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This paper compares the performance of Black–Scholes with an artificial neural network (ANN) in pricing European‐style call options on the FTSE 100 index. It is the first extensive study of the performance of ANNs in pricing UK options, and the first to allow for dividends in the closed‐form model. For out‐of‐the‐money options, the ANN is clearly superior to Black–Scholes. For in‐the‐money options, if the sample space is restricted by excluding deep in‐the‐money and long maturity options (3.4% of total volume), then the performance of the ANN is comparable to that of Black–Scholes. The superiority of the ANN is a surprising result, given that European‐style equity options are the home ground of Black–Scholes, and suggests that ANNs may have an important role to play in pricing other options for which there is either no closed‐form model, or the closed‐form model is less successful than is Black–Scholes for equity options. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):292-297
Through a simple Monte Carlo experiment, Dimitrios Gkamas documents the effects that stochastic volatility has on the distribution of returns and the inability of the normal distribution utilized by the Black–Scholes model to fit empirical returns. He goes on to investigate the implied volatility patterns that stochastic volatility models can generate and potentially explain.  相似文献   

Standard delta hedging fails to exactly replicate a European call option in the presence of transaction costs. We study a pricing and hedging model similar to the delta hedging strategy with an endogenous volatility parameter for the calculation of delta over time. The endogenous volatility depends on both the transaction costs and the option strike prices. The optimal hedging volatility is calculated using the criterion of minimizing the weighted upside and downside replication errors. The endogenous volatility model with equal weights on the up and down replication errors yields an option premium close to the Leland [J. Finance, 1985 Leland, HE. 1985. Option pricing and replication with transaction costs. J. Finance, 40: 12831301. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 40, 1283–1301] heuristic approach. The model with weights being the probabilities of the option's moneyness provides option prices closest to the actual prices. Option prices from the model are identical to the Black–Scholes option prices when transaction costs are zero. Data on S&P 500 index cash options from January to June 2008 illustrate the model.  相似文献   

This paper considers a single barrier option under a local volatility model and shows that any down-and-in option can be priced by a combination of three standard European options whose volatility functions are connected through symmetrization. The symmetrized volatility function is approximated by a sequence of smooth functions that converges to the original one. An approximation formula is developed to price the standard European options with the approximated volatility functions. Finally, we apply the Aitken convergence accelerator to obtain an approximate price of the down-and-in option. Other single barrier options are priced in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

We apply Fourier and wavelet decompositions to structural asset pricing models with time non-separable utility. Through simulations, we show how Fourier decompositions of the utility function, coupled with isolating certain frequencies of the stochastic consumption process, reveal a preference for temporal allocations. We demonstrate the usefulness of wavelets by highlighting their ability to isolate frequency and time, simultaneously. While much work has been devoted to wavelet applications of financial data, we are unaware of papers that use wavelets to analyze structural aspects of asset pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a tailor-made method for dimension reduction aimed at approximating the price of basket options in the context of stochastic volatility and stochastic correlation. The methodology is built on a modification to the Principal Component Stochastic Volatility (PCSV) model, a stochastic covariance model that accounts for most stylized facts in prices. The method to reduce dimension is first derived theoretically. Afterwards the results are applied to a multivariate lognormal context as a special case of the PCSV model. Finally empirical results for the application of the method to the general PCSV model are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper develops a non-finite-difference-based method of American option pricing under stochastic volatility by extending the Geske-Johnson compound option scheme. The characteristic function of the underlying state vector is inverted to obtain the vector’s density using a kernel-smoothed fast Fourier transform technique. The method produces option values that are closely in line with the values obtained by finite-difference schemes. It also performs well in an empirical application with traded S&P 100 index options. The method is especially well suited to price a set of options with different strikes on the same underlying asset, which is a task often encountered by practitioners.  相似文献   

We find a closed-form formula for valuing a time-switch option where its underlying asset is affected by a stochastically changing market environment, and apply it to the valuation of other qualitative options such as corridor options and options in foreign exchange markets. The stochastic market environment is modeled as a Markov regime-switching process. This analytic formula provides us with a rapid and accurate scheme for valuing qualitative options with stochastic volatility.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(5):353-362

In this paper, we generalize the recently developed dimension reduction technique of Vecer for pricing arithmetic average Asian options. The assumption of constant volatility in Vecer's method will be relaxed to the case that volatility is randomly fluctuating and is driven by a mean-reverting (or ergodic) process. We then use the fast mean-reverting stochastic volatility asymptotic analysis introduced by Fouque, Papanicolaou and Sircar to derive an approximation to the option price which takes into account the skew of the implied volatility surface. This approximation is obtained by solving a pair of one-dimensional partial differential equations.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of FX, inflation and stock options under stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility, for which we use a generic multi-currency framework. We allow for a general correlation structure between the drivers of the volatility, the inflation index, the domestic (nominal) and the foreign (real) rates. Having the flexibility to correlate the underlying FX/inflation/stock index with both stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates yields a realistic model that is of practical importance for the pricing and hedging of options with a long-term exposure. We derive explicit valuation formulas for various securities, such as vanilla call/put options, forward starting options, inflation-indexed swaps and inflation caps/floors. These vanilla derivatives can be valued in closed form under Schöbel and Zhu [Eur. Finance Rev., 1999, 4, 23–46] stochastic volatility, whereas we devise an (Monte Carlo) approximation in the form of a very effective control variate for the general Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343] model. Finally, we investigate the quality of this approximation numerically and consider a calibration example to FX and inflation market data.  相似文献   

