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针对铁路运输企业在计划经济体制下形成的铁路资产“各管一段”的现状,在实施主辅分离辅业改制改革中,必须按经营业务项目划分主辅业界限,科学合理地确定其使用的资产,并建立台账,办理相关证件,真正做到“一企一档”,为精干运输主业、规范辅业,实现主辅分离、共同发展打好基础。  相似文献   

剖析中铁铁龙集装箱物流股份有限公司通过资本运作不断壮大的发展历程,认为这一铁路多种经营企业进入国内资本市场融资的成功案例,为铁路产权制度改革、投融资体制改革和多种经营企业主辅分离、辅业改制提供了经验.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,铁路局、铁路分局所属工业企业由于生产规模小,经营观念落后,企业运行机制与市场经济不符等原因,与现代化大生产工业企业存在较大的差距。因此,必须加快建立现代企业制度,落实企业经营自主权,自主进行产品、产业结构调整;建立企业的比较优势,形成企业的核心竞争力;积极引进各类人才,构筑企业创新能力;还要加快产权制度改革,通过产权分散,形成产权层面的监督、约束机制,才能使铁路局、铁路分局所属工业企业在市场竞争环境下生存、发展。  相似文献   

结合广铁集团多元经营发展中心建立员工思想动态预警机制的工作实践 ,论述企业危机管理机制中的危机预防、危机识别、危机处理和企业形象恢复管理等管理活动的运作 ,强调未雨绸缪 ,有效预警 ,果断处理 ,化“危”为“机” ,保障多元经营资产重组、企业重构 ,主辅分离、辅业改制工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

提出从铁路运输企业的实际情况出发 ,以精干发展主业、放开做强辅业、提高企业核心竞争力为目标 ,以产权制度改革为核心 ,以进行资产重组、明晰产权为基础 ,进行员工身份置换 ,将非运输经营单位改造为独立的市场主体。同时指出 ,企业要取得地方政府的理解与支持 ,统筹兼顾各方面利益 ,以人为本 ,适时解决随时出现的各种问题 ,圆满完成主辅分离任务。  相似文献   

国有企业产权制度的改革,是企业经营机制、管理体制的重大变革。改制是使国有企业成为市场主体的一个重要条件,但它不是成功的标志,并不是“一改就灵”。产权制度改革只是手段,核心还是要转换企业经营机制。如何通过建立高效的法人治理结构,深入开展企业内部人事、劳动、分配制度的改革,加强企业内部的成本管理、安全管理和审计监控,搞活经营、拓展市场、盘活存量资产,使企业经济效益最大化、股民收益最大化,关键是要有一  相似文献   

提出铁路多元经营企业建立现代企业制度 ,要从产权制度、组织制度、管理制度 3个层面上对现有企业进行改造、规范和完善。当前应着力解决的问题是 ,积极推进投资主体多元化 ,建立和完善法人治理结构 ,深化人事、劳动和分配制度的改革  相似文献   

加快产权制度改革促进企业经济发展──湖北省潜江市第一汽运公司客车租赁经营的调查李书国,王正建随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展。企业改革已由过去的利改税、承包、简政放权、减税让利逐步深入到目前的产权制度改革的攻坚阶段,如何加强企业产权制度改革步伐,...  相似文献   

论产权的本质要求产权制度改革郑育林社会主义市场经济的重要内容之一是现代企业制度,建立现代企业制度的首要问题是产权明晰化,进行产权结构的调整和改革。这不仅要求通过资本的渗透,设立新的生产经营企业,而且更重要的是要摒弃落后的、传统的企业产权组织形式,按照...  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,企业改革已由过去的利改税、承包、简政放权、减税让利逐步深入到目前的产权制度改革的攻坚阶段。如何加强企业产权制度改革步伐,提高企业的经济效益,增强企业的生机与活力?上上下下都在控索。湖北省潜江市第一汽车运输公司推行的客车租赁经营为我们提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article examines changing architecture in Itacaré, Brazil, as it transitions from a fishing village to an international tourist destination. Tourism, as an assemblage of practices and perspectives, recreates places in specific ways that structure social and environmental relationships. Through an examination of historical architectural styles, tourist architecture, and popular architecture in Itacaré, this article analyses the ways a tourist economy has physically and socially rebuilt the city. Socially, the changing architecture marks and creates differences between class, racial, and regional identities while also providing an idiom through which public conversations about these changing economic systems and demographics are articulated. At the same time, the expansion of the city has led to racial-, regional-, and class-based segregation. Environmentally, tourist architecture creates new relationships to nature through re-imagining Itacaré’s position in relation to other rural and urban places and a new emphasis on the aesthetic value of nature.  相似文献   

