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尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位同行,女士们、先生们: 大家好! 下面我想就中国注册会计师如何选择国际化发展道路谈一点想法和体会. 一、事务所国际化发展的背景及动力 为了适应当前我国经济快速发展,企业规模化、国际化对注册会计师行业的需求,在中国企业日渐向国际发展,中国资本向国际流动这一趋势中提供相适应的服务,为中国企业的境外发展发挥专业机构的价值,作为中国的会计师事务所不得不去思考探索一条适应这一经济发展大格局的道路,以求在国际经济一体化的环境下立足,进而随着中国企业的国际化探索中国会计师事务所走向国际的道路.  相似文献   

为推进注册会计师行业做强做大战略,《中国注册会计师协会关于推动会计师事务所做大做强的意见》提出,会计师事务所做大做强,做大是基础,做强是核心,走向国际是标志;要在"做大"实现规模化,"做强"提高竞争力的基础上,以国际市场为平台,以国际环境为参照,以国际发展为方向,积极鼓励、支持和培育一批又大又强的会计师事务所,在不断巩固国内市场的同时,以服务中国企业走出去为起点,积极探索走向国际的方式和途经,大力开拓和服务国际市场,全面参与会计市场的国际竞争,并在服务中国企业走出去战略的进程中,实现行业国际化发展的新跨越。经过几年来行业上下的共同努力,做强做大战略特别是行业走出去服务中国企业走出去工作稳步推进,取得显著成效。为此,我们撰写了《中国会计行业服务贸易发展报告》(报告期为2010年7月至2011年7月)。该报告简要分析了我国会计服务贸易发展水平,总结了行业在国际化人才培养、执业准则国际趋同、区域职业监管体系等效、保持会计市场开放秩序、推进事务所走出去、提升中国注册会计师的国际认可度、开展行业国际合作等方面所取得的新成果。  相似文献   

余蔚平部长助理在第几届"京交会,会计服务板块活动上的讲话中指出,加快实现注册会计师行业的品牌化和国际化,是完善我冈社会主义市场经济体制和社会信用体系的市要因素,是推动经济发展方式转变,增强我冈经济国际竞争力的迫切需要,是提升行业核心竞争力,实现行业跨越式发展的内在要求。针对如何提升行业专业服务能力,加快实现注册会计师行业的品牌化和国际化,他提出五点意见:坚持职业诚信,坚守职业道德,夯实走向国际的诚信基础;稳步推进队伍建设,稳固行业人才基础,锻造走向国际的人才团队;优化会计师事务所内部治理,加强体制机制建设:持续推进行业资源的优化整合,引导事务所规模化发展;加强对会计师事务所"走出去"的宏观指导和政策扶持。  相似文献   

新破产法创建了专业化、市场化的管理人制度,规定管理人可以由有关部门、机构的人员组成的清算组或者依法设立的律师事务所、会计师事务所、破产清算事务所等社会中介机构担任。管理人制度的建立,为会计师事务所和注册会计师增加了一项法定业务。担任管理人将会成为会计师事务所新的业务增长点,注册会计师行业在社会主义市场经济体制运行中的地位将得到进一步提升,这对注册会计师行业做大做强和国际化发展具有重大意义。本文拟通过实例分析,介绍笔者对注册会计师做好破产管理人的一些体会。  相似文献   

中国经济的日益壮大和国际化发展,迫切需要我国注册会计师行业做强做大。政府和行业协会出台的行业发展政策也深刻体现了引导和推动会计师事务所做强做大,打造中国品牌事务所,提升国际竞争  相似文献   

在中国企业走出去的新形势下,迫切需要中国的注册会计师行业也尽快走出去,在境外建立执业网络,为中国企业在走向国际市场进程中提供信息引导、鉴证、战略咨询等高端智力服务。立信会计师事务所管理有限公司一直在为探索事务所国际化发展模式而进行着积极的努力和尝试。近年来,我们在事务所做大做强要以走向国际为方向的目标指引下,努力开拓国际市场,服务国际市场,以人才国际化、业务国际化为工作重点,通过不同的合作模式,相继在新加坡、蒙古和  相似文献   

2011年9月4日,中注协发布《中国注册会计师行业发展规划(2011-2015年)》(以下简称《规划》)。《规划》明确提出十二五期间,行业总收入年均增长保持在1 5%左右,实现全行业业务收入翻一番;着力培养350名领军人才、600名具有国际认可度的注册会计师、5000名新业务领域复合型业务骨干;着力培育10家左右执业网络、服务能力、收入规模和市场影响具有国际水准的大型事务所,除国际合作所外,至少有3家以上事务所迈入世界前20强之列,实现行业转型发展和新跨越需要,更好服务国家建设。  相似文献   

