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全球鞋类需求年增长约17%,贸易额达260亿美元。美国,意大利等老牌产鞋国仍垄断高档鞋市场;台湾、南朝鲜正在加紧调整鞋类产品结构;加勒比海国家、巴西、西班牙、印尼等国将与我国竞争中低档市场。文章对上述世界鞋业竞争新动向作了分析。  相似文献   

由于意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙和波兰提出申请,欧盟委员会于2005年2月启动了对中国鞋类产品与纺织品一样的预先进口监控。此次欧盟对中国出口鞋类预先进口监控为期一年,从2005年2月1日至2006年1月31日。所涉及的产品可能涵盖2004年底之前受配额限制的中国所有鞋类产品,包括税号为6402至6404项下的所有鞋类,特殊运动鞋可能被排除在监控之外。进口监控实施后,进口商必须向所在国家的有关主管部门(德国为联邦经济与出口管制局)提出进口审批申请,并提交形式发票、发票复印件或合同等材料,主管部门将在3天之内予以批准。进口监控实施对我国企业的负面影响,将体现在出口数量、通关手续、货物滞留等方面。特别是进口国可能针对产品设置不合理的法律、法规和产品标准,并在通关手续、港口仓储、收费等方面遇到不合理的待遇等。  相似文献   

巴西·鞋类巴西对华鞋类产品作出反倾销日落复审终裁2016年3月2日,巴西外贸委员会发布2016年第20号决议,对原产于中国的进口鞋类产品发布反倾销日落复审终裁。巴西外贸委员会裁定,对中国普遍税率为10.22美元/双,实施期限为5年(即截至2021年3月2日)。涉案产品南共市税号为6402至6405项下产品,不含6402.20.00、6402.12.00、6403.12.00和6403.20.00类产品。  相似文献   

一近年来,世界鞋类出口的国家和地区主要有台湾,南朝鲜、巴西、意大利、西班牙、香港等。这些国家和地区每年向世界各地出口各类鞋达140亿美元。1984年世界各地仅皮鞋一项的出口额就达70多亿美元,其次是运动鞋。鞋类销售的主要市场有美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚、日本、中东等国家和地区。近两年,我国鞋类出口剧增,目前已挤身于国际鞋业市场的角逐队伍。美国一直是世界上鞋类消费的最大市场,每年都需从世界各地大量进口鞋类,以满足国内市场的需求。近几年来,美国进口量年年剧增。  相似文献   

文章利用J.C.Batista(2008)扩展的恒定市场份额模型(CMS)方法分析了1989~2009年期间中国在美国制成品进口市场上相对于其他出口国的竞争表现,结果表明,中国对OECD国家在所有技术水平产品项下具有持续性全面竞争优势,且在金融危机期间呈现出结构变化。中国对非OECD国家具有阶段性全面竞争优势,且在金融危机期间转变为部分竞争优势。  相似文献   

近期,淮安市不少制鞋企业在接到出口欧盟订单时,常有安全性要求,其中有的企业还因无法提供面料的某种安全性证明,而失去满意价格的订单。欧盟已从2005年2月1日起对来自中国的部分鞋类产品实行为期1年的预先进口监控措施,所涉及的产品涵盖2004年底之前受欧盟进口配额限制的所有鞋类。  相似文献   

把目标定位为"第一个在海外打响品牌的中国皮鞋"的浙江康奈集团公司,在走海外鞋业"高端"产品市场的同时,与国际顶尖研发认证机构英国沙雀技术研究中心(SATRA)订立全面合作协议,首度尝试主动参与制定国际贸易规则,以应对2005年,欧盟取消中国进口部分鞋类产品配额,设置进口壁垒以保护本地制鞋企业的举措。  相似文献   

中国和巴西农产品贸易的增长前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2002年~2015年相关贸易数据,综合利用显示性比较优势指数、综合贸易互补性指数、竞争优势指数和贸易强度指数,对中国和巴西农产品贸易的互补性、竞争优势及增长前景进行了分析.结果表明:中国和巴西具有出口比较优势的产品品类差异较大;中国农产品出口与巴西农产品进口的互补性较弱,巴西农产品出口与中国农产品进口的互补性较强;中国农产品整体竞争优势弱于巴西,但园艺产品持续保持较强竞争优势,两国农产品出口市场结构具有一定相似性,而各自出口的主要产品则有所不同;两国多类农产品存在紧密的贸易联系,具有进一步增长潜力.  相似文献   

