粮食等大宗商品对外依存度的上升,国际大宗商品价格波动加剧不仅对国内市场价格水平造成了很大冲击,还严重危及中国宏观经济运行的稳定。鉴于此,国家在制定调控物价的相关政策和措施时,应特别注意国际大宗商品价格波动对国内价格水平的影响,尤其是要关注国际原材料价格的波动,及时采取有效措施,重视防范通胀。  相似文献   

Since 1996, when Korea's retail industry was liberalized, new store formats such as large discount stores, have grown, it was widely believed, at the expense of incumbent rivals such as traditional markets and small operators. This paper seeks to empirically test this proposition: an important underpinning to new regulatory control policies. Research involved a spatial analysis of traditional markets (1456), large discount stores (408), and super-supermarkets (SSMs or hypermarkets (729)) spread throughout the country, in order to examine the scale and scope of the influence of the new retail store formats. The research is supportive of the ‘Traditional Commercial Activity Protection Zones’, which protect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). From the perspective of traditional markets, it may be necessary for the South Korean government to promote additional, more proactive, support policies for SMEs.  相似文献   

Cheliotis  Giorgos  Kenyon  Chris 《NETNOMICS》2002,4(2):163-185
We present a computational model and simulation results on the dynamics of local link failures in markets with network structure. Bandwidth markets are inherently networked, so we focus on telecommunications here. The objective of this paper is to test whether or not network failures will have serious economic consequences. We measure economic consequences by looking at changes in expected bandwidth prices, changes in value-at-risk (VAR) and in conditional-value-at-risk (CVAR). Bandwidth markets may be particularly sensitive to network failures because bandwidth is a non-storable commodity. On the other hand alternative paths with equivalent quality of service (QoS) are perfect substitutes so this may limit sensitivity. Non-storability has contributed to enormous volatility in deregulated electricity prices and observations of enormous price spikes. Bandwidth is a true network commodity in that links in the network itself are the traded commodities. Thus a local failure can affect alternative equivalent paths and this can have a knock-on effect in turn. We used a spot market model incorporating non-storability and alternative path selection on price grounds and limited by QoS-equivalence. Spike models are incorporated based on empirical data. We found that for a realistic large-scale market topology if there are, say, four failures per link per year, half of which are long enough to affect the market, then: expected link prices are increased 12%; VAR is increased by 30%; and CVAR by 40%. This is even with a spike size (×3) that is modest compared to observations in electricity markets (×10–×100). For market participants with capacity positions in such a market these consequences are likely to be serious. Thus if failures occur at this rate their consequence must be included in planning. Furthermore, whilst at low failure intensities the network acts as a dampening factor, at higher intensities it acts as an amplifier and thus cannot be neglected. We believe this amplification to be an emergent phenomenon of any market with network structure, although clearly more important for markets with no storage.  相似文献   

假冒伪劣现象的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在我国,假冒伪劣商品大量充斥市场,不仅严重损害消费者的经济利益、破坏资源配置,而且降低了经济运行的质量和效率。假冒伪劣问题是市场经济条件下的经济现象。滋生这一现象的根本原因是买卖双方之间的信息不对称。由于假冒伪劣问题存在两大经济危害——逆向选择和资源配置低效,即次品如何将良品驱逐出市场造成市场失灵以及全社会范围内生产分配的效率低下,所以有必要在分析原因及危害的基础上,提出打假防治对策。  相似文献   

刘烨  秦丽娜 《商业研究》2003,(17):177-178
选择进入市场方式还应考虑时机问题。尤其是在经济刚刚开始起飞的新兴工业国家和正在改革转型中的前中央集权经济国家,进入越早,则进入成本越高。但是,如果进入过晚,又有可能被拒之于门外,吃“闭门羹”。如果企业必须早期进入,且成本风险高于企业承受能力,此时,则需采取合资方式。比较理想的进入时机是早期进入,但不打头炮。  相似文献   

中国出口企业应对国外反倾销的营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓峰  焦亮 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(3):54-57,80
文章以中国出口产品遭遇的反倾销为研究对象,透过中国成为反倾销最大受害国的现象,从企业角度剖析了中国产品遭遇反倾销的原因,得出了提高中国出口企业的国际市场营销水平是应对反倾销的有效举措的结论,并提出了中国企业应对反倾销的国际市场营销策略.  相似文献   

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