3月11日,北京市春立正达医疗器械股份有限公司(简称“春立医疗”)在香港联交所主板挂牌上市,该公司的上市审计工作由天健会计师事务所承接.这是首例由内地会计师事务所承接并采用中国会计审计准则、由中国注册会计师签字的H股首次公开募股(简称“IPO”)审计报告,标志着行业准则国际趋同成果和内地会计师事务所执业质量获得国际资本市场更高认可,标志着内地会计师事务所走出去服务国际资本市场实现了新的突破,也标志着我国注册会计师行业国际化发展战略取得新的进展.  相似文献   

<正>一、引言随着经济全球化快速发展,会计职业国际化方兴未艾,中国注册会计师行业的发展也进入了一个新的历史阶段,正面临着新的机遇和挑战。全球化竞争和技术变革给注册会计师行业带来了深刻影响(Elliot,1992)。经济业务的复杂化和市场需求的多元化,需要事务所提供品种多、内涵广、水平高的专业服务。  相似文献   

大型会计师事务所发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中国目前排名本土所前十位的会计师事务所的品牌创建战略、专业化经营战略、规模化做大战略、国际化服务战略的分析研究,探寻大型事务所从内涵发展和外延拓展方面实现做大做强有效的有效途径.研究发现,本文所研究的这些大型事务所是中国注册会计师行业恢复重建以来,特别是1999年脱钩改制之后,会计师事务所科学发展战略的忠诚执行者,是促进中国注册会计师行业做大做强做出去的典范.  相似文献   

注册会计师行业作为伴随市场经济而生的行业,随着我国经济的跃起腾飞,综合国力的日益强盛,行业发展正面临着前所未有的机遇。作为本土大型事务所所之一,将实施一业为主、多元发展的策略;坚持规范执业、稳健经营的特色;确立立足本土、面向国际的格局;坚守质量导向、信誉至上的方针;恪守诚信服务、客观公正的原则;树立以人为本、和谐团结的观念;创造专注专业、崇尚学习的氛围;践行自强不息、厚德载物的精神,完善国内和国际服务网络,紧随中国企业走出去,更好地服务国家建设。建设具有核心竞争力、能够跨国经营并提供综合服务的品牌事务所。  相似文献   

在中国经济全球化发展过程中,国际化会计人才的培养是我国会计事业发展的重大任务。首先,本文在阐释国际化会计人才培养的概念内涵与基本目标、构建国际化会计人才培养概念框架并简述国内外相关研究的基础上,将改革开放四十年来我国国际化会计人才培养划分为探索学习期、市场发展期、国际趋同期和全球机遇期四个阶段;其次,总结了我国在会计准则全面持续趋同、国家人才战略实施、国际化会计人才培养和国家经济全球化发展等方面取得的丰硕成果,提出了以国际需求拉动、国家战略引领、国际广泛合作、院校倾力培养和社会积极参与为基本特点的我国国际化会计人才培养"五环模式";最后,基于利益相关者视角分析了我国国际化会计人才培养面临的主要挑战,探讨了国际化会计人才的质量提升战略举措。  相似文献   

我国既有中国特色又与国际接轨的税收抵免制度已经建立。然而,这项制度还未健全,尚需完善。本文建议我国要以促进企业对外投资为主目标,进一步加强税收抵免政策和法律法规建设;要以服务企业对外投资为出发点,进一步加强税收抵免管理体系和机制建设。  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of political influence, as well as accounting tradition and the equity market, in China's recent changes in accounting regulation. We find that the Chinese government, in part self-motivated and in part under external pressure, has been active in developing accounting standards in harmony with international accounting standards. However, it has retained a uniform accounting system in the Enterprise Accounting System issued in 2000 to accommodate the special circumstances of a transforming government, strong state-ownership, a weak accounting profession, a weak and imperfect equity market, and the inertial effect of accounting tradition and cultural factors. This article also contributes to existing models of accounting system classification by illustrating the need for considering political influence as a factor that affects the rate of transition towards full implementation of international accounting standards.  相似文献   