本文基于2009—2016年的月度数据,运用区分来源的静态及动态AIDS模型估算中国分品种分来源的肉类产品进口需求弹性。从研究方法来看,对中国肉类进口市场进行局部可分性及产品加总性检验的结果显示,应将对不同品种、不同来源的肉类进口需求纳入同一个需求系统进行分析。协整检验结果表明,中国肉类产品进口与各影响因素之间存在长期协整关系,可建立ECM-AIDS模型。从实证结果来看,如果未来中国肉类进口支出保持增长趋势,对多数进口来源国的肉类进口额保持大幅增长将是未来一段时间必须要面对的现实;牛肉在各品种中增长潜力最大,羊肉最小;从进口来源国间的比较来看,除羊肉市场外,其他品种的主要进口来源国之间表现出显著的竞争关系。  相似文献   

诸竹君  王芳 《财贸经济》2022,(9):117-132
长期以来中国制造业面临较强的来自美国的进口竞争,这是否促进了中国企业的创新行为,仍存在较大学术争议。在中美经贸关系趋向平缓和中国扩大进口战略的背景下,本文将产业链关联和技术差距引入基准分析框架进行扩展,揭示了来自美国的进口竞争对中国企业创新行为的作用机制。研究发现,总体上,来自美国的进口竞争显著提升了中国企业创新数量、质量和效率,同行业正向作用大于前向关联负向作用,后向关联影响整体不显著;总效应关于来自美国的进口竞争程度呈现“倒U型”曲线关系,绝大多数行业处于正向作用区间。机理上,进口竞争对中国企业创新行为存在正向竞争逃避效应、技术溢出效应和资源重置效应,以及负向竞争挤出效应和产品锁定效应;基于产业链不同环节的回归表明,竞争效应主要存在于同行业,技术溢出效应存在于同行业和上游行业,产品锁定效应存在于上游行业。政策上,强化与日本、韩国和德国等“第三国”进口合作,提升企业技术水平、管理效率和地区市场化水平,有利于更好发挥进口竞争的正向创新效应。本文对扩大进口战略提升中国企业创新发展水平和重新理解中美经贸关系,推动新发展格局下创新高质量发展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of the 2006 European Union anti‐dumping (AD) action on Vietnamese footwear in three markets: imports to the EU, footwear producers in Vietnam, and the trade diversionary adjustment of Vietnamese firms in the US market. We find that the AD action reduced Vietnamese imports to the EU by as much as 65 per cent. Given that the EU makes up almost two‐thirds of Vietnam's footwear exports and footwear is among the top four export industries for Vietnam, this reduction is economically significant. Consistent with predictions of our model, we find evidence of trade diversion by Vietnamese producers from the EU to the US market. Our difference‐in‐difference estimates of the AD actions on the value of Vietnamese footwear imports to the United States ranged from 69 to 71 per cent over the period 2004–07 and 69 to 72 per cent in terms of quantity. These results highlight the spillover effects of trade policy in third markets when firms adjust to trade barriers. Our results are robust to triple‐difference specifications where we adjust for trend differences and a series of placebo specifications.  相似文献   

(1252) Tegegne Gebre‐Egziabher This paper examines the developmental impact of China and India on Ethiopia by examining macro‐level trade, investment and aid relation, and micro‐level impacts on local micro and small‐scale footwear producers. Both secondary and primary data were used. At macro level there are clear evidences of an increase in trade between Ethiopia on the one hand and China and India on the other, though the trade balance disfavours Ethiopia. China has displaced other countries as export destinations for Ethiopia. Similarly, the presence of China and India is also felt in the areas of investment and aid. At local level, Chinese imports of footwear have forced local enterprises to downsize their activity and lose assets and money. At the same time, however, firms have followed both the high road of competition (design and quality improvement, investment in machinery, product specialisation) and the low road of competition (lowering price and profit, reducing raw materials and inputs, and joining the informal sector) to withstand the impact of Chinese imports. The long‐term effect of Chinese imports is to crowd out local efforts of using the sector as the basis for industrialisation. Government, non‐government organisations and local producers should work together in order to withstand the negative impacts of footwear imports by raising the competitiveness of the local producers.  相似文献   