The field of aviation research is entering the era of big data. While data-driven advancements in aviation have clearly brought about applicable models and results with immediate implications, we argue that the influx of aviation data should be better characterized and documented to enable more efficient and standardized usage. To this end, we examine 200 well-cited research articles from sub-disciplines ranging from revenue management to air traffic control published on or after 2010 in order to analyze the diversity, availability, tractability, applicability, and sources (DATAS) of data utilized in aviation research. We find high levels of data diversity within aviation research, with 16 data categories ranging from air traffic flow management-type data to data from distributed sensors in line with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. We identified a dominance of proprietary, non-public data in aviation research, with 68% of the 200 research articles utilizing solely proprietary data in deriving their results, and a further 8% utilizing a mixture of proprietary and publicly available data. The pervasiveness of proprietary data has implications on reproducibility and extending research results. We also highlight the increasing tractability of the data by surveying the computational power required to process the data sets, and present vignettes of applications and results that stem from these data-driven studies. Finally, we propose several recommendations regarding standardizing data source nomenclature as well as increasing the availability of and usage of publicly available data.  相似文献   

Consumer, legal, and technological factors influence the design, performance, and emissions of light-duty vehicles (LDVs). This work examines how design choices made by manufacturers for the UK market result in emissions and performance of vehicles throughout the past decade (2001–2011). LDV fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and performance are compared across different combinations of air and fuel delivery system using vehicle performance metrics of power density and time to accelerate from rest to 100 km/h (62 mph, tz-62). Increased adoption of direct injection and turbocharging technologies helped reduce spark ignition (SI, gasoline vehicles) and compression ignition (CI, diesel vehicles) fuel consumption by 22% and 19%, respectively, over the decade. These improvements were largely achieved by increasing compression ratios in SI vehicles (3.6%), turbocharging CI vehicles, and engine downsizing by 5.7–6.5% across all technologies. Simultaneously, vehicle performance improved, through increased engine power density resulting in greater acceleration. Across the decade, tz-62 fell 9.4% and engine power density increased 17% for SI vehicles. For CI vehicles, tz-62 fell 18% while engine power density rose 28%. Greater fuel consumption reductions could have been achieved if vehicle acceleration was maintained at 2001 levels, applying drive train improvements to improved fuel economy and reduced CO2 emissions. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions declined at faster rates once the European emissions standards were introduced with SI CO2 emissions improving by 3.4 g/km/year for 2001–2007 to 7.8 g/km/year thereafter. Similarly, CI LDVs declined by 2.0 g/km/year for 2001–2007 and 6.1 g/km/year after.  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of road networks both within and outside of home jurisdictions (city (or town) and county of residence) by analyzing GPS data collected in the Minneapolis—Saint Paul metropolitan area. The study tracked volunteers' travel behavior to determine which roads (and thus which class of roads) users chose to accommodate their travel needs. More than half of the travel on county roads and city streets occur outside of one's home city, but most travel is within one's home county. The average share of travel distance in the home county is more than 70% for both county and city streets. The high share, which does not account for non-residents destined for the county to work or shop, e.g., implies that the free rider problem on city and county streets at the county level is minimal. Of particular concern is travel on city roads in cities other than one's own. To the extent that this is to go to a destination in that city, that travel is also local. However, because city and county roads are typically funded by those jurisdictions from land-based sources such as property taxes, through trips with neither end in the city through which they are traveling are in a very real sense “free riders”, and pose a problem. With growing trip lengths and emerging economies of scale in road management, it may be appropriate to consider moving more roads from township, town, or city level to the county level of government.  相似文献   

结合美国、日本、俄罗斯、印度等国铁路现状,分析各国铁路发展特色,以供我国大规模铁路建设借鉴。  相似文献   

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