Jurisdictional claims over statutory audits in Greece have prompted a sustained and bitter intraprofessional conflict spanning the last 30 years. This paper examines a major episode during the climax of the struggle in the early 1990s. The main rival camps were a group of indigenous auditors—who had the legal monopoly of practice—and local branches of international accounting firms—who were excluded from the market for statutory audits. The latter fought for reform. The conflict took place against the backdrop of advancing neoliberal discourses within government stimulated by a desire for greater political and economic integration within the European Union and world-wide. The struggle ended victoriously for the international accounting firms, culminating in the &ldquo;liberalisation&rdquo; of the Greek auditing profession in 1992. The paper analyses the state-profession axis to expose the allegiances of conflicting professional groups to major political parties, as they strove to win vital political support to attack or defend contested territories. Of particular interest is the complex political manoeuvring employed by the government in order to grant international accountants easy access to the market for statutory audits. A secondary objective is to offer insights into the factors and conditions that precipitated and enabled a radical reform of the institution of Greek auditing. For example, the quest for the &ldquo;liberalisation&rdquo; was eagerly supported by the Confederation of Greek Industries. In addition, representative organisations of the international accountancy profession showed unreserved allegiance to international accounting firms and became actively involved in the conflict. Overall, the analysis shows that the structure of the auditing profession in Greece is the outcome of a dynamic interplay of economic, social, and political forces at both the national and the international level. Within these various interests, state agencies and professional groups play a prominent role.  相似文献   

(2012年5月11日)Respected Mr.President Dean Westcott,各位嘉宾,各位会员:很高兴应邀参加ACCA举办的这次北京年会,与在座各位一道共商会计行业未来发展问题。近年来,ACCA连续举办北京年会,持续关注全球经济发展新态势下  相似文献   

在经济全球化步伐加快、我国更深层次地融入国际经济循环的大背景下,我国制造业必须充分利用国际产业转移规律和时机,积极地、有选择地承接我国具有一定优势的产业,逐步向外转移部分产业,以推动我国制造业进一步发展。目前我国制造业参与国际产业转移面临着消费市场变化、资源与要素约束、环境约束、企业约束等一系列新问题,必须采取相应措施,促进我国制造业更快、更深地参与国际产业转移。  相似文献   

In response to recent calls for systematic and in-depth studies of the impact of international forces on local accounting practices, discourses and institutions, this essay explores the interconnectedness of national politics with global forces and the ramifications of this interaction for the regulation of accounting and the state–profession relationship. The paper employs Held's (1991) framework [Held, D. (1991). Democracy, the nation-state and the global system. Economy and Society, 20(2), 138–172.] on the role of the nation state in the age of globalisation, extended to encompass insights from the realist paradigm on international politics, to examine the international aspects of an attempt by a group of indigenous auditors in Greece to recapture their monopoly status, following the ‘liberalisation' of the Greek auditing profession in 1992. The paper explores changes in the state–profession relationship in the era of ‘globalisation' and documents the catalystic role of major states (the USA), politico-economic blocks (the EU), and other powerful international actors. It is posited that the politics of international accounting professionalism in the ‘globalisation' era are becoming more polycentric with (lesser) nation-states as merely one level (of diminishing importance) in a complex system of superimposed, overlapping and often competing national and international agencies of governance. The lessons to be learned from the Greek experience seem to be relevant to a number of countries — weaker or more important players in the world economy and politics — as they realign the assemblage of government in accounting and in other domains, in response to the progressive internationalisation of the world economy.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of the state-accounting profession relationship has been mostly explored within a western democratic and capitalist context. Taking into account the unique culture and the system of power in China, this paper contributes by examining the influence of the state over the Chinese public accounting profession during the 1990s. Utilizing a corporatist framework and combined with Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, this paper provides insights into the power relation between the state and the accounting profession, as well as illuminates the ideological influence of the state in the development of the profession. The empirical investigation also pays particular attention to the intra-professional conflicts that took place in the 1990s and provides further insights into the dynamic of the state-accounting profession relationship in that era.  相似文献   

In light of the January 2006 inauguration of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), regional accountants now face the challenge of reshaping the system of professional education and training inherited from the UK-based ACCA at independence or transferred to the Caribbean economies by the American-based CPA and the Canadian-based CGA after independence, in order to better serve the socio-economic needs of Caribbean economies. This paper therefore examines the way forward for the professional education and training in accountancy in the context of the now independent post-colonial developing economies of the Caribbean. Given the structural, economic and social deficiencies deriving from their colonial history, these countries need to move away from the externally derived model of accounting education and its legacy of inappropriate content, methodology and pedagogy. Available evidence suggests that the integration of the accountancy profession could aid and accelerate the successful operation of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy. In fact, such evidence suggests that the integration of the accounting profession represents the preference of the people of the Commonwealth Caribbean. In addition the evidence suggests that the integration of the profession could contribute significantly to the projection of a Caribbean identity, to economic development and could ultimately make a major contribution to the survival of the Commonwealth Caribbean economies in the global economic system.  相似文献   

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