基于浙江鞋业出口贸易"价跌量增"日趋严重的现象,本文揭示了全球价值链中,采购商主导的俘获型治理模式是造成地方产业国际市场势力缺失的重要因素.要扭转这一被动局面,企业必须创新性地整合全球要素,实现价值环节的功能攀升,拓展国际市场势力.文章以奥康、康奈等浙江制鞋企业的国际化实践为依据,分析了国际市场势力拓展的具体模式.此分析对我国劳动密集型地方产业在全球价值链中增进分工利益皆具启发意义.  相似文献   

目前,中国运动鞋产业国际竞争力表现脆弱。尽管从传统的竞争力指标看,中国的运动鞋产业国际竞争力非常强,但1/2的贡献来自外资企业,本土企业竞争力相当弱;与此同时,无论是外资还是本土企业都倾向于出口低端产品,且本土的单位价值比外资更低。造成这种结构的深层次原因在于,本土企业被游离在领导品牌商构建的核心价值链之外而被边缘化。因此,在进一步扩大对外开放的同时,积极做大做强本土企业是根本之道。  相似文献   

In many industries, production offshoring towards countries with low labour costs has been a common trend in recent decades. However, we find some resistance to dismantling factories in a footwear industry cluster in Spain. From a customer perspective of value creation, and based on qualitative and quantitative data, we analyse the evolution of firms’ offshore–inshore strategies associated with the main periods of cluster expansion and contraction over the last 25 years. We highlight three main findings. First, the pressures of the environment can terminate firms but not necessarily the entrepreneurial orientation of their owners to continue in the same industry. Second, adaptive processes to create value for the consumer in the footwear industry seek a balance between production offshoring and domestic production in order to optimize the firm's competitive position. Third, coevolutionary theory should consider not only the selection and adaptation processes but also the capacity of firms to influence their environment, since the alternative strategies to create value for customers in footwear industry have resulted in speeding up the footwear fashion market. We also suggest implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

基于全球价值链的温州鞋业集群升级研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作为一个内生型地方产业集群,温州鞋业以各种不同方式融入了由跨国公司主导的鞋业全球价值链并取得了快速的发展。然而,近年来温州鞋业集群正面临着生产要素紧缺、国际销售渠道匮乏等诸多发展瓶颈和传统优势弱化、企业外迁等升级压力。从整体上看,温州鞋业集群还处于低附加值的生产制造环节。目前,温州已形成了两类发展路径截然不同的鞋业企业,这两类不同企业可根据自身的资源实力和企业发展战略,沿着鞋业全球价值链分别寻求合适的升级途径。对此,各级政府要予以大力地支持和帮助。  相似文献   


This study shows how networks can be used to solve the export marketing problems manufacturing firms in developing countries are facing. Major export barriers perceived by manufacturing firms in Eritrea are identified and, subsequently, differences in perceptions between footwear and textile manufacturers, and small and medium sized firms are examined. The findings suggest that some problems can be solved through individual action by the firms (market or hierarchy). However, small and medium-sized firms on their own can't solve the most important problems, like the lack of market information, the preparation of proper designs and the fulfillment of minimum quantity requirements. The major conclusion is that export market entry by SMEs in developing countries will not be successful if no horizontal and vertical business networks are established.  相似文献   

In this paper, the shift into international franchising from other forms of operation, rather than the typical home market franchising base, is explored. The focus is international retail franchising, based on a study of the Danish clothing and footwear industry. In this study it was found that Danish companies were moving into international franchising as an outcome of a more general shift from upstream wholesaling and subcontracting activities to downstream involvement in retailing activities. Preceding establishments of foreign subsidiaries and company-owned retail operations seemed to be important in facilitating the move into franchising.  相似文献   

鞋类卫生性能的评定及相关影响因素探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞋类卫生性能由于受诸多因素影响而难以量化评定。目前可通过检测鞋类材料的透气性、透水汽性、吸湿性、保温性、耐菌性等一系列指标,对成鞋的卫生性能状况进行总体评定。本文通过分析探讨鞋面材料、鞋里材料、胶粘剂、结构设计等方面的影响因素,为合理选用鞋类材料,提高卫生性能提供参考。  相似文献   

--CCPIT's Inspection of Export Enterprses in Zhejiang Province Being down-to-earth as always,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)has carried out its work based on the macroeconomic environment since the outbreak of the financial crisis. From October 24 to 26 in 2008, officials from CCPIT went to Zhejiang province and inspected about 30 private export enterprises in Wenzhou and Taizhou, covering textile,garment, footwear, valve, water pump,sewing machine, auto parts, motorcycle,pneumatic tools, sanitary wares, furniture and other industries.  相似文献   

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