Based on a general specification of the asset specific pricing kernel, we develop a pricing model using an information process with stochastic volatility. We derive analytical asset and option pricing formulas. The asset prices in this rational expectations model exhibit crash-like, strong downward movements. The resulting option pricing formula is consistent with the strong negative skewness and high levels of kurtosis observed in empirical studies. Furthermore, we determine credit spreads in a simple structural model.   相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model for pricing interest rate options when the volatility structure of forward rates is humped. Analytical solutions are developed for European claims and efficient algorithms exist for pricing American options. The interest rate claims are priced in the Heath-Jarrow-Morton paradigm, and hence incorporate full information on the term structure. The structure of volatilities is captured without using time varying parameters. As a result, the volatility structure is stationary. It is not possible to have all the above properties hold in a Heath Jarrow Morton model with a single state variable. It is shown that the full dynamics of the term structure is captured by a three state Markovian system. Caplet data is used to establish that the volatility hump is an important feature to capture. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a neural network-based calibration method that performs the calibration task within a few milliseconds for the full implied volatility surface. The framework is consistently applicable throughout a range of volatility models—including second-generation stochastic volatility models and the rough volatility family—and a range of derivative contracts. Neural networks in this work are used in an off-line approximation of complex pricing functions, which are difficult to represent or time-consuming to evaluate by other means. The form in which information from available data is extracted and used influences network performance: The grid-based algorithm used for calibration is inspired by representing the implied volatility and option prices as a collection of pixels. We highlight how this perspective opens new horizons for quantitative modelling. The calibration bottleneck posed by a slow pricing of derivative contracts is lifted, and stochastic volatility models (classical and rough) can be handled in great generality as the framework also allows taking the forward variance curve as an input. We demonstrate the calibration performance both on simulated and historical data, on different derivative contracts and on a number of example models of increasing complexity, and also showcase some of the potentials of this approach towards model recognition. The algorithm and examples are provided in the Github repository GitHub: NN-StochVol-Calibrations.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider option pricing using multivariate models for asset returns. Specifically, we demonstrate the existence of an equivalent martingale measure, we characterize the risk neutral dynamics, and we provide a feasible way for pricing options in this framework. Our application confirms the importance of allowing for dynamic correlation, and it shows that accommodating correlation risk and modeling non-Gaussian features with multivariate mixtures of normals substantially changes the estimated option prices.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time stochastic volatility option pricing model exploiting the information contained in the Realized Volatility (RV), which is used as a proxy of the unobservable log-return volatility. We model the RV dynamics by a simple and effective long-memory process, whose parameters can be easily estimated using historical data. Assuming an exponentially affine stochastic discount factor, we obtain a fully analytic change of measure. An empirical analysis of Standard and Poor's 500 index options illustrates that our model outperforms competing time-varying and stochastic volatility option pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of European options on assets that follow a stochastic differential equation with a quadratic volatility term. We correct several errors in the existing literature, extend the pricing formulas to arbitrary root configurations, and list alternative representations of option pricing formulas to improve computational performance. Our exposition is based entirely on probabilistic arguments, adding a fresh perspective and new intuition to the existing PDE-dominated literature on the subject. Our main tools are martingale methods and shifts of probability measures; the fact that the underlying process is typically a strict local martingale is carefully considered throughout the paper.  相似文献   

Stochastic volatility and stochastic leverage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes the new concept of stochastic leverage in stochastic volatility models. Stochastic leverage refers to a stochastic process which replaces the classical constant correlation parameter between the asset return and the stochastic volatility process. We provide a systematic treatment of stochastic leverage and propose to model the stochastic leverage effect explicitly, e.g. by means of a linear transformation of a Jacobi process. Such models are both analytically tractable and allow for a direct economic interpretation. In particular, we propose two new stochastic volatility models which allow for a stochastic leverage effect: the generalised Heston model and the generalised Barndorff-Nielsen & Shephard model. We investigate the impact of a stochastic leverage effect in the risk neutral world by focusing on implied volatilities generated by option prices derived from our new models. Furthermore, we give a detailed account on statistical properties of the new models.  相似文献   

Financial models with stochastic volatility or jumps play a critical role as alternative option pricing models for the classical Black–Scholes model, which have the ability to fit different market volatility structures. Recently, machine learning models have elicited considerable attention from researchers because of their improved prediction accuracy in pricing financial derivatives. We propose a generative Bayesian learning model that incorporates a prior reflecting a risk-neutral pricing structure to provide fair prices for the deep ITM and the deep OTM options that are rarely traded. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study to compare classical financial option models with machine learning models in terms of model estimation and prediction using S&P 100 American put options from 2003 to 2012. Results indicate that machine learning models demonstrate better prediction performance than the classical financial option models. Especially, we observe that the generative Bayesian neural network model demonstrates the best overall prediction performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents simple closed-form expressions for volatility futures and option prices and examines their implications for the characteristics of these securities. We show that the properties of these volatility derivatives are fundamentally different from those of conventional option and futures contracts. This analysis also provides insights into the role that volatility derivatives may play in managing and hedging volatility risk in financial markets.  相似文献   

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